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S79 PT #1: All Of The Lights Due: Sunday, October 20th @ 11:59 PM PST

Written Option 2

Chuck Stewart isn’t afraid of the media or the spotlight. As one of the two assistant captains last season, Chuck is one of the main players in the team's S79 marketing campaign. He is a good looking guy and is willing to step up to be the face of the team, if they choose so. As for addressing the media, Chuck is always willing to answer questions as long as they aren’t stupid. With a team first attitude, Chuck ensures his answers are supportive of his up coming teammates, no matter what. Money is less important for Chuck and winning is the most important so trying to get new sponsorship deals doesn’t matter. Chuck is very matter of fact when it comes to the media. Says it how it is while ensuring no one else on the team takes the brunt of the blame. If Chuck had a bad game, he is willing to take the blame for it himself.

PT Pass

[Image: Screenshot_87.png]

Entering his third year in Newfoundland, Jett Labyrinth has taken on a pretty significant role in the spotlight as of late. As a rookie, Jett could escape a lot of the team's media obligations and marketing campaigns but ever since being named captain last season, Jett has had to step up and face the media more. Early on last season, Jett tried to show more of his personality with the media but as the season went on, he realized his sound bites were doing more harm than good during the Berserkers losing season. Jett reverted back to the classic media-trained answers eventually which pleased his coaches and management. This year however, with some moves made to set up Newfoundland as contenders, Jett has started to show his personality again as he’s confident in his squad this year and his swagger is back. His face is on billboards across the city and has done many marketing campaigns, he’s fully embraced the spotlight now in Newfoundland.

Berserkers  Aurora  Uk
[Image: hqBRlWW.png]

PT Pass (WJC Filework)

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Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

Written Option 2:

While Ville Sato-Maki is generally a reserved player by nature, having to step into a leadership role has pushed Sato-Maki into the spotlight, taking on the tough questions from the media and being at the forefront of all of the marketing campaigns. While it was foreign to Ville to start, he eventually grew comfortable in speaking with the media and in a way shielding the rookies from any criticism. With that, Sato-Maki typically keeps his interview responses quite short and to the point and despite his short responses and occasional subtle snarky comments, the media have grown to love Ville Sato-Maki and of course continue to go to him if they have any questions about the team and their performance, especially from the player's perspective. And along with that, brands have started to pay more attention and reach out through all of the times they see Ville on the camera. Look out for some socially awkward advertisements!

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[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

Johnny FourStar doesn't mind changing the bulbs. It's no big deal really. Its not like I don't have anything better to do with my time than change the bulbs. And I'm pretty sure that anyone who's anyone can guess that I the great Johnny FourStar can change the bulbs. I mean, what kind of teammate, nay, what kind of Winnipeg citizen would I be if I was not willing to be the one who changes the bulbs? That's why I, Johnny FourStar, doesn't mind changing the bulbs. These are old bulbs anyways. These are dusty bulbs regardless. It would behoove of me to be the one who changes the bulbs. It would be gratuitous of me if I was the one who changes the bulbs. So what if I have to be the one who changes the bulbs? I will take pride in the job that I do changing the bulbs.


Prompt 2:

Cristoforo Roccamontepiano has always been a little bit vain, so it comes as a surprise to few that he loves the media, and aspires to be the face of the franchise. Any opportunity to be on camera he'll take, most sponsorship deals too (he used to take any sponsorship but this backfired on him one too many times). Of course with this comes negatives too, for how charismatic Cristoforo can be on camera he also isn't always the most well spoken, which has landed him in hot water a few times. This has included the time he said that "goalies are barely people, so I don't even know what a backup would be," "defensemen are just players who didn't have enough skill to be forwards," and "anyone can be a coach, all you have to do is yell at the players to play better." Cristoforo has since gone back on each of these statements, saying he's learned a lot since he said them, and is working hard with the team and with media coaches to become a better spokesman and captain.

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

Written Option 1:

Darnell II is still paying off the karmic debt incurred by his father, Darnell I, for all of the stupid shit he did to Joe K. Joe K may have raised Darnell II like his own son, but only because he couldn't trust Darnell I not to turn the poor buy into a walking, talking copy of himself. You see, Darnell I was a real bastard man. One of those freaks of nature, a mutant that was never intended for mass production. It's not necessarily that he *did* or *didn't* do anything, just that he would consistently fuck everything up. One of those people who would probably be pretty alright if they could just get out of their own way.

What came first, poor decision making or blocking 1400 career shots using exclusively the back of your head? Don't bother asking Darnell, he couldn't tell you.

So Joe is still sort of pissed about a million little things that Darnell's father did, and he's still taking it out on the son because it's really easy to mix those two up. Also Darnell II is lactose intolerant but won't stop eating broccoli cheddar soup on game days and stinking up the bench.

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Written option 1

It takes all of 10 minutes in the Highlander organization to learn Frenchie's thoughts on hotdogs and this time Spiff went too far. It all started at a team gathering and hotdog meal when Easton Schaffer suggested that we barbecue the hotdogs and an argument broke out. Bishop Van Apeldoorn risked Frenchie's wrath by suggesting we boil them, Hockey Player wanted to start a campfire to roast them, and Leo Carlsson wanted to make them into Swedish style hotdogs. Frenchie put his foot down, pointing out that they were already being steamed, the only correct way, he said. The room almost was almost settled when Spiff, his stomach rumbling, grew impatient and put a few hotdogs into the microwave. Frenchie snapped, and the argument resumed, hotter than before. Spiff wanted a quality microwaved hotdog, fast, efficient, and good enough, but Frenchie would stand for it. He rescues the hotdogs from the microwave and sent Spiff to change all the lightbulbs to LEDs. Spiff begrudgingly did the work, but for revenge he saved all the old incandescent bulbs and overnight crafted a new device to cook hotdogs in bulk using the heat of the bulbs. The ACTUAL best way to cook a hotdog.

202 words

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PBE affiliate PT

Management in Tampa Bay was watching the NHL for some reason and took a liking to the New York Islanders.  As a more upstanding and we'll call it traditional man Lou Lamoriello famously has a lot of seemingly arbitrary rules like players can't have beards and strict game day dress codes.  Well after last season's loss in the finals to LAP DK felt that the team was too happy to just make it to the finals after a 19 point jump in the standings season to season from 77 to 78 and instituted some of these Lou Lamoriello rules for S79 because I guess they're the reason we lost in game 6 in the finals? Idk, I think they're dumb and so I showed up to the first preseason game in a jersey with a full beard.  That did NOT go over well and maybe I overestimated my significance as a leader on the team because here I am not attending the annual team gathering 2 days before the start of the regular season changing fucking light bulbs.


PBE Affiliate

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smjhl fileworker pass

[Image: Evok.gif]

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Option 2:

With the beginning of every season comes Media Day. It comes with the territory of being a professional athlete so you need to accept it and learn to embrace it. A lot of players do not like all the media obligations, but I actually don't mind it. It gives the fans some great access to their favourite teams and players and also gives us a platform to explain things in our own words and not have others talk for us.

The increased responsibility on the ice has me talking to the media much more than before. I enjoy taking their questions and trying to give some insight into our play style and what we're looking for as a team, on the ice. I've had fans come up to me and tell me they appreciate the candour I show in interviews. The coach and GM know I don't shy away from the attention so they have me taking more and more media calls for the team. I certainly don't mind it and I except to keep that going for as long as I'm here.

(183 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 1] [A 1] [Pts 2] [+/- 0] [PIM 2] [Hits 2] [SB 6]

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Written Option 2:

Coming into the SMJHL, Barcus Juneau knew there would be new experiences and new demands placed on him. Playing hockey is easy, almost second-nature; he's been doing that since he could walk. But the first time a camera was trained on him and a microphone stuck in his face after a game was a bit unnerving. Why are they talking to me? I'm just a rookie who doesn't know anything.

Over time, Barcus slowly gets used to the attention, but he's never really comfortable with it. He prefers to do all of his talking about hockey on the ice. Being asked about a particular play or what he might have been thinking at a certain moment during the game is always a bit weird, since he always finds it hard to verbalize what is a very non-rational activity. In the heat of the moment during a chaotic on-ice shift, Barcus works entirely on instinct. Making words out of that experience is not something that comes to Barcus easily, but as always, he tries his best to help the team.

[Image: Uy7TeEn.jpeg]


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