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2024 By Graded Media: Who wrote the most

You can see when I originally wrote this article back in 2023
Looking at all the graded media articles in SHL

I’ll put the same warnings that I did last year. There are some inaccuracies that could happen.

What could be wrong: When dealing with the word count, it gets tricky because what is a “word”. The way I counted up the words, is simply if there is a space between 2 things, its a word. And the secondary concern is dealing with the signatures at the end of people’s articles, and deleting them. With the signatures, I was able to not capture almost everything that in a signature, minus a couple words here and there.

The other big suspect thing about word count, is 2 more problems that I could not fix because of the context. The first big thing is that if people split their article into more than 1 post in the thread, it would not capture that. So that would decrease their overall word count. The 2nd problem is that if people collaborate on a media article and then post it, only the user that created it will receive all the credit for that word count. Like when Argar did the top 100 skaters in the SHL, or anything that the SHN has created. But, it is probably impossible to even determine who wrote what, and the time it would take even if it was possible would be pointless. The only other way I can think of to accurately determine the word count/ contributions to every single media article would be the graders payouts, but scraping that constantly I just dont want to even attempt.

That being said the one thing I did change. And Article Muerto wrote for the Top 75 I made sure to credit him on those articles instead of me. Shoutout to him.

So with all that being said. Lets jump into some of the interesting things that I’ve saw this year

First lets start with a macro view of how 2024 did as a whole.

Lets compare 2024 to the last 5 years of media.

Year# Articles WrittenWords Written

Taking a look, 2024 has rebounded the number of words written and the quantity of articles written. 1.6 million words vs 1.1 million from the year before. Yet it doesn't compare to what we had in covid and then before covid. But it has rebounded a bit which is nice to see as a proponent for good media being written

Double Media vs Regular Media

People love to write during double media. As they should, it would get you the most bang for your buck. But I want to see how much double media and for what

There was a couple double media events that happened this year. We had the traditional first media bonus, double draft bonus. Then international bonus and team spotlights this year.

Out of the 1,395 articles written this year, 436 included x2 media bonus in their titles. So that is what i'm basing the percentages off of

Out of the 436 double X media. This is the breakdown
236 pieces of media came from the draft
86 pieces of media came from International Media(IIHF or WJC)
30 came from first media bonus

So out of the 1,395 articles, 31% were double media. Then out of the 436, 54% were draft media, 20% ish each was international and team spotlights. And then ~7% came from First Time Media

Who wrote the most SMJHL media

1: Missjmt - 32
2: Jexter - 25
3: TheOPSquid - 18
4: cake307 - 15
5: AuggieO - 14
6: Troy_McClure03 - 13
7: YetiTaz - 12
8: boom - 12
9: ec06aaj - 12
10: Puppy - 10
11: TipToasty - 10
12: MattyJ - 9
13: Otis - 9
14: Tripl3tsGamer - 9
15: ThePyroAlpaca - 8
16: bobdigi9 - 8
17: Fluw - 7
18: Popol - 7
19: ThisSeemsFishy - 7
20: kahri - 7
21: skyrrhawk - 7

Who wrote the most words for SMJHL Media

1: Missjmt - 54544
2: TheOPSquid - 46423
3: Jexter - 42512
4: Puppy - 30167
5: cake307 - 24481
6: ec06aaj - 21508
7: boom - 19323
8: Beavie - 18196
9: vic03 - 15523
10: ThisSeemsFishy - 14569
11: LALLAREN_1 - 14133
12: Le Thrill - 12293
13: Troy_McClure03 - 10266
14: skyrrhawk - 10170
15: ConjureBones - 10155
16: TipToasty - 10116
17: AuggieO - 8994
18: Popol - 8865
19: bobdigi9 - 8734
20: sköldpaddor - 8673

It is funny the person who got banned in the middle of last year still wrote the most words and articles for the year. But she really went off in the media department for the beginning of the year. Producing a ton of novella type media. Jexter was the next behind her, producing a lot of great media. Especially the power rankings that he was doing. Those were very fun to read. Squid was next, doing mostly Team Spotlights for those articles, or playoff recaps. Finally apart of the big writers of the group was Puppy, he was doing more story driven articles about Quebec City. But overall you can see the top 20 writers and posters. A lot of newer faces as well this year. Beavie, LALLAREN, ConjureBones 1 article, TipToasty, and AuggieO.

Who wrote the most SHL media
1: luke - 81
2: mee - 28
3: Jexter - 27
4: Muerto - 22
5: Whikadoodle - 22
6: Troy_McClure03 - 21
7: FuriousChicken - 20
8: eddiesnothere - 20
9: ghamss - 18
10: sve7en - 16
11: TheOPSquid - 12
12: phoenix - 12
13: Carpy48 - 11
14: Juho - 11
15: Tate - 9
16: ValorX77 - 9
17: WildfireMicro - 9
18: amjohnson636 - 9
19: By-Tor - 8
20: Rich - 8
21: ShadowFenix - 8
22: boom - 8

Who wrote the most words for SHL media

1: luke - 79514
2: Tate - 36782
3: Jexter - 32247
4: eddiesnothere - 27573
5: TheOPSquid - 22384
6: Muerto - 22340
7: Z0REM - 21636
8: Troy_McClure03 - 19973
9: Keven - 18602
10: FuzzSHL - 17575
11: boom - 15879
12: CapnCooper - 14854
13: Rtpc31 - 13846
14: ValorX77 - 12952
15: mee - 12009
16: Whikadoodle - 11867
17: FuriousChicken - 11119
18: sve7en - 11038
19: ghamss - 10929
20: Juho - 10428
21: kdr - 10357
22: Carpy48 - 8867
23: the5urreal - 8770
24: Sizz - 8531
25: ThisSeemsFishy - 8468
26: By-Tor - 8079
27: sköldpaddor - 8027
28: Atheist_Caliph - 7859
29: ShadowFenix - 7816
30: skyrrhawk - 7437

For this one, Its pretty obvious I would lead on both fronts. Even with splitting up the articles Muerto did for the top 75. The top 75 was a ton of work for me, and a lot of articles that needed to get written. So almost 80k words this year sounds about right. The most ive done since like 2020 probably. Next up is Tate and his more story driven articles. Jexter again shows up on the SHL specific ones. Doing the team spotlights and the power rankings/playoff articles I really enjoyed when he did them. Big kudos to him. Samee with Squid as well. Both staples of the SHL and SMJHL which I admire. Eddiesnothere I honestly did not see coming for having written that many words. Though looking back at his articles it makes sense.Dedicated to the Monarchs, a lot of his media was monarchs related. With Game notes of the seasons. Then right at the start of the year he was doing scouting reports as well. Muerto’s big contribution was helping me with the top 75. Then he was doing the Team TPE analysis and draft media as well which I enjoy reading.

For both now

Who wrote the most Media
1: luke - 81
2: Jexter - 52
3: Missjmt - 35
4: Troy_McClure03 - 34
5: TheOPSquid - 30
6: mee - 28
7: Muerto - 26
8: eddiesnothere - 26
9: Whikadoodle - 23
10: ghamss - 23
11: FuriousChicken - 21
12: boom - 20
13: AuggieO - 19
14: Juho - 17
15: cake307 - 16
16: sve7en - 16
17: ValorX77 - 15
18: ShadowFenix - 14
19: Tate - 14
20: WildfireMicro - 14
21: ec06aaj - 14
22: phoenix - 14
23: MattyJ - 13
24: Puppy - 13
25: TipToasty - 13
26: bobdigi9 - 13
27: YetiTaz - 12
28: skyrrhawk - 12
29: Carpy48 - 11
30: ThisSeemsFishy - 11

Who wrote the most words
1: luke - 79514
2: Jexter - 74759
3: TheOPSquid - 68807
4: Missjmt - 56729
5: Tate - 42630
6: boom - 35202
7: Puppy - 34449
8: eddiesnothere - 31949
9: Troy_McClure03 - 30239
10: Muerto - 29285
11: cake307 - 25794
12: ec06aaj - 24527
13: ThisSeemsFishy - 23037
14: Keven - 22380
15: Z0REM - 21636
16: Beavie - 18196
17: vic03 - 17930
18: skyrrhawk - 17607
19: FuzzSHL - 17575
20: sköldpaddor - 16700
21: ValorX77 - 16463
22: ghamss - 16375
23: CapnCooper - 16201
24: bobdigi9 - 15791
25: FuriousChicken - 14924
26: Ara - 14352
27: LALLAREN_1 - 14133
28: Le Thrill - 14018
29: ShadowFenix - 13927
30: Rtpc31 - 13846

Congrats to Squid, Jexter, and Myself on writing the most on both! Over the year there are a ton of people that write articles. If you want to check out the data yourself, they can view that here

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


rip Highlanders Tale

[Image: 1161116581909246052.gif?%60] [Image: kahri.gif][Image: 1161116581909246052.gif?%60]


[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Highlanders Specters Usa

Didn’t realize I was doing that much! Looks like I gotta try a little harder this year.

[Image: F84OPdM.jpeg]
Shoutout TheOPSquid for the Sig

I like that I'm top 10 foot both leagues!

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


Whew. Challenge accepted for 2025. @AuggieO a real smjhl champ

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


need to be featured on this next year
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2025, 02:30 PM by spidey. Edited 1 time in total.)

Time to start writing again and show these whipper snappers how to do it.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

Hey Luke, for curiosity, how did you count articles/posts that were 'split the money' ones? I wrote lots of collab pieces (with Caliph and others), and I'm curious if they just went to who posted?

[Image: Oon045t.gif]
[Image: yRQ5DtN.png][Image: ZSWcyJU.png]

01-04-2025, 06:54 PMcake307 Wrote: Hey Luke, for curiosity, how did you count articles/posts that were 'split the money' ones? I wrote lots of collab pieces (with Caliph and others), and I'm curious if they just went to who posted?

from this

The other big suspect thing about word count, is 2 more problems that I could not fix because of the context. The first big thing is that if people split their article into more than 1 post in the thread, it would not capture that. So that would decrease their overall word count. The 2nd problem is that if people collaborate on a media article and then post it, only the user that created it will receive all the credit for that word count. Like when Argar did the top 100 skaters in the SHL, or anything that the SHN has created. But, it is probably impossible to even determine who wrote what, and the time it would take even if it was possible would be pointless. The only other way I can think of to accurately determine the word count/ contributions to every single media article would be the graders payouts, but scraping that constantly I just dont want to even attempt.

I just did not. Except for Muerto's contributions to the top 75 since I could easily change that. I just assigned the word count in the article to the user who posted it

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


01-04-2025, 11:32 AMluke Wrote:
Year# Articles WrittenWords Written

Just for reference, the entire ASOIAF (Game of Thrones) series has a 1,842,762 word count.

This community has written 115,828 manuscript pages of media over its history.

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


01-04-2025, 07:17 PMBy-Tor Wrote: Just for reference, the entire ASOIAF (Game of Thrones) series has a 1,842,762 word count.

This community has written 115,828 manuscript pages of media over its history.

damn that really puts it into perspective!

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


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