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Competition - 15,000,000 Prize Pool! Posted on behalf of Bleak

Quote:Originally posted by Chive On@Jan 31 2013, 07:05 PM
Everyone knows he is joining VHL.. how will no one know who he is?
Lol I thought of that, vhl doesn't get flooded with new members, picking him out would be easy
In b4 Kaelb joins vhl

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
[Image: wrexks.png]
[Image: WREXKS.png]

He already got attacked once in the VHL already for creating an account only to advertise for this site lol.

Wow. I thought maybe GOB was Bleak's multi lol. I should've known better though, GoB is a chill dude.

It's always nice when problems sort themselves out.

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

Quote:1. Something funny that has happened to you.
I tend not to find humor in the extremely implausible or things on a giant scale. Honestly one of the funniest things that I have seen was back in high school. I had a friend who had a minivan and he would drive myself and four other people to and from school daily. One day on the way home from school we noticed a car that had a long scratch on the side as if it had been keyed. We all started looking at the car (traffic was in a stand still) when the driver, who was a woman about our age (17-18) noticed us staring. She proceeded to flip us off and while doing so rear ended the car in front of her. Admittedly it may not be that funny on the surface, but due to the fact that she was more obsessed with flipping us off than paying attention to the road makes this kind of funny to myself.

Quote:2. How can you improve your life/character?
This one is kind of odd for me to answer due to how I see life. To me the quality of life one leads depends on the fact that they are living their life how they see fit (without stopping others from doing the same). Lots of people talk about the regrets they've had in their lives, and although most people wish that they had done something different, but I feel like you should stick with your choices. As for character, everyday you should go out and do something nice for someone else. It can be something big like helping someone change their tire or volunteering or it can be as simple as holding the door open for someone or giving your change to the jars at certain restaurants that go to charity.

Quote:3. How to improve upon certain problems.
I don't tend to pay attention to the politics in this league. Aside from my banking job, posting media, and the LR I don't participate in much league chatter. From what I can tell by lurking around in certain topics the commissioners do very well especially given that they tend to have a lot on their plates. However things can always be better, I think in order to improve on some problems, the league should have a say. I don't know if it should be the whole league, a randomly selected group, or the most active posters, but input from those who do not hold commissioner status couldn't hurt. (As an aside they may do this now, I'm not sure since as I said, I tend to stay away from this stuff).

Quote:4. Like/Dislike about Bleak.
Like: Ok to start off with, you helped me out when I was still getting acquainted to the site. You along with all the guys in the PGF locker room made my year in the NWJHL very enjoyable. I also liked that you tried to open up serious discussion on certain matters. As much as people like to give you gruff about "the parent question" it is an interesting topic for discussion, although probably at a different place. You were open to counterarguments, although often times I felt like those were brushed off (not always, mind you). You also offered up tickets to the Flames game on here, to someone you've never met, you even offered to pick up games to accommodate others in the future, I thought that was pretty classy.

Dislike: To me, it seemed like you had a habit of taking things too far. Everything can be fun, but once a line is crossed it gets exponentially less fun for those involved and a few times I've seen you cross the line. You seemed to talk to people differently as well, while discussion issues with certain members you took a much more jovial tone than when you discussed with others. I know that's because you had history with the others, but I feel like if the past wasn't brought up and everyone was discussing the current issue, you could let your beef not be involved. One final thing is how you always tried to bring stuff back to your suspension (not as common towards the end) such as "he only got x games for y when I got a games for b" after a while it sort of got annoying, I know you were just looking for answers or trying to be fair, but eventually you just have to deal with it, and to be fair you're not the only person around here I've seen doing that.

Well that's it, it was a fun ride Bleak, have fun at the VHL, maybe if I ever make the hop over there, we can be teammates. :D

Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

[Image: Q4Adkgo.png]


God i thought Klose was leaving.

I like your topics. Always got me thinking. You spoke whatever you wanted to and you didn't give two shits about it, even if many found you strange and weird because of it. I enjoyed that about you, it was refreshing. You seem like a quirky fellow.

I dislike your attitude at times young man! Sometimes I think not giving two shits can be a bad thing, and we have results to prove it. It's good to be you and not worry about judgement but it's a whole new ball game when others try the same and you just kinda shrug them off. That's more what others dislike though, I think. I dislike you leaving, how bout that!?

You get a 7.5/10.

Question 1:
Post something funny that has happened to you. This can be a joke that was said or a very odd situation.

The funniest thing in my entire life happened today in eighth period. My SS/geography teacher is a huge character. She has all of these great stories, and hilarious yet educational videos that she shares with us. She's amazing. So, we get into this discussion, somehow, about religion. And then the classroom aide says to her, "And then all of the people in that country try to convert you." My teacher's response: "Just like that broad in Kohl's!" So of course she had S tell the story. This is all totally true, by the way. So, in college, my teacher worked part-time at Kohl's. And she used to meet all of these weird people, Jehovah's Witnesses, crazy Baptists, even a person who called himself a Hin-Jew. So this woman comes to another register, and she's talking about how she's annoyed by the whatever. My teacher, then-cashier, replies back, saying, "Oh, I hear you, I was raised Catholic." And the customer had a look on her face like she had just seen something morbidly disgusting. This is a paraphrasing transcript of what the customer said: "Oh, I belong to the First United Christ Baptist Church of the Father Almighty, and I think you should convert. I'm a Baptist, you have the wrong relationship with God, and you're going to burn forever in eternal flame and death." And she had a kid with her, so my teacher couldn't just tell her to shut up about it. I choked on water when I heard it.

Question 2:
As you may know, I am about improving my quality of life and I try to help people see that mindset. What I want from you is a genuine response on how you can improve your own life and improve your own character.

I think if I just stopped caring so much about what other people think of me I'd go about life just fine. I'm so worried that I'm not good enough to impress a girl, etc.

Question 3:
The league is at a transition state right now and for the most part the commissioners do an excellent job with the amount of bullshit and stress they deal with. What is your honest suggestion on how to improve the league by solving certain problems?

Well I think having most of the trolls purged definitely helped. I think just keep up the punishments: the trolling and pestering will stop if you keep punishing people for it. People have to realize all actions have consequences, positive or negative.

Question 4:
This is a suggestion from GoB, he was wondering. What did you guys like and dislike about me? Please no sucking up, I would honestly like to know this question.

What I like about you is that you seem very passionate about the things you believe in. That'll get you halfway. The other half is where you seem to struggle: controlling yourself. You just blurt out whatever comes to mind without thinking about it, whether it be venting or judging or whatever. I also think you're too passionate, what people eat has no impact on your life whatsoever. I personally think meat is healthy and great for you, but vegetables/fruit are very important too. You have to see both sides of an argument to get the best out of the experience.

what the fuck is this???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[QUOTE=BBH,Jan 31 2013, 08:13 PM]Question 1:
Post something funny that has happened to you. This can be a joke that was said or a very odd situation.

The funniest thing in my entire life happened today in eighth period. My SS/geography teacher is a huge character. She has all of these great stories, and hilarious yet educational videos that she shares with us. She's amazing. So, we get into this discussion, somehow, about religion. And then the classroom aide says to her, "And then all of the people in that country try to convert you." My teacher's response: "Just like that broad in Kohl's!" So of course she had S tell the story. This is all totally true, by the way. So, in college, my teacher worked part-time at Kohl's. And she used to meet all of these weird people, Jehovah's Witnesses, crazy Baptists, even a person who called himself a Hin-Jew. So this woman comes to another register, and she's talking about how she's annoyed by the whatever. My teacher, then-cashier, replies back, saying, "Oh, I hear you, I was raised Catholic." And the customer had a look on her face like she had just seen something morbidly disgusting. This is a paraphrasing transcript of what the customer said: "Oh, I belong to the First United Christ Baptist Church of the Father Almighty, and I think you should convert. I'm a Baptist, you have the wrong relationship with God, and you're going to burn forever in eternal flame and death." And she had a kid with her, so my teacher couldn't just tell her to shut up about it. I choked on water when I heard it.

Sounds like u wanna bang ur teacher amirite?

[Image: 57879_s.gif]
[Image: 37742_s.gif]
[Image: jov7Yk9.png]

SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

NVM i need to

>Im at a track meet
>Chilling out on bleachers, waiting for my race
>cute girls in skimpy track uniforms EVERYWHERE
>i begin thinking naughty thoughts
>Massive erection is hidden by my roomy track pants
>Slip my johnson into my waistband as i stand up
>Solid snake my way across the field, no one suspected a thing
>Take pants off, now i am only wearing bright yellow short-shorts
>Walk quickly to my blocks
>Bend over to hide my massive bulge
>race starts
>erection immediately frees itself
>Begins bouncing and waving dramatically
>A loud slap can be heard each time it hits my thigh
>it begins spinning as we round the corner
>penis propels me into first place and i take the lead
>Beat the black kids
>Receive a prophetic vision of one day creation a helicopter made of penises
>Still have to walk ALL the way back across the field to the starting line to retrieve my pants
>let my erection shamelessly protrude

Question 1:
Post something funny that has happened to you. This can be a joke that was said or a very odd situation.

This may not be the funniest story but it is the shittiest.

When I was younger my grandma would always make a german soup that was fucking delicious and my dad thought he would make it one night but he obviously did something wrong as it gave my bro and I food poisoning which made my bro and I lay on the couch for the rest of the night dying and we both finally passed out from all the drugs we took but I woke up later and felt a shit coming so I did what I hope most would and went to the bathroom and threw up out of my asshole. When I was done I got up feeling great and the moment I stood up I felt a fart coming and I played a game of fart roulette which I had the choice to not let it go or let it rip and hope it was just a fart. I decided to pull the trigger and I lost as I sharted all over the floor and the rug in my bathroom which I had to throw away that night. After cleaning all the shit up I went back to bed any no one had a clue what happened. I don't give a fuck if this was funny or not it is more of a warning to NEVER play fart roulette when you are sick because you are gonna have a bad time.

Quote:Originally posted by Corco@Jan 31 2013, 11:01 PM
>Im at a track meet
>Chilling out on bleachers, waiting for my race
>cute girls in skimpy track uniforms EVERYWHERE
>i begin thinking naughty thoughts
>Massive erection is hidden by my roomy track pants
>Slip my johnson into my waistband as i stand up
>Solid snake my way across the field, no one suspected a thing
>Take pants off, now i am only wearing bright yellow short-shorts
>Walk quickly to my blocks
>Bend over to hide my massive bulge
>race starts
>erection immediately frees itself
>Begins bouncing and waving dramatically
>A loud slap can be heard each time it hits my thigh
>it begins spinning as we round the corner
>penis propels me into first place and i take the lead
>Beat the black kids
>Receive a prophetic vision of one day creation a helicopter made of penises
>Still have to walk ALL the way back across the field to the starting line to retrieve my pants
>let my erection shamelessly protrude
i wish my penis was capable of success like that.
usually it just leads to disappointment

Quote:Originally posted by Alex@Jan 31 2013, 10:25 PM

i wish my penis was capable of success like that.
usually it just leads to disappointment
Ever thought of buying a pump?

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