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GM History
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2025, 02:57 PM by Allegiant. Edited 32 times in total.)

Updated to S79
Indicates Challenge Cup
Indicates Presidents Trophy
Indicates Hall of Fame

[Image: Atlanta-min.png]
Atlanta Inferno
hotdog (S56-Present) | S66 | S66

[Image: Baltimore-min.png]
Baltimore Platoon
(Formerly West Kendall Platoon)
Fernando (S1-S3) - (88-18-14) | S2 | S1, S2
Brandon (S4-S5) - (52-22-10) | S5 | S5
Fernando (S6) - (31-24-5)
Dylan (S7-S8) - (55-36-9) | S8
JayTee (S9-S10) - (67-30-3) | S9
Maxy (S11-S16) - (105-164-29)
Syckez (S17-S23) - (154-167)
Bojo (S24-S39) - (419-307-76) | S26
JR95 (S40-S63) - (680-544-88) | S41, S43, S47 | S47, S63
hhh81 (S64-Present) | S76

[Image: Buffalo-min.png]
Buffalo Stampede
Brandon (S25-S32) - (137-221-42)
ThatDamnWalrus (S33-S36) - (90-91-19)
WannabeFinn (S37-S63) - (864-499-99) | S46, S48, S55, S60 | S46, S54, S55, S60
Tomen (S64-S76) - (550-263-45) | S71
Vandy (S77-Present)

[Image: Calgary-min.png]
Calgary Dragons
cezar (S1-S2) - (33-35-12)
NathanAD (S3-S7) - (109-99-26)
xDPark (S8-S9) - (59-36-5) | S8, S9
Jesster (S10-S11) - (67-26-7) | S10
spidey (S12-S13) - (55-35-12)
O4L (S14-S23) - (252-205-49) | S14
Steelhead77 (S24-S58) - (1040-592-152) | S27, S29, S32, S40, S42, S50 | S30, S35, S36, S49
Mike Izzy (S59-S63) - (175-127-28)
Muerto (S64-S70) - (234-195-33)
boom (S71-Present)

[Image: Chicago-min.png]
Chicago Syndicate
Velevra (S46-S59) - (442-263-43) | S57
SDCore (S60-S66) - (334-109-19) | S64 | S62, S64
JNH (S67-S70) - (160-83-21)
SchwarzNarr (S71-S73) - (116-72-10)
Nike (S74-Present)

[Image: Edmonton-min.png]
Edmonton Blizzard
(formerly: Edmonton Comets)
McDonald (S2-S6) - (142-55-27) | S3, S4 | S3, S4
Seth (S7-S11) - (95-132-23)
Teztify (S12-S29) - (506-306-96) | S13, S15, S16, S28 | S13, S15, S18, S27
Jedi (S30-S32) - (92-49-9)
JayTee (S33) - (30-16-4)
Allegiant (S34) - (21-23-6)
karlssens (S35-S46) - (313-231-56) | S45 | S44, S45
Keygan (S47-S60) - (460-255-49) | S49
boom (S61-S64) - (109-136-19)
HabsFanFromOntario (S65-Present) | S73 | S74, S75

[Image: Hamilton-min.png]
Hamilton Steelhawks
Mikeorfei (S1) - (15-18-7)
Daco (S2-S3) - (28-38-14)
Bolt/Theo (S3-S4) - (33-34-13)
Secord (S4) - (18-13-9)
Raymond (S5-S8) - (108-78-18)
Stud (S9) - (27-16-7)
Jorec (S9-S10) - (67-23-10)
Joecool37 (S11-S15) - (149-81-20) | S11
Malcontentcapsfan (S16) - (29-15-6)
LVShark (S17-S22) - (181-98-25) | S17, S19, S20
Tanner (S23-S28) - (164-111-29) | S24, S26
Dangles13 (S29-S31) - (53-79-18)
Hallsy (S32-S41) - (229-216-55) | S39
DrunkenTeddy (S42-S44) - (85-50-15) | S42
Hallsy (S45-Present) | S51, S53, S56, S58, S61, S63 | S56, S57, S59, S61

[Image: LosAngeles-min.png]
Los Angeles Panthers
Deener (S5-S7) - (76-60-18) | S6 | S6
JayTee/Munk (S7) - (25-19-5)
Checkmate (S8-S9) - (42-41-17)
Dooley (S10) - (23-22-5)
Alex (S11) (21-24-5)
Chris-McZehrl (S11-S12) - (39-49-12)
Taron47 (S13-S14) - (42-46-12)
Velevra (S14) - (27-18-5)
Wasty (S15-S55) - (1080-800-178) | S17 | S23, S24, S32
FuzzSHL (S56-S77 | S65, S75 | S65
Whitecap (S78-Present)

[Image: Manhattan-min.png]
Manhattan Rage
Spangle (S2-S5) - (81-65-18)
diamond_ace (S6-S15) - (217-247-46)
Ochocinco (S16-S19) - (91-95-14)
Nike (S20-S24) - (88-99-19) | S22
Merica (S24-S27) - (63-76-11)
Jorec (S28-S30) - (67-67-16)
Muerto (S31-S37) - (167-153-30) | S34
NUCK (S38) - (29-17-4) | S38
JayWhy (S39-S63) - (592-681-89) | S52
Citizen of Adraa (S64-Present)

[Image: Minnesota-min.png]
Minnesota Monarchs
(formerly: Minnesota Chiefs)
Boon (S5-S8) - (91-92-21)
JumpierPegasus (S9) - (28-20-2)
Boon/Munk (S10-S13) - (131-59-10) | S10, S12 | S11
Toast (S14-S17) - (72-111-17)
HabsFanFromOntario (S18) - (29-17-4)
Banjo Kazooie (S19-S20) - (17-71-12)
JayTee (S21-S25) - (126-105-27)
ArGarBarGar (S26-S32) - (190-143-49) | S29
Baelor Swift (S33-S44) - (308-230-62) | S39
Shmurph (S45-S51) - (151-169-30)
SpartanGibbles (S52-S62) - (236-368-42)
Mutedfaith (S63-S75) - (253-561-44)
eddiesnotthere (S76-Present)

[Image: Patriotes-Banner-new.png]
Montreal Patriotes
Dankoa (S60-S61) - 42-79-11
Inf1d3l (S62) - 11-52-3
CampinKiller (S63-Present)

[Image: NewEngland-min.png]
New England Wolfpack
(formerly: Buffalo Thunder*, Tampa Bay Hydras*, and Hartford Hydras)
Jesster (S10)*
Fernando (S10-S12) - (30-58-12)
Ace (S13-S15) - (83-56-11)
fever95 (S15-S22) - (205-116-33) | S16
Ace (S20-S22) - (86-53-15)
prettyburn (S23-S29) - (161-162-31) | S23
Eggy216 (S30-S40) - (320-185-45) | S30, S31, S33 | S31, S33, S34
Torbvo (S41-S43) - (71-63-16)
Ace (S44-S55) - (226-237-54) | S53
Kenvald (S56-S62) - (195-218-33)
Luke (S63-Present) S70, S74, S77 | S72

[Image: NewOrleans-min.png]
New Orleans Specters
JKortesi81 (S46-Present) | S54 | S51

[Image: forge-banner2.png]
Philadelphia Forge
Acsolap (S60-Present) | S69 | S70, S77

[Image: SanFrancisco-min.png]
San Francisco Pride
(formerly: Portland Admirals)
JumpierPegasus (S25-S30) - (97-171-32)
Cuffy (S31) - (21-27-2)
Wally (S32-S35) - (86-98-16)
Grapehead (S36-S54) - (424-443-83) | S38, S50, S52
Thatguy91 (S55-S63) - (196-327-39)
Toast (S64-S72) - (263-292-39)
Caleb (S73-Present) | S76

[Image: Seattle-min.png]
Seattle Argonauts
notorioustig (S56-S68) - (448-330-64) | S67, S68 | S68
adamantium (S69-S73) - (162-146-22)
efischermann (S74-Present)

[Image: TampaBay-min.png]
Tampa Bay Barracuda 
(formerly: Wisconsin Monarchs, Vancouver Ice Wolves, Vancouver Nightmare, Las Vegas Kings, Seattle Riot)
Veto (S1) - (18-16-6)
Mabz & Smzza (S1-S2) - (12-24-4)
funny_munk (S3) - (15-17-8)
Leafs4Stanley (S3-S5) - (54-47-23)
MacDaddy (S6-S7) - (60-40-10)
Shutout (S7, S8-S13) - (146-128-42)
James_M (S7) (25-21-4)
Duey (S8-S13) (146-128-42)
Gifter of Bikes (S14-S30) - (440-319-99) | S18
Abdeezy (S31-S34) - (104-71-24)
probablydrunk (S35) - (19-28-3)
MCP (S35-S36) - (47-43-10)
Abdeezy (S37-S38) - (63-28-9) | S37
r1c3bowl22 (S39) (16-30-4)
Samee (S40-S43) - (78-104-18)
StaticShocked (S44) - (17-29-4)
JSS (S45-S51) - (166-142-42) | S48
MCP (S52-S54) - (26-118-6)
Trella (S55-S62) - (188-277-31)
PremierBromanov (S63) - (48-17-1)
hockeyiscool (S64-Present)

[Image: Texas-min.png]
Texas Renegades
Wadey (S10-S18) - (218-179-53) | S14
NathanAD (S19-S22) - (113-77-14) | S20, S21 | S21
Midas Whale (S23-S24) - (58-36-10)
Deener (S25-S29) - (140-86-24) | S28
Allen (S30-S36) - (187-132-31) | S36
Phobospwns (S37-S39) - (70-66-14)
Dankoa (S40-S55) - (368-375-57)
puolivalmiste (S56-S63) - (370-122-20) | S59, S62 | S58
Yagoyi (S64-S66) - (94-84-20)
CapnCooper (S67-Present)

[Image: Toronto2-min.png]
Toronto North Stars
(formerly: Toronto Stars)
jkrever (S1-S16) - (408-288-64) | S7, S12
Maxy (S17-S18) - (40-50-10)
JNH (S19-S31) - (322-264-72)
RaiN (S32-S34) - (65-61-24)
Cynthia (S35-S36) - (54-35-11) | S35
Symmetrik (S37-S42) - (126-142-32)
Nobody (S43-S48) - (159-115-26)
ml002 (S49-S61) - (337-343-50)
Kluster (S62) - (32-29-5)
Wally (S63-S77)
mcgriddleluver (S78-Present)

[Image: aurora-banner-new.png]
Winnipeg Aurora
(formerly: Winnipeg Jets)
Leafs4ever (S1-S30) - (777-524-173) | S1, S7, S19, S25 | S22, S25
Atlas (S31-S33) - (62-72-16)
Nereus (S34-S40) - (214-111-25) | S37 | S40
MWHazard (S41-S42) - (61-30-9) | S41
FlappyGiraffe (S43-S49) - (178-134-36) | S44 | S43
StadiumGambler (S50-S51) - (44-46-10)
Muerto (S52-S60) - (214-274-26)
Ace (S61-Present) | S72 | S67, S69, S71

*=never played game as that team or never GM'd a game for that team

Hammy :

Stud (lol)
and then Joe

no idea what seasons

Quote:Originally posted by kebrik@Feb 28 2013, 03:23 PM
Hammy :

Stud (lol)
and then Joe

no idea what seasons

Please God, let Joe be a long-term GM and bring stability to this team. :lol: :lol:

Quote:Originally posted by Spangify@Feb 28 2013, 01:25 PM

Please God, let Joe be a long-term GM and bring stability to this team. :lol:  :lol:

[Image: hallsy.png]

Jesster was GM for Hartford for abit.

[Image: hallsy.png]

funny_munk S3
Leafs4Stanley S4?-S5
MacDaddy S6-S7
Due AND Shutout S7-current :ph34r:

Quote:Originally posted by Duey722@Feb 28 2013, 03:50 PM
funny_munk S3
Leafs4Stanley S4?-S5
MacDaddy S6-S7
Due AND Shutout S7-current :ph34r:

Hey now, don't forget me, Duddy GM week 3 of Season 9

I still have my GM of the week shirt.


also wasn't chiclets short term gm before you 2 took over?

Quote:Originally posted by Duey722@Feb 28 2013, 03:50 PM
funny_munk S3
Leafs4Stanley S4?-S5
MacDaddy S6-S7
Due AND Shutout S7-current :ph34r:

So then that means leafs took over in S3 since Munk never GM'd a game. Thanks Duey.

I GM'd the Panthers for part of S7 and then Munk took over S7

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Duddy@Feb 28 2013, 02:54 PM

Hey now, don't forget me, Duddy GM week 3 of Season 9

I still have my GM of the week shirt.


also wasn't chiclets short term gm before you 2 took over?

I was GM for like 2 days when MacP stepped down, Shutout stepped down as Impact GM to GM us, with me, then chiclets, then me again as co.

Then Shutout and I went 50/50.

Quote:Originally posted by Duey722@Feb 28 2013, 03:57 PM

I was GM for like 2 days when MacP stepped down, Shutout stepped down as Impact GM to GM us, with me, then chiclets, then me again as co.

Then Shutout and I went 50/50.

Oh the good ol times back in Vancouver.

Quote:Originally posted by Duddy@Feb 28 2013, 02:58 PM

Oh the good ol times back in Vancouver.

Actually, reading old threads again, and you are correct. Shutout did step down for a bit, and Chiclets became GM with me as Co.

Good memory there, Duds

Mike Orfei

What year did James take over for a little bit?

Quote:Originally posted by Spangify@Feb 28 2013, 03:07 PM
What year did James take over for a little bit?

Also S7, the year MacP, me, Shutout, and Chiclets were all GM at one a bawse B) B)

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