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Last movie you watched thread

Quote:Originally posted by Maxy@Jan 21 2014, 03:43 PM
How many times did you watch Memento? I hated it the first time, then rewatching it, I really liked it

Once and it aggravated me so, I can't imagine returning to it.

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Jan 21 2014, 03:44 PM

Once and it aggravated me so, I can't imagine returning to it.
It's really confusing at first, I was aggravated the first time since even at the end I didn't quite understand, but the 2nd time watching through I understood

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
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[Image: WREXKS.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Maxy@Jan 21 2014, 03:47 PM

It's really confusing at first, I was aggravated the first time since even at the end I didn't quite understand, but the 2nd time watching through I understood

It's not that I didn't understand, it's that I couldn't stand watching the same scene over and over and over and over and over. I couldn't stand the very point and essence of the movie.

My top five of 2013:
1.Wolf of Wall Street
4.Captain Phillips
5.American Hustle

Haven't seen her or Dallas buyers club yet. Didn't like 12 years a slave, fell a sleep twice awhile watching it and i am pretty tired after trying to finish the last half of the movie.

[Image: hallsy.png]

I wasn't a big fan of Captain Phillips, but the rest of your list is solid. I really liked 12 Years a Slave though

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
[Image: wrexks.png]
[Image: WREXKS.png]

[Image: 51l5uUk5WNL._SY300_.jpg]

8/10 - Colin Farrell was absolutely fantastic in this great blend of black comedy and crime/thriller. Truly gut wrenching and heartfelt, this one was a great watch. Riveting and engrossing from the get go, it really pulls you in and makes you invested in the characters quickly. I came into this expecting it to be a bit like Snatch in the way it was done and since I did not care for that one, I was afraid, but I am glad I watched it anyways, because it wasn't like that at all. Really good film.

[Image: 220px-There_Will_Be_Blood_Poster.jpg]

9/10 - Just fantastic. This was my first film that I've seen directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and it did not disappoint in the least. The film is slow, but the acting from Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano and cast, is just so engrossing that you cannot look away. The sets were brilliant and looked extremely realistic and fit in perfectly with the times they were depicting. Those who claim there is no story are missing the bigger picture. Sure, there is no direct story, but what we are seeing is so much bigger than that. The interaction of every character and the constant "peeling back of the onion" that is Daniel Plainview and how evil he truly is make up for any story people may be searching for. In fact, I dare say that is the story; the revealing of how far a man will go to make money and how cutthroat you had to be to make it in the the time period depicted. Fantastic film.

[Image: 220px-Daysofheavenposter.jpg]

4/10 - Beautiful cinematography does not make a movie good and this film is a perfect example of that. It is quite boring and feels like nothing more than an exercise in showing the most beautiful images possible over and over. The film has a heart and an interesting story upon examination, but it never truly hooks you in and for that reason, I cannot praise this film. However, it is a phenomenal film that should continue to be seen as a masterpiece of cinematography. If only Malick put as much effort into making the story less dry.

[Image: 220px-Hannibal_movie_poster.jpg]

6/10 - Much, much more graphic than its predecessor, this follow-up to the classic (and my personal favorite film) The Silence of the Lambs is all kinds of disappointing. Beyond the fact that Jodie Foster is clearly not replaceable as Clarice Starling as the makers of this film believed, the excessive and gratuitous gore and horror elements that were not present in the prior film are ever present here and serve no purpose. The great part about The Silence of the Lambs was how it could cover such horrific violence and spare you the viewing of it, but its description of it was good enough for you to get the full picture. Here, I do not know if it just lazy writing or what, but here, everything is shown in every gory detail. In addition, another major issue is the lack of dialogue between Clarice and Hannibal. In the prior film, that was a major part of the story and what made the film so great. Here, however, that is simply not the case. Finally, Clarice is not who she was in the first film. There was much more depth to her. Now, they seemingly made her a carboard cutout of a cop in film/television. There is no originality to her character, she no longer felt like a real person. There are positives, though, that really help this film out. Firstly, Anthony Hopkins is phenomenal as expected. It is hard to imagine anyone else playing Hannibal Lecter for me, as he seems to capture the character so beautifully and really does a fantastic job. In addition, Ridley Scott does a fine job in the director's chair and really helps boost this film up a bit. Finally, the suspense elements are good and help keep you interested and on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens next. Overall, a solid film, but as a follow up to a classic, it was always going to look bad, but I was still hoping for more.

[Image: 220px-Margin_Call.jpg]

7/10 - A great cast and really solid direction, help this film about the financial crisis take off. As much as the film, at times, attempted to try and put the issues into simple terms, however, it still seemed confusing at times and unless you have some knowledge of the field, you'll be left sitting there confused. Luckily, I understood some of what they were talking about, but certainly not all of it and that hampered the enjoyablility for me. Otherwise, the characterization of the many characters was done really well and the acting, across the board, was really good. Overall, a solid film.

Renting Dallas Buyers Club through itunes tonight, I'll post a review on it later.

[Image: NiclasWastlund26.gif]
#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / MINNESOTA MONARCHS Monarchs
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Nebraska is a must see movie!



[Image: 220px-Goodnight_poster.jpg]

5/10 - The acting is great, but this film is classic director George Clooney for me. It is a very interesting subject matter that moves at a snail's pace and all interest in the story is lost, ultimately winding up being a quite boring film. I wanted to like it, but I simply cannot.

However, I felt as though the black and white worked well, as I said before, the acting was really well done, and I really liked the blending of the real newscasts with the events going on in the screening room.

[Image: 215px-Warrior_Poster.jpg]

9/10 - Absolutely phenomenal film. Great performances, gripping story, and sure, while it may play into some sports movie cliches, it is so much more than that. The heart and pain exuded by the characters is felt by the audience as if it is our own. Great example of how good a sports film can be.

[Image: 220px-Usual_suspects_ver1.jpg]

9/10 - Wow. This film is fantastic. Kevin Spacey and cast, as expected, are phenomenal. It lulls you into thinking you know how it will wrap up and then completely flips around. It is a tad hard to follow at the beginning, but wow does it ever pay off. Great film.

[Image: 215px-Hardeight.jpg]

7/10 - Really well done. Amazing to think that this was Paul Thomas Anderson's first effort, because he handles everything like a grisled vet in this. The film was slow, but built up nicely and the characters were all marvelously crafted. Main complaint were that while it was really well done, it never really made that "jump". I think this one could have been even better, but it seemed content being what it was and was relatively safe all around. In addition, I just never really bought into John C. Reilly's performance. All of the other performances were great, but his stood out to me as something that just did not quite fit with the rest of the film.

[Image: 220px-The_boxer_poster.jpg]

8/10 - Classic Daniel Day-Lewis. Every film I watch with him in it is made infinitely better because of his amazing performance. Literally, the guy never disappoints. As for the film itself, it was very enjoyable and riveting. It had a nice build-up to key, intense scenes and then a slight drop off, before another build up to an even more intense scene. It may be called "The Boxer", but as is made evident in the film, this one is about a lot more than boxing. If this and "In the Name of the Father" are any example, Jim Sheridan knows his way around a riveting film about the IRA and all of the things that come with that.

Spang u forgot a movie

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

Quote:Originally posted by O4L@Feb 14 2014, 10:51 PM
Spang u forgot a movie

i did?

oh shit face/off

[Image: FaceOff_%281997_film%29_poster.jpg]

8/10 - It is absolutely off-the-wall weird and original, but this is also a very stylish action film that has fantastic heart and pulls you right in. Nicolas Cage plays a great bad (good?) guy and John Travolta did a great job as the good (bad?) guy as well. Honestly, I am not too huge of a fan of Travolta, Cage, or action movies of this type, but this one is an exception. Really good on all fronts.

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Jun 8 2013, 02:36 PM
[Image: 215px-Der_Untergang_-_Poster.jpg]

9/10 - Downfall's a German language film about the final days of Hitler and dammit is ever interesting and informative. Would highly recommend. Great directing + acting.

Also the best video meme on youtube :lol:

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