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TOP 100 Members/Players List by Chris-McZehrl

TOP 100:

[Image: Top100.png]

Number 100(new):
Underoath10 Steelhawks
We was Teammates in LA and he wanted out as i started the Rebuild! But you was a great member of LA! i was so disappointed, that i did my biggest mistake! again sorry Mr. Cant

Number 99(new):
Confusion Panthers
My bud who is too quiet! i hoped that he will stay this time active! :(

Number 98(new):
jdbartow Panthers
I picked him in the S12 Draft and he was a very good guy, problem was ... he was too fast angry about other members! that is the reason why he has a - rep

Number 97(new):
Brandon Panthers
we was rivals as Platoon traded for him and i was better! after 2-3 seasons ... all knew i was right! but he is a great member! if he start a work ... then he do the best work of all members!!! Smile

Number 96(new):
Harry Blizzard
this small guy want the list but he has a low rank! maybe next time a little bit better!

Number 95(new):
AJ09 Blizzard
I was so happy as i saw him back! great guy! stay active AJ and show us your potential.

Number 94(new):
ChibiPookey Dragons
I loved him as active Member in LA. he was a great and motivatated guy! he learned from us older guys! We had a huge hopeness in him! after my time, nobody helped him and then he was inactive :(

Number 93(new):
Brian1220 Dragons
A Member of my Draft-Class! i like him but he is now inactive! a big shit is that! yes he started very late to train his player but he learned from the great guys of the Dragons organisation.

Number 92(new):
Carlzner Renegades
yes you did the list Carly! after the time where i played with you CIV 5 and the talks, i know you are a really smart guy! i don't know why you do sometimes shit here in the league with posts and so on! i love you Smile

Number 91(new):
Skipper Blizzard
The first Latvian in my list! I know Ofer, the GM of the Dragons , wanted him so bad! the result .... he was traded to a other western team Blink the Blizzard ! Skipper, continues your great work! i like you

Number 90(new):
Jorec No Team
he was very shortly active as we had him in Calgary, where i was on this team! he is now inactive and has no team right now! i would like if he would come back and recreate!

Number 89(new):
jaden20 Dragons
in the last season he came from the Stars to us and he is active! he try to push his player! do more jaden Smile

Number 88(new):
Daniel Riot
one of the german members here, is very quiet but he train very often! i know him from a german Manager Hockey League!

Number 87(new):
MacDaddy Riot
he was inactive but now he is back! i hope he stay this time, because i love him! he try to work for the team in the LR and that is what each team need.

Number 86(new):
Dome_77 Riot
My small brother is very quiet but he try to push his player each week! now he has no money and he will wait now for his new contract money! he has a great player.

Number 85(-30):
Ace Wolfpack
He is right now really semi-active!

Number 84(new):
Banack Steelhawks
My old teammate in LA! good luck Banack

Number 83(new):
Banjo Kazooie Chiefs
Banjo won a Cup with Chiefs ! now he will enter with his new player the SHL after the playoffs!

Number 82(new):
Mr. Hockey Canada Guy Rage
Mr. Katsu is now Mr. Mars :lol: ! one of the best Defender Rookies in the upcoming Draft! good luck for you!

Number 81(new):
LVShark Steelhawks
His father signed with Riot , my team! he was a member of the Riot too & was traded to Steelhawks ! continues your great work on your player!

Number 80(-11):
Green Steelhawks
Hi Green, come win a cup with the Steelhawks ! Tongue

Number 79(new):
Byrde Renegades
you are a friend of meow or not? i LOLed ... as i saw that with your rumor and so on!

Number 78(new):
KezKincaid Blizzard
Riko Muerto .... spidey told us we should try to draft you! but we had no chance! i had love it if you would be a member of the Dragons Wink you do a really great and hard work for your player and as member for updates and SMJHL PTs Smile

Number 77(new):
kikish18 Dragons
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A member of the Latvian Mafia ... i must think about that what i write .... if i write not the right words .... the Latvian Mafia will kills me! stop .... they would never kill me, because O4L and I ... we started this Latvian Mafia in Dragons !!!! :lol: kikish i love you really! your work is great on your player! you are the future in the Defense of the Dragons

Number 76(new):
krizis123 Dragons
Zommers!!!!!!!!!!! the next Latvian Mafia guy! at first you started as Center then you switched to Wing! great move and i will predict you .... if you continues your work on your player .... you will have in 4-5 season a TOP Player B)

Number 75(-):
NathanAD Renegades
Yes Nathan must be in this List! He won with TEX and CGY Cups! a legend for me! as member and with his players!

Number 74(-):
Tylar Renegades
For him the same how Nathan! he won cups with TEX and CGY! the next legend!

Number 73(-):
Y.Scherbluk Stars
He want and would deserve a Cup! i like him really! We played in our SMJHL Season both for the Whalers

Number 72(-):
D.Scherbluk Stars
Darian, the brother of Yousuf Scherbluk! Now he is the Co-GM of the Stars ! can he give the team what they want? we will see! Wink

Number 71(-):
prikulis5 Jets
since 31th December inactive! nobody know why! i can't believe it! i hope the Jets - Organisation knows why he is inactive!

Number 70(-):
Greebsie Steelhawks
She is a Superstar here in the SHL with her player! 2 Gold Medals with Team Germany are her best what she get in the SHL!

Number 69(new):
meow Chiefs
Mikhail Kladno is a good rookie! but this player must train more if this player want more! we will see what happen Wink

Number 68(-):
McGraw No Team
McGraw is a future key-player of the Jets ! they hopes that he will stay this time as active member!

Number 67(-):
BagelBites Rage
I see him not online! so he is now inactive again? but why? team too worst or what? i can't understand that!

Number 66(-):
Myers/Tut Platoon
the Egyptian Pharaoh here in the SHL has step up to a new level of his play! now we will see if he can help his team again with his offense power! Platoon needs him now in the eastern final S16 against the Stars ! i will follow this series Wink

Number 65(new):
Boon Chiefs
we had our differences but i know he do always the best for his team! with your new player i wish you good luck!

Number 64(+1):
Taylor Platoon
the goalie of the Steelhawks ! he must work much on his player, he is not done! i hope he will do that!

Number 63(+1):
bbp Renegades
Mr. Charlebois is retired ... welcome to Mr. Daigle! I would have been happy if we could get you with a 2nd Rounder in the last draft! now you are a member of the RENEFUCKS!

Number 62(+1):
Secord Jets
A legend of the Dragons in the past. Now with Helstrom he will try the same! he is a member of the Jets and i wish him good luck with this team Smile

Number 61(-):
Dion Wolfpack
Kovalenko-Time!!!! The son of the legend Sergey Kovalenko! Alexey has all of his father and could follow him after his career in the Hall of Fame! i hope it

Number 60(-):
Munk Chiefs
The Member who has a Legend and this legend names the best Two Way Forward Trophy, the Jeff Dar Trophy! I won this Trophy one time and i am so happy about it. We won 2 Gold Medals with Team Germany

Number 59(-1):
gooseneck Blizzard
Our League-Goose here and now he recreates! he is very quite with his new player! he should train more Wink

Number 58(+1):
Fisher Renegades
Fisher won two Cups with Chiefs ! now he recreates as Defender! for me he is a Future Hall of Famer B)

Number 57(-):
Backlund/Marlo Panthers
Markus Backlund won two Cups with Chiefs now he recreated as Defender.

Number 56(new):
C00kies Dragons
My former Teammate of the Dragons . in the last List he had no place and now he is in the TOP 60! what a jump Wink VLAD i like you and you will love me if i show all my recreate-name B)

Number 55(new):
Mr. Andersson Panthers
the brother from Joky(Spezza)! he played with Andersson his last season for Dragons ! now he is inactive how his brother :(

Number 54(-):
Cuff Platoon
Jim Lahey is in the house! Cuff is history and Lahey the future for him! i like him!

Number 53(new):
Joester Riot
a lazy member in comparison to other members! as S11 Draftee he has not pass the 300 TPE mark! that is the onliest thing why i am disappointed! as member in our LR i love him Wink

Number 52(-):
ragnar111 Panthers
Morley is one of this players where i follow the way! i like his name and i hope he can bring more action for us in the SHL Universe! you are one reason why i miss my old team Panthers

Number 51(-):
701 Steelhawks
the shitstorm isn't important for me! i know you are a great member! you are maybe sometimes too selfish but you are right! in the playoffs you must play with your best possible roster!!!! I wish you good luck my bud! and thx that we have won the Gold Medal with Team Germany as you was the GM. Smile

Number 50(-):
deedz Chiefs
Sawyer will never die!!!!! Brandon is history! he retired, but now his son is in the league! Brandon was a goalie and tried to save all shots! Tom is now a Forward who try to score Goals Wink

Number 49(new):
Merica Riot
Merica is very disappointed about his own season in S16. i can understand it! for S17 we both hopes that he give us better numbers! he is a key-factor for the Riot

Number 48(-):
Teztify SMJHL
The GM of the Edmonton BASTARDS :lol: i like Tez really but not his team! i would never play for this BASTARDS-TEAM :ph34r:

Number 47(-):
JNH Wolfpack
oh, now i must think about that what i will write here! one of the Commishes :o I love you JNH! and i know you loves me too! Season 16 was your sick season! grats to this fucking sick season! now you are for me a former HOFer

Number 46(-):
Corcoran Rage
I miss Corco as Player-Name :( your new name is not easy! Ondrej Ravchitikov! You are the future with Spidey for Rage in the defense! Wink

Number 45(-7):
Idot No Team
I played with Idot in Panthers ! now he have leave the league

Number 44(-):
Wadey Renegades
the GM of the Texas Renefucks! and our Commish! continues your work Wink

Number 43(-1):
Shutout Jets
very quiet in the last time! the former GM of Vancouver & Las Vegas! he wanted me each time in his team! now i am on this team but he is not in this team :o

Number 42(+1):
Ocho Rage
the new GM of the Rage ! he won in his last season with Ochocinco a Cup with the Edmonton BASTARDS! now he has a lot of work in and with Rage

Number 41(-):
Turdy Renegades
my former teammate in Panthers and Gold Medal Winner with Germany as i was the GM! i miss him :(

Number 40(-):
Snappy & Jesster Steelhawks & Dragons
Why both? yes i need both in the TOP 40 and both are legends for me! but both are now inactive! why? (snappy with train his new Goalie) :(

Number 39(-11):
Alex Renegades
sorry Alex, but i know now so many more because newbies and my new teammates too! you know i like you and i hope in my next ranking i can put you higher again Smile

Number 38(-12):
Dooley Blizzard
for you the same for Alex! i loved you as GM and the LA Organisation! but now i have my really third home with Seattle!

Number 37(-10):
Jamie Jets but FA
you are now not between Alex and Dooley .... no you are the first of this great threecore! Jamie i miss you :(

Number 36(+3):
Checkmate No Team
my first really GM where i loved it on the team after the juniors! yes i hated in West Kendall in my time! so Season 8 Wink i miss you Checky and i hope you will come back one day Smile

Number 35(+1):
Hallsy Steelhawks
One place better as last List! my first Rival with Wongy in the SHL on the Team West Kendall Platoon Wink

Number 34(+1):
Bacon Rage
good member! he helped us out in the Olympic Games as Defender! We won the Silver Medal! now he has a new player! Kein Monesti .... a great new name! i love it!

Number 33(-4):
SensNation613 Wolfpack
Lehner fall to 33 for 4 places! i see him not so active how in the past! very disappointed! i want you back as post-whore!!!!

Number 32(+1):
Deener Jets
my former teammate in LA! he told me that he will plan a recreate in the near future! 3 seasons after that ... he did it! now he is back and i am very very happy about that!

Number 31(+1):
Keenan Blizzard
started in Manhattan and was traded to Edmonton! now he is the Co-GM of this team! i like him really much! i would love to play with him one day Smile

Number 30(-):
Gamingexpertzcom Riot
One of my favorite LR guys! he was amazing in the LAP LR if he was on our Team! then he was so often traded with Malyckyj! I miss you in my LR where i am always!

Number 29(+24):
patches Riot
I believe one of the highest jump in my List! Last time not in the TOP 50 and this time in the TOP 30! he is a great LR member and is really active in the public zone! Manning will be the new Duddy for Seattle. glad to you have you in the team.

Number 28(+9):
Duey Riot
Mr. Spiderman is in the house!!!! :lol: one of the members who love my slogan .... "KICKING IN THE FACES" so much that i can't believe it always!

Number 27(+18):
Duddy Riot
Duddy explained that he need a break! his break was one season :D next season his new player goes on the start! i hope he will land in Seattle Wink

Number 26(+8):
JumpierPegasus Riot
JP alias Zach Miller alias Matthew Buchesner. Miller is a Legend and i hoped always that i could play one season with Miller in the same SHL Team. But now i play with JP's new player ... Buchesner! you are the future in the defense for Seattle! Smile

Number 25(-):
Coolstar87 Stars
WONGY I MISS YOU IN MY TEAM! You was my first rival and we had did the Allstar-Game S10 as Captains! that was a great experience and if we score conintues how in our career ... then we should be future Hall of Famer. Maybe we recreate again in the same Draft Class B)

Number 24(-6):
Wastlund Panthers
Wasty you are now the GM of the Panthers and you are a great member of this league. Maybe we play in the future in a same team! I plan my recreate in Season 20/21/22 maybe 23! So i have so many time to this Season Wink

Number 23(+1):
Joecool37 Steelhawks
A German bud. He helped me too as i started here in the league! now he is a little bit too quiet.

Number 22(-):
Ellio Blizzard
Simpson is his player. I love him. but what is with his love to me? I hope i get more in the future :lol:

Number 21(-5):
Nike Wolfpack
Sorry that you dropped but some others are now higher for me! but you are still in the TOP 25 and i like you.

Number 20(-9):
Joker5123 Riot
yes he dropped because his inactivity! so disappointed that he is inactive again! i love him, yes! but why he leave me?

Number 19(+1):
Velevra Panthers
one place better! why? i like you and i believe you continued my started work very well for Panthers Wink

Number 18(+1):
Kylrad Panthers
yes for his brother too a place better! I love him and i can say for ever .... you are my best draft pick ever! retire as Panthers Wink

Number 17(+6):
OcAirlines Steelhawks
the biggest help for me in the league since I started here and joined! he is a great member and he can do lead jobs if he get one! he has many visions and ideas! i wish you many luck with Hamilton this upcoming season and then a good Free Agency! because after S17 you are a Free Agent! good luck my bud! Wink

Number 16(+1):
Verminski Dragons
YES! Vermy a place better and that is well deserved in my list! he is a fantastic teammate! maybe he should be one day a Co-GM! i know he would do great for his team! Vermy i love you!

Number 15(+6):
JayWhy75 Blizzard
Yes ... you are in my TOP 15!!! Why? JAYWHY :D !!!! i liked you as JWowwwww and i am so happy that you are back! now you won 2 Cups! or 3? :o you are a great member! congratz to this jump in my List Smile

Number 14(+1):
Donini13 Panthers
Donini one place better! i know you love it! because we are how brothers here in the SHL! i love you bro

Number 13(-):
AAA Dragons
Mr. Heiss with 2 Gold Medals for Team Germany! I LOVE IT! now a Czech Player with Stransky and i like this name! I know you will have the next great career with a player here in the SHL! stay active bud B)

Number 12(-2):
Ask Chiefs
Why he is now inactive? i have contact to him via Facebook! he hasn't now the time for the league! but he told me that he could come back each day! i wait for him! he is a great member! I hate it to know that he is inactive :( I miss you bud :(

Number 11(+1):
Parki Renegades
HE IS BACK! now with Chico Salmon! He should again a Commish! he would kick some members in their asses :D and that is what we need! great that we have you back as full active member! PARKI RULEZ FOR LIFE

Number 10(+4):
gorlab Steelhawks
This is probably the most important jump in the list! gorlab is now in the TOP 10! maybe next time TOP 5? we will seen! but now some words about gorlab, he is a member who works each time very hard for the league! not all know it but that is true! that is the reason why i named him in the Damian Littleton Trophy! i hope he continues his work, because that is really importan for the league! for me one of the most important members of the SHL Universe Smile I LOVE YOU :wub:

Number 9(-3):
fever95 Wolfpack
McBride in the past now O'Callahan! for me is fever a really great member! if you have a question about things except a trade or so(because he is a GM) then ask him! he will and can help you Wink fever i love it that you are the simmer! you does a great work! SMJHL/SHL/IHF WTF who did that too in the past? :o

Number 8(-):
spidey Rage
my former GM stay on his old place! now he is in the Rage Organization! when he have a Management job on this team? because he do the most work for this team :lol: Spidey FOR Rage Co-GM or GM Wink

Number 7(-3):
Otrebor13 Wolfpack
TUCCI is now a Hall of Famer! congratulations bud! but now the next player! right? C. Winnfield should in the future follow the way from Tucci Wink I want already to play with you on the same team! i will play a lot of season with my actually player! maybe we meet some day in the same LR B)

Number 6(-5):
Taron47 Platoon
Sorry my bud! but you are not active enough for the TOP 5! i was shocked as Panthers traded you to the Chiefs ! now you got more shit! you are now a member of the Platoon ! i told you ... stay with Smirnov Light more seasons! Why you heard not of me? Why :( Taron i miss you so much Crybaby

Number 5(-):
Malcontentcapsfan Steelhawks
he stay on Number 5 and that is good so! Wink now he lost his GM Job! i believe that was to much! I hope he will not retire his player Schultz! i love this player! :wub:

Number 4(+5):
Abdeezy Platoon
last time 9th! this time 4th! what a jump for Abdeezy, i like him really! he love Borussia Dortmund too and i like it! maybe one day we plays in the same team! i would love it because that is a dream from me B)

Number 3(-1):
HFFO Chiefs
He had his GM job in Steelhawks but that was too late! now he is in Minnesota and is bask where his legend Perhonen started his career. HFFO i love you! our relationship is the best of the world :ph34r:

Number 2(+5):
GoB Riot
Klosy TOP 2!!!! i believe you had never thought that! but yes you are NUMBER 2! you are a great GM and work very hard for Seattle! i hope your wishes and dreams will go in fulfillment! because you deserve that Wink

Number 1(+2):
O4L Dragons
GM Bärköv is the NUMBER 1! surprise? for me not!!!!!!! that was for to 100% sure that O4L get the number 1 this time! a great GM, a great member, a great human and a great bud! I love you! and now buy a new PC/Laptop because i want to play with you CIV 5 again :lol:

right now: 3671 words & 1 pictures


Teams with Members

Eastern Conference:
Steelhawks 12
Rage 6
Chiefs 7
Wolfpack 7
Stars 3
Platoon 5

Western Conference:
Dragons 10
Blizzard 9
Panthers 10
Riot 12
Renegades 10
Jets 5

SMJHL 1 (Tez)
no team 4 (Idot, Jorec, Checky & McGraw)

Survey of the best team after my calculation with the points!

1 Riot 687 (+5)
2 Steelhawks 616 (-1)
3 Dragons 455 (+2)
4 Wolfpack 444 (-1)
5 Renegades 434 (+4)
6 Panthers 431 (-4)
7 Blizzard 384 (+1)
8 Chiefs 365 (+4)
9 Rage 307 (+1)
10 Platoon 264 (-3)
11 Jets 261 (-)
12 Stars 133 (-9)

No Team 165

Members with the highest JUMP:
Merica - last time not in the list ... this time 49th
Joester - last time not in the list ... this time 53th
Boon - last time not in the list ... this time 65th
Mr.Andersson - last time not in the list ... this time 55th
meow - last time not in the list ... this time 69th

Members with the baddest FALL:
Toast - last time 49th ... this time not in the list
Ace - last time 55th ... this time 85th

Chris McZehrl III - Anchorage Armada
[Image: McZehrlIII.jpg?ex=667c5d3b&is=667b0bbb&h...3f94d487d&]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)**
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History
**first ever Challenge Cup win after 0-3 in Finals Series

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

Hm what

i will start tomorrow! and then each day i give you, the SHL UNIVERSE, 5 new players B)

Chris McZehrl III - Anchorage Armada
[Image: McZehrlIII.jpg?ex=667c5d3b&is=667b0bbb&h...3f94d487d&]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)**
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History
**first ever Challenge Cup win after 0-3 in Finals Series

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

:lol: didn't you just do a 75 list?

This again?

[Image: BrettBroadway.gif]
[Image: Hunter.png]

Uhm just add 25 to the seventyfive list wowo .

I better be #1 :ph34r:

[Image: w2d9MYW.png]


I think he is doing top 100 players/members in the league today not his favourite 75.

[Image: hallsy.png]

Still essentially the same thing as it's personal opinion and an excuse to make a shit ton of money.

[Image: BrettBroadway.gif]
[Image: Hunter.png]

Looks like I know who's in first Wink

[Image: MaU5eKD.png]
[Image: kECK2tc.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Toast@Jan 22 2014, 08:12 AM
Still essentially the same thing as it's personal opinion and an excuse to make a shit ton of money.

not really because he can include players that he has never played with before.

[Image: hallsy.png]

Quote:Originally posted by ImOliviaWildeIhavegreattits@Jan 22 2014, 12:18 PM

not really because he can include players that he has never played with before.

He never played with Myers or me he still had me on the top 75 Tongue

West Kendall

Quote:Originally posted by PlayoffAnimal@Jan 22 2014, 10:37 AM

He never played with Myers or me he still had me on the top 75 Tongue

really? i thought the list was people who has played with.

hopefully this is different.

[Image: hallsy.png]

McZ does wat he wants!

Quote:Originally posted by gorlab@Jan 23 2014, 01:16 AM
McZ does wat he wants!

Chris McZehrl III - Anchorage Armada
[Image: McZehrlIII.jpg?ex=667c5d3b&is=667b0bbb&h...3f94d487d&]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)**
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History
**first ever Challenge Cup win after 0-3 in Finals Series

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

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