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Deezy's Top 100 Members

1. JKrever

Where do I start with Krever. He has been the closest buddy I've made on the SHL. We GMed together briefly in Toronto many seasons ago, and those were the best days I've had in the SHL. The activity was super high and my interest was probably as high as its ever been after my season in the NWJHL. We speak on Facebook from time to time, I'm always interested in his articles and he's simply one of the classiest guys on the site.

2. Fever
Fever was close to making it 1st, he's one of the top members the SHL has ever seen. His goaltender is the best in history and he has been one of the most consistent and fair simmers the league has ever seen as well, and I know how tough that could be first hand. Our time in Winnipeg was outstanding, a very active team with an LR like no other. Good times. I would love to play part of the Pack one day.

3. Spidey
I can say he was the best player I ever GMed. The Blazers back in the day was so much fun. The first competitive season that franchise had ever had, and since then has been one of the most recognized franchises in the SMJHL, the Montreal Impact. Spidey was the captain of that team, and since then has really blossomed to make his GM proud. Spidey has been a great friend and I really appreciate all he's done for me and for the league. Kain Webb future HOF!

4. Gifter of Bikes

Another member I GMed and one of my favorite ones at that. He was a killer part of the Impacts and would have continued to be one for the rest of his career, but unfortunately he retired Klose early and now has some flower goaltender. A good friend and a funny guy, makes Seattle a super attractive place to play, once they start wining some games Wink.

5. Toast

A player I GMed and probably the most active Impacts team I have ever been a part of. He was one of many that have stayed friends with me til this day, and I'm proud that he's gone so far in this league. Hopefully he can turn the Chiefs around and bring them back to what they once were. Good luck buddy!


What a crazy kid, the highest user on the list that I have never been on the same team as. Although we came close many times, it always seems like its not meant to be. Also he's my birthday buddy, born on the greatest day ever, February 17th. Bawss.

7. Patches

B) I remember when you were a little junior who just joined the league. Writting your media articles and you had so many god damn emoticons in them, one that really stood out was B). I decided to write my own article, simply based around you and B). Since then I think we've been pretty awesome friends! A serious frenchie, which I love. Too bad we couldn't win that cup together in Tdot Undecided.

8. Chris McZ

One of the sickest mofo's on the websites. My man Gotze. Even though Gotze is a traitor and went to Bayern, Ill never forget the speech you gave me about how he was better than Messi and Ronaldo, and that was like a year or two ago, when I had never heard of the guy haha. Since then I've loved BvB and rooted for them in the Bundesliga. Maybe I'll start calling your REUS or GUNDOGAN, but probably gonna stick to Gotze Wink

9. Leafsftw1967

I think I can honestly say, this is the user I had the most impact on. The kid joined the league with 2 accounts and didn't realize he was not aloud. When he came clean he got a very harsh punishment, missing half the season in the NWJHL. I still drafted the guy and I told him to hang in there. He did and with the help of a great active Impacts team, he made it and eventually took over the Montreal Impacts. I could not be more proud. Now he's one of the leagues top defenders, even though he's alot more quiet then he used to be. Hopefully you'll come around more often!

10. xDParK

This guy. Went from like the shy new kid in the SHL, to some clown running around trolling everyone cracking jokes, to a banned cheater, to a fkn comish, to now being a veteran re-create who basically just floats around. We've shared some awesome times, Montreal Impacts Chico Salmon was fantastic, until u got banned for the playoffs, and Haxball when you were some out of control player who was just hilarious to watch, to now a beast ass player. Also your the sexiest man on the SHL.

11. Syckez

Finally were on the same team Smile Platoon was never really an attractive place to me, but when I heard you were head GM I figured why the hell not! Big brother days were awesome, among others!

12. Duey

Im gonna go and award you funniest member of the SHL award. Vancouver Nightmare teammate, I was always very fond of you. We were partners in GMing one year, that was alot of fun too.

13. Jesster

One of the classiest guys in the SHL, and one of the most historic as well. We have shared some sweet times, one would have to be Comishing the SHL version of the KHL, the "EEL", Together.

14. Otrebor
My Montreal buddy. We joined the league at the same time, we were rivals in the juniors and were among the best prospects to come out of that draft. We had some awesome chats back in the day, then it kind of died out cause ur Hamilton teammates hated me lol.

15. Donini

Started off your career as a true controversial player, which is great cause the Jets got a real steal from you! That early team we had was just outstanding, very active and full of potential. We really deserved to take a cup home, but it wasn't meant to be.

16. JNH

Wow, what a member. You remind me a lot of myself when I first joined. Just super active and non-stop dedication to the league, and one of the leagues best players too. Jordan Nugent Hall and Michael Abdalla are alike in many ways. Hopefully you don't do anything stupid like I did and ruin all of that! Vive L'Impact!

17. Leafs4Ever

Arguably the best GM in the league history. A very classy guy who has always made a competitive team out of the pieces he has. Detroit Red Wings Style. Was really hard to abandon the Jets like I did, along with the other big members, but I think change was needed for everyone. I have faith Winnipeg will be back stronger than ever soon enough.

18. D_A

Mr Quilha Agante, in my eyes was the most lethal defenseman the league has ever seen. I really wish you would have kept him around longer. GMing you on that mental Blazers team was one of the funnest things I've done since my time here.

19. Coolstar87

Like his name says, this guy is cool and he's a star. Toronto has a gem in this guy and hopefully he will stay there forever. Playing with you was super fun.

20. Cuffy

Cuffy, you always reminded me of the cute kid of the league. Always so innocent haha. Glad to be teammates with you again, Winnipeg was outstanding.

21. Snappy

A fellow habs fan, that is suchhhh a homer haha. Awesome kid though, no idea where you are or who ur player is but Petr Klimek was a beast. MR VIVE LIMPACT! Yeee.

22. Teztify

So you started off this like solid defender who didn’t post much, you know basically the exact definition of the Winnipeg Jets of that era. Now your part of some Crew thing and are one of the most active members on the site. Very chill.

23. Lere2001

YOUR BACK! Yes! You totally stole the ROY from Abdalla in S4, I deserved it!!! I’ll never forgive you for that. However you were one of the sickest members of that junior year. Still my favourite time ever in this league was S3 NWJHL. What a thrill!

24. Aaron AAA

Impacts always get bonus points of course, but you were also one of the top goalies to ever lace them up for Montreal, and in the history of both the SMJHL and SHL. You retired a bit early though, it’s too bad you didn’t try and break records and really cement ur name in the history books.

25. Wadester

Wacky kid but awesome to be around. Main attraction of the Texas Renegods. One day Ill be a part of that!

26. Secord

If I remember correctly, you were my first real buddy in the SHL. The Habs Vs Leafs rivalry and the Abdalla vs Secord (bust) rivalry was fantastic. We GMed for a bit together as well. Still one of the very few normal leafs fans out there, most are retarded. Plus you know my childhood secret about the leafs :o

27. Brandon

Best graphics person in the SHL imo. You have made me legendary sigs and I even used one of your logos as my soccer team logo, which I still use btw. Also an all around cool guy.

28. Gooseneck

The other half of the wacky MTL boys, you should bring bag Giova and tell him to stop being this rap god gangster white boy.

29. Giova

Half of the wacky MTL boys. You’re basically inactive, but your player and my player fought last game, which is cool. Come back!

30. Dylan

Im sure your here somewhere baby, come back to me.

31. Sarmo

Was one of my top friends for a long time, GMed the Impacts together was awesome. Best GM duo to ever hit the NWJHL!

32. Deener

Funny guy, love your vids you post. LA Panthers was a movement of all the worst members though, god that was probably the ugliest team ever assembled, but ur cool Tongue

33. MacDaddy

A good friend of mine back in the days of the Nightmare. Man you wanted me to stick around so bad I felt horrible wanting to leave. I think you were upset with me, kind of tore us apart a lil.

34. PlatoonFranchise

Teammates in Winnipeg and now in WK with your new player. Tut is Egyptian, which is my real life nationality, so I like ur guy Wink

35. Ocho

Monster defender and pretty alright user. You could have been the next Scott Stevens of the SHL if you continued to play the part.

36. Kash

Fagget is always going inactive on me, but he’s my real life best friend so I had to put him here. We’ve had some fun times on the SHL, Haxball, Toronto ect. Now I see you’ve been logging in :D

37. Banjo

One of the classiest guys ever to hit up the SHL, too bad I couldn’t play with ya!

38. Dion

Dude you have the worst logic when it comes to rap and hockey. However you’re a pretty cool guy, despite ditching Winnipeg lol.

39. Hallsy

You are so controversial. Your attempts at trolls and stupidities you do around the league really hurt the attractiveness of the team you play for. However I know you from a different angle and your rot all that bad, actually pretty good teammate.

40. The Reak BK

I think we’ve been buds for like 100 seasons, but never really more than that. Good kid. Brett Solberg GOAT.

41. Snipealldaylong

Draftee buddy, we were predicted 1-2 in the draft and both of us were going to Winnipeg. That was one hell of a team, and you are one hell of a D.

42. Bannackock

We’ve had some good times despite your craziness a few seasons ago. Chill dude.

43. Sheriff

One of the oldest members of the SHL, a great graphic artist and always has a hilarious player.

44. Gibby

Funny guy who really loves his wings, Red Wings.

45. Brobrovsky

We Comished a league together and you were part of the Impacts. Awesome Graphics guy.

46. Malcontentcapsfan

I think you played for the Impacts or something, I get you mixed up with someone else. In any case, you’re a cool dude!

47. Harry

Really wanted me to join the Blizzard, one day I will!

48. Mryourface

Awesome teammate, sick forward. Really too bad we couldn’t win a cup man.

49. Phillthethrill

One of the most underrated forwards in the league. Too bad we couldn’t win that cup.

50. Taron

Cool kid, now he’s a teammate but is super quiet. Hopefully ull be back soon.

51. JackCross

Old school, we were in the juniors together, and teammates in Tdot.

52. VintageRockstar

Been on a few teams with you, classy guy when you don’t get angry lol.

53. Diglet

Lil G dog rapper like guy, always reminded me of Giova. Funny guy.

54. Gorlab

Vive Limpact!

55. Green

Classy guy and reacted well to his suspension.

56. Boragina

Impact, played against each other in the juniors.

57. JumpierPegasus

Always liked you, not sure why. Fun guy.

58. BBH

Teammates in Tdot, best backup G ever.

59. Dooley

Solid member, been around forever.

60. Deedz

Best playoff performer ever. Always made the Chiefs attractive.

61. Fisher

Teammates with you at one point.

62. Mexico.27

Your like inactive, but you were awesome back in the day.

63. JoeCool

Classy guy, solid GM.

64. Turd Ferguson

Been around forever, solid guy.

65. Shutout

Looked up to you as a junior, Riley the Riot Raycroft was who I wanted to become when I first joined.

66. Phil.B

Part of the big 3 in question for first overall. I won Smile chill dude.

67. Taylor

Impact, and apparently we are teammates, where are u?

68. Wasty

Impact! You were pissed at me multiple times, but I think you’ve gotten over that.

69. Turkkonen

I saw you post. You always go inactive lmfao.

70. Drodgeral

Teammates in Tdot.

71. C.J.

Teammates right now, just getting to know you.

72. Esnim

Still don’t know much about you, but were teammates and im sure our relationship will grow.

73. Karlsson65

Honestly all you ever do for me in this league is cause others to accuse me of having a multi. If you were more active that would stop, but ur a dick. If you weren’t my brother, you wouldn’t make the list! Stamkos is my favourite player, remember that.

74. Duddy

Cool kid, really good English for a euro guy, I had no idea for the longest time.

75. Riggsy

No real idea where I know you from, but I know I like you.

76. O4L

You seem like a stand up guy, but I don’t really know u.

77. Raymond3000

Chill guy back in the day, not sure if youre still active but I saw your player is.

78. McDonald

Old comish, too bad you went inactive but im happy ur back.

79. Ace

Basically inactive but had one of the best OFDs in history, unless I have no idea who u actually are, but I think ur Erik Chisling?

80. NathanAD

I always found you were a cool guy, I never really felt that being mutual though lol.

81. Velvera

Don’t really know you, but you do a lot of good for the league.

82. Kylrad

Very nice when I was FA, cool guy.

83. Prikulis

Teammates in Winnipeg.

84. Lange

Impact, I get the feeling you hate me for the bullshit that happened on the Impacts.

85. Bbp

Frenchie Smile funny guy

86. Sorryifarted

Never really spoke to you, but u were good at playing a funny role.

87. Lazgreg

Classy guy, true legend.

88. Jaywhy

Don’t know much about you but you seem chill. You fucked your town up in the mafia game though lol.

89. Jon

First pick by the Impacts, made my PT about you Cheers

90. Keenan

Co-GM of the Impacts for a bit. Respect.

91. Tylar

Don’t really know you, but ur cool.

92. OCAirlines

Sometimes most annoying member with ur arguments, but you have gotten a lot better. I respect all you do for the league.

93. Marlo

No real idea who u are, I think ur backlund I is not sure. Marlo is a cool DJ though.

94. Gaia

Not the slightest idea who u are, but Gaia is Armin Van Buuren’s alter ego when producing a certain style of tracks, which is amazing.

95. Bacon

Frenchie, liked you a lot back in the day, but I know you hate me now.

96. Merica

Don’t knw you but u bring a lot of activity which I like.

97. Spangle

Hated you for a while, but you’ve apologized and ur a cool guy now.

98. Nike

Like the brand, but Adidas is the best.

99. Kezkincaid

Apperently you write a lot? Lol good enough for 99!

100. Maxy

I actually cant stand you to be honest, I hate the way you argue and I hate how hard headed you are. However I cant deny we had some awesome times in the Blazers, and u really helped me out a ton when I was a junior. I am grateful for that.

Well that’s it, if I forgot anyone im sorry, I didn’t spend too much time trying to find every member. Also if you changed your username than I probably didn’t recognize you. This was also not at all easy, lots of writing involved and it took some time, so to the whiners just shut up and enjoy people creating some activity. Thanks.

3017 words

All 100 members at one time? No waiting four months?

S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

[Image: mckeiltbb.png]
[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.

20 Sweet Smile i always remember you saying cuff was a steal Wink thats all i remember with back in the day Tongue

[Image: cuffana.png]

"97. Spangle

Hated you for a while, but you’ve apologized and ur a cool guy now."


Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Mar 3 2014, 09:04 PM
"97. Spangle

Hated you for a while, but you’ve apologized and ur a cool guy now."


lol I guess I was a little harsh


Akashi SixNine Jr. Updates


:wub: We haven't talked lately <3. Wait you have LR access still right?

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

Quote:Originally posted by Abdeezy@Mar 3 2014, 08:07 PM

lol I guess I was a little harsh



Deezy baby :wub:

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]


I wear my sunglass at night

You are right I do know your terrible secret. :ph34r:



[Image: hallsy.png]


[Image: kesler.gif]
[Image: vgIymom.png]

71, not bad for just getting to know your face.

[Image: cDMBWce.png]
[Image: 0tCQttQ.png]
LA Panthers Goaltender

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