Obviously we'd have the Koivu brothers on guitar and bass (Gabe gets to be on bass because he sucks). Red Kirkby gets to play drums and Leon on vocals.
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
Totally biased and no relation at all, I would name the team VINS (if you know you know) we would be playing hard rock music with Jess and Unconfident playing the guitar and bass, myself, or Din Djarin on drums, and gotta have the wonderful Tesla on vocals!!
Due to being the Outlaws we would play country music, and a cover of the good the bad and the ugly theme. Billy would play the harmonica, Patches the III would play guitar, and Lord Farquaads would be on vocals. Our band would be called the in-laws because we are very funny and creative
I have to make our name EXTREMELY cheesy, The Battleborn Misfits! Jess, our GM would 100% be lead singer, unleashing some hidden talented vocals. I could see Djarin on drums, it fits the vibe of the true Din Djarin. I mixed with the rest on who may be on keys or base guitar, but I think I’d find myself on guitar. As for how the night would go? It would be absolute chaos.
Nevada would have some sort of dueling pianos band where we take any request no matter how ridiculous. The music may be terrible but the crowd would stay for our jokes.
Jayson Aittokalio would 100 percent play the trumbone, while Tanner Aittokalio would also 100 precent play the drums becuase he has the most rythm. Also, we also would form a band called the Aittokalio'd
There is only one person who plays an instrument on Newfoundland and it's a bit bizarre because it's not a normal one. I won't say who is it, but they only play the xylophone. Weird right, they have it at their locker before every game.
i think tommy westrbrook but this time i upd would play drums and bang on the drums and then my teammate named sash would play on the saxophone for some good other sounds.
I think we'd end up having a rookie prank where each rookie was told they'd have to be an entire band by themselves. We'd all show up wearing one of those one man band outfits and have to try our best to play music.
Anaheim Outlaws band would be a team effort, and it seems obvious we'd be the Anaheim BANDits cause we're a band and we get it. Instead of instruments, every single person on the roster would have a different accapella number. The night would probably end with us being boo'd off stage and @dmuda11 thinking he's super cool or something.
Little did the team know, Sebastien Dubois is a one man band capable of playing many instruments simultaneously. Well, sorta. It’s all loops but we don’t really talk about that much. He can loop drums, guitars and bass. And mever just 1 guitar, aleays multiple and at leadt 3 if possible
The Kraken actually at one point had a band. Kettu was on drums, Base Pack was oddly enough the guitarist, not the bassist that people assumed he was. Jack John was the bassist and lead singer, but the band experiment ended when Pass Forfeit broke into band practice pinging a cowbell in Kettu’s ear
Capy Bara doesn't play any instrument because the noise he makes is actually like a violin and the noise he makes by stomping the ground is the same as a drum.