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Here's what I've been up to

Awhile ago, I left. And when i left, many of you had heartfelt messages for me.

And when I left, I also left all of the discords except Tampa, and haven't spoken to anyone outside of that discord since I've left. Although I have been shitposting here from time to time, as you've seen.

As is always the case, I forget that there are a great deal many people that care about it, be it here or i real life (I'm kind of a big deal you guys).

It's raining today, and I don't think I'll get any work done, but I have a drive to write and so I figured I'd update you on what's been going on. A social media post for the SHL


In december, I bought a house (first one!). It's a large farm house on 2 acres, with a small detached garage and a small barn. When I left the league in march, I was living alone. I had a plan to live with others, but it was a waiting game. And so, my house was empty. I had moved from a 1BR apartment to a 4 BR house. It was very empty. It was also March in Michigan, which means it was winter and would continue to be winter until about a week ago. I was not great.

But, in the last month or so, a great deal has happened.

The first thing that happened was I got roommates. A husband and wife, their two children (4 and 2) and our mutual very good friend moved in. We have been sharing life together and it has been great. Our mutual friend is a musician trying to transition from playing bars in bumfuck nowhere to making some inroads in Grand Rapids, an area of about a million people. He recently had a very successful trip to Nashville and plans to move there in about a year. The husband and wife are moving out of a friend's house and into mine, and using my home as a launch pad towards home ownership. Or something. they are self admitted nomads who cant stay in one place. They are also switching roles, as the wife has become an EMT after lots of sleepless nights studying after the kids are asleep, and the husband is quitting his job to stay home with the kids. He is an artist and sometimes works by commission, but it has never paid the bills well enough (or if it does, it does at great cost to his sanity) so he has always had to work. However, he always quits after 6 months or so, not because he is a bad worker or unintelligent, but because he's more likely to kill himself than continue working at the same place for many years. That is not hyperbole.

The great benefit of having a family with us two bachelors is...well, there are many. Number one, they furnished this place in a way we could only dream. One section of the house is a sort of brick lodge, with great hewn wooden beams from some barn. It has a fireplace, which we have surrounded with couches and turned into an "Adults only" area, where the kids aren't allowed. This is where the adults have been working or lounging. other benefit is food. Both husband and wife are excellent cooks and can whip up anything with any ingredients. The wife is always saying things like "We should paint that white wall" and I'm always like "holy shit you can do that?". They are a lot less tolerant of messiness than I am too, so the house stays clean. They dont pay rent so i dont think they mind the additional work.

Now comes the other great news about what's been going on.


I have a farm! Basically.

Previous owners of this home did a great deal of planting and maintaining, and left me only a few notes on what was here. So, much of it has been discovery, and some has been from the sweat of my own brow.

The land has 2 plots that were tilled and used. It also has a great compost pile started, a fire pit area, 3 raised beds, mushroom logs, and many other food-bearing plants scattered around the property.

I also built a raised bed and planted 2 rows of onions, 1 row of radishes, and 1 row of carrots. I know nothing of gardening, so it's been very exciting watching things spring to life! I used some of the compost to help get the bed started. The other 3 beds I will replace, as they are overrun with grass and weeds.

[Image: YqBXrh5.jpg]

I also planted 2 rows of Asparagus crowns, because who doesn't like asparagus?? The crowns are 1 year old and will yield in 1 additional year. They have already begun to spring up, which i am also very happy with. I'm just winging it out here. This weekend, I'll also plant some corn and some cucumbers!

[Image: OJbICeM.jpg]

However, we also discovered that the previous owners had also planted asparagus! We have more asparagus right now than we know what to do with, and we have about 20 more planted in the plot.

[Image: xOlytXB.jpg]

Here are some strawberries they had planted we discovered, under some kind of anti-animal netting

[Image: dj5JsXT.jpg]

The aforementioned mushroom logs were shitake mushrooms and they have bore us a little over a pound so far. We've been eating well.

[Image: Fgw6et1.jpg]

Just look at that

[Image: 1nLRzsB.jpg]

Speaking of mushrooms, we also discovered that Morels will grow on our property

[Image: ieBNl0c.jpg]

In mid March, a little too late, I started tapping my maple tree. I ended up with about 3 gallons of sap. Syrup cooks down about 40 to 1, and 3 gallons is not that much at all. I ended up burning the batch and it became a very sticky candy substance. Very tasty, but almost inedible with how sticky it was. Better luck next year!

[Image: MoDozaT.jpg]

We also discovered heirloom rhubarb out front. Worth it's weight in gold. The wife made a strawberry Rhubarb pie and i needed to change my pants.

[Image: TXQzlM7.jpg]

Did I mention the bees?

[Image: will-arnett-bees.gif]

I have bees now. In december I signed up for an all inclusive beekeeping course. It was about $800 and money well spent. It's been about 4 classes, but comes with the boxes, suit, tools, and a starter nucleus, as well as answering any questions and reviewing our beehive locations. I'm very very excited about this. The bees were very hostile the first day and moving them to the box was one of the most frightening experiences I've ever had. Ever been surrounded by 200 angry bees? Thankfully, i was not stung at all. But we all got stung once later that day lol. Since then, I can pop over without any equipment and check the feeder box, which has about a half gallon of 1:1 sugar to water solution. They are docile and wont bother you if you arent digging into their shit.

[Image: bfcdQQO.jpg]

Additionally, not pictured, we have found the following on the property.

10 young cherry trees
2 grape plants, on opposite ends of the property
about 10,000 raspberry bushes, scattered
Lilacs abound
2 young apple trees
a magnolia bush
a huge aspen tree that threatens to upend the barn
a dead chicken from the neighbors (they wander our yard a lot)
many many flowers
a rich, diverse lawn that we are not really trimming at all.
some wheat here and there, evidence that it was once sown in the fields I dug up (oosp)
New gourd/pumpkin plants in the compost that will likely spread their vines all over the yard and bear more fruit. The cycle continues

Many of my mornings look like this.
[Image: Rn4LY6t.jpg]

Some nights, we sit by the firepit and smoke cigars. A few times we've hosted a bon fire and each time I got drunk and each time I get very very sick the week after.

I am very content right now. I feel good. Spirits are high. Every day I step out into the back yard and survey what I have and I can hardly believe it.

I will be back. The plan has always been S69. I cant quit that now! Its the goddamned sex number! Plus, I feel VAN deserves at least a 350 player to play with, after they drafted me. I don't want to retire Backup Goaltender just yet.

But that's what I've been up to! Thanks for checking in

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

That looks awesome af

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]


You are amazing... much love. <3

[Image: Wally.png]


This is such a cool update

Points Spent Breakdown:
Farming 5 -> 14 (30)
Mental Health 13 -> 17 (79)
Bees! 5 -> 13 (18)

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, @TheOPSquid, and @MN_Moosey for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate


did you give the chicken a name yet

[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]
[Image: KPt6Yuu.png]


Eyo a farm? I’d like to buy all my produce from you


[Image: CampinKiller.gif]


this is the future liberals want

[Image: steveoiscool.gif]

Loving this update.

[Image: image.png]
[Image: v2ZHYxx.png]

Bromanov playing stardew valley irl

Glad to hear you’re doing well!

[Image: 8cjeXrB.png]
[Image: XigYVPM.png]
[Image: VGl3CB4.png]

Are you still teaching?

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


05-25-2022, 04:15 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: did you give the chicken a name yet

Would you do the honors?

05-25-2022, 04:27 PMCampinKiller Wrote: Eyo a farm? I’d like to buy all my produce from you

I ate all of it

05-25-2022, 06:37 PMluke Wrote: Are you still teaching?

No, i stopped after december. I had a miscommunication and ended up teaching 2 classes (3 credit hours each) instead of just the one. And, one of them I had never done before nor was I an expert in it (multiplayer game programming). It was immensely stressful and I felt like I failed my students, as only about 3 of the 10 passed. I still would like to teach intro classes, because you get a really good opportunity to see some lights turn on in some heads. The program is mostly artists with about 30% programmers, but I find the artists are better equipped to practice as a default mode, and thus they always do way better.

Maybe I'll return. I live 30 minutes away now, and honestly I just hate having commitments. I can barely hold a WoW raid schedule lmao

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]


[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

We have never interacted before, but I am honestly glad things are working out for you and you are enjoying yourself! The farm legit seem fantastic! Looking forward to seeing you back in the league in the future <3

[Image: 57771_s.gif]

[Image: CXrxOKM.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png][Image: EnHtzQl.png]

[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

Congrats on the house man, as someone else in the same area who's been looking to find one, that's no small feat. We also still have to meet up for drinks sometime haha

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

Looks like the good life man. Glad you're doin well

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