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Draft GM Expo Extravaganza (X2 Draft Media)

InterviewHello my fellow otters and otterly adorable humans! With our beloved otter von bismarck making his debut into the league we thought we would take some time to reach out to the GMs of this seasons smjhl draft. Hopefully with the draft over they will be more open to sharing a little about themselves and what they were thinking from a GMs perspective that a lot of our players may not often get to see. Without further adieu let's get into it!

InterviewFirst up is @Ragnar an anchorage GM a very kind individual who jumped into my interview with an excitement even greater than mine.

InterviewTell me something about yourself

I’m Ragnar. Been a member of the SHL since 2013. Managing anchorage for about five seasons now.

InterviewWonderful to meet you Ragnar you seem like a rather cheerful presence taking care of your team.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

Our first pick was D Jobin. @Jobin is a great locker room presence and knows how to build a player well. Plus he’s a defenseman, which we really needed.

InterviewD Jobin was certainly a very sought after prospect in this draft. I'm sure he will prove to be a wonderful pickup. For those that dont know D Jobin as a great all arounder defensmen with a vast pool of stamina to draw from and a great control over the puck.

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft? Where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

We had gaping holes in defense. We’re losing two more after this season. So we definitely wanted to fill some holes on defense, which I think we did very well.

InterviewOnly time will tell that's for sure. In my unprofessional opinion I think you've done a great job on the rebuild so far and I hope things will look up for you this season.

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?

Too many to name.

InterviewThat seems to be quite the theme for this draft a lot of love for all our prospects out there.

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?

Otters are very cute and hold hands on while they sleep so they don’t float away.

InterviewThat we do it can be very scary taking a nap where you can be swept away so like the unity of the locker room we must stick together like glue.

InterviewNext up we reached out to contact @dmuda11 AKA Aleks, a wonderfully patient GM who was happy to answer my questions but as you'll see, unfortunately an otter hater :(

InterviewTell me something about yourself

Hello! I am dmuda11 on the site, but everyone calls me aleks. I manage the Whalers in the J. But apart from that, I am a fijian Canadian dude that likes to play games, and sports. I went to school for CS a little bit but decided that wasn't really me so I'm going for heavy mechanics soon!

InterviewHello there Aleks a pleasure speaking with you today I wish you the best of luck with the upcoming schooling as well with the upcoming season meaning the Whalers.

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

It's hard for me to say because I'm heading into my 2nd season ever GMing, would like to thank HO for believing in me for the role btw, because like I'm 100% sure if I was ho I wouldn't have given someone like me the job. When I joined the site 5 years ago I always wanted to do this so it's legit a dream. Like sometimes I'm just scrolling on the main page and when I see I'm a manager I'm awestruck. I first and foremost like to think that I specifically draft people that would talk in our LR, I'm not trying to build a team, I'm trying to build a community. You will probably never see me trade for an IA to make a better cup run. I think I've done a good job of it thus far because when I took over initially there were maybe 4 actives? And now our whole team I'd say are actives. (17 people!) Our discord is fucking bumping so much harder compared to when I took over and it just makes me feel so reassured, as when I took the job I felt like I wasn't good enough, so it's like a redemption arc for me.

IInterview'm glad to hear you're in your redemption arc. It sounds like you are an incredibly caring GM and the team you've cultivated is very lucky to have you, as they say it takes a village. Hopefully the incredible moral of this active locker room will lead you all to a good seasonal run nonetheless.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

I got @spooked at 3, and to be honest I was thrilled with the pick as spooked and I go back a little bit. Spooked is super active on discord and makes sick players so there isn't much else you could ask for.

InterviewAlways a great choice to secure an old friend. Spooked is a Centerman who really knows how to play as a team, always staying open and passing where he can to keep the opposition on their toes and using up their precious stamina.

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

Oh buddy there were holes everywhere. Like, I just didn't have players man.

InterviewWell thankfully we had quite a juicy draft class this season so the new pickups should really help your veteran players get some rest.

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?


InterviewAleks Requested this question not be made public

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?

Hate, especially Simons, glutes, and gwd

InterviewThankfully he seems to not have noticed the one interviewing him as also an otter

InterviewNext up we have @Fluw as fluffy and loving as his team's namesake this GM of Yukon with complete trust and confidence in their rapidly growing pack.

InterviewTell me something about yourself

I am honestly the worst with these kinds of questions, as I find myself to be boring but, I can give it a shot. I am overly loving of everyone, and basically my main goal in this league is to have fun and ultimately ensure everyone else has fun with it. I served on SMJHL HO, SHL HO, WJC HO, and am currently as you obviously know an SMJHL GM, and the Lead Historian so I really love being able to give back to the league.

InterviewYou've given so much back to the league in the forms of your various positions and I'm sure your knowledge of it is going to be an invaluable asset to the players under your wing.

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

My management style as a GM would be more of passive one. I prefer my players build their players the way they want to build, I am not really into meta building or pushing my players into one specific build. Additionally, my main goal as GM is to give players a safe space, and family type of environment so they can ultimately fall in love, and enjoy their SHL experience.

InterviewIm sure your players are incredibly grateful for your guidance as their parental figure on their journey through the SHL just make sure you get your Father/Mothers day gifts from them. You deserve it.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

My first pick this draft at #2 overall was Theodor Larsson aka @Zema. Back in S55 Zema and I were both drafted to The New England Wolfpack in the first round of that same draft, and have become really good friends since then. When he was in this draft, there was no chance I was passing up the opportunity to draft him.

InterviewWhat a twist of fate that you two would be reunited on another canine related team! For those that dont know Theodor Larsson looks to currently be a great all arounder center player but signs point to him having massive growth in the near future.

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

Well my goal was to have our scouting start at the trade deadline to ensure we got as close as possible to scouting every single player in the draft and then ranking them based on our conversations, likelihood of success, level of discord activity , overall character and positional need. Effectively this past draft we had only 4 roster spots available, and 3 of them were pressing. We needed a 3C, a bottom pairing , and a backup goalie, however for the goalie our starter is still with us for another 2 seasons so I was not as concerned for this position.

InterviewA great insight to this question. I love to see a full thoughtful response and I encourage those of you reading that aspire to be GMs to take a look at their team before and after the draft and really think through why they made the draft decisions they did.

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?

Honestly speaking, I don't have any regrets about the draft. It's really hard because you end up liking almost every single user you chat with, and know they will fit in well with your team but it's impossible to draft everyone. I am happy with the players we got, and honestly I am sure those we didn't draft are going to turn out to be fantastic players and I hope they succeed!

InterviewA truly positive individual in the league we love to see. I'm sure i speak for all of us when i say we hope your players and team find great success this season just slightly less success then us im sure you understand. ;P

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?

Otters are fantastic, when I was a child I think around 7 years old, so 21 years ago now, I had to choose an animal to write a book report about and I chose Otters. 10/10 would do so again.

InterviewA true friend to otters through and through if you ever find yourself needing to do a book report again we will be here.

InterviewNext up we have @Chevy a GM for the Grizzlys with intellect to match the strength of well of a grizzly.

InterviewTell me something about yourself

I like to golf.

InterviewUnfortunately as an otter I have no talent for golf.

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

I'd like to think my management style as a GM is analytical. I compile lots of data and then analyze it alongside performance metrics reported in the game. I want success through the success of my players.

InterviewSounds like the perfect asset to those players who may be struggling with their builds or those incredibly competitive looking to snag themselves a cup.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

My first pick this draft was Bobby McGinnis (@erikvm). Right from the get go, they were energetic and made fantastic quips about being a Grizzly. I wanted, without question, that sort of energy on the team and in the locker room.

InterviewA great locker room presence truly trumps all. For those unaware Bobby McGinnis with the speed,control and strength capable of turning even well trained goaltenders into absolute fools in any situation.

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

Our strategy this draft was to replace the robots and get live bodies via a mixture of recreates and 1st gens.

InterviewAlways great to give this opportunity to some first gens and who knows they may even pay you back with a cup by the end of the season.

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?

Nichael Fitted (@PremierBromanov). I've been trying for some time to get him as a Grizzly. Had I had the spare picks, I would have jumped hard at 'em this draft but I had to really try and get the mixed-picks we needed to fill holes and spread out between 1st Gen and recreates.

InterviewWell perhaps not now but future trade offers may find this winger torn between teams who can't wait to get their hands on them.

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?

Otters are awesome.

Interview^This is the correct response

InterviewNext up we have @sköldpaddor GM for the Nevada Battleborn, an absolutely precious individual whose excitement and care for her team and players, especially members new to the SHL, easily bleeds through their answers.

InterviewTell me something about yourself

I’m Jess, I’ve been GM of the Nevada Battleborn since just before S60. I’m also a rookie mentor (because I just love getting people excited about the site), a member of SHL head office, and I’ve been here in the SHL for about three and a half years now. I’ve made so many amazing friends here and I hope I can help other people find their fun place here so they can do the same.

InterviewI for one think you'll do an amazing job helping these young rookies find a permanent place in this league. I know I keep coming back for the community myself despite my history of going inactive. I find myself missing all this camaraderie.

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

My management style is focusing first on building a fun locker room where people can feel safe to be themselves. As a woman and a queer person working on sports I am aware that a lot of the time sports can feel a little less than welcoming to a lot of people, and I try to create an environment where nobody ever has to worry about that, where we can talk about hockey as much as each person’s knowledge level allows and just generally bond over team stuff. It’s taken me several seasons, but I feel like I have a pretty solid footing on the sim stuff and I’m always happy to help people out with their builds, but I focus first on the locker room stuff because I’ve found that if you have a good locker room, the other stuff tends to fall into place a lot easier.

InterviewIt is absolutely wonderful to have you here as much as others may try to be inclusive and nonjudgmental they will most likely never understand the same way as someone who lives through it and i hope to those who are worried about staying in the worlds of sports can take solace seeing you in a position managing a team and know that we strive to be a inclusive and judgment free haven.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

My first draft pick *ever* back in the S60 SMJHL draft was @SchwarzNarr aka Melvin Majestik-Moose, and she is an amazing person to have in the locker room, both just as a personality and also as somebody who has been a huge help in the war room. We believed she would be a central part of the rebuild we had inherited in Nevada, and she has proven us right every step of the way.

InterviewThis was a mistake on my part for being unclear as I meant to reference this draft only but I did want to leave it in as it is very sweet.

Our first pick in this draft was Alexi Piastri (@Vbottas17) - he has a long history on the site (goes back about five years further than I do, I think), and most importantly, my co-GM had terrific scouting talks with him. I was away on business during most of the main scouting period for this draft, so Aleris was doing a lot of the heavy lifting in scouting and I was happy to trust his judgment on this one. If you ask him, he might be able to give you some more details there, but he’s also

InterviewUnfortunately I waited far too long to find the energy to do these questions and today is the last day of draft media but a long standing recreate is never a bad pickup!

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

We lost a lot of players to callups this season and we knew we needed to replace a little of this and a little of that. We ended up drafting all forwards, but seeing as we needed basically everything, we focused first on the locker room fit stuff.

InterviewNothing is worse for team morale than a negative locker room presence. It seems rightfully such a theme that it is what most GMs prize more than even your skill on the ice, something to think about when impressing your future as SHL prospects.

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?

I had really great talks with @Andy (Pawter Meowski) before the draft, one of the people I was able to scout myself, and Aleris and I were pretty well decided that it was going to be either him or Piastri depending on who was there at our pick at 11OA. In the end, Andy went earlier than we picked anyway, so that choice ended up being made for us, but I really did have a great time talking to him and would have been thrilled to have been able to bring him in.

That being said, I think picking up Paul Peterson(@TheDangaZone) at 25OA was an absolutely insane steal. When he was still there at 11 we considered taking him there, but decided to stick to the original plan, and we were absolutely floored he was still there at 25. So it’s hard to be mad about who we didn’t get to draft when it feels like we got two top-ten picks at 11 and 25.

InterviewAn excellent draft I hope these rookies can do right by you and their teammates by putting on a good show for all.

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?


InterviewNext off we have @Ruggsy a GM for the Raptors I would describe the feeling they give me as seeing a Gelatinous cube for the first time. Terrifying

InterviewTell me something about yourself

Well I have been In this league since August of 2020, Went to the raptors and the season I got called up was the same season I was hired as Co GM so really I’ve been with the raptors my entire time on the site and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the Islanders and simulations/statistics which is really why I ended up here in the first place. Besides that I love doing DnD, messing with graphics, and I’m a big hip hop nerd.

InterviewPlease to make your acquaintance ruggsy i also am a lover of DnD and if you want something truly… interesting to listen to i want you to know that chap-hop is something that somehow exists.

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

This is a tough one because I cant say I really have one style. Jumbo and I really try and embody the purpose of this league as much as possible. That purpose being this is a development league. To put it simply, If you end up on the Raptors we will do anything we can that by the time you leave you’ve learned to succeed on this site and made some good friends on the way. Quality and friendly activity keeps people checking in, people who want to be here want to succeed, people who want to succeed leads to a good team. It’s definitely a juggle to keep the cycle going because we also need to be pushing for cups at the same time. We do not believe in blowing up the team for rebuilds because what new user wants to be on a bad team immediately when they join the site.

InterviewWe all dream of being the main character winning a cup on our first ever season. It can't happen for all of us but some must have their dream fulfilled and I love that you want to make sure they get that chance. Overall sounds like a wonderful locker room to learn and grow in the SHL.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

We picked C9Van as our first pick. Jumbo had talked to them scouting wise and while I didn’t know them personally at the point, I knew they are a user who has been here for a few years and is a pleasure to talk to. What more could you want from a first round pick.

InterviewA great locker room presence recreate a great pickup! @C9Van Issac-fortyone is an absolute unit of a defenseman, physically one of the best skaters of the draft class. I truly feel sorry for the poor rookies that will be charging into his line on the ice.

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

We had massive holes in D (as did many teams), we didnt end up where we were aiming position wise but luckily in the J you can move people as around as needed. Its worth making someone play out of position for a season in order to get amazing people onto your team and figure it out later.

InterviewPart of the beauty of the Js really showing off the flexibility of these players to help out their team in any way they can.

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?

If there is ever a time I answer no to this question then something is seriously wrong. I’d rather not give too many names because I’m very happy with our draft and don’t want someone misconstruing that lol. On the other hand I dont mind naming @Zema cause I know there was no timeline where Fluw didn’t end up getting him but I do love Zema

InterviewLots of love out there for Zema they definitely seem to have garnered lots of support on the site there im sure the Malamutes feel very lucky and excited to welcome them into their locker room

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?

I think they are pretty damn cool, the fact that they like to stack cups is hilarious. I also like that they are very cute while also being able to do some good damage if they wanted to

InterviewA great description of me on the ice if i do say so myself i am also a sucker for a good stack of cups

InterviewUp next @Patty the starfish with an scheme to land another 4 star cup on their record

InterviewTell me something about yourself

I'm Patty and i'm from St. Louis!

InterviewHello patty from St.Louis! Wonderful to meet you

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

Relaxed is how I'd describe my style lol. I'm the kind of person who thinks things will work out one way or another.

InterviewA very supportive position to your players cheer them on if they win and help pick themselves up if they've fallen

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

I picked Rasmus Bergling! @JNH he was one of the first GMs to draft me in the SHL and he's been an amazing friend to me over the last 2 years.

InterviewWhat a beautiful switch up i'm glad you were able to get someone so close to you to add to the locker room!

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

This draft I wanted a good mix of Recreates and New Users. Newfoundland has a very strong LR and I was out to find users who would help build that

InterviewI know i've said it before but to the new users out there you attitude and involvement in the locker room is a big part of how you are perceived

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?

There's always a few! I really enjoyed talking to @Hammer, @Andy and @bbjygm. I'm also sad I didn't get to draft my buddy Sweg (@foxy)

InterviewIf only we could draft everyone, sadly all teams must get a chance for their shot at these beautiful rookies.

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters

Love otters they're super cute!

InterviewHeck yea!

InterviewI may have bit off more than i can chew but i can't give up this far in please welcome a GM for the Regina Els @lespoils

InterviewTell me something about yourself

I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen

InterviewTechnically i have no evidence to refute this

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

I'm more of a slow builder, you won't see me go all-in one season then rebuild for a while and try it again.

InterviewThey do say a solid foundation is your secret to success.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

@bbjygm/hodor is a renowned user of the site making him a very safe pick for a great earner and can contribute a lot to the LR both in terms of activity and in terms of technical knowledge to help automate multiple aspects of our lives.

InterviewAn excellent first pick i know a lot of teams were gunning for Hodor hopefully he helps in guiding his fellow rookies throughout the season.

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

Always go with the Best Player Available and figure it out later. Somehow we ended taking mostly defense but only one instance we were very close to taking a forward instead.

InterviewThe draft can be a wild place but you can't lose sight of the larger picture

InterviewIs there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?

Paul Peterson. The draft was taking place exactly 4 years to the day since TDZ drafted my first player to Halifax. We tried trading up to get him too when he was still available in the 2nd but couldn't get it done in time.

InterviewAn absolute shame im sure @TheDangaZone would have loved to have a reunion and i do home they are happy over on the battleborn

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?

If you post something other than otters in channels dedicated to otters, you are scum.

InterviewTrue i would riot if i ever saw this

InterviewI want to preface this by saying I would never pick favorites and as a reported remain unbiased in these interviews. With that out of the way let me welcome an absolute unit a literal god amongst men GM of the Carolina Krakens Chris Conner (@se7ven)

InterviewTell me something about yourself

I'm now the longest tenured active SMJHL GM, at 10 seasons, and the 7th one to hit that mark. Former athlete and data analyst turned endurance runner and (eventually, hopefully) doctor.

InterviewIt is truly shocking the way his life just made me feel inadequate in shl, health, education, and career in two sentences. Clearly an advanced human

InterviewWhat would you say your management style is as a gm?

I have two perpetual goals, developing a community that people feel safe in and want to be a part of, and helping others identify what they find fun in the SHL and enabling them to pursue it. From that, I measure myself in users retained, site jobs held by my people and alumni, and while wins are nice they are notably a secondary thing. I don't chase peak seasons as hard as others because I don't want to sacrifice resources that will make the team a fun place in a following season.

InterviewA greatly appreciated style and I for one am excited to spend my time in the smjhl with you despite the mutiny I attempted on day 2. Honestly now that i am finally at my own GM im reminded why i started writing this absolute slog of a piece because i think it is good to have a place where your GMs can state exactly how they feel about the job they are doing as a whole and it can really give you a great sense of who they are and feel closer to them knowing how they view their own positions.

InterviewWho was your first pick and what made them so valuable to pick up?

KyIe Murray,@jimmysmo's 3rd player. Jimmy has been an integral part of the Carolina locker room and a good friend to many of us these last two years. He's great with new users, has unique connections and experiences to offer that I don't, and sees the league in a similar lens to myself.

InterviewI look forward to sharing the ice with Kyle Murray. Kyle is a beautiful winger really capable of just sniping one home as soon as he gets his stick on the puck the game might as well already be over. I know during our practices i have struggled to anticipate his shots myself.

InterviewWhat was your strategy this draft where did you feel there was holes in your team that you really wanted to fill?

My plan for the draft was to load up on players. We've been lacking depth for a few seasons, and I wanted to combine the shift of losing 4th lines with a deep investment in players to load up the roster in a sustainable way. While I generally prioritize first gen users, all four of my first picks were recreates this time and that was not a requirement but was considered. Each of the 4 recreates has a different experience and set of connections in the league and will both improve the depth of the roster compared to the average class and greatly improve the first-gen experience over the next few seasons.
Is there any player you regret not being able to bring to your roster?
I had three players I was looking at for pick 19. One I expected to be there, one that should be there, and one that I didn't think would make it that far down the board. The "should be there" target was gone, the "might be there" target was still there, and RM was surprisingly available. Leading up to that pick and while on the clock I started to work on trades for an additional second rounder, but didn't have anything set in stone. I chose RM, thinking there was a better chance to work a deal for a pick where the other target was still there. I was close, but things fell through with a team that wanted an additional pick beyond the value of the trade and I had to watch that player get taken before we'd be on the clock again.

InterviewAn absolute shame I will always mourn those brothers and sisters that could not join our little family.

InterviewWhat are your thoughts on otters?

He love otters don't worry about what he wrote, he doesn't abuse us. This is not a cry for help.

InterviewUnfortunately I could not get comments from the other GMs before my own deadline to submit this. I was however able to get my hands on a few other goalies from my draft clase to see how our little petri dish of the league sees itself.

InterviewFirst off we have someone who is personally very close to me and the reason I keep getting suckered into recreating and writing multi thousand word articles when he knows ima end up inactive. This season he convinced me 3 hours before the draft to suddenly sneak in with a new goalie here is August Von Hecht (@Cptsquall) new draftee of the Anchorage Armada!

InterviewWhat is one thing others might not know about you?

I am from Germany and I tend to think of myself as a much more introverted person. It can be hard being in such a busy and loud locker room but they have been very kind and have made me feel quite included already. I am also still very obsessed with 80s music, the best the world has ever made honestly.

InterviewWho, if anyone, do you see as your biggest rival right now?

Nobody perhaps that will change after a few seasons but who can i compare myself to if we have not even played a game against each other yet.

InterviewIs there any team your player is looking to get into at the SHL level?

There are some who have expressed interest in me as the user. August has no plans yet however

InterviewIf you were an otter what type would you be and why?

Sea Otter to get swole and look at bikini clad beach babes.

InterviewWhat's the best thing that has been said in your locker room since you joined?

That Gabe has emaciated Legs

(Those last 2 are direct quotes because even I had no idea what to do with that.)

InterviewSecondly i was able to get in contact with my net brother Adam Prpich (@Rich) he has been around the site a lot longer than i have but this is really my first time getting to know and interact with him so far it has already been a joy to share the locker room and hopefully soon the net with him.

InterviewWhat is one thing others might not know about your player?

I’ve said it on the podcast more than twice, so some people may know. My player’s last name is taken from a player who played for the University of North Dakota. I think this would have been 2004ish. Thought the name was different, and kind of cool. It also happens to be Croatian, which has the added perk of letting me be a IIHF free agent for the first time.

InterviewWho, if anyone, do you see as your biggest rival right now?

I don’t really think I’ve got anyone I would consider a rival. I’ve had some playful rivalries in the past at the user level, but not really anything at the player level that I can think of. As a user, I just try to focus on what I’m doing. Trying to earn as much TPE as I can and build the best player I can. Although, if the sim stuff aligns things right, I do like the idea of my player developing a rivalry with another player.

InterviewIs there any team your player is looking to get into at the SHL level?

Not for lore purposes, no. On my previous player, I wanted a team that would be a large market. One that would shine the spotlight on him, like Manhattan or LA. This player, I don’t think I have anything like that. Partly because, as a goalie, our options are going to be more limited. But also because I don’t think this player will care where he ends up. He just wants to prove himself, doesn’t matter where.

InterviewIf you were an otter what type would you be and why?

I had to look up different kinds of otters. I’m going with a hairy-nosed otter. My player render is Stuart Skinner with a mustache. The mustache is crucial. So, hairy-nosed otter.

InterviewWhat's the best thing that has been said in your locker room since you joined?

I don’t even know. I’m a big fan of both sloth and fitted, so everything those two have said since I joined is my favorite.

InterviewThere we have it i would like to thank everyone who for participated for taking the time to indulge me and answer my questions i hope that some find this host of opinions on that draft and draft class to be at least a little interesting if not a truly apologize to the poor grader i will be shoving this on to since this onto.

As i hope this time i will be sticking around on the site unlike my last few attempts i would like to say a small bit about myself the user. I know oh so little about actual hockey I know the rules and that is pretty much my entire knowledge given to me by my family who loved hockey. My articles will most likely always be from either an objective fact/statistic place or simple character rp fun. It can feel weird being in a hockey league when I know I do not always even like watching it on TV. However I want it to be known that the community of this league and the people I have met have always kept me coming back. I want you all to know you've created a wonderful slice of the internet that even someone who doesn't like traditional hockey games or media. Really enjoy coming here to share in the love of this mutual game we are playing and if I'm lucky to make friends with some of you amazing people.

(6575 words not inluding this submitted at 5:03 Pst 7/12/2022 the final day of draft double media)

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[Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

Get paid!!!!

Nice article!

[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

I appreciate the kind words a lot! <3

[Image: andyj18.gif]

[Image: andybj18.gif]

[Image: pawter_meowski.png]


[Image: rKRYSW6.png]


Great article!

[Image: YS5xUTw.png]
[Image: or8VMxO.gif]

Wowzers what a piece of work. Great job!

[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

ope. i missed the management style question apparently. sorry!

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

L didnt interview me



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Never forget

07-13-2022, 07:52 PMArmTheSharks Wrote: L didnt interview me

Im sorry sharks D: i decided to do this the last day before double draft ended so i just picked one of each from the home page

[Image: il_fullxfull.2951208976_e3ir.jpg]

[Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

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