Written Task: Describe an appropriate punishment for using ChatGPT to do point tasks. The sillier the better.
This is easy. I think that you should break down the punishment into 5 easy steps. First of all this makes things easier to understand. Second I can't count any higher than five so I won't be able to keep track of this.
One: The person has to create a 10 minute apology video on youtube using either a) a script approved by HO or b) a script written by HO. The player has to show TRUE remorse on the video, crying is highly reccomended. If 66% of people who watch the video don't feel like that the user is truly showing remorse, then that user will have to make a new video.
Two: The user in question will have to re-write every PT or task that they used ChatGPT for. Complete rewrite, except that this time the word count is 500 words. It has to then be approved by the PT head as fulfilling all the requirements and satisfying the prompt in order to pass.
When it comes to dealing with mischievous folks who think they can outsmart the system by using ChatGPT or any AI for fictional point tasks on the Simulation Hockey League (SHL) website, we could get a little creative with the punishments. The first one is the Feather-Quill Warning. For first-time offenders, we could send them a virtual feather quill to write a 500-word essay on the importance of fair play in SHL. They must submit this before they can continue playing. Next is the Reverse Points Curse where instead of simply deducting points, we could give them negative points! Every time they use AI to cheat, their point total goes into the negatives, making them the laughingstock of the league. Third, the Timeout Time Warp, where for those who repeatedly break the rules, we could impose a "time warp" suspension. They'll be temporarily banned from the SHL, but during this period, they'll age twice as fast in real life. It's like a virtual Benjamin Button experience. Another one is the Banishment to the Iceberg where in extreme cases, we could banish the troublemakers to a virtual iceberg within the SHL universe. They'll have to play their games there, and the only food available is virtual iceberg lettuce. The Emoji Penance: Offenders might have to communicate exclusively in emojis for a week as a form of virtual atonement. ??? One of my favourites is the Virtual Penalty Box where if someone keeps causing chaos, we could introduce a virtual penalty box where they have to spend time alone with a holographic version of a grumpy referee. Lastly, we could use an AI Robot Umpire. We could create an AI referee that only they have to deal with for all their future SHL games. The AI referee might have a quirky sense of humor, making every game unpredictable.
The appropriate punishment for using chatgpt or any ai to write points tasks instead of doing it yourself should be to be forced into service as a human ai writing tool for the number of people equal to the number of tpe you were caught using chatgpt to earn. So if you use it once for an mpt then you need to be one random user's personal ai for a week. If you do it for a few weeks of pt and mpt then it's a lot. The punishment is that you will be prompted by a randomly selected user with whatever they'd have written to prompt chatgpt to do their point task for them, but your punishment is to use their prompt to do their homework for them. Someone is going to send you "you are a pretend hockey player in a simulated league. You have been asked to write something or other about this or that" and you have to do it!
The rule I have would be for each goal scored, all players on the ice must do a shot of vodka. For goalies, they must take a quarter shot of vodka. With this rule, it encourages strategy. As you score more goals, you will also get a weaker team. So do you send out your fourth line against their first line, hoping that the other team's top players get drunk quicker. Or do you try to match top lines, keeping your best players on par with theirs. You'd see an increase in depth scoring as teams started to get more drunk. As well, scoring would increase as defense got sloppy and goalies were getting more drunk. Going for a hat trick would also be a detriment to a player, as they may not be wanting to do 3 vodka shots in one night. At the very least, fans would find some entertainment as the best players in the league stumble off the ice, nearly puking.
Easy peasy. Three teams, two pucks and a triangular ice surface.
Eighteen players line up, three sets of two wingers surround three centers, behind them in a large circle are six defenders evenly spread out. The ref drops two pucks stacked on top of each other and tries to get out of there as fast as they possibly can.
After that? Pure mayhem.
If you want to increase viewership you've got to give the people what they want. Entertainment! And of course, if you've got two pucks that's just another opportunity to introduce the ol' puck trail from the 90's. If it didn't work the first time, just try it again, but twice!
Could you imagine a double breakaway on the same goalie? Or better yet, simultaneous breakaways on different goalies. Powerplays would be insane. Shorties would skyrocket. I literally can't see a single downside to this proposal. Go ahead, try to think of one. I'll wait.
Didn't think so.
So when we can start three team sims?
JKortesi81 SHL GM
S32, S40, S42, S45 Challenge Cup Champion
Rules are rules? - You are given the power to change or add one rule in hockey. What's the funniest rule change you can come up with?
In my opinion, the funniest rule change would be to remove the limitation of only one goalie on the ice at any given time. That way, teams could literally have two, three, or even six masked men defending the goal, which would quite honestly cause hilarious moments. Just imagine for a second your favorite team’s best forward, with a goalie kit on, doing a spin-o-rama to not get hit, followed by a slapshot that completely misses due to the stick being a goalie’s. Wouldn’t that be pure comedy? Another use of the rule change would be to, as one could instinctively think, stuff multiple players in front of the goal. You might not score, but the opposing team won’t as well! And who knows, maybe one of your forwards can get a breakaway and score a lucky goal! Truly though, unless the opposing team pulled a Chris Kreider, there’s no way they’d ever score on a net filled by 3 goaltenders in full gear. There would not be a spot for the puck to go in, physically speaking! It might be awful and not funny at all for the other team, but if you’re the one pulling it off, I’m sure it could cause some good moments where you laugh and mock the enemy at the same time.
Changing one rule in hockey I would change it so there is no longer 1 player dedicated to the goalie position. Instead, the players would have to rotate and each would have to take a turn playing goalie.
So guys like McDavid would need to be able to do more than just scoring goals (that's far too easy). Now they need to be good at stopping pucks as well. Hockey is always asking to score more goals and make games more fun and interesting. Well... here you go. A crazy idea that would definitely bring more offense to the game.
Who would win the first Rocket Richard trophy and Vezina in the same season? Then you'd get fun debates like "did you vote for them for Vezina because he scored a lot?" so there would be a whole new level of controversy.
I'm not suggesting that fans are going to be absolutely thrilled with the idea but it'll definitely bring attention to the league.
The rule I would change about hockey is to make equipment a free for all. Everyone involved can tailor their equipment to exactly their own playstyle. This is fairly straight forward for skaters and goalies. You could come out with a silly long stick, but someone with a smaller stick might out skate you. You could have massive pads to block more of the goal, but you won't be as mobile so skaters against you will go for a more mobile setup.
However, linesmen, referees, and coaches are all included. Some referees might opt for piercing whistles which can really control the game or some might opt for boxing gloves to only intervene when the game gets too far out of hand. Coaches are the hard ones here. I think earpieces for their captains are the first thing that comes to the game, so they can strategize right in their ears. More silly, probably something like a megaphone to disagree with bad calls very loudly.
I think the one rule change that I would make to change the game completely would be that instead of having 5 players and 1 goalie, you'd have 5 goalies and 1 player on the ice. The good thing about this is i have successfully completely change how the game is played and everything everyone currently does will be changed. Everyone is affected. On the down side though, I would have absolutely killed all the excitement for the game of hockey. Who is gonna wanna watch 1 player on each side try to score on 5 goalies with the net regulation size? The game would be slow and boring with nothing happening at all and neither player with much of a chance to get the puck in. And the goalies wouldnt be allowed to skate out like a player, they would all have to remain within 6 feet of the crease.
Quote:Written Task: Describe an appropriate punishment for using ChatGPT to do point tasks. The sillier the better.
Using ChatGPT for PTs is just a cheap way to get your tasks done, and I really truly hope that there isn't anyone out there doing that currently. However, for anyone that is doing it, my vote for a punishment for them would be both cruel and unusual, and it would perfectly fit the crime. The user in question would not be allowed to recreate their player for at least one calendar year. Their earned TPE would be completely redone, so if someone is 1800 TPE and using ChatGPT, they would be losing out on not only that TPE, but on their build, too. Their new TPE would be decided by a livestreamed random number generator between 155 and 999. THEN, after their TPE is decided, their build would also be randomly decided by random number generator. The first roll would be 1-23 to decide which attribute is being decided on, with 1 being the first attribute in the build tool (Screening) and 23 being the last (Bravery). Once the initial roll is done, the second roll would then be done between the numbers 5 and 20. Whatever the random number generator picked would be what that attribute is, and the appropriate TPE would be applied to that attribute to get to the number decided. This would only stop when there are no more available attributes to apply with the TPE that is left.
I think the funniest rule to be added in hockey is would allow kicking the puck into the net as a valid method to score goals. Adding this rule would be funny because it would look kinda silly on how many missed attempts there would, see someone try to kick the puck into the net but miss would be a funny sight to see and it would add some entertainment, or someone going to kick the puck, miss the puck and end up kicking someone in the shins on their follow through. It would be make the game more dangerous and I would be curious on the creativity of the play too. do people make this a valid way to score goals on the powerplay when they have set plays set up or do they try and kick the puck in the net for the easy tap ins, or how do dmen defend against a kick would be interesting to see.
Written Task: Describe an appropriate punishment for using ChatGPT to do point tasks. The sillier the better.
A proper punishment for a user using ChatGPT for point tasks would be making them write the rest of the season's point tasks live streamed. Their screen would have to be shown since they are already cheaters they will probably try to cheat again so that's an honest way to make sure they are writing what they are posting. Yes I understand that the punishment would probably be embarrassing and it would be an inconvenience to set up for the user but if you can't to do the time don't do the crime. And this would be for every point task through the whole season, PTs, mPTs, and even the Championship and All Star week PTs. It might be a little hard for HO or the PT director to do because obviously someone would have to sit and watch the stream and basically the user would have to complete the PTs all in one setting since turning off the live stream would defeat the whole purpose.
Rest In Peace Dangel
1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10