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S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask Due: Sunday, November 3rd @ 11:59 PM PST

Well, I would say that our horror short film would be about a team of brave adventurers in antiquity sailing out onto the open seas in order to hunt down and slay a great Lovecraftian horror. We'd experience the agony and the destruction of our consciousnesses on the dark open ocean, fighting amongst ourselves, trying to keep the ship afloat and headed in the right direction. There would be plenty of survival horror, plenty of trippy horror, and definitely some gore. I'm sure Agate's character would end up brutally impaled or something like that. And of course they'd have too much respect for her to toss her body out to sea, so it would sit and decompose on the deck, reminding the rest of the crew about their inevitable and slow descent into inhuman madness. And then of course they'd use the McGuffin and kill the beast and then get drunk and sail home, as it would be.

Yeah so our goalie jakub alexa is our most important part of the team. He’s like a human Alexa. Every game the star of the last game gets to choose the genre of music and when the flat frozen puck is in our offensive end , Jakey poo is the singer. When the puck gets to the defensive zone jakey just shouts bands or singers names as the opponents break in. This keeps the team engaged and Jake is always part of a play. When we can we sing along from the bench. During warmups a song is chosen and we sing that in row row row your boat style. If Jake isn’t doing well one of our defenders changes the genre to reset him. In our intermissions we let coach do his thing. Sometimes a player will shout Alexa play smooth jazz and he whips out his saxophone and starts playing something. It’s really a riot.

[Image: HqPCLbj_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand]

Written Option 1:

  Our team's horror movie would be like that one episode of Suite Life on Deck where lightning strikes the boat exactly when they cross the international date line and our entire team gets stuck living the same day over and over again, and that day would be when last season's playoffs were resimmed. Nevada was leading the series and dominating before the resim, and unfortunately for us, after the resim was the complete opposite. We would be stuck reliving that day over and over and over again until we, as a team, could figure out a way to move past that day. I'm sure we would all debate "Gee, maybe we're being given a 2nd chance until we get it right" but in the end we would all figure out that the only way we could move past that day would be to eventually lose the series. As for the cast, just Nevada's roster from last season. 


[Image: Sr1Fcwu.png]

For the short movie that JR Frankenstero is completing, it's going to have a horror movie inside of a Hockey Arena.  The main monster of the movie is going to be the Ghost Zamboni that goes around the ice whenever the lights go out.  Sometimes you see the fog rolling in, and question if it's just some of the ice melting, or what is happening.  And then other times it's just straight pitch black, and all you can here is a squeegee sound slowly rise and fall.  The main thing is that you better know exactly where you are on the ice for when the lights go out.  Because you never know what is coming across the ice... is it nothing?  Is it something special?  Or is it something full of horror and leave you smashed to a pulp in a block of ice?  'Ghost Zamboni' will have you on the edge of your seat for the 18 minutes... just don't forget where you left your skates!

Gnabe js very very good at keeping pack engaged during the games. There are several reasons for this, the first is the hbabe being in the ice means thay at any point in time there is a chance thay a fight breaks out and if thay is near you there is a good shot that you might have tk get involved in some way. Thay js why pack always is ready to go when gbnabe is out there. The next thing he does is dump pre workout in the water bottle thay pack takes to the net and no one has seemed to notice to this point. He figures thay the heart isn't that important, but being aware and ready to go at all points is much better. This is also why pack performs poorly in back to back games, he struggles to sleep after taking a liter of pre workout between 7 and 10 pm. Gnabe jsa clearly a good trammate fkr all of this.

I think that we could easily pull from the stories in the world of Tarkir, and the Khans of Tarkir to find a great horror script that would be a hit. Of course, as an Abzan card, we're pulling from the devious necromancers of the Sultai and maybe a story of Tasigur and Taigam scheming in the rivers to turn the good people of Tarkir into zombies. Of course, Wingmate Roc would be a hero, swooping in unlike the eagles in Lord of the Rings to actually save the day. I think that with the amount of players we have on the team, we could basically fill in a named roster for the Tarkir story, and maybe it's an angle where we do the banana king story with surprise appearances from someone like Base Pack as a Pearl Lake Ancient or something. This would be so popular that the Philly Forge would just become a movie studio to promote Wingmate Roc

I think that we could easily pull from the stories in the world of Tarkir, and the Khans of Tarkir to find a great horror script that would be a hit. Of course, as an Abzan card, we're pulling from the devious necromancers of the Sultai and maybe a story of Tasigur and Taigam scheming in the rivers to turn the good people of Tarkir into zombies. Of course, Wingmate Roc would be a hero, swooping in unlike the eagles in Lord of the Rings to actually save the day. I think that with the amount of players we have on the team, we could basically fill in a named roster for the Tarkir story, and maybe it's an angle where we do the banana king story with surprise appearances from someone like Base Pack as a Pearl Lake Ancient or something. This would be so popular that the Philly Forge would just become a movie studio to promote Wingmate Roc

Option 1

Mia Lavoie is a lot like me in that she isn't a huge horror movie fan. Psychological thrillers, though.. we might be able to manage something there. History has shown you can make an incredibly low budget corny looking film and make it feel absolutely terrifying with the right score. Consider the original Halloween movies for example, creepy Michael Myers type character in a mask just standing there staring at you from across the street with the most ominous sounding music like he's about ready to dash across and murder you. Maybe instead of Michael Myers though we make one that crosses the idea with that new Smile movie and characters from the Atlanta Inferno. I'm confident we could find a way to make the most adorable looking otter absolutely terrifying by dressing it up in a Michael Myers jumpsuit sans the mask, but just the biggest creepiest most humanlike smile possible. The otter follows you to and from the hockey rink, not ever acting on its murderous looking impulses but watching, always watching to the sound of an ominous low score that makes you squirm in your seat. It has potential.

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Ryland is probably one of the most respectful, fun-loving players in the SHL. As such, he likes to help Karter warm up by taking some soft shots at Karter in net. We're not talking knee high clappers, or head shots, just soft wristers and snaps that Karter can either bounce off of his pads, his blocker, or just right into his trapper. Ryland will take a few minutes off of his warm up to fool around with Karter, maybe try some of his stretches, refill his water bottle for him, and just mentally prep Karter for the game at hand. Ryland always sings at the top of his lungs during warm ups, and always tries to coax Karter into singing a couple lines of whatever song comes to mind or talk about a brand new recipe that maybe Karter would be interested in. Ryland is always there to remind Karter that while each game of the season is important, its equally important to have fun and to enjoy yourself along the way.

172 Words

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Written Option 1

For the Hallowe'en movie that the Seattle Argonauts put together, they decided to do a 'Scooby-Doo' parody. The cast was Will Tomlander as Fred, Squidwardo Tentacles as Daphne, Rence Sykut as Velma, Jefferson Steelflex as Shaggy, and AT-AT got to play Scooby Doo. The gang had to solve the mystery of who stole their goal-scoring ability. It was very spooky as if someone, or something, was somehow vampire-draining all the talent out of the players' sticks. resulting in them being unable to score. Cue hijinks of them running around the arena chasing the vampire with appropriate scooby-doo montage of running in and out of various doors, confusion and mayhem ensue. Finally when they catch the villain it turned out to be Kal Akar Kekkonen in disguise, he wanted to be the highest scoring player on the team to get a big fat contract extension. He would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids!

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
Norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       Norway

Written Option 1:

So for this week movie night in the Atlanta Inferno locker room, we will go with filming a home movie instead of watching our usual flick. The scenario will be about a girl joining a new university and in order to be cool, will bring in a new pet animal that will end up being the most memeable creature and be the school's mascot. But in the secret, that animal will be a serial killer and a true menace to every instagramer in the school daring to say that the mascot sucks. The mascot will be an eel lmao. Ok im gonna ping a bunch of my teamates here and cast them into a role. Please do not read too much into it im just trying to make a bad movie. the title of the movie is "Slotherhouse 2: EELectric bugaloo"

Phillipe Eko Eel @hotdog : The eel
Mia Lavoie @Kyamprac : The new student
Eduard Lavoie @Amidships : The new student's partner (who cares is they are borthers and sisters! its a movie ok.)
Violet Stoica @Renomitsu : The first casualty of the movie killed by electrocution in the pool (instagramed saying the eel is a lame mascot, prefers a duck)
Puddles o'duckiling @zwhiz : The duck mascot propped up by violet, killed by the eel in a school cafeteria meat grinder)
Paul Bondage @CaptainCamel : The stoner dude that sees the eel for what it is but thinks its cool.
Kristian Seppanen @MrPresident : The school's president. Killed by the eel envious of it's power.
Jae-Ik Barron @charlieconway : A popular influencer propping up the eel on isntagram
Sim wen @Jepox : A student missing the bus and arriving late and wondering why an eel is now the school's president.
Bongo @Bongo : cant stick to the planned role, just mumbles about how the montreal patriots stink.
Dan Johnston @Figgy : A boat captain warning everyone of a cursed eel but nobody takes him seriously
Jiggl. E Puff @zeagle1 : A pokemon singing at the karaoke bar, killed by the eel in a very effective fashion.
Billy Herrington @Ferda : cameo appearance of one of our favorite actor, doesn't get killed.
John Hopoate @simo: Dies in a quick montage of eel's kills.
Shoyo Hinata @"gordonBombay" : The old man telling the protagonists how to kill a cursed eel.
Jim Wen @Leppish : a sloth.
Stun Gun @unconfident : the stun gun used to kill the eel
Tanner Pitts @TannerPitts : The guy killing the eel with a stun gun
Nathangus McExplosion : The cringe school conselor giving bad advice in the way of puns.

Duff @duff : plays the role of Nicolas cage playing a pinball machine
Gabe @Gwdjohnson : plays the role of a horny guy on campus, gets killed in a quick kill montage
Al Diabolo @al_gringo : plays a hockey player that gets fatter as the movie advances.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
[Image: micool132.gif]

Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

PT 2: 

Wizard deploys a strategy with Calgarys goalie that is a always stay on your toes and make sure that you are ready for any kind of move. Often in practice you can see Wizard and Soderstorm going one on one to see what kind of moves Wizard can score with and what Soderstorm needs to be potentially prepared for in the future. How Wizard views this practice is as a way for both of the individuals to grow as Wizard can develop new techniques while Soderstorm can develop their arsenal of knowledge because what is really dangerous about a goalie is their ability to read a skater. If Soderstorm can identify the key points in what determines what kind of shot a skater can make it can be game changing during the game and that is what these two are trying to develop. During the game as well Wizard will let things crack down a tiny bit occasionally to make things interesting.

[Image: IsJIh5s.png?format=webp&width=872&height=1066]

prompt 1

My player would like to make a high quality horror movie which is something that is seriously lacking nowadays. Blumhouse movies are always leaving people wanting more. We would have to secure a ton of funding to make sure that we can make a movie that prime m night shyamalan would be proud of. I think that this should be some kind of futuristic ghosts type of movie. Potentially ghosts from the future, I think this is something that has never been done, because usually ghosts are from the past. How boring. I think the easiest plot to go with would be for all the players to be playing themselves in the movies, and the ghosts are them after they won a lot of cups. They get up to a bunch of miscellaneous hijinks and then have a grand old time. Perhaps there is some kind of scene where the ghosts are also on the ice and pulling some kind of backyard hockey movies or something. We should bring in world famous actor Tom Hanks to play some kind of role, maybe as the coach in the movie.

[Image: AKkkxoP.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]


Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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Edouard Lavoie works hard throughout the game to make sure the puck does not get into danger zones for his goalie. He is also the first person to stand up for his goalie when an opposing player gets a little to close or makes contact with him. He also talks to his goalie during whistles to help understand how he can better assist his goalie do his job successfully. Lavoie works hard to keep the puck in a position that does not make it easy for the opposing team to take shots or even get into position to take shots. Edouard tries to maintain possession and is very careful with his passes, especially in his own zone, to ensure that the opposing team can not easily intercept them. He always crashes back  to help cover breakaways that occur while he is on the ice and never just leaves it for his defenseman to handle. Lavoie believes in playing the full length and width of the ice, moving from his side to cover for the other side if necessary.

[Image: MittschiffsSHL.gif]

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