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S80 PT #1: The Greatest Show On Earth Due: Sunday, December 22nd @ 11:59 PM PST

Written Option 1

So there was this game show, along the lines of a reality tv show, that Elvar Gil-Galad was invited to participate in, that would test the strengths of athletes in various sports against each other. There were five sports involved. Figure Skating. Professional ski jump. Trap Shooting. Hockey and Chess. Elvar was excited for the trip and made all the arrangements with the Chicago Syndicate for a leave of absence for a few days to take part in the competition. He made the trip and showed up on the first set which was figure skating. When he got there, he was told he would have to compete in full goalie gear to make it fair to everyone. Now chess was not so hard. Nor was the trap shooting. He finished second in both events.

The tricky part came to the figure skating in goalie gear. He finished the short program tied for third, but tragically when the long program came around, he caught an edge trying to do a double axle and pancaked hard to the ice. He was unable to complete the competition and when home with a parting gift. All in all... the event was a fail.

Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway 
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syndicate  syndicate syndicate  syndicate syndicate  syndicate  syndicate  syndicate  syndicate  syndicate  syndicate

Graphic Option 1:

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Written option 2.

If you do not count the mind set of "giving it all" and trying to win the opening night Abbe Wass and the Anchorage armadas have a lottery. Where everyone who is at the game get a lottery ticket and the ones that get the lottery ticket that are matching numbers with anyone in the teams wins that special designed warmup jersey. The jersey is designed only for the purpose of the opening night.
Before the game there is a tiny little cirkus in the lobby, performing all kind of stunts for the visitors. Mainly for the kids but everyone who wants to watch are allowed.
And after the game. The team, the whole team. Takes time to write some autographs, take som photos and answering some fan-questions.
Abbe got asked The most odd one being, "how many farts do you think is passed in the locker room during a period break"?
A question that brought a big laughter and with a well media trained Wass was answered without being answered.

Option 1

The greatest show on earth doesnt do just justice to the level of production they have going on here. They rented out FENWAY PARK???? just for this. Crazy. But I was taken a back when I received the invite, it felt unreal, I had seen the hockey greats like Conor McBain and Brick Wall attending it and always thought how cool it would be. Well there I was, among the brightest stars from Baseball, American Football and Football (the hosts called it Soccer like a bunch of americans smh). So I had to showcase something I was great at? Well thats obvious compered to everyone else, I'm definitely the best and fastest skater of the bunch, But in my time spent in North America I had picked up some skills, like hitting a baseball (not from a professional pitcher by any means). I would say it was pretty embarrassing for me when they asked us to do some target passing with an American football, cause god damn, how are you even suppose to throw that thing???

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

Yeah on opening night I get the jitters really bad. I start my day with a breakfast and my family is always in town and we all go on a walk in a park central to our location. We maybe grab a hot chocolate and a pretzel. We get back to my 1 bedroom apartment and I try to get in my zone and it’s hard because there’s usually 8 of us in 700 square feet. That’s when I get overwhelmed and head to the rink. I visit the old guy at the pro shop first and then I find a place to meditate. Well nap and then stretch. I suit up and do warmups with the team as the fans start shuffling in. Then when we go to change into our unis I sign autographs. I usually pick out one kid and give him my stick. When I get introduced I come out with signed pucks for a retired player because I’m still new. I always play really hard but on opening night I feel like I’m moving faster

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I doubt anyone would choose Ongo Gablogian to represent the best hockey players in the world in this game show, but I guess he would still be better than the average joe and better at hockey than other pro sports players who don’t know how to skate and all that. One thing Ongo is really good at is his patented “bowling ball move” where he throws himself at players and hopes he bounces around enough to knock people off the puck. You can’t do that unless to can skate, and also unless you’re shaped like a bowling ball like he is. Obviously basketball would be near impossible for his 4’8” frame, and since he weighs about 350 pounds, he’s not likely to be able to keep up with the speed and athleticism of basketball. Speaking of speed, he also definitely couldn’t keep up with soccer players, since he skates up the ice once and needs oxygen, running for sometimes 90 minutes non-stop is just not an option for him. Football he may do well, if he can use his weight to block maybe some skinny safeties and corners. A defensive lineman would murder him though.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Option 2
Kristian Seppanen, the star, assistant captain for the Atlanta Inferno hockey team of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference of the Simulation Hockey League, otherwise known as the SHL, tries to make opening night special for his fans in two ways. First, on ice performance. Kristian Seppanen first focuses on winning, and having a great game. Kristian Seppanen will try to perform well - he’ll aim for several goals, and double digit blocked shots in a dominant win against a key divisional rival. Likewise, Kristian Seppanen will focus on sticking around after the win to chat with fans, maybe even going to the bar with a lucky few to celebrate. He’ll sign autographs and make sure this is a game that fans for both teams remember for a long time. Kristian Seppanen dreams of having the type of game that parents tell their kids about, and that is passed along from generation to generation. Kristian Seppanen will be a legend, and this season’s home opener aims to make it that way.

RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2023 was thrilled and honored to have the privilege of being chosen to participate in the greatest show on earth, where he would show his skills in a variety of sports. Hockey was one where he of course dominated. Players from other sports had a very hard time with hockey as they barely could skate, never mind handle a puck. Being 6’9”, RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2024 also excelled in basketball, especially in the dunk contest in which he places the highest out of the non-basketball athletes. RIP THUNDERDOME wowed the crowd with a sick 360 between the legs reverse one handed dunk. It made RIP THUNDERDOME consider that he perhaps was playing the wrong sport all along. RIP THUNDERDOME was also pretty decent at football. It was hard to cover him in the pass game with his sheer size, and it was difficult to bring him down as a running back. The sport he struggled most with was definitely soccer, a sport that requires more agility and finesse, which is not his strong suit off the ice

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Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

Option 1
Willow will gladly attend this “Greatest show on earth” game because she is determined to showcase how talented hockey players are and specifically how good she is compared to other athletes in these various sim leagues. Willow would spend a lot of time practicing basic skills for the sports she isn’t familiar with just so she doesn’t totally embarrass herself on the main stage, and stunting on the big stars of the other leagues would be worth it. Her worst sport would probably be baseball just because outside of throwing the baseball, its an incredibly hard sport to learn and master with the highest skill ceiling of them all. With her hand eye coordination being decent from all her years of hockey she might do okay, but those professional baseball players are on next level. Besides hockey Willow would absolutely carry in soccer, plenty of pregame experience with soccer in the hallways and a lifetime of it back at home in Sweden.

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Option 1

I think there is a lot of overlap between hockey and baseball. There is a lot of hand eye coordination involved in each, and a lot of whacking a small, round object with a stick-shaped bat or stick. I have seen some videos of hockey players absolutely teeing off in batting practice before, so I think that would be quite a fun event to participate in. For the worst, I would have to guess soccer. I think the raw athleticism of a hockey player would translate well to any sport, but soccer requires a lot more finesse that I just don't think many of us have the necessary footwork skills to really excel in that sport. Not to mention the whole checking business being generally frouned upon in soccer. I think we would all get a little irritated by the constant diving and theatrics of rolling around on the ground and the refs not calling embellishment. Still, I am quite sure it would be funny to watch and maybe a little humbling to participate in this Greatest Show on Earth.

Written Option 2

For any player Launch night wasn't just another game. But it's an opportunity to set the tone of the season and ignite the passion of the fans who support the team. For Valtteri, opening night is a sacred tradition. An opportunity for fans to show off their dedication. both on and off the ice They poured their hearts into this opportunity and made sure it was a night no one would forget. From the moment they stepped onto the ice in the pre-game ceremony. Valtteri tries to connect with fans. When their names are called They don't just skate casually. Instead, they add a personal flair to their personas. Whether it's punching a cheering crowd. Or a quick nod to the loyal season ticket holders in the front row. Their participation gathered strength and gratitude. And when the game starts, Valtteri gives no less than 110%. Each shift is played with unrivaled intensity. Tracking and organizing teammates and clutch plays that energize the team and the crowd. They know that a win on opening night can set the tone for a successful season. So they push themselves to make every moment count.

Edouard Lavoie is usually so ready to get the first game of the season over that he does not spend much time thinking about the fanfare of it all. He wants to get back on the ice and get into the familiar rhythm of the game so that he can build on it and continue to improve over the course of the season. Once the game has completed, he is usually a lot more loose and comfortable which makes him more willing to engage with the celebration of the new season by meeting and interacting with fans, giving interviews (if he absolutely has to), and generally enjoying the atmosphere. His favorite part is the autograph line where he gets to meet fans and help spread his love of the sport to them and learn from them as well. Once the lines wind down and the adrenaline recedes, he is ready to start focusing on the next game and how to be as prepared as possible for it.

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Mintyukov knows many people look forward to the home opener, they mark it in their calendar, they plan a fun get together, and they do any rituals that gives their team some luck. After meeting some Highlanders fans last year Minty knew what this team was all about. He knew what the fans wanted to see for their first game. Minty made sure to stay to his regular routine and get some reps in the weight room with Leo Carlsson for a bit. He needed to be as ready as he could for this game, to really set the tone for the rest of the entire season. This was the season Mintyukov was gonna show everyone what he was made of. He gave away a couple of pucks to some fans, but one kid seemed so excited to be there that Minty tossed his stick over for the children's parents to grab. After readying himself for this game, and interacting with the fans, He was ready to not let any of them down and deliver a huge show.

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Written Option #1
Chuck Lumbermouth rolls up to The Greatest Show On Earth with the utmost confidence in his abilities as a multi-sport athlete. He excelled in football as an outside linebacker, and in baseball as a middle of the lineup infielder in high school. As such, he is confident he can shock the world and prove once and for all that hockey players are exceptional athletes as well. Obviously as an up and coming prospect he isn't expected to compete against professionals from other sports, but other up and coming athletes from their respective leagues. Chuck performs well in hockey as expected, and does a fair job as a linebacker, but in baseball he is surprised by how much better pitching is at this level. He struggles to make good contact with the ball, and strikes out each opportunity he is given. Surprisingly he does better in golf than expected, likely because hockey emphasizes it in the offseason more than other sports. (162 words)

written option 1

Julian Flörsch would be very honoured to receive an invite to participate in the TV Show "The Greatest Show On Earth". Having the opportunity to showcase his talents, skills and physique in a field of contestants from all major sports would be a challenge the Minnesota Monarchs veteran would be very much looking forward to accepting.

Out of all the big sports, and ovlbvipusly apart from hockey, Julian feels he would probably do best in soccer. Growing up in Switzerland, soccer was a major thing around him and he is no stranger to kicking a ball around with friends. He even played on the Swiss junior levels for a few years next to his hockey commitments.

The one sport Julian is likely to not excel at is either Basketball, because he's not the tallest of people and is particularly good at jump, or baseball, just because he has never even held a bat and tried to swing at a ball. So the closest thing he's done that gets close to baseball swings is either that one time he smacked a guy in the head with his stick after his goalie got jumped, or trying to whack a puck out of the air to avoid it hitting the empty net behind him.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

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