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f u got time to write a pt and you got the time to have a job on the site then you have the time to writean article. Noone is asking read everyones articles either I would be better for the leaguei

[Image: cuffana.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Carlzner@Feb 27 2013, 03:44 PM

wtf u copying me
No u copying me u hooker breath

Quote:Originally posted by Cuffy@Feb 27 2013, 05:07 PM
Pts all together. Make ot like it was back in the day where you needed to write articles and do pbps to make your player good,! I used to love coming onto the site to read through a good pbp that would make my day. Even writing them was fun because there were so many people watching you type and hitting the refresh button eveery few minutes to see if the new post has been posted that used to make me come on every day and enjoy the site. I dont know about anyone else but having everyone write an article aboit the same thing is boring to me I used to like seeing webers hot and cold article every week and I wasnt even in juniors when he done them. [b]The only person I see that makes articles a nice bit is spidey and I love reading them. So for me mi think that there should only be the yearly predictions and mockdraft those should be the only two pts.

Jyst my opinion tho probly wont matter[/b]


Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

[Image: Q4Adkgo.png]


Stop pointing that out Tongue just the guy writes a lot of good articles

[Image: cuffana.png]

Not a bad idea. Keep the end/beginning of season PT like Mock Drafts and the prediction PT get rid of the rest. Reading pbp is really what got me into the league and what was really made this league unique.

I like Chinese take out

[Image: hallsy.png]

The banking position doesn't take a whole hell of a lot of time per week. Especially when it's caught up and running right. I spend like 10 minutes a week on it, if that. I also don't like writing articles, not because I don't have time, but because I spend a lot of my time not on the site writing. I like to do different things. I do the PTs as they come because I know if I do those I can supplement the points from that with my job money. I guess I could just rely on the job money...

This would drop everyone down to a max of like 6pts earned per week (with twitter) which would stop people from maxing so fast.

I don't know if it's really a good idea or a bad idea. I don't see it hurting people too much, but I'm not sure it will actually solve a whole lot of the issues of people writing shitty articles that are all alike or see more people do them. The articles never kept me coming to the site. It was always the community and/or my locker room.

It used to be a 15 TPE cap per season.

Good old days

I personally say "Nay"

Never mind

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