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S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - Printable Version

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RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - sharksisback - 04-28-2019

So some moron in the Halifax media department wants me to make a playlist for us or something, and he asked for 3 songs. If anybody knows me, they know I like to overachieve so fuck it you're getting six, mister unnamed media man.

The first song is one I've seen on this site in some goober's username or something. Anyway, the song title says it all, 2nd sucks and we should strive for first. You could actually call it 10th sucks, 9th sucks-you get the picture. It's angry like me when St. Louis boots our asses from the playoffs.

Alright the next song exudes confidence which is something our team lacks in a big way. My evidence for that is Jimmy Slothface always insulting his own play and requesting a trade every time we lose aka 25 times a season. He needs some killer instinct and to be confident in himself. see what i did there. killer instinct-ah fuck off.

This next song would have been Gaspard's favorite but he's gone off to the great butterfly farm in St. Louis. We will play it in his honor.

This next one is because I like Billie Eilish don't fucking judge me okay. Also because usually we're the bad guy in the SMJHL for some odd reason that I can't quite put my finger on...must be Jimmy. 

I had six songs but the site said "fuck you, only four songs" so I guess that's that.

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - JamesT - 04-28-2019

Music will forever and always be a huge motivating factor for players and fans alike to help them get pumped up. My team and i have collaborated together to select three songs to use during the season for Calgary.

First up is BTS - FIRE as this track will be used in the locker room for the boys to get hyped up before hitting the ice. This fits in the theme with the Calgary Flames because the song is Fire and is lit (no pun intended). A great track to get the energy flowing for the roster.

Second will be Thousand Foot Krutch - Fire It Up which will be used for the team's entrance for home games. This track was also used in NHL 10 so it is also a throwback song for old gamers of the EA NHL franchise. A lot of memories for me growing up playing this game and especially the online team play mode.

The final song will be BTS - IDOL used as the goal song. Overall this track is like an anthem and the chorus is especially catchy for the crowd to sing along too. Visiting teams will be dreading this song while playing at the Saddledome in Calgary. 

These three tracks would be my choices to use for Calgary throughout the season. Now let's fire it up!

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - nykonax - 04-28-2019

Jules Watt is already busy with carrying the Raptors, he's already making plans on how to carry the Syndicate, and now he has to carry the teams Media Department. Ridiculous. That being said the 1st track will be Carrie by Europa, for obvious reasons. This will be played whenever Jules Watt is on the ice, and will be bass boosted whenever he makes a big play or gets a point. The song fits the atmosphere perfectly of the entire Syndicate organization resting on Jules Watt's back.

Now the second track on the playlist talks about the pain that Jules Watt faces from the severe scoliosis he has from carrying incompetent players like @Kylrad, and the pain the fans face whenever Jules Watt isn't on the ice, and Kyl is falling over because he forgot to take his skateguards off. The song is Pain by Three Days Grace, and will be played whenever Jules Watt is on the bench, which is almost never.

The third and final song on the playlist is used to hype up the Syndicate in the locker room before the game, and the song is Sandstorm by Darude. This is a song that hypes up anyone before the game, and allows the Syndicate to play their best (which isn't very good when Watt is off the ice)

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - Slappydoodle - 04-28-2019

04-28-2019, 12:58 PMnotorioustig Wrote: . Then in complete contrast, the Benny Hill theme ( will play as the opposing team walks onto the ice, with a laughtrack superimposed on top of it.

The song is called Yakety Sax, and I for one, would be proud to take the ice to it. If it’s good enough for Benny, it’s good enough for me.

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - StadiumGambler - 04-28-2019

So Nick Brain got control of an arena music playlist for one game. He was in charge of putting one together for the Colorado Raptors eSports Night promotion, which was preceded by a local fighting video game tournament and featured the usual free giveaways and etc. After it was all hashed out and the royalties were paid up to Capcom, Nick Brain picked these songs for use in the promo night's game........

Entrance Music:
Oceania - Volcanic Rim Stage Theme (Street Fighter IV):

This will be the Raptors music for when they skate out, and its an obvious choice for a pumpup theme of sorts, with a good quick buildup to the PA announcer sending out "YOUR COLORADO RAPTORS!!!!!!!"

Goal Song:
Cammy's Theme (Near KO) - Super Street Fighter II:

Bit of a weak choice for a goal song admittedly, certainly not on the level of the Chicago Syndicate using Chelsea Dagger, but this theme's growing on Nick lately so why not? Its still high energy enough for the task at least.

Pre-Faceoff/Other Stoppage Music:
Guile Theme from every meme ever:
Ryu Theme (Street Fighter Alpha 3):
Dan Theme (Street Fighter 4):

Assorted themes to play in the wait between faceoffs and other stoppages, Ryu's theme is a bit more amped up than the other two but they seem right for just the random pieces of music you hear before second period faceoffs and the like.

Late-Game Faceoff/Stoppage Music:
M. Bison Theme (Street Fighter Alpha 3):
Akuma Theme (Near KO) - Super Street Fighter II Turbo:

Getting some more exciting themes going for the late-game stoppages to build the tension, assuming the game isn't already heading to blowout status.

Victory Celebration Music:
Dan ending theme (Street Fighter Alpha 2):

Bit cheesy and so very very 90s, but why not? If the victory happens a nice stick raise while this theme plays is sure to be a special moment in the eyes of a young Raptors fan dreaming of making it to the show one day.

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - dizzyDC - 04-28-2019

Alright so the Texas Renegades are going to get dirty with it this season. The players are going to be skating onto the ice to Ante Up by MOP featuring Busta Rhymes, Teflon, and Remy Martin ( In my opinion it’s just a perfect hype song and it’s going to get the crowd pumped for the game. Our goal song is going to be X Gon Give it to Ya by DMX ( Honestly, who doesn’t love this song and I think it matches scoring a goal on the other team beautifully. Like, BAM, you got scored on and that beat comes on… simply demoralizing. And to take a page from the real life Dallas Stars, our song to be played after a victory will be none other than Sweet Victory by David Eisley as featured in Spongebob ( Outside of the huge meme potential of this song, it’s a legitimately catchy song. Who wouldn’t want to rock out to a 1980’s power ballad after every single win? I know I sure as fuck would. Anyway, there’s a lot more to the plan, but I feel like this is a pretty damn good start for an arena that’s going to be rocking night in and out.

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - drodger91 - 04-28-2019

Every team needs a great entrance song, but I also think it should be a pump up type song that gets not only the players into it, but also the fans. I had to dig into my gym playlist to find that type of song and right now the one that’s been on replay is Moon Love by Boombox Cartel and Nessly. It’s a song that really gets me dialed in.

You have to have that iconic goal song, and some have even become their own meme, and since I have landed in a new spot, I haven’t explored much, but a good song for that is always Pony by Ginuwine, and that song would definitely make the opposition team furious.

Then you always need that great win/leaving the ice song to keep the party going after the game is over and that would be HYFR by Drake and Lil Wayne, what better way to show your fans how good you really are?

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - goldenglutes - 04-28-2019

[Image: 0Nkj2VP.png]

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - BDonini - 04-28-2019

Question @Mike Izzy, can I use my SMJHL team for this task or does it have to be my SHL team?

Izzy: Either one is fine @BDonini Cheers

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - 5ympathies - 04-28-2019

[Image: chQDESm.jpg]


RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - SlashACM - 04-28-2019

commercial 1-
Good Times Bad Times

Opens with slo mo of faceoff, hit, goals by Williams, Fletcher, Eastwood, save by Cain, goal celebrations, victory over LA, Minnesota, being scored on by Buffalo
"We are back and badder than ever. Reserve your tickets today at"

commercial 2-
Just What I Needed

Opening hits show NOLA players getting dressed, skating out, lining up for faceoff, shooting. Clips lined up with guitar hits, creating an epic hype video showing highlights from inaugural season. Chorus shows fans celebrating and meeting players.
"We're just what you needed. Tickets at"

Commercial 3-
Don't Fear the Reaper

Black and White opening shows players on old teams, cut to expansion draft with large board showing drafted players. Putting on NOLA jerseys. Arena being set up for Specters, fans buying jerseys, merchandise, bumper stickers. Highlight real of inaugural season leading to cup finals.
"Don't fear the reaper. Tickets at

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - Noble - 04-28-2019

Well, I'm going to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug myself I guess. As a musician, despite my music being quite the opposite of fun to listen to, or even upbeat, I think everyone should hear it because I need plays and hopefully someone has to click these links to make sure they are real and that means I get money from your clicks. The gameplan is this. The team plays my music non-stop on repeat and eventually all the fans wonder what the fuck their team is doing and look up who the fuck I am. They find out who I am, listen to the music and it gets stuck in their head. Meanwhile, the media reports this weird artist the Minnesota Chiefs keep playing and everyone decides to give it a listen, and imppresively enough that is what makes me famous and gets me money. Thank you, goodnight.

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - bilbo - 04-28-2019

Dom is probably one of the last people who should be tasked with deciding what the music in the arena should be at any given moment, but here we are.

It's no secret that Dom is a Shania Twain fan. That's why "Life's About To Get Good" is the song he'd choose for pre-game in the locker room to help keep his teammates in a good mood. Plus, it's a jam.

When the Raiders come out for warm-ups, a current fave of Dom's is Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road," so he'd suggest that to get the team focused. Sure, this song would do better for the Outlaws and they should certainly have it in their arena as well, but the more the merrier. It's a real banger.

Finally, since the Raiders lose a lot, it's only fair if the Raiders have a famous song to play after the opponent's team scores to try to annoy that team into not wanting to score (anything to help, right?). "That Don't Impress Me Much" by Shania comes on and the Raiders can pretend to not feel threatened by some team scoring on them. Or if they get sad, at least they'll be sad while nodding their heads to this incredible tune.

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - Randominoe - 04-29-2019

So in a few seasons, Espen will eventually make his debut for the big club in Tampa Bay and he will need to be introduced to the fans through their ears not just their eyes. As he steps onto the ice to take his first rookie lap all by himself, the DJ will put on an inspiring theme song created for an Asgardian Hero, this time for Norway, Thor. After the second intermission, a new era will have started in Tampa Bay, a new form of excitement rings through the crowd as a giant CUDA appears on the jumbotron and begins to orchestrate a stadium-wide Viking Clap. As the time ticks down after his first game in front of the Tampa faithful, Espen and the DJ's will play homage to the creator of a television show that filled his childhood with happiness, and he will do so in a more fulfilling way than the NFL ever could, walking off the ice to Sweet Victory blasting out into the parking lot as a new win tradition is set for the Barracuda. [url=Thor][/url]

RE: S47 PT #2 - Audio Gameplan - Carpy48 - 04-29-2019

The Lethbridge Lions management couldn't decide about their team music and 'didn't have time' to work on it themselves. Since Harry Carpet just happened to be in the room, they gave him the task to pick a few songs for the team's game music. He was mostly just sitting around during games, being the backup goalie, so they thought he would have enough time to think about it. They didn't care what he would come up with, they just wanted some music and declared him to be their new 'media department'.

Harry had no real idea how to start with this, nor was he even interested in doing this task, so he simply browsed through several Spotify playlists and tried to pick songs. The only theme he tried to stick to was to use songs by Finnish artists.

This song was picked by Harry, because his team really had struggled with their PP (especially during the last season) and he thought it might help:
Dreamtale - Powerplay

Next Harry wanted a goal song. However, since he wasn't very original, he went with one that's been used before and kind of fit to their team (and he was pretty sure to annoy his entire team with it):
VilleGalle - Peto on irti

Last, but not least, they needed a song to be played after they actually won a game. Harry knew this was the perfect choice, but he also knew the management surely would pick someone else to do this job next time:
Kai Hyttinen - Dirlanda