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S41 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2018, 03:07 PM by .bojo.)

TASK ONE: Who do you WANT to win the finals, and why? Must be at least 150 words.

I'm a little biased, but I kind of wanted West Kendall to win. Call me old-fashioned, but when a man joins a team, he wants that team to win. And in order to win, you start by playing games. And in those games, goals are scored, leading to possibly more goals but not necessarily. At one point during the game there will be a goal that's all I'm saying.
I want WKP to win because after four years, it feels like the Challenge Cup doesn't actually exist. it's like some big inside joke you guys made up, or it's like the cult everybody is joining, but it looks kinda legit and you're not really sure why.
I hate it when people say people deserve to win. No they don't. You play together as a team, practice really hard, and execute your plan to the fullest. But everybody is a part of the greatest random number generator of all time, called LIFE. GSW had a 3-1 lead. ATL was up 28-3. Don't even get me STAHHHTED on the presidency.
I want WKP to win because if the site dies after the migration that means WKP will forever be the champions of the SHL, to infinite and beyond - gandalf

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S41 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

My choice for unsung hero of the latest simulated hockey goodness is going to easily be Stinkywink Dupoopoo. I'm pretty sure I spelled it wrong, but I tell yeah that kid has got spunk. Despite being less talented than a hungry racoon banging the keyboard on a create a player screen, Stinko still manages a roster spot. Dude comes in the clutch.
Scouts rate him at a 59 overall, but if you suck up to the teacher enough he'll give you those extra points needed to avoid seeing him next year. lets look at what he does best, which if you believe in numbers (open your eyes, sheeple) then Dupoopoo rocks it at 70. Not even the lowest defense on the team, edging out the rock obama on the fifth line.
Imagine for a second that it's the day after the finals. In my psychic research I have determined that Stinky played a total of 9 minutes in the playoffs. Sure, he has 0's across the board in things like goals, assists, and life expectancy, but let me ask you this: How many minutes did you play in game 7 of the these SHL finals, excluding teams with kitties on their jerseys. Did your answer look like a big fat donut that you ate crying yourself to sleep because you got knocked out already? I'm gonna assume yes, don't correct me if I'm wrong.


TASK SIX: During this season's Stanley Cup finals, we saw some pretty wild pre-game ceremonies and introductions to the games. What kind of performances do you think the two teams in the Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup finals might put on before their games? In at least 150 words, describe one of the finals pre-game ceremonies and what kind of craziness you think may have occurred.

In game 6 of the West Kendall finals I already have it planned and set up for the greatest show on Mars. It starts off with some poor homeless kid trying to walk across the other side of the ice, but then realizes he's locked in and has to dance. visibly confused he starts asking for money and crying. That's when we unleash an actual panther onto the ice. We contacted the people at PETA about this and they are absolutely furious. But we steal one anyway. So now you got this scared little kid and a panther struggling to run as they play cat and homeless mouse, and the audience is in tears.
That's when Team America's theme song starts playing, and then danny devito with an eagle mask skates out onto the ice. He's holding a sword that's way too big for him, but it'll tear up some ankles if you're not careful. Then 69 cheerleaders jump over the boards and posed with the injured panther, fireworks shoot off, slappydoodle is posing butt naked behind it all for some reason, and the the teams come out onto the ice skating over the blood.


Bonus: Alex Light scores CWG

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

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