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S41 Championship Week

Bonus: Max Watcher

TASK ONE: We ask y’all a lot about who you THINK will win the finals for different reasons. Let’s change it up a bit. Who do you WANT to win the finals, and why? Must be at least 150 words.

While being down 2-0 does not look the greatest for the West Kendall Platoon's Challenge Cup aspirations right now, you didn't ask who we thought would win the cup, you asked us who we want to win. My answer is the West Kendall Platoon. There are a few Whalers alumni in West Kendall who are already regressing and I really think deserve their day with the cup. Those players are Jon Ross and Ludwig Koch Schroder.

Ross was captain of the Whalers when I first joined the SMJHL and took me under his wing, I learned a lot from him and really hope him and his team mates can end the very long drought in South Florida.

Schroder and myself come from the same draft class and the amount of work he puts in on and off the ice are second to none, he's a first class defender who has bounced around the league a bit before finally finding a home in West Kendall. Another very deserving player.

168 words

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

The unsung hero of the S41 playoffs in my opinion is the leading point getter left in the playoffs, Mikko Linna, with 20 points in 19 games played to date.

Linna is clearly contributing at both ends of the ice as well sitting at a pretty +16, playing a little over 24 minutes per night. Quite a feat for an aging star. Despite her age, Linna is showing the league what she can do and is leading the way for her team this playoffs, proving you don't always have to be a young pup to get it done when it matters the most.

The league reporters have been fairly quite about her success so far and it seems like she is getting forgotten about while the focus is on some of her younger team mates, this may be letting Linna lay back and play the game she wants and the reason I chose her as unsung hero.

157 words

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]


TASK SIX: During this season's Stanley Cup finals, we saw some pretty wild pre-game ceremonies and introductions to the games. What kind of performances do you think the two teams in the Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup finals might put on before their games? In at least 150 words, describe one of the finals pre-game ceremonies and what kind of craziness you think may have occurred.

While it's hard to say for sure what a team (that you have never been on) pre-game rituals may be, I have been on a couple different teams which have made the finals and they shared these rituals. So possibly every team might have some variation of the following:

1) Early team supper before each game. Finishing no later than 7pm so everyone has time to make it home or to the hotel for a good rest.

2) Rookies get dirty laundry duty (pretty self explanatory.)

3) Captain is the DJ in the locker room from start of the finals to the finish

4) Share your perks if you got any perks

Again, I am not 100% sure that West Kendall Platoon or the Los Angeles Panthers actually follow all these rituals but I'm willing to bet each team practices at least one or two of these things when the finals roll around.

153 words

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]


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[No subject] - by NorwegianDemon - 06-24-2018, 01:20 PM
[No subject] - by Jogurtaa - 06-24-2018, 01:54 PM

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