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S41 Championship Week

TASK ONE: I will be talking about the SMJHL finals here and not the SHL. Honestly, I could not care who wins the SHL finals so that is why I am going down there. The SMJHL finals are between the Kelowna Knights and the Montreal Militia. First stop, the management. Both GMs of the Knights are nice people; Nour and Thunder are a great duo that is for sure. However, the Militia get the edge here with Keygan and ErM directing the team. ErM is one of my friend so it is a big plus and Keygan has a cute dog. About the players on each team, the Kelowna Knights are way way behind with only Iam Essellemm that I know in their team. On Montreal side however, they definitively have more players I know and I want to root for. They have Daniel Daniil and Wolfpack teammates Viktor Valentine, Piotr Czerkawski. They also have future Wolfpack draftee Rafe Ulrich.

TASK TWO : Rádovän Hudeč is for me the unsung hero of the Montreal Militia Playoff run. I am going with the stats leading to the final round, because honestly I am somewhat too lazy to go through all the PBP to see if his stats are better, but for me right now it is enough to say he is. With 8 points in 12 games, his PPG is still pretty good, but only one of them is a goal. This mean, most of the time, Rádovän Hudeč is not in the spotlight. He is also leading the forwards in shot blocked with four through all his games. It is not a lot when you see only the numbers, but even with the defenseman, only 15 players are in front of him. Rádovän Hudeč is 5th in shots, meaning that he is quite unlucky but still tries his best to score for his team. Where I think he stand out however is the number of hits he has given in 12 games, which is 22, he is tied first in the league for hit given.


TASK SIX: For the Militia, I have a perfect scenario in my mind about a pregame ceremony. It would be somewhat complicated to pull in place and would probably need the participation/permissions of many fans but here would be the plan. First, a few Knights would enter the ice; they would then skate as if they own the place. After that, professional skaters, smartly sitting in the stands near any possible ice entrance (Zamboni entrance, player hallway, visitor hallway, etc) would get up and reach those entrances to go fight off the Knights. This would create an effect like if the professional skaters were fans that get up their seat to defend their rink. What I like about it is that it play on the Montreal Militia team name. A militia is normally an army of non-professional soldiers/citizens that fight during time of need. By having ‘fans’ jumping in the rink, it create the same effect of non-organised army defending their home.


Bonus: Mikko Linna

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

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