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S41 Championship Week

TASK ONE: We ask y’all a lot about who you THINK will win the finals for different reasons. Let’s change it up a bit. Who do you WANT to win the finals, and why? Must be at least 150 words.

I am rooting for the West Kendall Platoon in this series for a couple of reasons. The first and most obvious reason is that they are currently down in the series and I am a big fan of the underdogs. Comebacks are usually more exciting than sweeps, so if West Kendall Platoon is able to crawl out of the hole they’re in and win it would be exciting.

Second, I have been clear about my desire to bring a winning hockey franchise to the Miami area. Now the Miami Melt may not be hoisting the cup anytime soon, I will settle with being satisfied for the West Kendall Platoon, who apparently play in the Miami area….who knew eh?

Lastly, I am pulling for the Platoon because of my pal Sven Brokstad (<a href='index.php?showuser=2765' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-54'>Bzerkap</a>). The Brokstad family is not well known in these parts, but back home Sven’s family is infamous due to the curse that has haunted them for decades. The Brokstads have been unfortunate in their constant experiences of disappointing losses. It all started when Sven’s great-great-great grandpa lost an arm wrestling match against an 11 year old girl. Since then the Brokstads have lost everything! Sven’s own experiences include losing his grade school spelling bee on the word, “A.” Sven made it onto jeopardy once, but he was against another new comer that goes by the name Ken Jennings. When Sven’s feature film was nominated for an Oscar, it lost to Kobe Bryant. And these days it is rumored he cannot even get a win in a football video game. So there it is folks, Sven deserves a win.

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

The unsung hero of the S40 playoffs thus far have got to be Dionýz Vyskoč for the West Kendall Platoon. Why is this the case? Well first the West Kendall Platoon are in the finals and have a shot to win it all, so that has got to count for something.

If you look at Dionýz Vyskoč’s stats they are not that impressive. He is average on his team with just 9 points. He does not have a lot of other stats that jump out for a player that is averaging 17.28 minutes per game on the ice. However, the only statistic that really matters is Dionýz Vyskoč’s +16 when on the ice. Somehow this guy’s presence is making his team successful! He is not doing a lot while he is on the ice, but apparently him just being on the ice is enough to get results. Maybe he just helps Linna and Light succeed or maybe there is something we cannot see on the stat sheet that he does. But with +16 it is hard to discount he’s a hero for the Platoon.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. lhiorwergodcudhcks
2. gdekaastkrnrein
3. knaekoganjrrro
4. groeiundmvelmeava

TASK SIX: During this season's Stanley Cup finals, we saw some pretty wild pre-game ceremonies and introductions to the games. What kind of performances do you think the two teams in the Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup finals might put on before their games? In at least 150 words, describe one of the finals pre-game ceremonies and what kind of craziness you think may have occurred.

Super teams are all the rage in a lot of major sports these days and the West Kendall Platoon decided to embrace it in their opening ceremony. For those of you that do not follow basketball professionally or in NBA, Miami is the origin of modern super teams and the Miami Heat reshaped the NBA’s landscape for the last 10 or so years.

Well, as you probably know LeBron James was the piece that made the Heat super team possible and he is rumored to be exploring new teams this offseason to decide where he is going to end his career and what team is probably going to get knocked out by the Warriors somewhere in the playoffs.

Well the rumors are done folks. Here was WKP’s pregame ceremony. The rink is crowded and the fans are decked out in Platoon gear. The lights are flashing and smoke is pouring out of the tunnel after the players are already on the ice. Dwayne Wade comes out holding the 2012 and 2013 trophies decked out in Platoon gear of his own. The lights go black and the crowd goes silent. On the big screen you can make out some glinting metal in the darkness…then you realize it’s a crown. LeBron James skates onto the ice in a Platoon uniform and a hockey stick in hand. Every man, woman, and child orgasms immediately. The Platoon go one to win the series 4-2, outscoring the Panthers 9001-0.

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]

1. How many Challenge Cup Finals have the Los Angeles Panthers been to?
2. When was the last time the Panthers won the President’s Trophy?
3. On record, who holds the West Kendall Platoon single-season franchise record for regular season scoring?
4. Who was the Platoon’s last winner of the Turd Ferguson?

Bonus: Alex Light

[Image: TorTuck.gif]
[Image: sAx3Llh.jpg]

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