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S40 Championship Week

Hello and welcome to the finals of this SHL season 40 between the Minnesota Chiefs and the Calgary Dragons! Today to open up the finals we have a very special guest, from the New England Wolfpack, rookie, Artemi Berezin! Artemi just finished his first season in the SHL, after having a very good SMJHL career with the Montreal Militia, welcome to the show!
Ttthanks for havving me Karl.

It’s Harri actually Mr. Berezin, but moving on, what do you think of these two power house teams facing off?

Honestly Kurt, the awhoo pack seem to be the best team right now, aand weee will winn baby!

Mr. Berezin are you okay? You look a little pale right now, and also can’t pronounce my name or even know who is in the finals?

Well, it’s been a longgggg season Kyle so….

And he has just fallen over, we will be right back after this short commercial break!

Every playoffs you have your heroes who put up every game, they put the team on their backs and lead them to the promise land, they are usually easy to find and pick out, the ones that are harder to find are you unsung heroes, the ones who put in the work without seeing the scoring sheet benefits. This years pick is Chiefs Isak Odegard.

Odegard doesn’t have that Garbanzo flash, but he doesn’t need it, and the Chiefs like it that way, every team needs a workhorse on the back end that brings the team together.

This playoffs so far, Odegard has the team lead in shots blocked, but also counters with 23.27 AMG?! There is no other definition then a workhorse, when a guy can take that much of a beating, and yet be ready for the next shift, the next one that can bring this team the Cup.


Much like last seasons finals, both teams can say that if it wasn’t for the keepers, they wouldn’t be there, this time it’s no different, and we are about to show you why that is.

First we will starts with the Minnesota Chiefs and Olli O’Koivu, in 20 GP’s thus post season, has posted 11 wins, 9 loses, and the most impressive 0.909 SAV and 2.79 GAA. The record definitely stands out and says but how, and that’s an easy one, games were close because of Olli and some games the Chiefs couldn’t pull it out, I mean just look at that SP, outrageous.

In the other corner you have the Calgary Dragons and Rich Hocolate, who takes Olli’s stats and puts up even better numbers, 12 wins, 6 loses, a 0.922 SP and 2.57 GAA, wowzers, we know why Calgary has made it here, and the Dragons have always been known for a team that has great goaltending and this year is no different.

Now, who has the advantage between the two? Even though Rich posts the better numbers, I give this battle to Olli O’Koviu and the Chiefs.


Bonus Question: Dani Forsberg Dragons

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Task Four

Task Nine

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

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ANNOUNCER: Hello, and welcome to the Saddledome, where we're gearing up for what may be an electric Game 1 between the Calgary Dragons and the defending Challenge Cup Champions, the Minnesota Chiefs! We have a very special guest with us tonight up here in the press box as a guest color commentator tonight, Winnipeg Jets star forward Pietra Volkova.

VOLKOVA: Eh? What?

ANNOUNCER: Talk to us about this series. You guys got eliminated by the Dragons in the conference finals, how does it feel to see them take this stage against the Chiefs now?

VOLKOVA: The Dragons suck, they always do this... *hic* And my husband's on the Chiefs. Go Chiefs.

ANNOUNCER: Right... But what do you think about the teams themselves? Speaking of your husband, the goaltending matchup is certainly something to keep an eye out for-

VOLKOVA: Dickyyyy! Dicky's on the ice! I used to play with himmm. Can I go say hi? Aw, I miss him. He was funny. He drank a lot. He used to buy me alcohol. *burp* Great influence, he was. I luv him.

ANNOUNCER: Pietra, just one more thing and then you can go down to the bench for a little while. What do you think it'll take for the Dragons to pull off the victory against the defending champs?

VOLKOVA: Vodka. S'all in the vodka... Can I take a nap before the game starts?


Word count: 229.


The unsung hero of this season's Challenge Cup playoffs has been Isak Odegard, even if his Minnesota Chiefs weren't able to pull off the back-to-back. Despite being a fairly young player, Odegard bore a heavy burden with his ice time, putting up nearly 24 minutes a night. Through 20 games, the young defenseman put up a respectable 11 points, but the even more respectable aspect of his play was the defensive and physical game that helped get his team to the Cup finals for a second consecutive year. Odegard led his team with a staggering 29 shot blocks, good for third in the entire playoffs only to two of Calgary's defensemen. His 33 hits through those 20 games made themselves known as well, cementing Odegard as one of Minnesota's most reliable defensemen. The former first-overall pick is starting to settle comfortably into a second-line role that seems to be doing him well, based on his success with Chiefs legend Alonzo Garbanzo.

Word count: 161.


Before the series started, I thought O’Koivu would handily win the goalie matchup. Ultimately, however, it ended up pitching in Calgary’s favor. Hocolate had a wealth of experience in coming from a dynastic team under his belt, and he was able to follow through with his team. That being said, the finals didn’t really end up being a goalie battle. All but one of the games in the series saw one team score at least four goals, and both teams had fairly even shot counts.

Throughout the playoffs, however, the edge fell to Hocolate as well. Calgary’s GAA in the playoffs was 2.63 as opposed to Minnesota’s 2.90, a marked difference for two teams that both made it to the finals, ultimately. Additionally, even though they both faced shot counts in the 620s (627 for Hocolate through 19, 623 for O’Koivu through 20) for the playoffs, Hocolate had a 0.922 SV% in comparison to O’Koivu’s 0.909, a remarkable performance through 19 games.

Word count: 162.

TASK FOUR/NINE: Will be taking averages of all submissions as my grade.

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sig credits
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Former affiliates: raiders Jets Stars


With Joe Kurczewski filling in to guest host Game 1 of the SMJHL finals between Detroit and Kelowna, some very interesting words were said by the St. Louis GM/Dragons Forward.

“You know man, I’m really pulling for Kelowna here in the finals. I just have to say, Nour is a very nice and handsome man. He’s put in the work for the Knights over the years and kept plugging away. Even if he made some dumb ass moves along the way. But its paid off and he’s in the finals against the scumbag jerk Falcons from Detroit. I don’t ever know how those clowns pull games and series out of their asses the way they do. I’m pretty sure they blackmail the refs, or they sacrificed a live human to some demon so they keep winning when they shouldn’t have. My Scarecrows were SO GOOD this season and they lose FOUR one goal games? That’s insanity. We really, truly need a Knights win so those jerks in Detroit don’t get to hold another cup. Just, GO KNIGHTS GO!”

As you can see, not quite the impartial color commentary for the national broadcast. (192)


The unsung hero of the S40 playoffs can be found on the Calgary Dragons’ blueline. Casey Creller had been skating on the 2nd pair behind much bigger names like Adam Kaiser and Roman Augustus. However, his production was closer to that of his peers even though he averaged about 6 minutes less a game. Creller only had 3 goals and 3 assists, including a game winning goal for the Dragons. However, he also had 18 shot blocks and 33 hits. Creller is also tied for the Dragons’ team lead in plus minus at plus 8. He also played a lot of time on the Penalty Kill, which Calgary had the top PK in the playoffs. Needless to say, on a team full of superstars, players like Casey Creller continue to prove that no matter how good you are at the top, teams still need to have fantastic depth to win the Challenge Cup. (153)



The S40 Challenge Cup Finals featured two fantastic goalies who were at the top of their game. After a grueling series that went the full seven games, it’s not surprising that the Dragons came out on top when the smoke cleared. Hocolate would finish with slightly better numbers than O’Koivu. He had a better save percentage 0.922 to 0.909. The Goals Against were a bit better as well, 2.57 to 2.79. Both players had one shutout. The Dragons benefitted from having a much better Penalty Kill thanks to Hocolate, as he backstopped the PK to an 82% kill rate. Minnesota would only muster a 72% kill rate. That 10% difference between the two would be one of the big factors in this goalie battle, because again every little bit counted with how close this series was. Hocolate and O’Koivu were just complete monsters in these playoffs, and it was truly magical to watch them face off for the cup. (159)


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task 4 and 9 completed

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Leading up to the S40 Challenge Cup finals, it's hard to argue against the fact that we may be witnessing a legendary goalie duel that will inevitably decide this series. Hocolate and O'Koivu are both franchise goalies on their own merits, but due to the circumstances of the question, it is necessary to pinpoint some gaps in performance that may push one netminder slightly ahead of the other. Despite a similar number of games played between the two, with Hocolate and O'Koivu playing 19 and 20 games respectively, Hocolate and the Dragons managed to come out of their series with a relatively substantial gap in both save percentage and goals against average. Hocolates 0.922 and 2.57 in each categories, towered above O'Koivu's respectable but inferior 0.909 and 2.79.

While some may attribute this differential exclusively to a skill gap between the two, it is necessary to note that the Dragons are the proud owners of a penalty kill that stands 10% above the Chiefs, with this special teams gap placing a significant burden upon O'Koivu that inevitably contributed to this statistical difference. If the Chiefs manage to buckle down on their special teams and give their netminder an enhanced level of support, I have no doubt in my mind that this gap can be bridged. However, against an overall juggernaut like the Calgary Dragons, I still have to tip my gap towards Hocolate and him backstopping the Dragons to the eventual league title.

243 words


PM Sent

Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal?

Sebastian Strange Chiefs

[Image: Partridge.png]

San Francisco

[Image: PRedauw.png]

TASK SEVEN: Design a comical fan sign that you might see in the stands during the Cup finals. Must include one player name, a number, team logo OR team colors, and a slogan or text.

[Image: OcO7fJ0.png]

TASK THREE: Create a magazine cover showcasing one of the players who will be competing in the finals. Must include at least one player render, player name, a magazine title, and at least one story preview/headline.

[Image: w2D6AEi.png]

[Image: CptSquall.gif]

-- TASK FOUR: Subject: CW Word Scramble

PM Sent

-- TASK NINE: Subject: CW Trivia

PM Sent


TASK THREE: Create a magazine cover showcasing one of the players who will be competing in the finals. Must include at least one player render, player name, a magazine title, and at least one story preview/headline.

[Image: mag2.png]


TASK SEVEN: Design a comical fan sign that you might see in the stands during the Cup finals. Must include one player name, a number, team logo OR team colors, and a slogan or text.

[Image: funny2.png][/QUOTE]

[Image: Dwy-Sig_copy.gif]
[Image: DzzMoaP.png]

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.
Richard Physt is by far my unsung hero. He doesn’t score many goals nor does he visibly do things on the ice other than physt people un consensually. It is hockey so it Is actually legal. In the locker room, he gives the pre game hype speech’s and also motivates people on the bench. If you are sitting beside him on the bench, YOU ARE GETTING HYPED UP. By hyped up I mean yelled at a lot. This helps especially when we are down (which we aren’t down goals too much anymore) But none the less it keeps the team motivated and wanting to score the most goals possible. You do not get that out of most players and the fact that he kinds of gets a lot of shit for not scoring and sometimes giving over the puck is silly. Physt is a crucial part of this team and always will be. His +/- of 3 and 6 PIM with 17 hits helped the team a lot.

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.
Dorty Barges into the room
Tom: Oh hey you can’t be back here
Dorty: Oh hit tom.
Tom: Oh it’s the star Kelowna player Jacob Dorty! What a surprise! Welcome to the booth.
Dorty: Yes. I am glad to be here. Why are you tazing me?
Tom: It is for the betterment of society
Dorty: But I feel pain.
Tom: Fine because I guess you are still here I will ask questions until swat arrives
Dorty: Ok.
Tom: The regular season was kind of crazy, mid season you tried a hostile take over of the Seattle Riot, what happened?
Dorty: Well it is simple. I tried and failed. Samee also had a gun and unfortunently we could not come to a conclusion that both left us alive in the end. So I decided to go back to Kelowna with no GM spot. Luckily I hear MTL and Halifax have open spots so I will do what I can to snag one of those.
Tom: So what kind of gun are you holding me hostage with?
Dorty: Rum.
Tom: That is a gun not a drink
Dorty: No that is rum. I drink rum and shoot rum.
Tom: What?
Dorty Puts gun in mouth and drinks rum. Upon seeing there was never any danger police barge into the room and arrest Dorty.

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

Damien Blackfyre was a solid player this season, despite him technically being inactive, he has always been our number one goalie. He will win any goalie battle easily. He isn’t even a capped goalie, Blackfyre is that good. Detroit does not have a chance. He will make the sweep happen easily with 4 shut outs WHILE ASLEEP(he has 5 already in the regular season)! In all seriousness Kelowna is by far the better team and their god tier offense lead by Some guy named Jacob Dorty will make Detroit’s bum ass goalie get run out of town because he let in all the goals. Admittedly the goalies are very even between Detroit and Kelowna, but the big difference maker is that the rest of Kelowna is so much better than Detroit so the goalie battle probably wont matter unless Detroit’s goalie goes full god mod and stops everything. But you should never have to rely on that unless you are Montreal, so I would give the W to Damien Blackfyre. Him also leading the league in wins (31), GAA (2.44) and Shutouts (5) which adds to his resume.

the two trivia tasks were sent to you!

Word Scramble pm'd

Trivia pm'd

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

Task 9:

Task 4:


Task 2:

In the S40 playoffs there are a lot of players you could make an argument for being the unsung hero. However, I believe that this title should go to none other than Adam Kaiser. Adam Kaiser brought plenty of grit to the table this postseason, racking up an impressive 75 hits in a mere 19 games. By the end of the playoffs, every opposing forward was afraid to go into the corners with big Adam Kaiser. Furthermore, another statistic that proves Adam Kaiser was an unsung hero is his shots blocked. Adam Kaiser blocked every shot he could this postseason, showing that he was a real good team player. He had 29 total blocked in 19 games, one of the highest totals league wide. He may be a bit bruised up all summer, but it was definitely worth it in the end as he led his team to become the S40 challenge cup champions!

Task 6:

Richard C. Hocolate was in between the pipes for the dragons this season, who I feel has always been a bit underrated - this can of course be backed up with some statistics. However, the Chiefs have quite the goalie on their hands in Olli O'Koivu. O'Koivu is known as a pretty dynamic goaltender himself. With all this in mind, I believe that the rosters in front of each goalie had a big impact on the finals, more so than the goaltenders. Hocolate ended up leading all goaltenders with a .922 save percentage this postseason, along with an absolutely stellar 2.57 goals against average. O'Koivu still played pretty well, but it was not enough to overcome the high powered Dragon offense. In the end, like most 7 game series this really came down to special teams, where the Dragons had an advantage over the Chiefs. The Dragons had a penalty kill running at 81%, which was way better than the 72% PK the Chiefs were running.

Task 8:

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Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

Gary Grease Career Stats: Click Here
Graphics Shop: Click Here

[Image: CsnVET2.png]  Barracuda Russia Barracuda  [Image: c8B2LE3.png]

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

In my opinion, the unsung hero of the playoffs has got to be Noctis Caelum of the Minnesota Chiefs. He hasn't produced a large amount of flashy stats like goals this offseason, however he still has 4 which is pretty good. What makes him the unsung hero for me is how much ice time he has logged for Minnesota. He has logged 24 minutes of ice time per game while posting a +7 rating. He has been an integral part of shutting down the other team's offence throughout the season. Without Caelum the Chiefs don't have as much success as they do this offseason. On top of his stellar defensive performance he accumulated 12 assists for his team. He was effective both offensively and defensively. The only reason he is considered the unsung hero instead of MVP is because of the amount of ridiculous performances that the Chiefs had on their roster.

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

My decision for the winner of the goalie battle has to be, Calgary's, Richard C.Hocolate. He has had an absolutely dominant performance in nets for the Dragons, posting a save percentage of 92.2%. This is a full 1.3% higher than the tender across the ice from him. Over 19 goals Hocolate has let in 47 goals. This is not really that impressive but it is still 8 goals less than O'Koivu, who has only played one more game than Hocolate. If the duel came down to purely goalie performances than Hocolate would absolutely take the cake. However, we also need to look at team goal scoring performance for this. With 63 goals for the Chiefs have only 3 more goals total than the Dragons. This doesn't really make that big of a difference. Taking all of this into consideration, I would have to say the Dragons have the goalie advantage.

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[Image: twils.gif]
Picture credit to Allen, Jenny, enigmatic, Wasty, ckroyal92, 701, and EJ

300+ Career Goals, 750+ Career Points
5th All-Time Goals Scored for WKP,
8th All-Time Goals Scored for SEA/TBB
3rd All-Time in Playoff Points
17th All-Time in Goals

6 Consecutive 50+ Point Seasons, 7 Total
Quote:"idc if ur naked if ur holding that cup" -Jenny

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

Tommy Tuck enters the booth with the announcers, towering over them and intoxicated, Tommy starts to get a little handsy.
Announcer: Welcome to the Booth Tommy! Glad to have you with… will you let go of me?
Tommy: Well, yeah, in a second…. You just look like you needed a hug.
A: Well, thanks Tommy, but… put that microphone down, you have one attached to you!
T: Oh, I didn’t know, who put this on me?
A: Anyways, how do you feel tonight’s performance will be?
T: I think it will be… What did you ask me? No, I will not make love to you!
A: Tommy that never came out of my mouth, will you just please answer the question?
T: You know what? I’ve had enough of your sass, I’m going to write your boss and tell them that I need a new announcer friend. You sir are no good here.

(153 words)

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

My unsung player of the Season 40 playoffs is none other than Toronto teammate Bob Burgen. He was on fire all playoffs for Detroit in the SMJHL playoffs, playing in 15 games and scoring 2 goals and dishing out a staggering 11 assists. He led all players in assists, as a defenseman! That is some astounding work for a man on a mission. Besides the fact that he led the league in assists, he didn’t mind getting his hands or his body dirty. In 15 games, he had 26 hits which is second in the SMJHL playoffs, and he also had 20 shots blocked which is top for all players. Bob Burgen did everything he could to win, and Detroit was lucky to have him out there on the ice. Besides all that, he was also 3rd in minutes, tallying 372 minutes or 24.8 minutes a game. Bob is a force to be reckoned with.

(155 words)

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]


TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

It’s really hard to put one goalie ahead of the other in the matchup of Olli O’Koivu vs Richard C. Hocolate. Both men have stood on their heads for their respective teams in this playoff run. But, because I sadly have to pick only one goalie, it’s going to have to be Richard C. Hocolate. Richard has been playing like a man on a mission, leading all goalies in save percentage this playoff run, with a staggering 0.922 save percentage. Besides that, he has also only allowed 2.57 goals per game, which also is leading the league throughout the playoffs. Hocolate has done everything in his power to will Calgary to win the cup, and it looks like nothing can stop them now. With Hocolate in net, the Calgary team has won 11 of their 19 games in the playoffs, pushing the cups to a game 7 thriller. It will be a match of the century to watch.

(158 words)

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]


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Task 1
And here we go with gameeeee..what game is it? 1? GAME 1 of the Challenge Cup finals between the Minnesota Dragons and the Calgary Flames..oh SH** I mean Minnesota Chiefs and Calgary Dragons. And now, for the road team's starting lineups. At center, we have Terrrrranncee Novo!!!! At left wing, we have Jonathan Lunderrrr!!! At right wing, we have Derrickkkk Glovv!! ER! Glover! At defence we have...Notice..Noc..tis..Noctis Caelum! On the other side, we have Fedora Shikbov!!. And now for yourrrr starting...I mean, Minnesota's starting goaltender...Olliiii Oooooo Koivoi.

And now, for the home team, Calgaryyy Red Dragons!! At center, we have Joeee, Kurk..I'm not saying the rest. Joe Kurk! At left wing, we have Dannielleee Forsbug. At right wing, we have Louie. Every body louie time *dances*. Louie Carrot! On left defence, we have Adam Geiser!!! On right defence, we have Michele Boy. Now that's a girl and boy name if I ever saw one. And at goaltender...we have creamy, delicious, Chocolate!!! That's it from moi folks, this is son of the great Hunting Wong, Gabriel Wong, signing out.

Task 2
The unsung hero for the playoffs for the Calgary Dragons is Roman Augustus. With 11 points and a +1 in the playoffs, he may not be the first player anyone looks at for MVP. But if you look a little closer into the stats, we can see just how important Augustus has been for the Dragons. Not even on the first line of defence, Augustus has shown he will prove he will make the most out of every opportunity he gets. He leads his team with 32 shot blocks so far in the playoffs. That's outstanding. He lays his body on the line and will take one for the team without hesitation. It can be a 105 mph shot, and he will not hesitate to step in front of that puck to prevent it from reaching the net. Augustus has been a team guy all playoffs and he is an unsung hero. However, that is not all. While Dani Forsberg has 4 game winning goals for the Dragons, that is to be expected out of him. However, Augustus has 2 game winning goals from the back end. Sacrificing the body for the team, and karma will reward you. With 2 game winners, the Dragons may not even be in the finals if it weren't for him. 2 game winners, blocking shots from going to the net, this is a coach's type of player.

Task 4

Task 6
Olli O'Koivu has been outstanding for the Minnesota Chiefs in the playoffs. While his record may not show it, he has done just what the Chiefs have asked for. Keep them in every game. With a .909 save percentage, good for 4th in the playoffs with much more games than everyone else, and a 2.79 goals against average, good for 3rd in the playoffs, he has kept his team in it every step of the way. However, Richard C. Hocolate has been that much better. Finishing the playoffs with a 12-6-1 record, he not only kept Calgary in every game, he stole some games for them too. The Calgary motto has always been trust your goaltender. And they sure did. Leading the playoffs with a .922 save percentage and a 2.57 goals against average, this man was the star. After all the hype of him taking over the reigns in Calgary, he surely did not disappoint. The goaltending battle goes to Richard C. Hocolate, and it's not even close. Not cause O'Koivu was bad, but because Chocolate was on a whole new level.

Task 9

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1. Team Canada , Benjamin Wong 1 (Jay McDonald) at 8:49
first ever Canadian Olympic goal

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