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S45 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 12:37 PM by goilers.)

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In 150 words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished
When I first entered the league I made a bucket list of things I would to want to someday accomplish. I have checked off multiple ones already such as win an award in the SMJHL, I won the very first Esa Anrikkanen (Rookie of the year) award and also wanted to win a four star cup where I ended up with two. Another one I wanted to check off my list was to win an award at the SHL level where I ended up with the Jay Macdonald for most goals in a season. The main thing on my list is to win the challenge cup at least once in my career. We have been close, we’ve made it to the finals two times but things didn’t quite go our way. Hopefully I am able to check this one main goal off of my bucket list soon and accomplish it before I retire.
(153 Words)

Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!

Sophia Bennett from the Los Angeles Panthers was pretty upset when they got swept in the first round of the playoffs but that didn’t stop her from partying like she won the challenge cup. She got a bunch of her closest friends and shut down Disney world for the day and had an open bar tab for everyone, they were able to go on any ride they wanted and drink as much as they wanted and it was going on Bennett’s tab after she recently signed a one year 5M dollar contract. Aside from partying Bennett’s off season plans include training and going back home to visit with her friends and family and helping out with coaching some of her previous teams and helping with training, she recently bought a cabin in the Shuswaps and plans to spend most of her summer out there on the boat and learning how to wake surf.
(153 Words)

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)

[b]TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

I think the main thing that the Los Angeles Panthers are lacking right now is a top defender. We have some very good defenders but I think it would make a huge difference if the Panthers were able to sign an elite defender to help out our top guys. I think it would help out the top 4 in the blue line tremendously. Another thing that the panthers need to find is a strong centre with high passing to help out the scoring wingers on the roster right now. Last season the panthers top two centers Sophia Bennett and Matthew Auston both have scoring as their main attributes and it seems to have somewhat worked but I do think there should be some changes. So in all I think the Panthers need to find a defensemen with high defence and passing and a centre with high passing and strength. Fingers crossed.
(151 Words)

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?
Both trades were super important to each team, the combo of Dani Forsberg and Roman Augustus is unstoppable, Roman was brought in to be that offensive force that West Kendall was lacking and I think is a big reason for making it into the finals. I do however think the Kurczewski trade was a good one as well and he has been a fantastic fit but I think adding Roman to the West Kendall line up was a better addition that they didn’t have before. (85 Words)
2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
F: Oisin Fletcher
F: Roman Augustus
F: Teddy Cuddles
D: Connor Tanner
D: Ludwig Koch Schroder
G: Tommy Tuck
This lineup consists of 4 players from the Edmonton Blizzard and 2 from the West Kendall Platoon. My choice for this line up was straight offensive in my mind. We have Fletcher, Augustus and Cuddles up front and we know they will be a huge threat no matter what. Then I went with two strong defensemen, Tanner and LKS both players with experience and strong on the point. And of course the goalie everyone has been talking about, he is incredible this season so of course I would choose him. (109 Words)
3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?
I think the one player that has caught my eye in the spotlight is Ensio Kaliju, he is a young player coming from season 40. So far in the playoffs he has 8 points in 11 games with a +7 rating. He has been used in all aspects of the game playing on the penalty kill and the power play with some big names. I think we will all know who he is once these playoffs are finished. (78 Words)
4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why?
I think both sets GM’s are absolutely incredible at what they do. For example West Kendall has dominated since JR95 and Wongy took over, they have even won a Challenge Cup. I do think that West Kendall has the right tactical/managerial but I think Edmonton is going to have the slight advantage in this series with the players that they have right now and they are due for a cup. (80 Words)

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
[Image: goilers.gif]

(This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 10:59 PM by Good_Ole_Kimmy.)

TASK 1: (3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.
Overall the season for the Hamilton Steelhawks has been pretty dissapointing. For the past few seasons the Steelhawks has been known for being a team that can consistently make the playoffs. (getting past the first round is a different story.) I think one thing that will benefit the Steelhawks is something that is already in the organization: the rookies getting more tpe. The Steelhawks played 3 of their rookies that were in the system, Andrew Martin, Dank Boija, and Tig Murphy. It will be a welcome addition to get the additional steps up to compliment the already superstars Robert Phelps and Alexander Zajac for the forward core. And Tig Murphy being the most promising prospect in the Steelhawks organization, and probably the most important, will be a huge step up for the aging d-core of the Steelhawks. Overall, I think there is a good chance that we will have a bounce back season. (153 words)

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)

Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. 
Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?
It is my opinion that between the Edmonton Blizzard and the West Kendall Platoon of the Simulation Hockey League both made valuable additions to their teams. However, I feel that Joe Kurczewski of the Blizzard will be the better addition in the series, mainly because of the amount of time that he has spent with his team compared to Augustus. Joe has spent the better part of this season with the Blizzard and has shown that he can play well with them. (82 words)

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why? 
I think that if I had to choose which pair of Generam Managers for my hockey team, I would choose JR95 and Wongy. The reason I feel this way is because unlike the Blizzard, West Kendall has a lot of experience in both winning and getting into the finals in general. That is not to say that Karlssens and Keygan aren't a great GM duo, but I feel with the roster they have had in the last few seasons they should have been getting far deeper into the playoffs. *I think that if I had to choose which pair of Generam Managers for my hockey team, I would choose JR95 and Wongy. The reason I feel this way is because unlike the Blizzard, West Kendall has a lot of experience in both winning and getting into the finals in general. That is not to say that Karlssens and Keygan aren't a great GM duo, but I feel with the roster they have had in the last few seasons they should have been getting far deeper into the playoffs. (89 words)

5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.
It is tough to say which team has a weakness, it really took some looking deep into it in order to see it. Both the Edmonton Blizzard and the West Kendall Platoon are fantastic teams and it shows. However, Edmonton has one very apparent weakness: their lack of a goalie name Aleister Cane playing. Edmonton chose a weak backup and if their starter fails them they wil have trouble winning. (70 words)

TASK 4: (3 TPE)
Sadley, little Tammy was not the same after the recess peanut butter cup accident of S44. Her parents took her to the pediatrician where they labeled the incident a 'trauma' and prescribed Clonazepam to help Tammy cope.. The doctors visit cost her parents $100 dollars!... how many recess peanut butter cup packs could little tammy have bought with that $100 if each pack cost $2 dollars?
PMed the Izz-man.

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In 150 words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

Well, seeing as how Andrew Martin is still so young it's completely reasonable that he would not have very much on his bucket list completed. As of right now, Martin has a few of the obvious ones: inning a cup, getting IIHF gold, like I said the obvious ones. However I still like to think that Martin has some pretty unique goals set for himself. One of his goals is to score at at least a pp/g pace, something that is very attainable seeing as how he got .5 pp/g in his rookie season. He also hopes to make it onto the first line of a team, this one may seem insignificant to most, but it's a sign of "making it" for Martin. Lastly, he hopes that he can one day make the SHL Hall of Fame. Something that most players will never achieve. With that said, Andrew Martin has reached some goals that he had aspired to. For example, In season 43 he managed to win himself a championship in juniors with the Vancouver Whalers as the first line center. Something he is very proud of. Another goal would be just making the SHL/IIHF roster. Two seasons ago he made his debut for team Germany, and this is his rookie season for the Hamilton Steelhawks. (219 words)

Task 10: (3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!
After scoring 25 points in the regular season for the Hamilton Steelhawks, the rookie intends to kickback and relax during to offseason to hopefully recharge for next season. He decides he wants to go on vacation, and with the money he has been making in the big leagues that probably shouldn't be a problem. However, another problem arose: who is he going on vacation with? It's super lame to go out and party by yourself, and most of the people on his team are too old and it would feel weird to go and get stupid litty with them. So, he decides he will get a group of people that he played with in juniors and have a reunion. Except for Alex Winters, he is too good to be hanging out with a scrub like Andrew Martin so he isn't invited. Troy Mcllure III invited Martin to Winnipeg, so Martin decides to go over there. His plan? Steal. The. Hot Tub. (161 words)

[Image: cooldudeam1234.gif]
(Sig Credit: toedragon84)

(This post was last modified: 02-06-2019, 12:20 PM by mstuk41.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

After making the playoffs for 20 of the last 22 season, Calgary is going thru a sort of a makeover.  And when I say sort of a makeover, I mean we are rebuilding for the first time instead of retooling.  So it is hard to say if there is one piece out there that would put the Dragons over the top, to get back up into the mix as one of the better teams in the league.  However, with expansion there are going to players moving on from good teams that should make the competition a bit weaker next season.  The good thing the Dragons have going for them is that they have a core of young players that are on the cusp of being Superstars in this league, a bonafide superstar in Mike Izzy, a great backstop in Kata Vilde, and a defensive group that is going to be a force in the near future.  Going into the offseason I think the biggest glaring need the Dragons have is a Pass First Defensive 2nd line center that will be able to handle big minutes against some of the best the league has to offer.  After Mike Izzy Calgary is thin as can be down the middle.  That will have to change if the Dragons are going to take the next step.  Good thing for the Dragons heading into Free Agency is that they have ample minutes available to any Center that wants to join a great team environment.  

Task 2: (Graphic, 2 TPE)
Theres been allot of people holding up outragous signs throughout the playoffs! find and post 2 of them! the signs must be about a player or a team in the S45 playoffs. *tag any player involved in the sign*
[Image: road-highway-blue-generator.php?]
[Image: electronic-freeway-sign-generator.php?si...0BLIZZARD!]

Congrats guys! Smile

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?

Both players had amazing seasons for their new teams. However, I think that the acquisition of Joe K by the Blizzard is what has put them over the top as the best team in the league. They way that Joe plays out there on the ice he can dominate a game in more than one way. Adding that element of a defensively responsible offensive superstar, changed the dynamic which led Edmonton to the most dominating regular season in history.

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
Roman Augustus - MVP Candidate, Easy Choice, 60 Points 198 Hits...he played better in Calgary though Wink
Joe K - Another MVP Candidate with just an amazing season. +40 on the year... really?
Dani Forsberg - MVP Candidate, another amazing season. 60 Points, falls short on hits to his MVP teammate.
Tor Tuck - Physical Force on both ends of the ice. 40+points, 106 PIMS, 130 Hits. Stud
Brady McIntyer - 40 Points +20, not physical but a defensive force.
Tommy Tuck - 38 Wins 5 Losses .931 Save % UNREAL SEASON...MVP?

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
[Image: aeHAT06.png]

PM Sent

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In 150 words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

So far in young Nicky Pedersen's career he has ticked off of his bucket list, winning a championship in Juniors, the only major team trophy his father did not win, a World Junior Championship with team USA, as well as two Silver Medals in the World Juniors. This season was a disappointment team wise, since the Dragons did not make the playoffs, something his dad did in all but one of this 22 seasons. Just like the elder Pedersen, Nicky is all about winning cups. Personal success doesn't mean anything unless you win the big prize at the end of the season. That is the only goal that NPjr has on his bucket list. Everything else is gravy. If you have team success, keep grinding, then you'll have the personal success that some on here crave. I feel that its a byproduct of working hard, grinding to improve for the sake of the team. Just because someone doesn't strive to achieve personal glory shouldn't discount the accomplishments that they brought to the team. Team First. Team Always.

Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the off season!

It's an odd feeling for me to have so much time on my hands after the regular season. In my 20+ seasons on this site, this is only the 2nd offseason without the playoffs. To be honest, it sucks, and I'm already working towards not going through this again. Winning is contagious, and being in Calgary we have won alot of games. Nobody is going to feel sorry for us, so we can't feel sorry for us either. We need to get back in the training room, and work on our weaknesses to get back into the conversation as one of the better teams in the league. I feel that with expansion happening that this was the perfect time for the Dragons to have a down year. Next season should be a better environment to bounce back, with players being selected from strong teams, and the Dragons having such a good young core that was able to be protected. Grinding out the TPE is the goal for the offseason, it starts right here, right now. Get the work done, go out and get better. Simple as that. I'm ready for the next season to begin, I know everyone in that locker room is ready too. Can't Wait to see what next season holds for the Dragons.

[Image: mstuk41.gif]
[Image: 35884_s.gif]

[Image: jcjcF7J.png][Image: nHs4nH0.png]
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2019, 05:32 PM by BadWolf.)

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why? 
I do not have much experience with Karlssens or Keygen so this is going to be very one sided and a bit biased. That being said, I personally believe JR95 has the tactical advantage. He is the simmer for SMJHL and this means he knows a lot about builds and how it effects the sim in turn. This gives WKP an advantage, it is no surprise they are in the finals. 
+1 TPE

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
PM sent [Earn up to 3 TPE for this task. 2 TPE for participation, 1 additional TPE for the correct answer] 
+3 TPE

Task 5: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
During the finals there will be a television segmant talking about the leagues locker room environments. Submit a graphic visually highlighting three key appealing features of your locker room. Must include team logo, team name, and text captions for the features you have chosen.
[Image: ManLr.jpg]
+3 TPE

Task 7: (Graphic, up to 3 TPE)
In an effort to boost spending the SHL wants to create a coupon flyer for challenge cup merchandise! Create coupons of items that involve something related to the Challenge Cup series. Coupon should have a visual component and wording about the sale. Each coupon is worth 1 TPE, you can do up to 3 coupons.
[Image: unknown.png]
+3 TPE

Task 8: (Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE) 
The SHL Network is excited to announce extended coverage of the S45 Playoffs through your speakers! From hit podcasts to fresh new voices.. submit your mini-pod and earn TPE! What you talk about is up to you, the only criteria this season is that all Mini-Pods should be about the S45 season.

1 Man Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 Man Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes

** Note: To earn credit for this task, post your Mini-Pod in the link below. then link that post back to PT.

1 Man, 7 Min  <-- My link

Task 9 (Graphic, 3 TPE)
People in West Kendall and Edmonton couldnt wait to read the morning paper the day their teams made it to the finals! Create the front page of a newspaper of 1 of the 2 teams clinching a berth into the Challenge Cup Championships!  Front page should include a newspaper background. the name of the newspaper, a catchy title and a picture with name of one of the player renders celebrating.
[Image: news.jpg]
+3 TPE

Total 17/16 (one extra encase i fd up somewhere)

[Image: badwolf221B42.gif]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2019, 01:55 PM by Yurt6.)

Task 1:
While there are a few things the Manhattan Rage could use to become true title contenders, as far as I'm concerned the central issue is time. All we need is time. This team has an extremely strong core of young players ready to make their mark on the Simulation Hockey League, and it honestly is just a matter of time until they do. With a little more training and time on the ice, I think the Rage could become one of the most dominant teams the league has ever seen. In addition to the problem of age/experience, I think the Rage could also use a bit of a stronger offense. For pretty much my entire time with the Rage, we have had trouble scoring the puck. There has never really been the central guy to get the puck to in tight situations. This season there was a little improvement, with Alex Winters showing flashes that he could be that guy for us. Despite his performance, I still think the addition of a tried and true scorer might push this team over the top.

Task 3:
1) I've got to go with Joe Kurczewski. The guy is just such a dynamic scorer, and he has proved to be quite the addition for the Edmonton Blizzard. So far him and Augustus are truly neck and neck in terms of stats, but I just have to give the edge to Kurczewski, with a slightly better face off percentage. I also deem him to (slightly) be the better scorer, and I think he could push Edmonton over the top.

For this team I am centering around one thing - goals goals goals. While every player is an elite scorer, hopefully they also bring a little something extra to the table. Maybe defense, passing, leadership, or simply some good looks.

D - Tor Tuck Blizzard
While yes Tor Tuck scored 40 points, he also served over 100 minutes in penalty time. He's on the ice as much for passing/scoring as he is for simply intimidating the other squad.

D - Connor Tanner Blizzard
While another defenseman on Edmonton had more points this season, Connor had the most goals on the squad by any defender. I want a guy who can stand up by the blue line and just let 'em rip right at the net, and that's what Tanner is going to do.

F - Roman Augustus Platoon
What more can be said, the guy scored 60 points this season for the Platoon. He deserves a spot on the ice.

F - Dani Forsberg Platoon
Two 60 points scorers on one team? It's almost unfair, I know. The crazy thing is that the Platoon had both of them, which goes to show just how scary this offense can be.

F - Joe Kurczewski Blizzard
Edmonton's premiere scorer, Kurczewski is a veteran that just knows how to get it done. He's on the team to score, but also to lead. As the captain, he is the glue that holds this entire lineup together.

G - Tommy Tuck Blizzard
Has to be Tuck. His save percentage is at .931, as compared to the .902 mark from the Platoon's goalie. Easy decision. This guy doesn't let a lot of pucks into the net, simple as that.

4) I'd have to go with Edmonton's GMs, karlssens and Keygan for a couple reasons. First, one only has to look at their goals allowed and differential to see that these two are clearly all set with their tactics. Leading the league by a gigantic margin, these two are defensive masterminds. The other reason I'd choose them is that they recognized a need and they pursued it. Getting a player like Kurczewski isn't easy, but they buckled down and made the right move for this franchise in order to win the championship. This also suggests that they know what they're doing.

5) For Edmonton, the key is to get the puck on West Kendall's net. Simple as that. Once you look at the scoring differential you'll see why. While both teams are close in goals scored, with 186 and 182 respectively, the goals against is another story. The Platoon have let in 165, for a differential of 17, which puts them in the top half of the league. Edmonton's goal differential is a whopping 78, meaning they only let in 108 goals this season. All Edmonton has to do is shoot, and they should be in good hands.

Task 6:
Reginald Rove still has a decent amount of time before he retires, but that doesn't mean he hasn't started thinking about his legacy, both on and off the ice. The ultimate goal for Reginald is to become a Rage hall of famer, as well as crack their top 5 in scoring all time. He's already sitting at 21st, so he's still got a ways to go but it is definitely a doable task. Another thing on Reginald's bucket list is to be named the captain of the squad. While he has already been named an alternate captain, getting that "C" means that you've truly made your mark on the franchise. One thing on his bucket list that he has accomplished is win a medal in the IIHF. In fact, Reginald has two, he has won a gold and a silver competing for Great Britain. Now he hopes to get another gold before he retires, since back when he won those medals he wasn't a very big part of the team, considering he was only a rookie/sophomore.

Task 10:
This offseason Reginald Rove is planning on doing a couple things. First and foremost is to relax a bit. The season takes such a toll on players that they all could use a little R + R before getting back to the grindstone. For his rest period, which will probably be about two weeks, Reginald is planning to leave the city for a bit and go to the Hamptons. He went for the first time last offseason and loved it so much he bought a house only two minutes away from the beach. After that rest period Reginald will be right back at it on the ice, trying to sharpen his game for a hopeful playoff push this season by the Manhattan Rage. Word off the street is that he is going to be spending time predominantly focusing on his defensive and scoring abilities, but those are unconfirmed rumors at this point.

 [Image: 2v10l6s.png]


The Buffalo Stampede have been around for 20 seasons now, and have yet to make much of a playoff push. The struggling Stampede have been looking brighter in recent seasons, and yet no post-season success has yet to materialize. So, what's missing? It's tough to say. Year to year, but there always seems to be something, whether it be depth or high-end scorers. With a deep roster full of talented youngsters and established veterans, fans have rightfully placed the spotlight on that blue patch of ice. Yes, Buffalo's goaltending has come under fire this year - though not for lack of talent. FourFour has had a great career backstopping Buffalo, but his performance this season left a little to be desired. Hopefully just a hiccup, the Stampede will hit the ice next season with higher hopes, but they may rest on the shoulders of the man between the pipes.


1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?

It's a tremendous story heading into this final series, and perhaps the one that will determine the outcome. Kurczewski vs. Augustus. Which one makes a bigger difference; who is more valuable? It's a tough call and neither answer would be wrong. However, I have to lean Augustus on this one. The Blizzard are, in my mind, the favourites heading into this series. They have depth throughout their lineup and especially down the middle. The Platoon brought Augustus in to be the difference maker for their team, and any success West Kendall has will run through him. The Blizzard can afford off-games from Joe - I'm not convinced the Platoon can afford that luxury.

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.

D - Ludwig Kock Schroder
D - Tor Tuck
F - Roman Augustus
F - Oisin Fletcher
G - Beaujeaux Biscuit

It isn't easy to pick just five players from these two incredible teams, but here's one option. Oisin Fletcher and Roman Augustus would be an unstoppable duo offensively, bringing a little bit of everything. Some solid two way player and plenty of face-off wins, but most importantly, buckets of goals. Defensively, Tuck and Schroder can patrol the blue-line while also getting involved offensively and moving the puck quickly to those talented forwards. In net, there may be nobody better than Biscuit, and that's why he's the last line of defence for this all-star team.

3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?

The Challenge Cup Finals always seem to bring out an unexpected hero. Somebody who has contributed to their team all season, but who has flown under the radar. It's the nature of these series - the top stars are checked so tightly and given such little room to breath, it's left to those depth players to step up and surprise. That player just might be Rex Kirkby of the West Kendall Platoon. Kirkby has just a single point so far, but has been present and impressive in his player off the puck. Kirky needs a lucky bounce to get things going, but he has all the skill to become a difference maker in these finals.

4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's has the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why?

I'm going to say that Edmonton's GMs have the managerial advantage in this one. That's not to take anything away from West Kendall's management team - anyone who gets this far has earned it. But Edmonton is a team that has been in place for a while now, learning from some experienced guys in their locker room early on and growing into their own along the way. Ace has lots of experience himself, and karl has done a great job thus far. The Blizzard have a lot to work with and lots of experience behind them, so I give them the managerial advantage.

5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

The biggest weakness in this series is a direct result of the other team's biggest strength. The Edmonton Blizzard come into these Challenge Cup finals as one of the deepest, most talented teams we have seen in the big stage in recent memory. The Platoon have a heck of a roster, but deeper into the lineup they simply don't match up, at least on paper. The Blizzard's third line, and bottom pairings, may be able to overrun and overwhelm the young Platoon, making that the most exploitable area for the Blizzard to attack.






There are plenty of things to accomplish in the SHL - so many different avenues a career can go down. My answer for this varies, depending on whether we mean for this player, or for me as a member. As a member, I've done quite a lot. I've won Cups with two franchises, as a player and four more as a GM. I've won GM and Coach of the Year Awards, I've won Most Dedicated, and I've had an award named after me. I was inducted into the GM Hall of Fame, and have served as a Commissioner and now an Owner. From a member stand-point, there's not a whole let left. However, there are some glaring things left from a player standpoint, both for my current player and over generations. I've never won an individual award for my players performance - the only awards I've ever won were management- or member-related. I'd love to win a Stevens, for example, but heck, I'd settle for anything. I've never had a player inducted into the Hall of Fame, so that would be another accomplishment I hope to achieve some day. With Koenig, I am yet to win a Challenge Cup, and I've also never been to the Finals as a member of an Eastern Conference team so I'd like to be part of a team winning the Chouinard as well.



It's going to be a long summer for Fred Koenig, especially given that the Stampede completely missed out on the playoffs. So what does a player in Koenig's position do with the extra-long summer break? Well, it's tough to relax. For one thing, missing playoffs hurts a competitive players pride, meaning Koenig will likely spend a chunk of the summer training and trying to get better to help the Stampede get over the hump next year. But then, maybe he won't even be returning to Buffalo. Indeed, this summer is a particularly difficult one to relax through because of the looming expansion draft. With new franchises popping up in Chicago and New Orleans, Koenig and his family may be on the move. Not deemed worthy of a protection slot, Koenig has been exposed and is one of a couple of candidates who could plausibly be chosen in the expansion draft. Whether it happens remains to be seen, but Koenig is set to spend some of his summer biting his finger nails.

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in [u]150[/u] words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

MY team did make the Season Fourty Five Challenge Cup Finals which means that the only work that is left to be done is winning the whole fucking kit and kaboodle. To be honest, the entire tream is built extremely well from top to bottom. What Keygan and Karl have aall assembled, and built this team into is nothing short of absolute brilliance. The acquisition of the man himself, Joe Kurczewski, helped put the team over the top from only a season ago. Coupled with the stellar pieces that are already in place including Cory Knouse, Hercules, Rockefeller, Oisin Fletcher, Tor Tuck, Brady McIntyre, Teddy Cuddles, Connor Tanner, DeMaricus Smyth, Nikolaus Scholz, Tony Pepperoni, and the goaltending tandem of Tommy Tuck and fledgling Aleister Cain have elevated this team to the upper echelon of the Western Conference. If this team fails to win the cup finals it will surely not be for lack of proper roster management or talent, that is for absolute certain.

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?

Joe Kurczewski will absolutely be the most valuable piece between himself and Greek Julius. He carried his team through the regular season and has done the same so far through these playoffs. To consider another player on his level, or even in the same echelon, would be an insult to him as a person and as a hockey player.

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.

My Challenge Cup starting lineup would be Oisin Fletcher, Piotr Czerkawski, Teddy Cyuddles, Tor Tuck, Conner Tanner, and Tommy Tuck. The reason for this would be that this is the lineup that is going to, without a shadow of a doubt, win the Challenge Cup finals. To pick anyone else from the other team would do a disservice to the champion Edmonton Blizzard.

3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?

For my money, the player most likely to make the biggest impact on the Challenge Cup Finals and capture the spotlight would be Ensio Kalju. Kalju had a very good regular season, posting 9 goals and 14 assists in Season 45 which is very impressive for a young defenseman. On top of that, he has been stellar defensively. He was a +19 on the season as well and laid the boom 113 separate times. He's been an absolute beast and should be a great piece of depth to help anchor the back end of the Blizzard through these finals. Not only was he able to produce offensively for the Blizzard, but he did it while logging almost 24 minutes of ice time for the Blizzard. That is a staggering amount of ice time for a young man. The Blizzard, and myself, are very confident he will be a great piece of their defense and should help them lift the hardware when it's all said and done.

4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why?

Edmonton Blizzard general managers have the tactical and managerial advantage in this matchup. They are master tacticians, with both holding the rank of Grand Master on holding ratings of over 1800 in one minute bullet chess. Being able to see 30-40 moves ahead has helped propel them to their current place in the Challenge Cup Finals. Couple that with the fact they are great people and a joy to play for it's clear who has the advantage.

5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

I will scout for the West Kendall Platoon and tell them that there really isn't much they can do to slow down the juggernaut that is the Edmonton Blizzard. Resistance is, honestly, futile and at this point they should really just go into the turtle and concede the cup. The Blizzard are stout from top to bottom of their lineup, and don't show a lick of weakness.

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)

Sadley, little Tammy was not the same after the recess peanut butter cup accident of S44. Her parents took her to the pediatrician where they labeled the incident a 'trauma' and prescribed Clonazepam to help Tammy cope.. The doctors visit cost her parents $100 dollars!... how many recess peanut butter cup packs could little tammy have bought with that $100 if each pack cost $2 dollars?

** Note: To receive credit for this task you must send the answer to me by forum PM. Do not post the answer in this thread as you will not get credit.. Please make the subject of the PM “CW Special” [Earn up to 3 TPE for this task. 2 TPE for participation, 1 additional TPE for the correct answer] [u]Also[/u], please make sure to add this assignment to your post to inform the grader that you have completed this task.


TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In [u]150[/u] words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

To this point in my career, there isn't much that I've really accomplished. During my time in St. Louis I've competed in three Four Star Cup Finals taking home the hardware in one of them. The third is yet to be played but I'm sure I'll bat 66% during my time in the Simulation Major Junion Hockey League. As well as the other items on my bucket list, I'd like to continue to add to my already impressive trophy case. I have many gold medals with the USA as well as Challenge Cups and Four Star Cups. On top of all of that, I'd think that I'd like to join the truly elite of the SHL in the Hall of Fame. That is the only thing on my bucket list for now, with anything short of that being a misfall that I would regret for a long, long, long time.
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2019, 01:00 PM by GoonerBear.)

NSFL Welfare Credit (3 TPE?)

TASK 1 (3 TPE)

Manhattan seems to have plenty in the way of physical players - I count O'Hritea, Kastrba, Eastwood, St. Croix, Carter II and me. Of them, Eastwood and O'Hritea are primed for a scrap. Our top six has a decent balance between skill play and physical play. We have a lot of pass-first guys and at least one shoot-first player in each of our top three lines. I would think we could use a more offensively-geared defender to pair up with me or with Eastwood (assuming he stays) or a physical defender to pair up with Craig Finley or Tokek Takshak (if Eastwood goes) since those two would be our more offensively-geared defensemen. More than likely, I would get paired with Takshak, though we might take a chance on a MacIntyre-Finley pair and see how that goes since the MacIntyre-Takshak history has not been one to boast much about. We might try it again since both of us have progressed a couple of seasons since then.


TASK 3 (2 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?

Going in, I had figured Kurczewski would be more valuable as the centerpiece of the Dragons dynasty. Augustus is a solid star nevertheless and he would be the bigger game-changer against almost anyone else in the League. Kurczewski's just one of those few exceptions. With the series having played out, Augustus surprised to have outscored Kurczewski during the series 7 points to 5, where he contributed one point every game. Kurczewski just came on stronger in the final two games, scoring three points, including the Game 6 winning goal in overtime to push the series, earning first-star honors, and taking second star in the series finale. Augustus was more consistent, though Kurczewski left his mark at just the right time. (120)

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.

F - Dani Forsberg Platoon | Roman Augustus Platoon | Joe Kurczewski Blizzard
D - Tor Tuck Blizzard | Brady McIntyre Blizzard
G - Tommy Tuck Blizzard

I went more off their regular-season performances to create the lineups. On top of each of them leading scoring between the finalists, Forsberg and Augustus were the major physical presences on the Platoon as well. Kurczewski continued to be the standard bearer, even in a new locker room. Tuck and McIntyre pitched in plenty on the defensive end. Finally, between the two starting goalies, Tuck outclassed Beaujeaux Biscuit throughout the regular season and outdueled him in the postseason. (78)

TASK 4 (3 TPE)


TASK 6: (3 TPE)

On my player's career bucket list, I had the following items:

-Win a Challenge Cup (multiple would be nice, though most never even get the first)
-Finish a season in the Top 10 in an individual category
-Win IIHF Gold
-Earn a captaincy
-Win a statistical award
-Win a voters' choice award

Of those items, I have finished in the top 10 in an individual category (S42, 4th in Shots Blocked) and won IIHF Gold (S41, UK). I have been an alternate captain for the Manhattan Rage the past two seasons, though there's still that one up to get the C should Yannick Berger move on. I'd like for him to stay as long as he can, though. Still on the docket is to win a Challenge Cup, a stat-based award and a voter-based award. For those, the team is edging closer to making playoffs, though for the awards, I've got further still. I'm almost to 1000 TPE at the time of writing and that would start edging me toward the conversation at each season's end, though I also need to be relatively quick on that since regression is closer to the present than my entry into the SHL.


TASK 10 (3 TPE)

Reginald MacIntyre's offseason plans include what they typically include - an offseason trip back home to Inverness, maybe a holiday out with the folks if they're up for it. They tend to wait on that and take him up on it every third offseason. As of late as well, MacIntyre has introduced his girlfriend, Stella Yates of Long Island, to his family in Scotland, and they've taken well to her. Either this offseason or the next, he just might work up the nerve to pop the question. It's most likely next to be certain. Meanwhile, those offseason plans aren't completely devoid of training or play since MacIntyre has once again made the United Kingdom's IIHF roster and will pursue another medal there. The regular season woes have come to always make him hungry in internationals, especially as he was not a big part of the UK's first-ever gold medal in Season 41. He looks to change that as he's in the second pairing as of the time of writing.


Speedwagon Player Page | Speedwagon Updates Page 

[Image: speedwagongifsig.gif]

[Image: GoonerBear.gif]

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in [u]150[/u] words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

The Winnipeg Jets had a lackluster season. Coupled with a few retiring players, a expansion draft, and selling off assets at the trade deadline; the Jets are now a mess. Role wise we are lacking in depth, with our last line and a half VERY likely to be free agent signings and/or rookies. The strongest point of Winnipeg would have to be the Defense, with the core staying almost entirely intact. Goaltending has gotten only aged and hasn't really improved. Not that goaltending is a weak point, but the future is coming and the Jets are going to have some holes to fill. Specifically we need a power forward. But I'd settle for a Physt type bruiser while we grow our rookies into champions. I think any leadership is good leadership for now. I think the next few seasons are going to be very difficult for the Jets, and honestly it might be a "take what you can get" mentally for the next season or two.

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?

While I respect Joe "Biden" Kurczewski, my pick is for Roman "Candle" Augustus. I think last year WKP only lost because of forward depth, they got outmatched by a very solid team. This year that issue is addressed, and hopefully what they needed to push turn over the top. Edmonton adding Joe was impactful, but not as much as Roman.

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
G- Biscuit
D- Jon Ross
D- Ludwig Koch Schroder
F- Dani Forsberg
F-Joe Kurczewski
F-Roman Augustus

Obviously Biscuit is the best goalie in the league. Joe K leads the Blizzy's in points (and hits) Roman leads the Platoon in points. Dani Forsberg is a solid player that I think will bridge the two. Ludwig Schroder and Jon Ross are huge minute eaters who can do it all.

3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?

I Would be heavily remissed if I didn't talk about my good friend Tony Pepperoni. While his numbers aren't impressive, I think he is going to have a breakout series, and is getting over 10 minutes a game as the series only true Rookie. I'm highly confident that "The pizza man" himself will get at least one huge goal this series.

4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why?

Both Edmonton and West Kendall have obviously managed great hockey teams and deserve to be in the finals. They both added huge pieces and really haven't made any mistakes. My selection is for JR95 and Wongy, only because this is back to back appearances for them. That doesn't discount Edmonton by any standard, it is honestly a coin flip.

5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

According to my sources, Edmonton plays a very agressive first line, which might be easily exposed with the reverse press (2-0-3). Instead of pushing fire with fire, you wear out the top lines with icings and huge hits. They can't score if they are always getting up from getting hit! It is a solid strat that I hope to see.

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE).

Sent PM

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In [u]150[/u] words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

I won the cup already, so I can't say that. However, knowing that it is going to another team by the end of this series doesn't sit well with me. I want to win the cup more than any one player. I'd like for Winnipeg to become a dynasty. I'm not going to be built to win any scoring races. I'm not going to be top 10 on the Jets in goals. However, I'd love to have some league leading stats, like most blocks or hits, or even assists. But the most important goal in my mind is winning the cup, multiple times, with the same team. Any player can be "the addition" to put a team over the edge, but being a player that betters other players, being the bottom of the pyramid, you need that to get to the top. I guess in short I'd like to be the foundation of a dynamic dynasty.

Task 9 (Graphic, 3 TPE)
People in West Kendall and Edmonton couldnt wait to read the morning paper the day their teams made it to the finals! Create the front page of a newspaper of 1 of the 2 teams clinching a berth into the Challenge Cup Championships!  Front page should include a newspaper background. the name of the newspaper, a catchy title and a picture with name of one of the player renders celebrating.

Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!

This offseason is my first offseason as Co-GM. As a player I'm going to focus on continuing to grow and getting my TPE up to help carry a gutted Winnipeg. Reguardless of what happens with other players, as a player myself I have to make sure I am putting up a great example. As a Co-GM I need to attract a few good free agents and re-bolster our lineup. We aren't in awful shape, but we certainly aren't in cup contention shape anymore. Hopefully with a good draft and some deep picks we can get to a great spot.

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


Quote:TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

You know, as the general manager of my team, this is something that I have to focus on and think about almost daily. Because of this, I'm left with a lot of thoughts as to how we could reasonably improve on our season and make the push into the playoffs next season. There's one thing that I have come to recognize as our greatest downfall. Experience.

We have if not the youngest, probably among the top-3 youngest teams in the league. We have a team that is filled with different charactes. We have the talent, the leadership, the necessary skills. We just haven't gotten there yet. We've come close, we were within 4 points the last two seasons. However, that isn't making the dance. If we make the dance, we have a shot. If we have a shot, we'll take that shot. So now, all it is, is getting the experience necessary to make it. It may be to add someone in free agency, it may be just continuing to work and develop to a common goal. Whatever it is, we as a group are fighting for it, and we will make it happen next time.

Word Count: 203 words.

Quote:Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?
2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?
4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why?
5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

1. Roman Augustus will be. Joe has been a force, for sure, but he's also on the wrong side of the hill if you know what I mean. While his experience will be valuable, he's no longer the force to be reckoned with that he once was. Instead, Augustus is going to be that guy who takes on a prominent role and proves to be the most difficult and challenging player to face. He's still young, effective and dangerous. It's his time to step up and shine.

Words: 90

2. The forwards are easy here, putting Fletcher with Augustus and Kurczewski. Augustus and Kurczewski have a history together in Calgary and are obviously close and well versed with each other. They'll be able to form chemistry quickly, which leaves Fletcher as the one to fit in. That's the easiest on to fit, however, as Fletcher is arguably the most talented of the three and will be the premier play driver of the line. On defense this gets tougher as there's plenty of options. I would go Tor Tuck and Ludwig Koch Schroeder. Schroeder has the experience edge, while Tuck has been coming into his own more and more over time and could be the next big star of the defensive ranks honestly.

Words: 125

3. Piotr Czerkawski. Some people have a thing about them where they really take off in contract years looking to make big bucks in free agency. While I can't guarantee that with Czerkawski, this is a player who's on their last leg of their contract and is in a decidedly powerful role on the Edmonton Blizzard. While they may not always be on the scoresheet, every effort will shine through and I think we'll see a very important play or two from Czerkawski flashing the skills that will result in the big pay day.

Words: 96

4. West Kendall would. West Kendall has been to the dance before, and succeeded many times. They know what it takes and have built this roster to withstand most fronts. Edmonton is less so the tactical side and more so the managerial side of acquiring the top players in order to let them drive the play and make things happen. They've had quite a bit of luck as well at play, as they had a high PDO season, but they're a tandem that essentially won't wow you in my humble opinion. West Kendall definitely leads in this regard.

Words: 100

5. West Kendall needs to strengthen their defense. Beyond Schroeder and the retiring Ross, they're overall just a weaker group and it's showing. They still have the firepower needed to win the East, but do they have enough to keep Beaujeaux up against the onslaught that is Edmonton's hyper-prolific offense? That's a question that begs to be answered, and one that I don't know could be. This is going to be a difficult time for Beaujeaux to say the least.

Words: 85

Quote:TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
[Image: aeHAT06.png]

Sadley, little Tammy was not the same after the recess peanut butter cup accident of S44. Her parents took her to the pediatrician where they labeled the incident a 'trauma' and prescribed Clonazepam to help Tammy cope.. The doctors visit cost her parents $100 dollars!... how many recess peanut butter cup packs could little tammy have bought with that $100 if each pack cost $2 dollars?

** Note: To receive credit for this task you must send the answer to me by forum PM. Do not post the answer in this thread as you will not get credit.. Please make the subject of the PM “CW Special” [Earn up to 3 TPE for this task. 2 TPE for participation, 1 additional TPE for the correct answer] Also, please make sure to add this assignment to your post to inform the grader that you have completed this task.

PM sent.

Quote:TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In 150 words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

I mean, there's some things that my dad and brother were able to accomplish that I never will. Leading the league in things like save percentage is difficult for a center. However, there is one thing that my dad was able to do that I want to be able to manage as well. I'm going to win the Ron Mexico Trophy.

Now if that's true, I can't tell yet. Alex Winters is a great friend and I hope for him to have a chance at one. Mika Mayfield is incredibly talented as well and deserves it equally. Jakub Novak, Barret McCarthy. There's a lot of great players here on Manhattan, let alone some around the league. However, if we're being honest here, I am the center of the spotlight and the star of the show. I'm going to be the one tasked with driving this play forward and making things happen. In this situation, I think I'm the best man for the job as well. So I'm going to do what my dad did back in S15 and I'm bringing back the Ron Mexico Trophy to the Aittokallio family. I'm going to do what my dad did and win the Anton Razov Trophy. I am going to do what my dad did three times, what my brother did twice and I'm going to win the Challenge Cup. This is a promise to my Rage, we are going to be champions.

Word Count: 252 words.

Quote:Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!

Well, this is two-fold. I work during the off-season in a lot of capacities. When it comes to Jax, the first thing needing done is a focus on integrating his teammates better into the play. A lot of passes went into legs, a lot of tired shovels that turn into opportunities the other way. It was a sloppy time.

Part of how he'll be improving on this is film study with his old man Jakub. This is just the way things go sometimes, the general manager needs to study the film and get a sense of the team as well as work toward understanding other players in the league and how he can improve his team. Thankfully for Jax, he has a front row seat and gets an understand of what's wanted. Unfortunately for him, it's while listening to dad jokes and it comes with a tailored workout plan afterward to get in touch with some other younger players like Winters and Mayfield to prepare and do drills around this. We want to ensure our players are communicating well and challenging the other team, not themselves, on every play. This isn't exactly easy, but it's a lesson they're going to all learn over the off-season.

Oh, and maybe we'll get in some golf. It helps with hand-eye and all. But mostly film and training, film and training.

Word Count: 238 words.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!

(This post was last modified: 02-06-2019, 02:04 AM by karey.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in [u]150[/u] words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

The Buffalo Stampede have had the worst luck out of any team in the SHL. Having bolstered an incredible lineup of skill and youth mixed with veteran presence, the should be perennial finalist have been competing for lottery picks over the past couple seasons. There are things to improve but this season will see them losing two more key pieces due to the SHL Expansion, likely losing both Luke Atmey and God McZerhrl, as well as recently having to trade away young phenom Flacko Lagerfield and losing Viktor Vorkamfer and now Jordin Four Four to retirement. This should be a big blow to any team but coupled with the sim luck, it's a frustrating reality that even if you do your best to field a competitive squad, luck is the most important factor in this league. To get better, the Stampede will need to find a player who has a luck as a strength attribute and not another high defence, high scoring player.

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)

Sadley, little Tammy was not the same after the recess peanut butter cup accident of S44. Her parents took her to the pediatrician where they labeled the incident a 'trauma' and prescribed Clonazepam to help Tammy cope.. The doctors visit cost her parents $100 dollars!... how many recess peanut butter cup packs could little tammy have bought with that $100 if each pack cost $2 dollars?

** Note: To receive credit for this task you must send the answer to me by forum PM. Do not post the answer in this thread as you will not get credit.. Please make the subject of the PM “CW Special” [Earn up to 3 TPE for this task. 2 TPE for participation, 1 additional TPE for the correct answer] [u]Also[/u], please make sure to add this assignment to your post to inform the grader that you have completed this task.
r u serious Smile

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?
2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?
4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why?
5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

1) Joe Kurczewski will be more valuable than Roman Augustus as Joe K has shown to be a dominant player throughout his career, but more importantly, hasn't had to change roles recently and is benefiting from the change in scenery. Roman Augustus has recently gone between being a defensemen to a winger and now playing forward on a new team. The change has rattled him in my opinion. (67 Words)

G- Tommy Tuck
D- Connor Tanner
D- Ludwig Koch Schroder
F- Roman Augustus
F-Joe Kurczewski
F- Dani Forsberg

Oh Calgary what could have been right? With Forsberg, Joe K, and Roman Augustus all playing in different colours. With Tuck in net he has shown the skill essential of a champion without the ring, this will be that year. However, the balance between the two teams stars are evident as both teams are stacked. The Blizzard have a higher average in skill, but the stars in WKP have shone brighter. (71 words)

3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?
Ensio Kalju will be depended on early and often to help thwart the incoming offensive onslaught. Posting a very respectable regular season plus minus this season with a +19, the young defensemen may see himself playing in a different jersey next season but will do his best to show up in these playoffs to make the most out this experience. (60 Words)

4. Edmonton with Karlssen is easily the best GM right now in the league this season and has shown his ability to stock pile assets and establish a culture of high value players. He has used his wits to collect other teams scraps and convert them into valuable assets and still has capital to see the Edmonton team challenge for future cups for a long time. Even thought the price to bring in a player like Joe K, albeit a rental, is going to end up with them wining it all. (90 words)

5. WKP is going to be exploited as the lineup of Dani Forsberg and Roman Augustus are not going to fare well by the hands of the snake Joe K who has used his inside knowelege to give detailed scouting reports on his one time friend. Utilizing the Bill Belicheck technique, the Edmonton Blizzard are going to use that to their advantage and find a way to take over the series due to the report they have on those two stars. (81 words)

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In [u]150[/u] words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

Viktor Marius is not looking for personal records or accolades but they have come to him recently with his IIHF success, however, the desire is that he wins a championship over the course of the next few seasons. The loyal young winger is a staple to the success of the Stampede over the next decade and has made it clear he never wants to leave the organization. That being said, the hope is that the organization build off that loyalty and create a winning not whining franchise. Marius sees also a possibility of being a fantasy valuable player, knowing that being fantasy relevant often gives one more league wide clout as well as future financial opporitnituse being a house hold name. Firstly the championships and team success should be the priorty, but a second will be long term financial success found outside of the SHL as his home town discounts are not going to support his 139 kids with his 139 baby mothers.

Task 2: (Graphic, 2 TPE)
Theres been allot of people holding up outragous signs throughout the playoffs! find and post [u]2[/u] of them! the signs must be about a player or a team in the S45 playoffs. *tag any player involved in the sign*
@Mike Izzy @Insayne
[Image: uCxQK7b.png]
[Image: 1TBT7sX.png]
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 07:38 PM by Wasty.)

Task 2: (Graphic, 2 TPE)
There's been allot of people holding up outrageous signs throughout the playoffs! find and post 2 of them! the signs must be about a player or a team in the S45 playoffs.

[Image: Iq78SmV.png?1]
[Image: PP3oZuq.png]
some real zingers here.

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
[Image: aeHAT06.png]

Sadley, little Tammy was not the same after the recess peanut butter cup accident of S44. Her parents took her to the pediatrician where they labeled the incident a 'trauma' and prescribed Clonazepam to help Tammy cope.. The doctors visit cost her parents $100 dollars!... how many recess peanut butter cup packs could little tammy have bought with that $100 if each pack cost $2 dollars?

Task 5: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
During the finals there will be a television segmant talking about the leagues locker room environments. Submit a graphic visually highlighting three key appealing features of your locker room. Must include team logo, team name, and text captions for the features you have chosen.
[Image: FMVierY.png]

Task 7: (Graphic, up to 3 TPE)
In an effort to boost spending the SHL wants to create a coupon flyer for challenge cup merchandise! Create coupons of items that involve something related to the Challenge Cup series. Coupon should have a visual component and wording about the sale. Each coupon is worth 1 TPE, you can do up to 3 coupons.

Task 9 (Graphic, 3 TPE)
People in West Kendall and Edmonton couldnt wait to read the morning paper the day their teams made it to the finals! Create the front page of a newspaper of 1 of the 2 teams clinching a berth into the Challenge Cup Championships!  Front page should include a newspaper background. the name of the newspaper, a catchy title and a picture with name of one of the player renders celebrating.

[Image: pKZUZep.png]

[Image: NiclasWastlund26.gif]
#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / MINNESOTA MONARCHS Monarchs
[Image: vlPUU9v.png][Image: ammBPLt.png][Image: rnZeas5.png][Image: V9MXpXR.png]

(This post was last modified: 02-06-2019, 06:30 AM by Raven.)

Quote:TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

I think the one thing the New England Wolfpack is missing right now is a group of players in their prime. Veteran Tiggole Bitties is playing at the highest level he can as of right now, but he is missing some help with it. However help is it's on way. Players like Manuel Götze, Herb Robert, Brock Becker and Rafe Ulrich will make up a big part of the prime group once they get a little older and more mature in their games. Their defense is also a weak point, with the retirement of Landvik, defense is looking quite grim. However there is hope with young players Kristaps Ball and Maximillian Egger. Who will have to keep develping to be able to be the solid players on the wolfpack blue line.

The Wolfpack is looking to keep improving and it give a few more seasons, more seasoned youngsters and we will probably see the pack trying to fight their way into the finals once again.

Quote:TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)


Quote:TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In 150 words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

Rafe Ulrich's bucket list is one with many things he wants to accomplish in his career. Let's start with talking about the ones he has been able to check off already. The obvious first two are being drafted to the SMJHL and being drafted to the SHL. The dream of any young player is to reach a level of play which is sufficient enough to be considered by gm's as good. Not everyone will be drafted, but Ulrich has managed to be and being drafted first overall in the S42 SHL even, which was a very cheeky dream of the young lad. He has also won a personal award already, he award for rookie of the year in the SHL. So that's another one of the list.

Looking at things Ulrich still wants to accomplish. The big one is to win the Cup. Score a game winning goal in the finals and to name another one, have a great career.

Rafe Ulrich is still young so thankfully there is still plenty of time for him to work on his bucket list.

Quote:Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!

Ulrich faced a heart breaking first round exit in this years playoffs. While sad this also meant that his offseason started early and he was able to make full use of it. The first thing Ulrich did was fly back to Norway with his parents to go and visit family and friends in Norway. Ulrich always looks forward to the offseason and to the time he can spend back in Norway. Always making the most of it. After a few weeks in Norway the plan is to fly back to Boston and start working on the upcoming season. Offseasons are fun, but you have to keep yourself in line and continue working on yourself. Together with his coaches at the Wolfpack he has created a special work out regime to keep him going during the offseason, which will hopefully see his level of play return to that of his first SHL season and hopefully beyond that level aswell.

Quote:Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?

It's crazy how alike these players are. Two absolute units of players and it will be hard to say which will be more valuable. Will Augustus add even more to a strong WKP team which is looking to make it 3 cups in 5 years or will Kurczewski look to shake things up a bit. I might have to give the nod to Roman Augustus, I think he will prove greatly with a little extra strong on the face off dot.

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.

G - Beaujeaux Biscuit, it's hard not to go with the hot goalie and Beaujeax is hot in the sence that with Beaujeaux in net WKP has won 2 cups in the last 4 years. Will he be able to make it 3 in 5?
D - Ludwig Koch Schröder, the legend, crazy good defender which you would be crazy not to pick.
D - Ensio Kalju, the youngster, a player which much to prove. Also it's Jruutu's player so I just have to go with him.
F - Roman Augustus, this dude is a danger when he's in the zone and that's the kind of player you need. Someone who can always create trouble.
F - Oisin Fletcher, such a good player right now who can just stack up the points.
F - Alex Light, might be a smelly old fart, but he has that SMJHL goal record so he has to be good or something.

3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?

Ensio Kalju, will have to show up big in stopping the offensive powerhouse that the Platoon has in them. He cannot be making any errors out there, but I also believe that with his style of play be might be able to make a difference in the offense for the Blizzard. Scoring fital goals when needed be.

5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

It's truely difficult to find an exploitable area as both of these teams seem like they have everything. I feel like scouting for the Blizzard, I can see that the Blizzard defense has one up on that of the Platoon. While by no means bad, it might be the second, third line defense which can easily be taken advantage of by the blizzard.

[Image: 43436_s.gif]
Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2019, 08:43 PM by dankoa.)


We were tantalisingly close to making the finals this season, losing out in OT of Game 7 to the Edmonton Blizzard. It was a far from ideal way for our season to end and a very sad day; although we were all proud of what we'd achieved in getting there. We're already looking ahead to next season and what we need to help bring us over the line there. Our top 4 defense is one of the best in the league in my opinion, and there's pretty much nothing I would change about it. I think the only area we could add one or two guys in to really boost our chances would be in the forwards. I want to bring in another top level elite forward along with a more physical presence who can play anywhere in the top 9. Perhaps a two way forward or a power forward with pass first tendency would be exactly what we need I would say.

168 words.


1. As others have said, while both are superstars I think the addition of Augustus probably made a bigger difference to the Platoon than the addition of Joe did to Edmonton. The blizz were already stacked to the nines so while Joe was obviously a big add and played his part, they would still have had the best roster in the league without him, whereas I think the addition of Augustus really cemented WKP as the team to beat in the East

83 words

2. G - Tommy Tuck, D - Ludwig Koch Schroeder, D - Tor Tuck, F - Roman Augustus, F - Joe K, F - Oisin Fletcher

There's a lot of guys who definitely deserve a spot on this team but I think these are the real difference makers on both teams. Tuck has had an insane season for the Blizzard, LKS has been one of the rocks of the Platoon for a long period of time, Tor Tuck is one of the league's most advanced defensemen, Augustus and Joe K are established superstars and Fletcher is one of the league's premier players. If I had to put together a squad across the two cup contenders this is how it would look for sure.

97 words

3. I shared a draft class in S41 with Piotr Czerkawski and I have been very impressed with his workrate since he entered the league. He's definitely someone who could make a huge difference in the way the finals play out, being at the stage where he can contribute at an elite level despite being only 4 seasons into his career. If the Blizzard give him the minutes and the opportunity I think he could do some real big things in these playoffs.

82 words

4. Karl has been a guy I've been friends with since the time I joined the league more or less, and the job he's done of building a team in Edmonton is nothing short of incredible. He really deserves the success of getting to the finals, and while WKP's management has obviously been very strong the last few seasons in getting them to where they are, Karl is a fantastic leader for his team and so I'd say holds the tactical advantage going into this series.

85 words

5. I could see Edmonton's stacked forward lines really getting an advantage over the WKP defense in this series. If I were scouting for the Platoon I'd really recommend they bring in another defenseman to help them out. LKS is currently their only defenseman over 1k TPE, which could be a real disadvantage when you face a team as generally stacked as the Blizzard, whose own defense is stellar and has the forwards to really make them pay. WKP will need to make the requisite adjustments to ensure this doesn't become an issue in the series.

95 words


PM sent


Now Daniel Karlsson is out of the playoffs it is party time for the young guy. Finally out of the restrictive hockey world and the iron fist of his GM father for a short space of time, Daniel will travel back out to LA to get loose with his boys and go on a summer trip, crushing beers and getting wasted like only a Cali guy can. Daniel plans to spend some of his time this offseason getting more in touch with his Scandinavian heritage, and so he has planned a three week trip to Sweden to visit family and get to know the country from which his ancestors hailed a little better. Obviously Daniel is disappointed that his team couldn't make the finals this season, but he plans on using his time to recharge his batteries and come back next year better, stronger and more prepared to go all the way.

152 words

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2019, 12:34 PM by Fantobens.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use

Going forward in season 46 the tampa Bay barracuda have a lot of work to do. Nothing that will be able to be done in one off season. To make the finals next season the cudas would have to add a lot of fire power, on the front end and back end. But this is going to be a full rebuild so nothing that can be accomplished over night. Adding younger players and building for a long distance future is what will fit this squad. I would love to see hippo passamus, tig murphy and luke Thomson would be great. I dont see that happening but its nice to dream. Players that would make an immediate impact would be. Louie garret, maybe Daniel karrelsson and the dude on the back end. Alex light for vet leadership and maybe some wozy. Everyone could use some wozy. Just like everyone one else I listed they would make any team immediately better. 

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)

Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?
2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why? 
4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why? 
5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

1. I believe Joe kurczewski will have the bigger impact only for the fact that west kendall has been here and won very recently without Augustus. Not taking anything away from Roman, because we all know hes a great player. It is just that the big moves Edmonton jas made has made such a great difference in such a short period of time. It will be interesting to see if it carries right through to a challenge cup.

2. G- Bojo
D- Connor Tanner
D- Ludwig Koch Schroder
F- Roman Augustus
F-Joe Kurczewski
F- Dani Forsberg

I will be honest. When you have two stacked teams like this you can just throw a dart and have a great team. Here, I went with experience. These guys will go down as some of the greatest to ever play in shl. If not already and I didnt even pick alex light. I could probably make a sexond group that would be better than half of the league too.

3. I have always been a fan of Rex Kirkby. His playstyle is fun to watch. Quick smart and not afraid to try to make plays from the back end. Kirkby is a smooth skater with soft hands and a mind for the game. Hes a young man getting all kinds of experience from the vets in West kendal. Not to mention on top of his physical and mental ability, hes a nice guy. Which is nice.

4. Right now, I would have to go with Jr and wongy. They are on the verge of a legitimate dynasty. They have been there and done that, and with the lineup they put out there every season, I dont see it stopping anytime soon. If I was to answer this question again next season my answer may be different. But right now I think the obvious answer is the the front office of the Platoon.

5. The one thing you can exploit on west kendall is thier hubris. They have am air of confidence surrounding them, which is deserved. But sometimes, the confidence turns into cockiness. It sgows itself the most through alex light. When I was in training camp with the platoon, alex could be heard yelling for his "golden slippers". I just assumed that they were his lucky slippers, but lo and behold, they were slippers plated in gold. He caught me staring at them. Which got me a quick, "hey, what the fuck you lookin at?"

Task 4

PM sent

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)

Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In 150 words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

I dont really have a bucket list per say. The one thing I really want is a championship. Hopefully we can get the 4 star this year and half check that off.  As for the SHL championship, that may be a little harder. Being a top player in the SMJHL is not really hard. You stay active to semi active you will hit the tpe cap without really trying. The SHL is different. I'm am not a top earner so I know my career will be spent on the 3rd and 4th lines. I accept that. But how can I really help when I'm not one of the top players? I dont know. What I do know is that I can be vocal and supportive in the locker room to the bigger names on the team. Having a bottom 6 career will really diminish my minutes so setting personal goals would be short sighted as and probably not a good idea. I'm not bitter. I'm ready for the next chapter.

Task 10: (3 TPE)

Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason

Its been a few days since detroit lost the finals of the 4 star cup. I have been hiding in my apartment. Went over to the arena this morning to pack up all my stiff for the last time. Going to spend the rest of the day packing up my place. I'll get everyrhing in order tomorrow to get it shipped down to Tampa. The team said I could store it at the arena while I look for a new place. 

Before I head down there I have some shit to do. My last world junior championship. That will be bitter sweet. Officially my last thing to do as a "kid". Then IIHF and back home. 

Not to Detroit this time. I'm sure it will be strange not going there, but everyone has to grow up. 

Being from the Tampa area, it wont be weird going there, just not stopping off in Michigan may feel odd. The season just ended and the calls from friends and family for tickets has already started. 

It may be the off season, but with all the work we do, it sure never feels like it. 

[Image: Fantobens.gif]

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