luke SHL GM
Admiral of the Data Seas
These are the TPE you can claim next to your name for S61 Season Predictions
Double check responses here (joycon for me to double check)
.bojo - 6
(Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn - 4.5
39alaska39 - 7
3lewsers - 6
5ympathies - 9
aaronwilson - 11.5
academydropout - 5
ACapitalChicago - 7
Accka - 7.5
Ace - 4
Acsolap - 9
Aephino - 8.5
AgentSmith630 - 8.5
Air Crou - 6.5
Aleris - 6
Amidships - 8
Andy - 8
artermis - 7
Arturs33 - 5.5
Asked Madden - 8
BadWolf - 5.5
BarnabasCollins - 3.5
BasedMinkus - 8
Bayley - 8
bbjygm - 6
bdu754 - 8
BenDover - 7
Benpachi - 5.5
Bfine - 8
Big Newff - 9
bilbo - 10.5
bjkman - 6
Bk1689 - 6.5
Blasoon - 8.5
BloomeyGB - 5.5
bluesfan55 - 9
Bolobill - 10.5
bongo - 6.5
boom - 7.5
BrewskyBoy - 8
Bruins10 - 7
Buster - 4.5
By-Tor - 9.5
C9Van - 8
caltroit_red_flames - 6
CampinKiller - 7.5
CanadianDuck - 7
canadice - 9.5
canes2112 - 10
canuckles - 9.5
Capt_Blitzkrieg - 6
CaptainCamel - 7.5
Carpy48 - 9.5
CD12 - 5
CementHands - 9.5
charlieconway - 8.5
CheerfulBender20 - 6
ckroyal92 - 7.5
Cobbenstein - 6.5
Count Chocula - 6.5
CptSquall - 9
crazylemire - 8
CrazyMojito - 9
crutch - 5.5
Cyanide - 6
Dagumpa - 6.5
Damienj10 - 4
dankoa - 7
DarkCanuck29 - 7
ddrector - 8
Deng - 7.5
Dewalt27 - 7.5
Dextaria - 10
dogwoodmaple - 10.5
DollarAndADream - 8.5
Drokeep - 7
DrunkenTeddy - 6.5
Duff101 - 8.5
efischermann - 7.5
Emeril - 6.5
enigmatic - 9.5
EricNCSU - 8.5
Esso2264 - 7
Evident_Rogue - 6
Evil_AllBran - 8
Evok - 7.5
Exilate - 7
Eynhallow - 5
Faded - 9
Faelax - 10
Fantobens - 7
Ferda - 9
Festinator - 7.5
fever95 - 7
Fishy - 8
Fitted2106 - 7.5
FlappyGiraffe - 9
Fluw - 9
frazzle14 - 10
Frick_Nasty - 8
FuzzSHL - 8
gaby - 8.5
Gaia Mormont - 7.5
GCool - 7.5
Geekusoid - 7
Gifter of bikes - 6.5
goilers - 6.5
golden_apricot - 8
goldenglutes - 10.5
GoonerBear - 9
gordieboom - 7.5
GrannyPanPan - 8
Grapehead - 7.5
Graydonsanatomy - 7
greencityny - 5.5
grimreaper - 8
grok - 8
Grum - 8
gucci - 10
gurbs - 9
Gwdjohnson - 7.5
H0PPY75 - 5
Halkohol - 10
Hallsy - 9.5
HanTheMan_ - 8
Hazack - 7.5
hewasajazzman - 6
hhh81 - 8
Highhaschdi - 8
Hockeyiscool - 6
honkerrs - 10
Hordle - 5
hotdog - 8.5
Huck24 - 11.5
Inf1d3l - 10.5
jay2233 - 6.5
Jedi - 5.5
jeffie43 - 11.5
Jepox - 10.5
Jericson - 7.5
Jimmysmo27 - 8.5
JKortesi81 - 9.5
jnh - 8
Jonny Tsunami - 8.5
Jorec - 7
joycon - 15.5
jRuutu - 8.5
JSS331 - 10
JT3 - 10
jtam - 9.5
juke - 7.5
Julio Tokolosh - 8
Jumbobone19 - 7.5
JumpierPegasus - 5.5
Junior - 6
juniped - 9.5
Kalakar - 8
Kalesalad - 7.5
karlssens - 11
Katth - 6
KC15 - 5.5
Keenan - 8.5
KenitohMenara - 8.5
kentakira - 8.5
kenvald - 12
Keven - 9
Keygan - 7.5
Kierkan - 5
kikish18 - 4.5
KlusteR - 7.5
Kraagenskul - 8.5
krazko - 10
kyamprac - 8
Kylrad - 9.5
LairdButler - 8
Lazyeye - 8.5
leafs1997 - 6.5
Leafs4ever - 9.5
leafsftw1967 - 8.5
Leppish - 9
lespoils - 7.5
leviadan - 8.5
lilstifler - 9
Lime - 8
lmao - 9
Lobbanet - 8
Locagiess - 10
LordBirdman - 11
Lorec - 8.5
Lowlycrib - 6
LSUFAN101 - 6.5
Luketd - 10
Lukstins88 - 5.5
majesiu - 9
marco999 - 9
Massive Coiler - 8.5
mastersheep - 9.5
Matteo - 7.5
Mayuu - 5.5
Mazatt - 8
Mediocre_Fred - 7.5
Memento Mori - 9
MichaelLum30 - 7
micool132 - 10
Mike Izzy - 7
MN_Moosey - 7
monochroma - 6.5
Mooney - 6
Mooty99 - 8
Moreorless89 - 9
MP7 - 10
Mr. Finland - 7.5
Muerto - 7.5
Muford - 9
Mutedfaith - 7
MyLittleHexx - 6
Naosu - 8
natedoeshockey - 8
negs - 7.5
Nerio - 6.5
Nhamlet - 8.5
Nictox - 8
Nike - 3.5
NorwegianDemon - 9
notorioustig - 8
NotoriousTRON - 8
nour - 5.5
nyumbayangu - 9
O4L - 9
Ohtaay - 9
Opera_Phantom - 6.5
Otrebor13 - 8.5
overdoo - 9
Patty - 9.5
Peej2189 - 6.5
Pickle Juice - 9
platanocat - 5
PremierBromanov - 9
ProjectSaint - 6
puolivalmiste - 8
Pythonic - 6.5
qWest - 7.5
r0tzbua - 7.5
Rabidsponge21 - 7.5
Ragnar - 8
Rancidbudgie - 7.5
Rangerjase - 7.5
Rankle - 9.5
Raven - 9
raymond3000 - 9.5
ReaperComePepegaAim - 6.5
RedCapeDiver - 8.5
reid - 8.5
RenoJacksonHS - 7.5
Renomitsu - 5.5
Retuperkele - 6.5
Rich - 9.5
roastpuff - 7
RomanesEuntDomus - 8.5
Ronniewalker - 9
rory - 6.5
RotticusScott - 9
Ruggsy - 5.5
rum_ham - 11
sakrosankt - 9.5
Salming - 8.5
santej29 - 7.5
SchwarzNarr - 9.5
scorycory - 7.5
scrufdaddy - 7.5
SDCore - 7.5
Sebster - 7
SecondSucks22 - 9
Segi - 8
SewingWithNancy - 8
SeymourSnatches - 8
SFresh3 - 9
Shmurph - 10.5
siddhus - 5.5
Simo_393 - 9.5
Sivart - 8
Skeleton Party - 9
sköldpaddor - 5.5
slashacm - 6
Slav1cThor - 3.5
slothfacekilla - 7.5
Sly - 4
Sly92 - 7.5
Snuffalupagus - 8
Sopath - 11
soulja - 7
Spartan - 6
SpartanGibbles - 8.5
spooked - 9.5
st4rface - 7.5
StadiumGambler - 10
StamkosFan - 7.5
steelhead77 - 8
steveoiscool - 9
Suavemente - 6.5
sulovilen - 9.5
supertardis101 - 9.5
sve7en - 7.5
takethehorizon - 6.5
Talls - 9
TapdancingNecrons - 5.5
taterswc - 6.5
Tayjay - 8.5
Thatguy91 - 7.5
the5urreal - 7.5
TheCC - 8.5
Thedangazone - 9
TheFlash - 7
TheSparkyDee - 10.5
thewozy - 9
Thunfish - 9
tnlastatine - 9.5
Toivo - 6.5
Tomen - 7.5
Tommysalami - 9
traphag - 7
trashae - 6.5
Trautner - 12
trella - 9
TubbyTim69 - 8
Tweedledunn - 7
Tylar - 7.5
UberBJ - 6
Urq660 - 6.5
UrsinZ - 6
ValorX77 - 8
Vandy - 5
Velevra - 8.5
Vikian - 5
visceralpotamus - 7.5
Wally - 11
WannabeFinn - 7.5
washed-up trash - 6.5
wearingabear - 8
WithTheMoose - 9.5
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie - 9.5
Z-Whiz - 11
zaynzk - 10
zeagle1 - 5.5
Zema - 7.5
Zombiewolf - 10
Zomp - 9.5
Zoone16 - 7
ZootTX - 8.5
ztevans - 11
Luke Thomason || LW || Manhattan Rage || 2143 Max TPE
Born: 1/10/98
Height: 6'0
Weight 185 Lbs
Regular season
S42 | Van | GP: 50| G: 4| A: 8|P: 12|+/-: -10|MP: 457|
S43 | Van | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 19|P: 35|+/-: 3|MP: 951|
S44 | Van | GP: 50| G: 22| A: 31|P: 53|+/-: 9|MP: 1033|
S45 | SFP | GP: 50| G: 18| A: 19|P: 37|+/-: -5|MP: 1041|
S46 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 19| A: 24|P: 43|+/-: -3|MP: 1156|
S47 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 28|P: 44|+/-: -15|MP: 1184|
S48 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 24|P: 40|+/-: -13|MP: 1137|
S49 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 21| A: 28|P: 49| +/-: 13|MP: 1099
S50 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 21| A: 23|P: 44| +/-: 10|MP: 1157
S51 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 17| A: 22|P: 39| +/-: 5|MP: 1232
S52 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 24| A: 29|P: 54| +/-: 17|MP: 1193
S42 Playoffs | Van| GP: 11 | G: 1| A: 2 |P:3|+/-: +3| MP: 101
S43 Playoffs | Van| GP: 10 | G: 4| A: 1 |P:5|+/-: -3| MP: 206
S44 Playoffs | Van| GP: 14 | G: 7| A:6 |P:13|+/-:-1 | MP:228
S46 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 12 | G: 3 | A:2 |P:5|+/-:-14 | MP:289
S47 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 5 | G: 3 | A:4 |P:7|+/-:2 | MP:119
S49 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 11| G: 6| A: 11|P:16|+/-: 5| MP:248
S50 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 6| G: 5| A: 5|P:10|+/-: 7| MP:137
S51 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 12| G: 7| A: 9|P:16|+/-: 4| MP:293
S52 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 19| G: 9| A: 13|P:22|+/-: 0| MP:438
S43 Named Assistant Captain for VAN Whalers
Drafted 3rd OA by San Fransisco Pride
S43 4 Star Cup Champion
S44 Zach Miller Award for Most Dedicated
S44 nominee for the Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S45 WJC Gold Medalist
S45 SHL Rookie All-Star Team
S46 Named Captain for Czechoslovakia
S45 Winner of the Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S46 Nominee for Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S49 Bronze Medal for Czechia
S52 Nominee for Anton Razov Trophy
S52 SHL 3rd Team
Arnost Holub || Vancouver Whalers GM/ Manhattan Rage Co-GM
S44 | W:27 | L:18 | OTL: 5 | P:59 | 3rd in League
S45 | W:29 | L:17 | OTL: 4 | P:62 | 4th in League
S46 | W:23 | L:21 | OTL: 6 | P:52 | 8th in League
S47 | W:30 | L:17 | OTL: 3 | P:63 | 3rd in League
S48 | W:28 | L:16 | OTL: 6 | P:62 | 4th in League
Total | W:137 | L: 89 | OTL: 24
Manhattan Rage
S49 | W:33 | L:15 | OTL: 2 | P:68 | 3rd in League
S50 | W:26 | L:20 | OTL: 4 | P:56 | 8th in League
S51 | W:26 | L:18 | OTL: 6 | P:56 | 5th in League
S52 | W:28 | L:21 | OTL: 1 | P:57 | 6th in League
Totals | W:113 | L:74 | OTL: 13
S49 Lance Uppercut Award
S51 Lance Uppercut Award Nomination
S52 Lance Uppercut Award Nomination
Vancouver Whalers
S44 | W: 7 | L: 7 | CF Round Exit
S45 | W: 6 | L: 6 | CF Round Exit
S46 | W: 1 | L: 4 | 1st Round Exit
S47 | W: 6 | L: 4 | CF Round Exit
S48 | W: 12 | L: 7 | 4 Star Cup Champions
Total| W: 32 | L: 28 | 4 Star Cup Champions
Manhattan Rage
S49 | W: 6 | L: 5 | CF Round Exit
S50 | W: 2 | L: 4 | Wildcard Exit
S51 | W: 5 | L: 7 | CF Exit
S52 | W: 12 | L: 7 | Challenge Cup Champions
Total | W: 25 | L:23 | 1 Challenge Cup
luke SHL GM
Admiral of the Data Seas
The following users can claim the TPE next to their user for S61 IIHF Predictions
Congrats to Great Britian for Gold ,Canada for Silver, and Finland(real btw) for Bronze
Congrats to Sven Svenson for the Round Robin points leader, and having 3 people guess him correct (JP, Lord Birdman always BELIEVES IN HIMSELF, and Rich)
NorwegianDemon - 3.5
.bojo - 2.5
(Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn - 2
39alaska39 - 5.5
3lewsers - 4
5ympathies - 3
aaronwilson - 4.5
academydropout - 4.5
ACapitalChicago - 5
Accka - 5
Ace - 3.5
Acsolpa - 4.5
Aephino - 4
AgentSmith630 - 4.5
Air Crou - 3.5
Aleris - 5
Amidships - 4
Andy - 3
Arkz - 3.5
artermis - 4.5
Asked Madden - 3
AW13 - 7.5
BadWolf - 2.5
BasedMinkus - 3
Bayley - 5
bbjygm - 3
bdu754 - 4
BenDover - 3
Benpachi - 4
Bfine - 6
bilbo - 3.5
bjkman - 5.5
Bk1689 - 3.5
Blasoon - 4
blastmeaway - 2.5
bluesfan55 - 5.5
bongo - 3.5
boom - 3.5
Bruins10 - 3
By-Tor - 3.5
C9Van - 4
caltroit_red_flames - 4.5
CampinKiller - 3
CanadianDuck - 4.5
canadice - 6
canes2112 - 4.5
CaptainCamel - 3
Carpy48 - 4.5
CementHands - 4.5
charlieconway - 4.5
CheerfulBender20 - 3.5
Citizen of Adraa - 2.5
ckroyal92 - 5.5
Cobbenstein - 5
Count Chocula - 3.5
crazylemire - 4.5
CrazyMojito - 5
Cyanide - 3.5
Dagumpa - 4
Damienj10 - 3
DarkCanuck29 - 5
Deng - 3.5
Dextaria - 3.5
dmills3 - 2.5
dogwoodmaple - 5.5
DollarAndADream - 4
Drokeep - 5.5
DrunkenTeddy - 4.5
efischermann - 5
enigmatic - 4.5
EricNCSU - 4
Evil_AllBran - 2.5
Evok - 5.5
Eynhallow - 5
Faelax - 5
Fantobens - 3
Ferda - 5
Festinator - 4
fever95 - 4.5
FinnRhys - 3
Fishy - 3.5
Fitted2106 - 3.5
FlappyGiraffe - 4
Fluw - 3
Frick_Nasty - 3
FuzzSHL - 4
gaby - 4
Gaia Mormont - 2.5
GCool - 3.5
Geekusoid - 3
gifter of bikes - 3.5
Goilers - 5
golden_apricot - 6.5
goldenglutes - 3.5
gordieboom - 3
Grapehead - 2.5
greencityny - 5
grimreaper - 4
Grum - 5
gurbs - 6
Gwdjohnson - 4
Halkohol - 6.5
HanTheMan_ - 4
hewasajazzman - 3.5
hhh81 - 5
Highhaschdi - 4.5
hockeyiscool - 4
honkerrs - 6.5
hotdog - 5
Huck24 - 5.5
Inf1d3l - 3
jay2233 - 4.5
Jepox - 4.5
Jericson - 4.5
JKortesi81 - 4
Jonny Tsunami - 3.5
Jorec - 3.5
jRuutu - 3
JT3 - 5.5
jtam - 4
juke - 4.5
Jumbobone19 - 3.5
JumpierPegasus - 3.5
Kalakar - 3.5
Kalesalad - 5.5
karlssens - 3
Katth - 2
KC15 - 5
KenitohMenara - 5.5
kentakira - 4.5
kenvald - 3.5
Keven - 5.5
Keygan - 4
Kierkan - 3.5
kikish18 - 3.5
KlusteR - 7
Kraagenskul - 4.5
krazko - 3.5
kyamprac - 5.5
Kylrad - 3
LairdButler - 3.5
Lazyeye - 3
LB3737 - 4.5
leafs1997 - 2.5
Leafs4ever - 3
leafsftw1967 - 4.5
lespoils - 3.5
leviadan - 3
lilstifler - 4
Lime - 3.5
lmao - 6.5
Lobbanet - 4.5
LordBirdman - 5
Lorec - 4
Lowlycrib - 3.5
luketd - 3
marco999 - 5
Massive Coiler - 4
mastersheep - 4.5
Matteo - 5
Mazatt - 4.5
Mediocre_Fred - 3
Memento Mori - 3.5
Merica - 3
micool132 - 4
Mike Izzy - 4.5
MN_Moosey - 4
monochroma - 4.5
Mooney - 5
Mooty99 - 5.5
Moreorless89 - 3
MP7 - 3.5
Mr. Finland - 4
Muerto - 4.5
Muford - 2.5
mutedfaith - 3
MyLittleHexx - 4
natedoeshockey - 5
Nerio - 3
Nhamlet - 4.5
Nictox - 3
NIke - 4.5
notorioustig - 4
notoriousTRON - 5
nour - 3
O4L - 3
Ohtaay - 4
Omniscius - 4
Opera_Phantom - 4.5
Otrebor13 - 3.5
Patty - 2.5
Peej2189 - 4
Pickle Juice - 6.5
PremierBromanov - 6.5
puolivalmiste - 5.5
Pythonic - 4.5
qWest - 3
r0tzbua - 3
Rabidsponge21 - 5
Ragnar - 4
Rancidbudgie - 6.5
Rangerjase - 4
Raven - 5.5
raymond3000 - 3
ReaperComePepegaAim - 4.5
RedCapeDiver - 3.5
reid - 5
RenoJacksonHS - 5.5
Renomitsu - 3.5
retuperkele - 5
Rich - 6
RomanesEuntDomus - 3.5
Ronniewalker - 3.5
RotticusScott - 3.5
Ruggsy - 5.5
rum_ham - 4
sakrosankt - 5
Salming - 5.5
santej29 - 3
SchwarzNarr - 3
scrufdaddy - 4.5
Sebster - 5
Segi - 5
SewingWithNancy - 4.5
SeymourSnatches - 5
SFresh3 - 3.5
Shmurph - 3.5
siddhus - 5
Skeleton Party - 3.5
skoldpaddor - 3.5
Slashacm - 5
slothfacekilla - 5
Snuffalupagus - 4
Sopath - 6
soulja - 5
Spartan - 4
SpartanGibbles - 3
spooked - 3.5
st4rface - 4.5
StadiumGambler - 4
steelhead77 - 3
steveoiscool - 4
suavemente - 3
sulovilen - 4.5
supertardis101 - 3
takethehorizon - 4
Talls - 6
TapdancingNecrons - 5
taterswc - 5.5
Tayjay - 3.5
Thatguy91 - 4.5
the5urreal - 5.5
TheDangaZone - 5
TheFlash - 5
TheSparkyDee - 6
thewozy - 4.5
Thunfish - 5
Toast - 3.5
Toivo - 5
TommySalami - 3.5
traphag - 5.5
trashae - 4
Trautner - 3.5
trella - 6
TubbyTim69 - 4
tweedledunn - 3
Tylar - 4
Urq660 - 7
ValorX77 - 4
Vandy - 4
Vikian - 3
visceralpotamus - 4.5
Wally - 4.5
WannabeFinn - 5
washed-up trash - 4
Wearingabear - 4
WithTheMoose - 3
XLeafer - 4
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie - 4.5
Z-Whiz - 4
zaynzk - 3
zeagle1 - 3
Zombiewolf - 3
Zoone16 - 4
ZootTX - 3
Luke Thomason || LW || Manhattan Rage || 2143 Max TPE
Born: 1/10/98
Height: 6'0
Weight 185 Lbs
Regular season
S42 | Van | GP: 50| G: 4| A: 8|P: 12|+/-: -10|MP: 457|
S43 | Van | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 19|P: 35|+/-: 3|MP: 951|
S44 | Van | GP: 50| G: 22| A: 31|P: 53|+/-: 9|MP: 1033|
S45 | SFP | GP: 50| G: 18| A: 19|P: 37|+/-: -5|MP: 1041|
S46 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 19| A: 24|P: 43|+/-: -3|MP: 1156|
S47 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 28|P: 44|+/-: -15|MP: 1184|
S48 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 24|P: 40|+/-: -13|MP: 1137|
S49 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 21| A: 28|P: 49| +/-: 13|MP: 1099
S50 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 21| A: 23|P: 44| +/-: 10|MP: 1157
S51 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 17| A: 22|P: 39| +/-: 5|MP: 1232
S52 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 24| A: 29|P: 54| +/-: 17|MP: 1193
S42 Playoffs | Van| GP: 11 | G: 1| A: 2 |P:3|+/-: +3| MP: 101
S43 Playoffs | Van| GP: 10 | G: 4| A: 1 |P:5|+/-: -3| MP: 206
S44 Playoffs | Van| GP: 14 | G: 7| A:6 |P:13|+/-:-1 | MP:228
S46 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 12 | G: 3 | A:2 |P:5|+/-:-14 | MP:289
S47 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 5 | G: 3 | A:4 |P:7|+/-:2 | MP:119
S49 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 11| G: 6| A: 11|P:16|+/-: 5| MP:248
S50 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 6| G: 5| A: 5|P:10|+/-: 7| MP:137
S51 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 12| G: 7| A: 9|P:16|+/-: 4| MP:293
S52 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 19| G: 9| A: 13|P:22|+/-: 0| MP:438
S43 Named Assistant Captain for VAN Whalers
Drafted 3rd OA by San Fransisco Pride
S43 4 Star Cup Champion
S44 Zach Miller Award for Most Dedicated
S44 nominee for the Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S45 WJC Gold Medalist
S45 SHL Rookie All-Star Team
S46 Named Captain for Czechoslovakia
S45 Winner of the Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S46 Nominee for Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S49 Bronze Medal for Czechia
S52 Nominee for Anton Razov Trophy
S52 SHL 3rd Team
Arnost Holub || Vancouver Whalers GM/ Manhattan Rage Co-GM
S44 | W:27 | L:18 | OTL: 5 | P:59 | 3rd in League
S45 | W:29 | L:17 | OTL: 4 | P:62 | 4th in League
S46 | W:23 | L:21 | OTL: 6 | P:52 | 8th in League
S47 | W:30 | L:17 | OTL: 3 | P:63 | 3rd in League
S48 | W:28 | L:16 | OTL: 6 | P:62 | 4th in League
Total | W:137 | L: 89 | OTL: 24
Manhattan Rage
S49 | W:33 | L:15 | OTL: 2 | P:68 | 3rd in League
S50 | W:26 | L:20 | OTL: 4 | P:56 | 8th in League
S51 | W:26 | L:18 | OTL: 6 | P:56 | 5th in League
S52 | W:28 | L:21 | OTL: 1 | P:57 | 6th in League
Totals | W:113 | L:74 | OTL: 13
S49 Lance Uppercut Award
S51 Lance Uppercut Award Nomination
S52 Lance Uppercut Award Nomination
Vancouver Whalers
S44 | W: 7 | L: 7 | CF Round Exit
S45 | W: 6 | L: 6 | CF Round Exit
S46 | W: 1 | L: 4 | 1st Round Exit
S47 | W: 6 | L: 4 | CF Round Exit
S48 | W: 12 | L: 7 | 4 Star Cup Champions
Total| W: 32 | L: 28 | 4 Star Cup Champions
Manhattan Rage
S49 | W: 6 | L: 5 | CF Round Exit
S50 | W: 2 | L: 4 | Wildcard Exit
S51 | W: 5 | L: 7 | CF Exit
S52 | W: 12 | L: 7 | Challenge Cup Champions
Total | W: 25 | L:23 | 1 Challenge Cup
10-27-2021, 07:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2021, 01:48 PM by Matteo .)
The following players may claim 1 TPE for S61 Raymond Lindsay voting. Find out the winner in the awards show in an hour and a half
PM me if there's any issues.
(Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn
Air Crou
Asked Madden
Count Chocula
Gaia Mormont
Gifter of bikes
High Stick King
James Truong
Jonny Tsunami
Julio Tokolosh
Massive Coiler
Memento Mori
Mike Izzy
Mr. Finland
Pickle Juice
Serpe x 13
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie
blastmeaway, Graydonsanatomy, and SlaschACM all did not put a verification word in the thread, so no teep for you three.
Cristoforo Roccamontepiano | #10 | S78 | Blizzard | Citadelles | Whalers | Sweden
SHL Regular Season Stats:
S81 | EDM | GP: 63 | G: 23 | A: 21 | P: 44 | +/-: -48 | PIM: 31 | S: 155 | HIT: 59 | BLK: 59 | TOI: 20:39
SMJHL Regular Season Stats:
S76 | VAN | GP: 08 | G: 00 | A: 01 | P: 001 | +/-: -7 | PIM: 02 | S: 014 | HIT: 008 | BLK: 00 | TOI: 16:04
S77 | QCC | GP: 66 | G: 20 | A: 23 | P: 043 | +/-: 14 | PIM: 16 | S: 155 | HIT: 057 | BLK: 07 | TOI: 16:51
S78 | QCC | GP: 66 | G: 33 | A: 43 | P: 076 | +/-: 00 | PIM: 32 | S: 232 | HIT: 077 | BLK: 16 | TOI: 19:19
S79 | QCC | GP: 66 | G: 52 | A: 66 | P: 118 | +/-: 39 | PIM: 40 | S: 305 | HIT: 123 | BLK: 38 | TOI: 21:07
S80 | QCC | GP: 66 | G: 46 | A: 77 | P: 123 | +/-: 49 | PIM: 52 | S: 231 | HIT: 111 | BLK: 27 | TOI: 19:15
TOT | TOT | GP: 272 | G: 151 | A: 210 | P: 361 | +/-: 095 | PIM: 142 | S: 937 | HIT: 376 | BLK: 88 | TOI: 19:02
SMJHL Playoff Stats:
S76 | VAN | GP: 11 | G: 01 | A: 03 | P: 04 | +/-: -3 | PIM: 2 | S: 12 | HIT: 11 | BLK: 04 | TOI: 16:31
S77 | QCC | GP: 09 | G: 00 | A: 05 | P: 05 | +/-: -6 | PIM: 0 | S: 05 | HIT: 07 | BLK: 02 | TOI: 17:55
S78 | QCC | GP: 06 | G: 03 | A: 04 | P: 07 | +/-: -1 | PIM: 0 | S: 10 | HIT: 07 | BLK: 02 | TOI: 21:00
S79 | QCC | GP: 21 | G: 10 | A: 14 | P: 24 | +/-: 09 | PIM: 8 | S: 74 | HIT: 30 | BLK: 11 | TOI: 22:11
S80 | QCC | GP: 23 | G: 15 | A: 20 | P: 35 | +/-: 24 | PIM: 8 | S: 72 | HIT: 28 | BLK: 08 | TOI: 20:19
TOT | TOT | GP: 70 | G: 29 | A: 46 | P: 75 | +/-: 23 | PIM: 18 | S: 173 | HIT: 83 | BLK: 27 | TOI: 20:02
Trophy Case:
S77: Named to All-Rookie Team (SMJHL)
S78: Gold Medal - Champions of the World Juniors (WOR - WJC)
S79: Laurifer Trophy - Best Regular Season Team Record (QCC - SMJHL)
S79: Four-Star Cup - Champions of the SMJHL (QCC - SMJHL)
S79: Jared Hanson Trophy - Regular Season Points Leader (SMJHL)
S79: Ideen Fallah Trophy - Most Valuable Player (SMJHL)
S79: Raymond Lindsay Trophy - Most Outstanding Player (SMJHL)
S79: Named to 1st All-Star Team (SMJHL)
S80: Laurifer Trophy - Best Regular Season Team Record (QCC - SMJHL)
S80: Four-Star Cup - Champions of the SMJHL (QCC - SMJHL)
S80: Jared Hanson Trophy - Regular Season Points Leader (SMJHL)
S80: Ideen Fallah Trophy - Most Valuable Player (SMJHL)
S80: Raymond Lindsay Trophy - Most Outstanding Player (SMJHL)
S80: Named to 1st All-Star Team (SMJHL)
S77: Drafted round 1, 16th overall by the Quebec City Citadelles (SMJHL)
S78: Drafted round 1, 1st overall by the Edmonton Blizzard (SHL)
Mat Smith | #10 | Goaltender | S56 | Syndicate | Citadelles | Finland | Long Live Drog
SHL Regular Season Stats:
S56 | CHI | GP: 03 | W: 02 | L: 00 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .951 | GAA: 0.65 | SO: 2
S57 | CHI | GP: 05 | W: 04 | L: 01 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .940 | GAA: 1.18 | SO: 2
S58 | CHI | GP: 09 | W: 07 | L: 02 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .902 | GAA: 1.67 | SO: 0
S59 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 38 | L: 14 | OTL: 2 | SV%: .905 | GAA: 2.35 | SO: 3
S60 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 36 | L: 16 | OTL: 2 | SV%: .919 | GAA: 2.52 | SO: 7
S61 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 32 | L: 22 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .909 | GAA: 2.64 | SO: 2
S62 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 46 | L: 03 | OTL: 5 | SV%: .930 | GAA: 2.07 | SO: 7
S63 | CHI | GP: 55 | W: 36 | L: 15 | OTL: 3 | SV%: .912 | GAA: 2.35 | SO: 5
S64 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 41 | L: 13 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .932 | GAA: 2.16 | SO: 2
S65 | CHI | GP: 53 | W: 36 | L: 15 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .919 | GAA: 2.63 | SO: 8
S66 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 35 | L: 14 | OTL: 4 | SV%: .898 | GAA: 2.98 | SO: 4
S67 | CHI | GP: 55 | W: 29 | L: 20 | OTL: 5 | SV%: .898 | GAA: 2.73 | SO: 6
S68 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 34 | L: 17 | OTL: 3 | SV%: .891 | GAA: 2.89 | SO: 5
S69 | CHI | GP: 56 | W: 35 | L: 15 | OTL: 4 | SV%: .903 | GAA: 2.78 | SO: 4
S70 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 29 | L: 21 | OTL: 4 | SV%: .889 | GAA: 3.39 | SO: 3
S71 | CHI | GP: 55 | W: 28 | L: 21 | OTL: 5 | SV%: .891 | GAA: 3.75 | SO: 1
S72 | CHI | GP: 49 | W: 31 | L: 14 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .902 | GAA: 3.19 | SO: 6
S73 | CHI | GP: 54 | W: 26 | L: 25 | OTL: 3 | SV%: .900 | GAA: 3.67 | SO: 0
S74 | CHI | GP: 46 | W: 29 | L: 11 | OTL: 2 | SV%: .908 | GAA: 3.40 | SO: 3
S75 | CHI | GP: 42 | W: 18 | L: 13 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .881 | GAA: 4.40 | SO: 0
S76 | CHI | GP: 37 | W: 11 | L: 13 | OTL: 4 | SV%: .902 | GAA: 4.40 | SO: 1
TOT | CHI | GP: 951 | W: 583 | L: 285 | OTL: 50 | SV%: .909 | GAA: 2.75 | SO: 71
SHL Playoff Stats:
S59 | CHI | GP: 16 | W: 09 | L: 06 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .907 | GAA: 2.67 | SO: 3
S60 | CHI | GP: 23 | W: 15 | L: 07 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .919 | GAA: 2.75 | SO: 1
S61 | CHI | GP: 11 | W: 07 | L: 04 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .907 | GAA: 2.65 | SO: 0
S62 | CHI | GP: 10 | W: 06 | L: 03 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .903 | GAA: 2.79 | SO: 1
S63 | CHI | GP: 14 | W: 09 | L: 04 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .940 | GAA: 1.66 | SO: 4
S64 | CHI | GP: 23 | W: 16 | L: 05 | OTL: 2 | SV%: .917 | GAA: 2.61 | SO: 1
S65 | CHI | GP: 17 | W: 10 | L: 07 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .927 | GAA: 2.52 | SO: 2
S66 | CHI | GP: 14 | W: 10 | L: 04 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .909 | GAA: 2.58 | SO: 0
S67 | CHI | GP: 07 | W: 03 | L: 03 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .902 | GAA: 2.79 | SO: 1
S68 | CHI | GP: 15 | W: 09 | L: 05 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .890 | GAA: 3.48 | SO: 1
S69 | CHI | GP: 07 | W: 03 | L: 04 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .878 | GAA: 3.42 | SO: 0
S70 | CHI | GP: 13 | W: 06 | L: 06 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .895 | GAA: 3.27 | SO: 0
S71 | CHI | GP: 12 | W: 07 | L: 05 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .908 | GAA: 2.95 | SO: 1
S72 | CHI | GP: 12 | W: 05 | L: 06 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .897 | GAA: 3.88 | SO: 1
S73 | CHI | GP: 11 | W: 06 | L: 04 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .897 | GAA: 3.83 | SO: 0
S74 | CHI | GP: 05 | W: 01 | L: 03 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .906 | GAA: 3.58 | SO: 0
S75 | CHI | GP: 01 | W: 00 | L: 00 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .943 | GAA: 2.70 | SO: 0
S76 | CHI | GP: 01 | W: 00 | L: 00 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .829 | GAA: 7.93 | SO: 0
TOT | CHI | GP: 212 | W: 122 | L: 76 | OTL: 11 | SV%: .904 | GAA: 3.23 | SO: 16
SMJHL Regular Season Stats:
S55 | QCC | GP: 23 | W: 06 | L: 13 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .905 | GAA: 3.91 | SO: 0
S56 | QCC | GP: 37 | W: 14 | L: 20 | OTL: 3 | SV%: .911 | GAA: 2.90 | SO: 5
S57 | QCC | GP: 41 | W: 31 | L: 05 | OTL: 5 | SV%: .920 | GAA: 2.38 | SO: 6
S58 | QCC | GP: 34 | W: 23 | L: 07 | OTL: 3 | SV%: .918 | GAA: 1.96 | SO: 6
TOT | QCC | GP: 135 | W: 74 | L: 45 | OTL: 11 | SV%: .914 | GAA: 2.66 | SO: 17
SMJHL Playoff Stats:
S55 | QCC | GP: 10 | W: 04 | L: 06 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .920 | GAA: 2.98 | SO: 0
S56 | QCC | GP: 06 | W: 02 | L: 04 | OTL: 0 | SV%: .907 | GAA: 3.02 | SO: 0
S57 | QCC | GP: 13 | W: 07 | L: 04 | OTL: 2 | SV%: .902 | GAA: 2.58 | SO: 0
S58 | QCC | GP: 17 | W: 12 | L: 04 | OTL: 1 | SV%: .939 | GAA: 1.47 | SO: 5
TOT | QCC | GP: 46 | W: 25 | L: 18 | OTL: 3 | SV%: .919 | GAA: 2.31 | SO: 5
Trophy Case:
S55: Vyacheslav Onoprienko Trophy - Most Underrated Player (SMJHL)
S57: Laurifer Trophy - Best Regular Season Team Record (QCC - SMJHL - Starter)
S57: Challenge Cup - Champions of the SHL (CHI - SHL - Backup)
S57: Gold Medal - Champions of the World Juniors (FIN - WJC - Starter)
S58: Four-Star Cup - Champions of the SMJHL (QCC - SMJHL - Starter)
S58: Gold Medal - Champions of the World Juniors (FIN - WJC - Backup)
S59: Named to All-Rookie Team (SHL)
S60: Named to 1st All-Star Team (SHL)
S62: President's Trophy - Best Regular Season Team Record (CHI - SHL - Starter)
S62: Mike Honcho Trophy - Least Regular Season Goals Against (SHL)
S62: Gold Medal - Champions of the IIHF (FIN - IIHF - Backup)
S62: Named to 1st All-Star Team (SHL)
S64: Highest TPE Goalie (SHL)
S64: President's Trophy - Best Regular Season Team Record (CHI - SHL - Starter)
S64: Challenge Cup - Champions of the SHL (CHI - SHL - Starter)
S64: Gold Medal - Champions of the IIHF (FIN - IIHF - Backup)
S64: John McBride Trophy - Best Goalie (SHL)
S64: Mike Honcho Trophy - Least Regular Season Goals Against (SHL)
S64: Named to 1st All-Star Team (SHL)
S65: Highest TPE Goalie (SHL)
S65: Mike Honcho Trophy - Least Regular Season Goals Against (SHL)
S66: Highest TPE Goalie (SHL)
S66: Gold Medal - Champions of the IIHF (FIN - IIHF - Starter)
S66: International Award - Best Goalie (IIHF)
S68: International Award - Best Goalie (IIHF)
S72: All-Time Leader in Goalie Wins (SHL)
S78: Hall of Fame - First Ballot Inductee (SHL)
S55: Signed as a free agent with the Quebec City Citadelles (SMJHL)
S56: Drafted round 2, 30th overall by the Chicago Syndicate (SHL)
S76: Retired as a member of the Chicago Syndicate
Nhamlet ACP Access
Weenie Hut Jr. GM
11-05-2021, 02:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2021, 12:54 PM by Nhamlet .)
The following members who submitted a mock draft may receive the following TPE for the S62 Mock Draft. This includes 0.5 for each correct prediction and 3 TPE for participation. The highest correct tally was 13. The TPE for GM's is 7.0 (this includes average/participation).
The draft order can be
found here. If you submitted multiple mocks, your first one is counted. If you have any questions or concerns with your grade please PM me on Discord.
Correct answers for 19-22:
19: Under
20: Pacific
21: Round 1
22: Newfoundland (
.bojo 5.5
3lewsers 6
aaronwilson 8.5
academydropout 8.5
ACapitalChicago 8
Accka 7
Aephino 7.5
Air Crou 5
Amidships 7.5
Andy 8.5
Arkz 8
artermis 5.5
Asked Madden 8.5
Avakael 8
BasedMinkus 7.5
bbjygm 9
bdu754 9.5
BenDover 8
Benpachi 3.5
Big Newff 8.5
bjkman 8.5
bk1689 7.5
Blasoon 8
BLBertrand 5
bluesfan55 8.5
Bongo 8.5
BrewskyBoy 8.5
brickwall35 9
Briedaqueduc 9.5
Bruins10 8.5
Buster 8.5
By-Tor 8.5
C9Van 4
caltroit_red_flames 8
CampinKiller 8.5
CanadianDuck 5
Canadice 8.5
canes2112 8
CapnCooper 7
Capt_Blitzkrieg 8.5
CaptainCamel 8.5
Carpy48 9
CementHands 5.5
charlieconway 8.5
CheerfulBender20 5
ckroyal92 7.5
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 5
Count Chocula 9
CptGoosar 4.5
Crazylemire 8.5
CrazyMojito 7.5
Crunk 7.5
crutch 7.5
Dagumpa 6
damienj10 5.5
DarkCanuck29 8
Dewalt27 5.5
dmills3 8.5
DollarAndADream 5.5
DrB1gMack 7
DrunkenTeddy 8.5
duffleman2002 9
Durden 8.5
efischermann 8.5
Emeril 8.5
enigmatic 7.5
Esso2264 8.5
Evil_AllBran 8.5
Evok 7.5
Exilate 7
Faelax 7.5
Fantobens 9
Festinator 8
fever95 4.5
FinnRhys 8
fishy 8.5
Fitted2106 4.5
FlappyGiraffe 7.5
Fluw 7.5
FormuleUn 8
Frick_Nasty 8.5
G2019 9
gaby 9.5
Gaia Mormont 7
GCool 7
Geekusoid 4.5
Gifter of Bikes 5
goilers 7.5
golden_apricot 8
GoonerBear 8.5
gordieboom 4.5
GrannyPanPan 7.5
Grapehead 7.5
Graydonsanatomy 8
greencityny 5
grimreaper 7.5
grok 8
Grum 4.5
Gwdjohnson 10
Halkohol 8.5
HanTheMan_ 8.5
hewasajazzman 7.5
hhh81 9
High Stick King 8
Highhaschdi 8
Hoovuh 4.5
Hordle 4.5
Huck24 7.5
inverted 7.5
James Truong 8
JaytheGreat 8.5
jeffie43 4
Jepox 7.5
Jericson 5
Jimmysmo27 4.5
Jonny Tsunami 8
Jorec 4.5
jRuutu 5.5
JSS331 5
JT3 9
jtam 5
juke 9
Jumbobone19 9
JumpierPegasus 4.5
JuOSu 8
karlssens 5
Katth 8
KC15 4.5
KenitohMenara 5.5
kentakira 8.5
Keven 8.5
Keygan 8.5
Kierkan 7
kikish18 5.5
Kraagenskul 7.5
Kyamprac 7.5
Kylrad 5
Lazyeye 5.5
LB3737 8
leafs1997 4
Leafs4ever 7.5
leafsftw1967 9
Leppish 8
lespoils 4.5
leviadan 5
lilstifler 8.5
Lime 8.5
lmao 8.5
LordBirdman 8
Lorec 4.5
luketd 7.5
Lukstins88 5
marco999 7.5
Massive Coiler 5.5
Matteo 7
Mazatt 7.5
mcpumpkin 5.5
Mediocre_Fred 7.5
Memento Mori 8.5
mer 8
Merica 5.5
Michiganonymous 8
micool132 8.5
MN_Moosey 7.5
monochroma 8
Mook 8
Mooty99 7.5
MP7 5
Mr. Finland 7.5
Muerto 9
Muford 8.5
Mutedfaith 8
MyLittleHexx 8.5
NamelessNate 8.5
Naosu 8.5
natedoeshockey 7.5
negs77 8.5
Nerio 8
Nictox 8.5
Nike 7.5
NorwegianDemon 8
notoriousTRON 8.5
NTG 3.5
O4L 5
Ohtaay 8
Opera_Phantom 7.5
OrbitingDeath 9
overdoo 8
peej2189 4
Philliesphan96 4.5
Pickle Juice 8
PremierBromanov 8.5
qWest 8.5
r0tzbua 7.5
Rabidsponge21 8
Ragnar 7.5
Rancidbudgie 6.5
Rangerjase 8.5
Rankle 8.5
RashfordU 9. 5
Raven 7.5
raymond3000 8
Redderder15 6.5
RenoJacksonHS 5.5
Renomitsu 7.5
retuperkele 8
Rich 8.5
roastpuff 7
RomanesEuntDomus 8.5
Ronniewalker 8.5
Ruggsy 8.5
rum_ham 8.5
sakrosankt 7.5
Salming 8.5
Sburbine 7.5
SchwarzNarr 7.5
Scrufdaddy 7.5
Segi 4.5
SeymourSnatches 5
SFresh3 8.5
shan3p 8.5
Shmurph 7.5
siddhus 5
simo_393 8
Sivart 5
Skeleton Party 8.5
SlashACM 7.5
slothfacekilla 7
Snuffalupagus 5
Sopath 8.5
soulja 4.5
Spartan 5
SpartanGibbles 7
spooked 9
st4rface 5
StadiumGambler 4.5
Steelhead77 4.5
steveoiscool 8
sulovilen 9
supertardis101 3
sve7en 8
Symmetrik 9.5
takethehorizon 4.5
Talls 8.5
taterswc 9
Tayjay 7.5
the5urreal 5
TheCC 4.5
TheSparkyDee 8.5
TheWoZy 7.5
Thunder39 8.5
Thunfish 8.5
TnlAstatine 7
Toivo 7.5
tommytightpants 9
traphag 4.5
trashae 8
Trautner 4.5
TubbyTim69 8
tweedledunn 8
Tylar 8.5
unconfident69 8
Urq660 7.5
ValorX77 8
Vandy 5.5
Vaxlare 8
Velevra 7.5
Vikian 7.5
VillageBC 7.5
visceralpotamus 7.5
VRTX L4S3R 8.5
Washed-up trash 9
Wearingabear 8.5
Whitecap 8.5
WithTheMoose 7.5
wumaduce 7.5
XLeafer 7
Yagoyi 5
Z-Whiz 8.5
zaynzk 7.5
zeagle1 8.5
Zombiewolf 8
Zoone16 7.5
ZootTX 8.5
Edit: Updated to reflect the
late submission announcement . Future submissions/edits after the stated deadlines for PTs will not be graded.
Drokeep 8.5
gurbs 8.5
jay2233 7.5
KaleSalad 8.5
krazko 9
MDavidson 8
Nhamlet 10
r1c3bowl22 8
Serpe x 13 9
Toast 9
Wongy 9
Zomp 9
Ryuuji Minamino | RW | Syndicate | S53 | 1265 TPE
Birthplace: Sapporo, Japan
Height: 6'3" | Weight: 210lb
SMJHL S52 Draft 56th Overall (NLB)
SHL S53 Draft 11th Overall (CHI)
SMJHL Regular Season
S52 | 50GP | 3G | 5A | 8P | -5 | 16 PIM | 32 Hits |
S53 | 50GP | 16G | 19A | 36P | +5 | 30 PIM | 46 Hits |
S54 | 50GP | 25G | 28A | 53P | +23 | 22 PIM | 20 Hits |
S55 | 50GP | 21G | 35A | 56P | +17 | 12 PIM | 33 Hits |
SMJHL Playoff Season
S52 | 10GP | 1G | 0A | 1P | -4 | 2 PIM | 6 Hits |
S53 | 7GP | 2G | 3A | 5P | -1 | 2 PIM | 12 Hits |
S54 | 14GP | 9G | 8A | 17P | +11 | 4 PIM | 7 Hits |
S55 | 17GP | 5G | 8A | 13P | +6 | 9 PIM | 13 Hits |
Katth Player Updaters
Player Updaters
The following people may claim the TPE by their name for participating and predicting the S61 Awards! You receive 1 TPE for each correct prediction and 3 for participation (this is included in the total).
The average of last seasons predictions was 1.90 correct answers.
Number of people with their prediction totals:
0 13
1 110
2 116
3 31
4 38
TPE to claim:
.bojo 5
39alaska39 4
3lewsers 6
5ympathies 4
aaronwilson 6
academydropout 4
ACapitalChicago 5
Accka 6
Ace 4
Acsolap 4
Aephino 6
AgentSmith630 6
Air Crou 5
Aleris 3
Amidships 4
Andy 7
artermis 4
arturs33 5
Asked Madden 5
BadWolf 3
BarnabasCollins 6
BasedMinkus 5
Bayley 7
bbjygm 7
bdu754 5
BenDover 5
Benpachi 5
Bfine 3
Big Newff 6
bilbo 5
bjkman 5
bk1689 5
Blasoon 5
bluesfan55 7
BoloBill 5
Bongo 5
boom 4
BrewskyBoy 4
Bruins10 5
By-Tor 7
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 4
CampinKiller 5
CanadianDuck 6
Canadice 5
canes2112 4
canuckles 6
Capt_Blitzkrieg 5
CaptainCamel 4
Carpy48 5
CD12 7
CementHands 4
charlieconway 4
CheerfulBender20 4
ckroyal92 4
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 3
Cobbenstein 6
Count Chocula 7
CptSquall 5
Crazylemire 5
CrazyMojito 6
Cyanide 4
Dagumpa 5
damienj10 7
dankoa 5
DarkCanuck29 5
ddrector 4
Deng 7
Dewalt27 4
Dextaria 4
dogwoodmaple 4
DollarAndADream 4
Drokeep 5
DrunkenTeddy 5
Duff101 5
efischermann 5
Emeril 3
enigmatic 4
EricNCSU 4
Esso2264 5
Evil_AllBran 4
Evok 4
Exilate 7
Eynhallow 5
Faelax 4
Fantobens 4
Ferda 4
Festinator 6
fever95 7
fishy 4
Fitted2106 7
FlappyGiraffe 5
Fluw 4
frazzle14 4
Frick_Nasty 5
FuzzSHL 4
gaby 5
Gaia Mormont 7
GCool 4
Geekusoid 5
Gifter of Bikes 7
goilers 5
golden_apricot 7
goldenglutes 4
GoonerBear 4
gordieboom 5
GrannyPanPan 5
Grapehead 4
greencityny 3
grimreaper 5
grok 4
Grum 5
gurbs 4
Gwdjohnson 5
H0PPY75 5
Halkohol 4
Hallsy 4
HanTheMan_ 5
hewasajazzman 5
Highhaschdi 5
hockeyiscool 4
honkerrs 5
Hordle 7
hotdog 4
Huck24 4
Inf1d3l 4
jay2233 5
Jedi 3
jeffie43 4
Jepox 7
Jericson 5
Jimmysmo27 4
JKortesi81 6
Jonny Tsunami 6
Jorec 4
jRuutu 5
JT3 5
jtam 5
juke 5
Julio Tokolosh 5
Jumbobone19 5
JumpierPegasus 5
Junior 5
juniped 5
KaleSalad 5
Katth 4
KC15 5
Keenan 5
KenitohMenara 4
kentakira 7
kenvald 6
Keven 4
Keygan 4
Kierkan 5
kikish18 4
KlusteR 5
Kraagenskul 4
krazko 5
Kyamprac 5
Kylrad 4
LairdButler 4
Lazyeye 4
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 7
Leppish 4
lespoils 5
leviadan 4
lilstifler 5
Lime 5
lmao 6
Lobbanet 7
Locagiess 4
LordBirdman 5
Lorec 7
Lowlycrib 5
luketd 7
Lukstins88 4
majesiu 7
marco999 7
Massive Coiler 6
mastersheep 5
Matteo 5
Mazatt 4
Mediocre_Fred 4
Memento Mori 4
Merica 5
MichaelLum30 5
micool132 4
Mike Izzy 6
MN_Moosey 7
monochroma 5
Mooney 4
Mooty99 5
Moreorless89 7
MP7 4
Mr. Finland 4
Muerto 4
Muford 4
Mutedfaith 7
MyLittleHexx 6
Naosu 5
natedoeshockey 5
negs77 5
Nerio 7
Nhamlet 5
Nictox 6
Nike 6
NorwegianDemon 4
notorioustig 5
notoriousTRON 4
nour 5
nyumbayangu 6
O4L 5
Ohtaay 5
Opera_Phantom 6
Otrebor13 6
overdoo 4
Patty 4
peej2189 5
Pickle Juice 5
platanocat 4
PremierBromanov 6
ProjectSaint 6
puolivalmiste 4
Pythonic 5
qWest 4
r0tzbua 5
Rabidsponge21 4
Ragnar 4
Rancidbudgie 3
Rangerjase 5
Rankle 5
Raven 5
raymond3000 4
RedCapeDiver 4
RenoJacksonHS 4
Renomitsu 5
retuperkele 5
Rich 6
roastpuff 6
Ronniewalker 4
RotticusScott 5
Ruggsy 7
rum_ham 4
sakrosankt 5
Salming 5
SchwarzNarr 7
scorycory 5
Scrufdaddy 7
Sebster 5
SecondSucks22 4
Segi 4
SewingWithNancy 6
SeymourSnatches 5
SFresh3 4
Shmurph 5
siddhus 5
Sivart 7
Skeleton Party 4
sköldpaddor 4
SlashACM 4
Slav1cThor 5
slothfacekilla 7
Sly 4
Snuffalupagus 4
Sopath 4
soulja 4
Spartan 5
SpartanGibbles 5
spooked 4
st4rface 4
StadiumGambler 5
StamkosFan 5
Steelhead77 5
steveoiscool 7
suavemente 4
sulovilen 4
supertardis101 4
sve7en 4
takethehorizon 5
Talls 4
TapdancingNecrons 5
taterswc 6
Tayjay 4
Thatguy91 5
the5urreal 4
TheCC 3
TheDangaZone 7
TheFlash 5
TheSparkyDee 5
TheWoZy 4
Thunfish 4
TnlAstatine 4
Toivo 7
Tomen 4
traphag 4
trashae 4
Trautner 4
TubbyTim69 3
tweedledunn 4
Tylar 5
UberBJ 4
Urq660 4
UrsinZ 4
ValorX77 5
Vandy 5
Velevra 5
Vikian 4
visceralpotamus 3
Wally 6
WannabeFinn 4
Washed-up trash 6
Wearingabear 7
WithTheMoose 7
wumaduce 4
XLeafer 4
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 5
Z-Whiz 4
zaynzk 5
zeagle1 4
Zema 5
Zombiewolf 4
Zomp 4
Zoone16 4
ZootTX 5
ztevans 4
The members of the awards committee can claim the league average, which is 5 TPE.
Katth Player Updaters
Player Updaters
11-17-2021, 05:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2021, 01:19 PM by Katth .)
Hi guys, I apologize for messing up the grading in the initial post.
The following people can claim the TPE next to their name for Hat Trick #1. We had a total of 50 hat tricks!
.bojo 2
39alaska39 2
3lewsers 2
5ympathies 2
aaronwilson 2
ACapitalChicago 2
Accka 2
Ace 2
Acsolap 2
Aephino 2
AgentSmith630 2
Aleris 2
Amidships 2
Andy 2
Arkz 2
artermis 2
Asked Madden 2
Avakael 2
BasedMinkus 3
Bauer 2
Bayley 2
bbjygm 2
bdu754 2
BenDover 2
Benpachi 2
Bfine 2
Big Newff 2
bjkman 2
bk1689 3
Blasoon 2
Blastmeaway 3
BLBertrand 2
bluesfan55 2
Bongo 2
boom 2
brickwall35 2
Briedaqueduc 2
Bruins10 2
Buster 2
By-Tor 3
C9Van 2
CampinKiller 2
CanadianDuck 2
Canadice 2
canes2112 2
CapnCooper 2
Capt_Blitzkrieg 1
CaptainCamel 2
Carpy48 2
CementHands 3
charlieconway 2
CheerfulBender20 2
Citizen of Adraa 2
ckroyal92 2
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 2
Cobbenstein 2
Coswi 2
Count Chocula 2
CptGoosar 3
Crazylemire 2
CrazyMojito 2
Crunk 2
crutch 2
DarkCanuck29 3
Dextaria 2
dogwoodmaple 2
DollarAndADream 2
DrB1gMack 3
Drokeep 2
DrunkenTeddy 2
duffleman2002 2
Durden 2
efischermann 2
Emeril 3
enigmatic 2
EsAmYk 2
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 3
Exilate 2
Eynhallow 2
Fantobens 2
Ferda 2
Festinator 2
fever95 2
fishy 2
FlappyGiraffe 2
Fluw 2
FormuleUn 2
frazzle14 2
FuzzSHL 2
G2019 2
gaby 2
Gaia Mormont 2
GCool 2
Geekusoid 2
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
golden_apricot 2
goldenglutes 2
GoonerBear 2
gordieboom 3
GrannyPanPan 2
Grapehead 2
Graydonsanatomy 2
greencityny 2
grimreaper 2
grok 2
Grum 2
Gwdjohnson 2
Halkohol 2
Hallsy 2
HanTheMan_ 2
hhh81 3
High Stick King 2
Highhaschdi 2
hockeyiscool 2
honkerrs 2
Hoovuh 3
Hordle 2
hotdog 2
ImShiny 2
Inf1d3l 2
inverted 2
James Truong 2
jay2233 3
JayWhy 2
Jepox 2
Jimmysmo27 2
JKortesi81 3
Jonny Tsunami 2
Jorec 2
JR95 3
jRuutu 1
JSS331 2
JT3 2
jtam 2
juke 2
Julio Tokolosh 2
Jumbobone19 2
JuOSu 3
Kalakar 2
KaleSalad 2
karlssens 2
Kasterborous 2
KC15 2
KenitohMenara 2
kentakira 2
kenvald 3
Keven 2
Keygan 3
Kierkan 3
kikish18 3
KlusteR 2
Kraagenskul 3
krazko 2
Kyamprac 2
Kylrad 3
LairdButler 2
Lazyeye 2
LB3737 2
leafs1997 2
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 2
Leppish 2
lespoils 2
leviadan 2
lilstifler 2
Lime 2
lmao 2
LordBirdman 2
Lorec 2
Lukstins88 2
marco999 2
mastersheep 2
Matteo 2
Mazatt 2
MDavidson 2
Memento Mori 2
mer 2
Merica 3
Michiganonymous 3
micool132 2
Mike Izzy 2
MN_Moosey 2
monochroma 2
Mook 3
Mooney 2
Mooty99 2
Moreorless89 2
Mr. Finland 2
Muerto 2
Muford 2
Mutedfaith 2
MyLittleHexx 2
NamelessNate 2
natedoeshockey 2
negs77 2
Nerio 2
Nhamlet 2
Nhlbeastmode_7777 2
Nictox 3
NorwegianDemon 2
notoriousTRON 3
Off 2
Ohtaay 2
Opera_Phantom 2
OrbitingDeath 2
Otrebor13 3
Patty 2
peej2189 2
Pickle 3
Pickle Juice 2
PremierBromanov 2
puolivalmiste 2
Pythonic 2
qWest 2
r0tzbua 2
r1c3bowl22 2
Rabidsponge21 2
Ragnar 2
Rangerjase 2
Rankle 1
RashfordU 2
Raven 2
raymond3000 2
ReaperComePepegaAim 2
RedCapeDiver 2
Redderder15 2
reid 2
RenoJacksonHS 2
Renomitsu 2
retuperkele 2
Rich 3
roastpuff 2
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 2
rum_ham 3
sakrosankt 2
Salming 2
santej29 2
Sburbine 2
SchwarzNarr 2
Scrufdaddy 2
Sebster 2
Segi 2
Serpe x 13 2
SeymourSnatches 2
SFresh3 2
shan3p 2
simo_393 2
SlashACM 2
slothfacekilla 2
Sly92 2
Snuffalupagus 3
soulja 2
SpartanGibbles 2
spooked 2
st4rface 3
StadiumGambler 2
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 2
suavemente 3
sulovilen 2
sve7en 2
Symmetrik 2
takethehorizon 3
Talls 2
TapdancingNecrons 2
taterswc 2
Tayjay 3
Thatguy91 2
the5urreal 2
TheCC 2
TheDangaZone 2
TheFlash 2
Thunder39 2
Thunfish 2
Toast 2
Toivo 3
Tomen 2
tommytightpants 2
traphag 2
trashae 2
trella 2
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 2
unconfident69 2
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Vaxlare 2
Velevra 2
Vikian 3
VillageBC 2
visceralpotamus 2
vulfgravy 2
Wally 2
WannabeFinn 2
Wearingabear 2
Whitecap 2
WithTheMoose 2
Wongy 2
wumaduce 3
XLeafer 2
Yagoyi 2
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 2
Z-Whiz 2
zaynzk 2
zeagle1 2
Zombiewolf 2
Zoone16 2
ZootTX 2
Nhamlet ACP Access
Weenie Hut Jr. GM
11-17-2021, 04:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2021, 11:55 AM by SlashACM .)
The following people can claim the TPE next to their name for Primetime #1, where the winners were Toronto, Minnesota and Texas on Saturday's sim.
.bojo 2
39alaska39 2
3lewsers 2
5ympathies 2
aaronwilson 2
ACapitalChicago 2
Accka 2
Ace 2
Acsolap 2
Aephino 2
AgentSmith630 2
Aleris 2
Amidships 2
Andy 2
Arkz 2
artermis 2
Asked Madden 2
Avakael 2
BasedMinkus 2
Bauer 2
Bayley 2
bbjygm 1.5
bdu754 2
BenDover 2
Benpachi 1.5
Bfine 2
Big Newff 2
bjkman 2
bk1689 2
Blasoon 2
Blastmeaway 2
BLBertrand 2
bluesfan55 1
Bongo 2
boom 2
brickwall35 2
Briedaqueduc 2
Bruins10 2
Buster 2
By-Tor 2
C9Van 2
CampinKiller 1.5
CanadianDuck 2
Canadice 2
canes2112 2
CapnCooper 2
Capt_Blitzkrieg 2
CaptainCamel 2
Carpy48 2.5
CementHands 2
charlieconway 1.5
CheerfulBender20 2
Citizen of Adraa 2
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 2
Cobbenstein 2
Coswi 2
Count Chocula 2
CptGoosar 2
Crazylemire 2
CrazyMojito 2
Crunk 2
crutch 2
DarkCanuck29 1.5
Dewalt27 1.5
Dextaria 2
dogwoodmaple 2
DollarAndADream 1.5
DrB1gMack 2
Drokeep 2
DrunkenTeddy 1.5
duffleman2002 1
Durden 2
efischermann 2
Emeril 2
enigmatic 2
EsAmYk 1.5
Evil_AllBran 2
Evok 2
Exilate 2
Eynhallow 1.5
Faelax 2
Fantobens 2
Ferda 2
Festinator 2
fever95 2
fishy 2
Fitted2106 2
FlappyGiraffe 2
Fluw 2
FormuleUn 2
frazzle14 2
FuzzSHL 2
G2019 2
gaby 2
Gaia Mormont 1.5
GCool 1
Geekusoid 2
Gifter of Bikes 2
goilers 2
golden_apricot 2
goldenglutes 2
GoonerBear 1.5
gordieboom 1.5
GrannyPanPan 2
Grapehead 2
Graydonsanatomy 2
greencityny 2
grimreaper 2
grok 2
Grum 2
Gwdjohnson 2
Halkohol 2
Hallsy 2
HanTheMan_ 2
hewasajazzman 2
hhh81 2
High Stick King 2
Highhaschdi 2
hockeyiscool 2
honkerrs 2
Hoovuh 1.5
Hordle 2
hotdog 2
ImShiny 2
Inf1d3l 2
inverted 2
James Truong 2
jay2233 2
JayWhy 2
Jepox 2
Jimmysmo27 2
JKortesi81 2
Jonny Tsunami 2
Jorec 2
JR95 2
jRuutu 1.5
JSS331 2
JT3 2
jtam 2
juke 2
Julio Tokolosh 2
Jumbobone19 2
JuOSu 2
Kalakar 2
KaleSalad 2
karlssens 2
Kasterborous 1.5
KC15 1
KenitohMenara 1.5
kentakira 2.5
kenvald 2
Keven 2
Keygan 1
Kierkan 1.5
kikish18 1.5
KlusteR 2.5
Kraagenskul 2
krazko 2
Kyamprac 1.5
Kylrad 2
LairdButler 2
Lazyeye 2
LB3737 2
leafs1997 2
Leafs4ever 2
leafsftw1967 2
Leppish 2
lespoils 1.5
leviadan 2
lilstifler 2
Lime 1
lmao 2
LordBirdman 2
Lorec 2
Lukstins88 1.5
marco999 2
mastersheep 2
Matteo 2
Mazatt 1.5
MDavidson 1
Memento Mori 2
mer 2
Merica 2
Michiganonymous 2
micool132 2
Mike Izzy 1.5
MN_Moosey 2
monochroma 2
Mook 2
Mooney 2
Mooty99 2
Moreorless89 2
Mr. Finland 2
Muerto 2
Muford 1.5
Mutedfaith 2
MyLittleHexx 2
NamelessNate 1.5
natedoeshockey 2
negs77 2
Nerio 2
Nhamlet 2
Nhlbeastmode_7777 2
Nictox 1.5
NorwegianDemon 2
notoriousTRON 2.5
NTG 1.5
O4L 2
Off 1.5
Ohtaay 2
Opera_Phantom 2
OrbitingDeath 2
Otrebor13 2
Patty 1.5
peej2189 2
Pickle 1.5
Pickle Juice 2
PremierBromanov 2
puolivalmiste 2
Pythonic 2
qWest 2
r0tzbua 2
r1c3bowl22 2
Rabidsponge21 2
Ragnar 1
Rangerjase 2
Rankle 2
RashfordU 2
Raven 2
raymond3000 2
ReaperComePepegaAim 2
RedCapeDiver 2
Redderder15 2
reid 2
RenoJacksonHS 2
Renomitsu 2
retuperkele 1.5
Rich 2
roastpuff 2
RomanesEuntDomus 2
Ronniewalker 2
Ruggsy 2
rum_ham 2
sakrosankt 2
Salming 1.5
santej29 2
Sburbine 2
SchwarzNarr 2
Scrufdaddy 2
Sebster 2
Segi 2.5
Serpe x 13 1.5
SewingWithNancy 2
SeymourSnatches 2
SFresh3 2
shan3p 1
simo_393 2
Skeleton Party 1.5
SlashACM 2
slothfacekilla 2.5
Snuffalupagus 2
soulja 2
SpartanGibbles 1.5
spooked 2
st4rface 1
StadiumGambler 2
Steelhead77 1.5
steveoiscool 2
suavemente 2
sulovilen 1.5
sve7en 1
Symmetrik 1
takethehorizon 2
Talls 2
TapdancingNecrons 1.5
taterswc 2
Tayjay 2
Thatguy91 2
the5urreal 2
TheCC 2
TheDangaZone 2
TheFlash 2
Thunder39 1.5
Toast 2
Toivo 2
tommytightpants 2
traphag 2
trashae 2
trella 2
tweedledunn 2
Tylar 2
unconfident69 2
Urq660 2
ValorX77 1.5
Vandy 2
Vaxlare 2
Velevra 2
Vikian 1
VillageBC 2
visceralpotamus 2
vulfgravy 1.5
WannabeFinn 2
Wearingabear 2
Whitecap 2
WithTheMoose 2
Wongy 2
wumaduce 1.5
XLeafer 2
Yagoyi 2
Yagoyi 2
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 2
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 2
zeagle1 2
Zombiewolf 2
Zoone16 2
ZootTX 2
Ryuuji Minamino | RW | Syndicate | S53 | 1265 TPE
Birthplace: Sapporo, Japan
Height: 6'3" | Weight: 210lb
SMJHL S52 Draft 56th Overall (NLB)
SHL S53 Draft 11th Overall (CHI)
SMJHL Regular Season
S52 | 50GP | 3G | 5A | 8P | -5 | 16 PIM | 32 Hits |
S53 | 50GP | 16G | 19A | 36P | +5 | 30 PIM | 46 Hits |
S54 | 50GP | 25G | 28A | 53P | +23 | 22 PIM | 20 Hits |
S55 | 50GP | 21G | 35A | 56P | +17 | 12 PIM | 33 Hits |
SMJHL Playoff Season
S52 | 10GP | 1G | 0A | 1P | -4 | 2 PIM | 6 Hits |
S53 | 7GP | 2G | 3A | 5P | -1 | 2 PIM | 12 Hits |
S54 | 14GP | 9G | 8A | 17P | +11 | 4 PIM | 7 Hits |
S55 | 17GP | 5G | 8A | 13P | +6 | 9 PIM | 13 Hits |
SlashACM Registered
Certified Swiss Cheese
The following may claim the tpe number listed next to their username for participating in mPT#1: Dreams! Had a fun adventure in my settings to find out why the site was showing everything being posted 2 hours later than it actually was lmao.
.bojo 1
39alaska39 1
3lewsers 1
5ympathies 1
aaronwilson 1
academydropout 1
ACapitalChicago 1
Accka 1
Ace 1
Acsolap 1
Aephino 1
AgentSmith630 1
Air Crou 1
Aleris 1
Amidships 1
Andy 1
Arkz 1
artermis 1
Asked Madden 1
Avakael 1
Azjha_59 1
BasedMinkus 1
Bauer 1
Bayley 1
bbjygm 1
bdu754 1
BenDover 1
Benpachi 1
Bfine 1
Big Newff 1
bjkman 1
bk1689 1
Blasoon 1
Blastmeaway 1
BLBertrand 1
bluesfan55 1
boom 1
brickwall35 1
Briedaqueduc 1
Bruins10 1
Buster 1
By-Tor 1
C9Van 1
caltroit_red_flames 1
CampinKiller 1
CanadianDuck 1
Canadice 1
canes2112 1
CapnCooper 1
Capt_Blitzkrieg 1
CaptainCamel 1
Carpy48 1
CementHands 1
charlieconway 1
CheerfulBender20 1
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 1
Cobbenstein 1
Coswi 1
Count Chocula 1
CptGoosar 1
Crazylemire 1
CrazyMojito 1
Crunk 1
crutch 1
DarkCanuck29 1
Dewalt27 1
Dextaria 1
dogwoodmaple 1
DollarAndADream 1
DrB1gMack 1
Drokeep 1
DrunkenTeddy 1
duffleman2002 1
Durden 1
efischermann 1
Emeril 1
enigmatic 1
EricNCSU 1
EsAmYk 1
Evil_AllBran 1
Eynhallow 1
Fantobens 1
Festinator 1
fever95 1
FinnRhys 1
fishy 1
Fitted2106 1
FlappyGiraffe 1
Fluw 1
FormuleUn 1
FourFour 1
frazzle14 1
G2019 1
gaby 1
Gaia Mormont 1
GCool 1
Geekusoid 1
Gifter of Bikes 1
goilers 1
golden_apricot 1
goldenglutes 1
GoonerBear 1
GrannyPanPan 1
Grapehead 1
Graydonsanatomy 1
greencityny 1
grimreaper 1
grok 1
Gwdjohnson 1
H0PPY75 1
Halkohol 1
Hallsy 1
HanTheMan_ 1
hhh81 1
High Stick King 1
Highhaschdi 1
hockeyiscool 1
Hoovuh 1
hotdog 1
Huck24 1
ImShiny 1
Inf1d3l 1
inverted 1
James Truong 1
jay2233 1
JayWhy 1
Jepox 1
Jimmysmo27 1
JKortesi81 1
Jonny Tsunami 1
Jorec 1
JR95 1
jRuutu 1
JT3 1
jtam 1
juke 1
Julio Tokolosh 1
Jumbobone19 1
JuOSu 1
Kalakar 1
KaleSalad 1
karlssens 1
KC15 1
KenitohMenara 1
kentakira 1
kenvald 1
Keven 1
Keygan 1
Kierkan 1
kikish18 1
kingtag1999 1
KlusteR 1
Kraagenskul 1
krazko 1
Kyamprac 1
Kylrad 1
LairdButler 1
Lazyeye 1
LB3737 1
leafs1997 1
Leafs4ever 1
leafsftw1967 1
Leppish 1
lespoils 1
leviadan 1
lilstifler 1
Lime 1
LordBirdman 1
Lorec 1
luketd 1
Lukstins88 1
marco999 1
mastersheep 1
Matteo 1
Mazatt 1
mcpumpkin 1
Memento Mori 1
mer 1
Merica 1
Michiganonymous 1
micool132 1
Mike Izzy 1
MN_Moosey 1
monochroma 1
Mook 1
Mooney 1
Mooty99 1
Moreorless89 1
MP7 1
Mr. Finland 1
MrRuihu 1
Muerto 1
Muford 1
Mutedfaith 1
MyLittleHexx 1
NamelessNate 1
natedoeshockey 1
negs77 1
Nerio 1
Nhamlet 1
Nhlbeastmode_7777 1
Nictox 1
Nike 1
NorwegianDemon 1
notorioustig 1
notoriousTRON 1
O4L 1
Off 1
Ohtaay 1
Opera_Phantom 1
OrbitingDeath 1
Otrebor13 1
Patty 1
peej2189 1
Philliesphan96 1
Pickle 1
Pickle Juice 1
PremierBromanov 1
ProjectSaint 1
puolivalmiste 1
Pythonic 1
qWest 1
r0tzbua 1
r1c3bowl22 1
Rabidsponge21 1
Ragnar 1
Rangerjase 1
Rankle 1
RashfordU 1
Raven 1
raymond3000 1
ReaperComePepegaAim 1
RedCapeDiver 1
Redderder15 1
reid 1
RenoJacksonHS 1
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 1
Rich 1
roastpuff 1
RomanesEuntDomus 1
Ronniewalker 1
RotticusScott 1
Ruggsy 1
rum_ham 1
sakrosankt 1
Salming 1
Sburbine 1
SchwarzNarr 1
Scrufdaddy 1
SDCore 1
Sebster 1
Serpe x 13 1
SewingWithNancy 1
SeymourSnatches 1
SFresh3 1
shan3p 1
Skeleton Party 1
SlashACM 1
slothfacekilla 1
Snuffalupagus 1
Sopath 1
soulja 1
spooked 1
st4rface 1
StadiumGambler 1
Steelhead77 1
steveoiscool 1
suavemente 1
sulovilen 1
supertardis101 1
sve7en 1
Symmetrik 1
takethehorizon 1
Talls 1
TapdancingNecrons 1
taterswc 1
Tayjay 1
Thatguy91 1
the5urreal 1
TheCC 1
TheDangaZone 1
TheFlash 1
Thunder39 1
Thunfish 1
Toast 1
Toivo 1
Tomen 1
tommytightpants 1
traphag 1
trashae 1
Trautner 1
trella 1
tweedledunn 1
Tylar 1
UberBJ 1
unconfident69 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
Vandy 1
Vaxlare 1
Vikian 1
VillageBC 1
visceralpotamus 1
vulfgravy 1
Wearingabear 1
Whitecap 1
WithTheMoose 1
Wongy 1
wumaduce 1
XLeafer 1
Yagoyi 1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 1
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 1
zeagle1 1
Zombiewolf 1
Zomp 1
ZootTX 1
Aleister Cain - S42-S57
Ville Kurri - S57-S70
That's pretty much it
Lorec Registered
Senior Member
The following may claim the TPE listed next to their name for PT#1 Game on
39alaska39 3
3lewsers 3
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
academydropout 3
ACapitalChicago 3
Accka 3
Ace 3
Acsolap 3
Aephino 3
AgentSmith630 3
Air Crou 3
Aleris 3
Amidships 3
Andy 3
Arkz 3
artermis 3
Asked Madden 3
Avakael 3
BasedMinkus 3
Bayley 3
bbjygm 3
bdu754 3
BenDover 3
Benpachi 3
Bfine 3
Big Newff 3
bjkman 3
bk1689 3
Blasoon 3
Blastmeaway 3
BLBertrand 3
bluesfan55 3
boom 3
brickwall35 3
Briedaqueduc 3
Bruins10 3
Buster 3
By-Tor 3
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
CanadianDuck 3
Canadice 3
canes2112 3
CapnCooper 3
Capt_Blitzkrieg 3
CaptainCamel 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 3
charlieconway 3
CheerfulBender20 3
ckroyal92 3
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 3
Cobbenstein 3
Count Chocula 3
CptGoosar 3
Crazylemire 3
CrazyMojito 3
Crunk 3
crutch 3
DarkCanuck29 3
Dewalt27 3
Dextaria 3
dogwoodmaple 3
DollarAndADream 3
DrB1gMack 3
Drokeep 3
DrunkenTeddy 3
duffleman2002 3
Durden 3
efischermann 3
enigmatic 3
EricNCSU 3
EsAmYk 3
Evil_AllBran 3
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 3
Fantobens 3
Festinator 3
fever95 3
FinnRhys 3
fishy 3
Fitted2106 3
FlappyGiraffe 3
Fluw 3
FormuleUn 3
FourFour 3
frazzle14 3
G2019 3
gaby 3
Gaia Mormont 3
GCool 3
Geekusoid 3
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
golden_apricot 3
goldenglutes 3
GoonerBear 3
GrannyPanPan 3
Grapehead 3
Graydonsanatomy 3
greencityny 3
grok 3
Grum 3
Gwdjohnson 3
H0PPY75 3
Halkohol 3
Hallsy 3
HanTheMan_ 3
hhh81 3
High Stick King 3
Highhaschdi 3
hockeyiscool 3
hotdog 3
Huck24 3
Inf1d3l 3
inverted 3
James Truong 3
jay2233 3
JaytheGreat 3
JayWhy 3
Jepox 3
JKortesi81 3
Jonny Tsunami 3
Jorec 3
JR95 3
jRuutu 3
JT3 3
jtam 3
juke 3
Julio Tokolosh 3
Jumbobone19 3
JuOSu 3
KaleSalad 3
karlssens 3
KC15 3
KenitohMenara 3
kentakira 3
kenvald 3
Keven 3
Keygan 3
Kierkan 3
kikish18 3
KlusteR 3
Kraagenskul 3
krazko 3
Kyamprac 3
Kylrad 3
Lazyeye 3
LB3737 3
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
Leppish 3
lespoils 3
leviadan 3
lilstifler 3
Lime 3
LordBirdman 3
Lorec 3
LucidDreams702 3
luketd 3
Lukstins88 3
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Matteo 3
Mazatt 3
Memento Mori 3
mer 3
Merica 3
Michiganonymous 3
micool132 3
Mike Izzy 3
MN_Moosey 3
monochroma 3
Mook 3
Mooney 3
Mooty99 3
Moreorless89 3
MP7 3
Mr. Finland 3
Muerto 3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
MyLittleHexx 3
NamelessNate 3
natedoeshockey 3
negs77 3
Nerio 3
Nhamlet 3
Nhlbeastmode_7777 3
Nike 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 3
notoriousTRON 3
O4L 3
Off 3
Ohtaay 3
Opera_Phantom 3
OrbitingDeath 3
Otrebor13 3
Patty 3
Philliesphan96 3
Pickle Juice 3
PremierBromanov 3
ProjectSaint 3
puolivalmiste 3
Pythonic 3
qWest 3
r0tzbua 3
r1c3bowl22 3
Rabidsponge21 3
Ragnar 3
Rangerjase 3
Rankle 3
RashfordU 3
Raven 3
raymond3000 3
RedCapeDiver 3
Redderder15 3
reid 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Rich 3
roastpuff 3
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 3
Ruggsy 3
rum_ham 3
sakrosankt 3
Salming 3
Sburbine 3
SchwarzNarr 3
Scrufdaddy 3
SDCore 3
Sebster 3
Segi 3
Serpe x 13 3
SeymourSnatches 3
SFresh3 3
shan3p 3
siddhus 3
simo_393 3
Skeleton Party 0
SlashACM 3
slothfacekilla 3
Snuffalupagus 3
Sopath 3
spooked 3
st4rface 3
StadiumGambler 3
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 3
suavemente 3
sulovilen 3
supertardis101 3
sve7en 3
Symmetrik 3
takethehorizon 3
Talls 3
TapdancingNecrons 3
taterswc 3
Tayjay 3
the5urreal 3
TheCC 3
TheDangaZone 3
TheFlash 3
TheSparkyDee 3
Thunder39 3
Thunfish 3
Toast 3
Toivo 3
Tomen 3
tommytightpants 3
traphag 3
trashae 3
Trautner 3
trella 3
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 3
UberBJ 3
unconfident69 3
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Vandy 3
Vaxlare 3
Vikian 3
VillageBC 3
visceralpotamus 3
vulfgravy 3
Wearingabear 3
Whitecap 3
WithTheMoose 3
Wongy 3
XLeafer 3
Yagoyi 3
Z-Whiz 3
zaynzk 3
zeagle1 3
Zombiewolf 3
Zomp 3
ZootTX 3
SlashACM Registered
Certified Swiss Cheese
The following may claim the tpe number listed next to their username for participating in mPT#2: Last Laugh. I didn't read any of the submissions but if I did I'd probably laugh from at least one
.bojo 1
39alaska39 1
3lewsers 1
5ympathies 1
aaronwilson 1
academydropout 1
ACapitalChicago 1
Accka 1
Ace 1
Acsolap 1
Aephino 1
AgentSmith630 1
Air Crou 1
Aleris 1
Amidships 1
Arkz 1
artermis 1
Asked Madden 1
Avakael 1
BasedMinkus 1
Bauer 1
Bayley 1
bbjygm 1
bdu754 1
BenDover 1
Benpachi 1
Bfine 1
bjkman 1
bk1689 1
Blasoon 1
Blastmeaway 1
BLBertrand 1
bluesfan55 1
Bongo 1
boom 1
brickwall35 1
Briedaqueduc 1
Buster 1
By-Tor 1
C9Van 1
caltroit_red_flames 1
CampinKiller 1
CanadianDuck 1
Canadice 1
canes2112 1
CapnCooper 1
Capt_Blitzkrieg 1
CaptainCamel 1
Carpy48 1
CementHands 1
charlieconway 1
CheerfulBender20 1
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 1
Cobbenstein 1
Count Chocula 1
CptGoosar 1
Crazylemire 1
CrazyMojito 1
Crunk 1
crutch 1
DarkCanuck29 1
Dewalt27 1
Dextaria 1
dogwoodmaple 1
DrB1gMack 1
Drokeep 1
DrunkenTeddy 1
duffleman2002 1
Durden 1
efischermann 1
Emeril 1
enigmatic 1
EricNCSU 1
EsAmYk 1
Evil_AllBran 1
Evok 1
Exilate 1
Eynhallow 1
Faelax 1
Fantobens 1
Festinator 1
fever95 1
FinnRhys 1
Fitted2106 1
FlappyGiraffe 1
Fluw 1
FormuleUn 1
G2019 1
gaby 1
Gaia Mormont 1
GCool 1
Geekusoid 1
Gifter of Bikes 1
goilers 1
goldenglutes 1
GoonerBear 1
GrannyPanPan 1
Grapehead 1
grimreaper 1
grok 1
gurbs 1
Gwdjohnson 1
Halkohol 1
Hallsy 1
HanTheMan_ 1
hhh81 1
High Stick King 1
Highhaschdi 1
hockeyiscool 1
hotdog 1
Huck24 1
ImShiny 1
Inf1d3l 1
inverted 1
James Truong 1
jay2233 1
JayWhy 1
jeffie43 1
Jepox 1
Jimmysmo27 1
JKortesi81 1
Jonny Tsunami 1
Jorec 1
JR95 1
jRuutu 1
JSS331 0
JT3 1
jtam 1
juke 1
Julio Tokolosh 1
Jumbobone19 1
JumpierPegasus 1
JuOSu 1
KaleSalad 1
karlssens 1
Katth 1
KC15 1
kentakira 1
kenvald 1
Keven 1
Keygan 1
Kierkan 1
kikish18 1
kingtag1999 1
KlusteR 1
Kraagenskul 1
krazko 1
Kyamprac 1
Kylrad 1
LairdButler 1
Lazyeye 1
LB3737 1
leafs1997 1
Leafs4ever 1
leafsftw1967 1
Leppish 1
lespoils 1
leviadan 1
lilstifler 1
Lime 1
lmao 1
LordBirdman 1
Lorec 1
marco999 1
mastersheep 1
Matteo 1
Mazatt 1
mcpumpkin 0
Memento Mori 1
mer 1
Merica 1
Michiganonymous 1
micool132 1
Mike Izzy 1
MN_Moosey 1
monochroma 1
Mook 1
Mooty99 1
Moreorless89 1
MP7 1
Mr. Finland 1
MrRuihu 1
Muerto 1
Muford 1
Mutedfaith 1
MyLittleHexx 1
NamelessNate 1
natedoeshockey 1
Nerio 1
Nhamlet 1
Nictox 1
Nike 1
NorwegianDemon 1
notorioustig 1
notoriousTRON 1
Obsidian311 1
Off 1
Ohtaay 1
Opera_Phantom 1
OrbitingDeath 1
Otrebor13 1
Philliesphan96 1
Pickle 1
Pickle Juice 1
PremierBromanov 1
ProjectSaint 1
puolivalmiste 1
Pythonic 1
qWest 1
r0tzbua 1
r1c3bowl22 1
Rabidsponge21 1
Ragnar 1
Rangerjase 1
Rankle 1
RashfordU 1
Raven 1
raymond3000 1
RedCapeDiver 1
Redderder15 1
reid 1
RenoJacksonHS 1
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 1
roastpuff 1
RomanesEuntDomus 1
Ronniewalker 1
RotticusScott 1
rum_ham 1
sakrosankt 1
Salming 1
Sburbine 1
SchwarzNarr 1
Scrufdaddy 1
SDCore 1
Sebster 1
Serpe x 13 1
SewingWithNancy 1
SeymourSnatches 1
SFresh3 1
shan3p 1
simo_393 1
Skeleton Party 1
SlashACM 1
slothfacekilla 1
Snuffalupagus 1
Sopath 1
soulja 1
Spartan 1
SpartanGibbles 1
spooked 1
st4rface 1
StadiumGambler 1
Steelhead77 1
steveoiscool 1
suavemente 1
sulovilen 1
supertardis101 1
sve7en 1
Symmetrik 1
takethehorizon 1
Talls 1
TapdancingNecrons 1
taterswc 1
Tayjay 1
Thatguy91 1
the5urreal 1
TheCC 1
TheDangaZone 1
Thunder39 1
Thunfish 1
Toast 1
Toivo 1
Tomen 1
TommySalami 1
tommytightpants 1
traphag 1
trashae 1
Trautner 1
tweedledunn 1
Tylar 1
UberBJ 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
Vandy 1
Vaxlare 1
Vikian 1
VillageBC 1
visceralpotamus 1
vulfgravy 1
WannabeFinn 1
Wearingabear 1
Whitecap 1
WithTheMoose 1
Wongy 1
wumaduce 1
XLeafer 1
Yagoyi 1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 1
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 1
zeagle1 1
Zombiewolf 1
ZootTX 1
Aleister Cain - S42-S57
Ville Kurri - S57-S70
That's pretty much it
Katth Player Updaters
Player Updaters
The following people can claim the TPE next to their name for Hat Trick #2. Even though none of the players scored 3 goals we did have a total of 114 hat tricks!
.bojo 3
39alaska39 2
3lewsers 2
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
academydropout 3
ACapitalChicago 2
Accka 2
Ace 3
Acsolap 2
Aephino 2
AgentSmith630 2
Air Crou 2
Aleris 2
Amidships 2
Arkz 2
artermis 3
Asked Madden 3
Avakael 2
BasedMinkus 3
Bauer 3
Bayley 2
bbjygm 1
bdu754 3
BenDover 3
Benpachi 2
Bfine 2
bjkman 2
bk1689 2
bk1689 2
Blastmeaway 2
bluesfan55 2
Bongo 3
boom 2
brickwall35 3
Briedaqueduc 2
Bruins10 2
Buster 2
By-Tor 2
C9Van 2
caltroit_red_flames 2
CampinKiller 2
CanadianDuck 3
Canadice 1
canes2112 3
CapnCooper 2
CaptainCamel 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 3
charlieconway 3
CheerfulBender20 3
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 3
Cobbenstein 2
Coswi 3
Count Chocula 2
CptGoosar 2
CrazyMojito 1
Crunk 3
crutch 2
dankoa 2
DarkCanuck29 3
Dewalt27 2
Dextaria 3
dogwoodmaple 2
DollarAndADream 2
DrB1gMack 2
Drokeep 3
DrunkenTeddy 3
duffleman2002 3
Durden 2
efischermann 2
Emeril 3
enigmatic 3
EricNCSU 2
EsAmYk 2
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 2
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 2
Fantobens 3
Festinator 2
fever95 2
FinnRhys 2
Fitted2106 2
FlappyGiraffe 3
Fluw 2
FormuleUn 2
frazzle14 3
FuzzSHL 2
G2019 2
gaby 2
Gaia Mormont 3
GCool 2
Geekusoid 3
Gifter of Bikes 2
goilers 3
golden_apricot 2
goldenglutes 3
GoonerBear 2
gordieboom 2
GrannyPanPan 3
Grapehead 2
grimreaper 3
grok 2
Grum 2
gurbs 2
Gwdjohnson 3
H0PPY75 3
Halkohol 2
Hallsy 2
HanTheMan_ 2
hhh81 2
High Stick King 3
Highhaschdi 2
hockeyiscool 3
Hordle 2
hotdog 3
Huck24 2
ImShiny 2
Inf1d3l 2
James Truong 3
jay2233 2
JayWhy 2
jeffie43 3
Jepox 2
JKortesi81 3
Jonny Tsunami 2
Jorec 2
JR95 3
jRuutu 1
JSS331 2
JT3 3
jtam 2
Julio Tokolosh 2
Jumbobone19 2
JumpierPegasus 2
JuOSu 3
Kalakar 2
KaleSalad 2
karlssens 2
Kasterborous 2
Katth 2
KC15 3
kentakira 2
kenvald 2
Keven 2
Keygan 2
Kierkan 3
kikish18 1
kingtag1999 2
KlusteR 2
Kraagenskul 2
krazko 2
Kylrad 2
LairdButler 3
Lazyeye 2
LB3737 2
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
Leppish 2
lespoils 2
leviadan 2
lilstifler 1
Lime 2
lmao 3
LordBirdman 2
Lorec 2
Lukstins88 2
marco999 2
mastersheep 2
Matteo 3
Mazatt 3
mcpumpkin 2
Mediocre_Fred 3
Memento Mori 3
mer 2
Merica 2
Michiganonymous 2
micool132 1
Mike Izzy 3
MN_Moosey 2
monochroma 2
Mook 2
Mooney 2
Mooty99 1
MP7 2
Mr. Finland 3
Muerto 3
Muford 2
Mutedfaith 3
MyLittleHexx 3
NamelessNate 2
Naosu 2
natedoeshockey 3
negs77 2
Nerio 3
Nhamlet 2
Nictox 2
Nike 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 2
notoriousTRON 2
O4L 2
Obsidian311 3
Off 3
Ohtaay 2
Omniscius 2
Opera_Phantom 2
OrbitingDeath 3
Otrebor13 3
Patty 2
Philliesphan96 2
Pickle 2
Pickle Juice 2
PremierBromanov 2
ProjectSaint 1
puolivalmiste 2
Pythonic 2
qWest 1
r0tzbua 2
r1c3bowl22 3
Ragnar 2
Rangerjase 3
Rankle 2
RashfordU 3
Raven 2
raymond3000 3
RedCapeDiver 3
Redderder15 2
reid 2
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 2
retuperkele 2
Rich 3
roastpuff 1
Ronniewalker 2
RotticusScott 3
Ruggsy 3
rum_ham 2
sakrosankt 3
Salming 2
Samsung virtual assistant 2
santej29 2
Sburbine 3
SchwarzNarr 2
Scrufdaddy 3
SDCore 3
Sebster 3
Segi 3
Serpe x 13 2
SewingWithNancy 2
SeymourSnatches 2
SFresh3 3
shan3p 2
siddhus 3
simo_393 2
Skeleton Party 2
SlashACM 2
slothfacekilla 2
Snuffalupagus 2
Sopath 2
soulja 2
Spartan 2
SpartanGibbles 2
spooked 3
st4rface 2
StadiumGambler 2
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 2
suavemente 2
sulovilen 3
supertardis101 2
sve7en 2
Symmetrik 2
takethehorizon 2
Talls 3
TapdancingNecrons 2
taterswc 3
Tayjay 3
Thatguy91 2
the5urreal 3
TheDangaZone 3
TheFlash 3
Thunder39 2
Thunfish 3
Toast 2
Toivo 3
Tomen 2
TommySalami 2
tommytightpants 2
traphag 3
trashae 2
Trautner 2
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 2
UberBJ 2
unconfident69 3
Urq660 2
ValorX77 2
Vandy 2
Vaxlare 3
Velevra 2
Vikian 2
visceralpotamus 2
vulfgravy 2
WannabeFinn 2
Wearingabear 2
Whitecap 2
WithTheMoose 2
Wongy 3
wumaduce 2
XLeafer 3
Yagoyi 2
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 2
Z-Whiz 2
zaynzk 2
zeagle1 2
Zombiewolf 3
Zomp 3
ZootTX 3
Katth Player Updaters
Player Updaters
11-30-2021, 05:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2021, 05:33 AM by Katth .)
The following people can claim the TPE next to their name for Hat Trick #3. Only Vlatislav Malik managed to get 3 or more hits (9!) and because of that we have a total of 177 hat tricks!
39alaska39 3
3lewsers 3
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
academydropout 3
ACapitalChicago 2
Accka 2
Ace 3
Acsolap 3
AgentSmith630 3
Air Crou 3
Aleris 2
Andy 3
Arkz 2
artermis 3
Asked Madden 3
BasedMinkus 3
bbjygm 2
bdu754 3
Bfine 3
bilbo 3
bjkman 2
Blasoon 3
bluesfan55 3
Bongo 2
boom 3
brickwall35 3
Briedaqueduc 2
Buster 3
By-Tor 2
C9Van 2
CampinKiller 2
CanadianDuck 2
Canadice 2
CapnCooper 2
Capt_Blitzkrieg 3
CaptainCamel 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 2
charlieconway 2
CheerfulBender20 3
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 2
Cobbenstein 2
Coswi 2
Count Chocula 3
CptGoosar 2
Crazylemire 3
CrazyMojito 3
Crunk 3
crutch 3
DarkCanuck29 3
Dextaria 3
dogwoodmaple 2
DollarAndADream 3
DrB1gMack 2
Drokeep 3
DrunkenTeddy 3
Durden 3
efischermann 3
Emeril 3
enigmatic 3
EricNCSU 2
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 2
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 2
Fantobens 2
Festinator 3
fever95 2
FinnRhys 3
FlappyGiraffe 2
Fluw 3
FormuleUn 3
frazzle14 3
G2019 2
gaby 2
GCool 2
Geekusoid 2
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
goldenglutes 3
GoonerBear 2
gordieboom 2
Graydonsanatomy 2
grimreaper 3
Grum 3
gurbs 3
Gwdjohnson 3
Halkohol 2
HanTheMan_ 3
hhh81 2
High Stick King 3
Highhaschdi 3
hockeyiscool 2
hotdog 3
Inf1d3l 3
James Truong 3
jay2233 2
JayWhy 2
jeffie43 3
Jepox 3
JKortesi81 3
Jonny Tsunami 2
jRuutu 2
JT3 3
jtam 2
juke 3
Julio Tokolosh 3
Jumbobone19 3
JumpierPegasus 3
JuOSu 3
Kalakar 3
KaleSalad 2
karlssens 3
Kasterborous 2
Katth 2
KenitohMenara 3
kentakira 3
kenvald 2
Keven 3
Keygan 2
Kierkan 3
kikish18 2
kingtag1999 3
Kraagenskul 2
krazko 3
Kyamprac 3
Kylrad 2
Lazyeye 3
LB3737 2
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
Leppish 2
lespoils 2
leviadan 3
lilstifler 2
lmao 3
LordBirdman 3
Lukstins88 2
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Matteo 3
mcpumpkin 2
Memento Mori 3
mer 3
Merica 3
Michiganonymous 2
micool132 3
Mike Izzy 3
MN_Moosey 2
monochroma 3
Mook 2
Mooney 2
Mooty99 2
Moreorless89 3
MP7 2
Mr. Finland 3
Muerto 2
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
NamelessNate 2
natedoeshockey 3
Neadex 3
Nerio 3
Nhamlet 3
Nictox 3
Nike 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 3
notoriousTRON 3
O4L 3
Obsidian311 3
Off 2
Ohtaay 3
Omniscius 3
Opera_Phantom 2
OrbitingDeath 3
Otrebor13 3
Pickle Juice 3
PremierBromanov 2
puolivalmiste 2
Pythonic 2
qWest 3
r0tzbua 2
r1c3bowl22 2
Rabidsponge21 3
Ragnar 3
Rancidbudgie 2
Rangerjase 2
RashfordU 3
raymond3000 2
Redderder15 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Rich 3
roastpuff 3
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 2
RotticusScott 3
sakrosankt 3
Salming 2
Samsung virtual assistant 3
santej29 2
Sburbine 3
SchwarzNarr 2
Scrufdaddy 3
Segi 2
Serpe x 13 2
SewingWithNancy 3
SFresh3 3
shan3p 3
simo_393 3
SlashACM 3
slothfacekilla 3
Snuffalupagus 3
Sopath 3
soulja 3
Spartan 3
SpartanGibbles 2
spooked 3
st4rface 3
StadiumGambler 3
steveoiscool 2
suavemente 3
sulovilen 2
sve7en 3
Symmetrik 2
TacocaT 2 2
takethehorizon 3
Talls 3
TapdancingNecrons 3
taterswc 2
Thatguy91 2
the5urreal 3
TheCC 2
TheDangaZone 3
Thunder39 3
Thunfish 2
Toast 3
Toivo 3
Tomen 3
tommytightpants 3
traphag 3
trashae 3
Trautner 3
tweedledunn 2
Tylar 3
unconfident69 3
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Vandy 3
Vaxlare 3
Velevra 3
Vikian 3
VillageBC 3
visceralpotamus 2
vulfgravy 2
WannabeFinn 3
Whitecap 3
WithTheMoose 2
XLeafer 3
Yagoyi 3
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 3
Z-Whiz 3
zaynzk 3
zeagle1 3
Zomp 3
ZootTX 3
Lorec Registered
Senior Member
The following may collect the tpe listed next to their name for PT#2: Hit the Ice
39alaska39 3
3lewsers 3
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
academydropout 3
ACapitalChicago 3
Accka 3
Ace 3
Acsolap 3
Aephino 3
AgentSmith630 3
Air Crou 3
Aleris 3
Amidships 3
Arkz 3
artermis 3
Asked Madden 3
Avakael 3
BasedMinkus 3
Bauer 3
Bayley 3
bbjygm 3
bdu754 3
BenDover 3
Benpachi 3
Bfine 3
bjkman 3
bk1689 3
Blasoon 3
Blastmeaway 3
BLBertrand 3
bluesfan55 3
Bongo 3
boom 3
brickwall35 3
Briedaqueduc 3
Buster 3
By-Tor 3
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
CampinKiller 3
CanadianDuck 3
Canadice 3
canes2112 3
CapnCooper 3
Capt_Blitzkrieg 3
CaptainCamel 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 3
charlieconway 3
CheerfulBender20 3
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 3
Cobbenstein 3
cole6249 3
Count Chocula 3
CptGoosar 3
Crazylemire 3
CrazyMojito 3
Crunk 3
crutch 3
DarkCanuck29 3
Dewalt27 3
Dextaria 3
dogwoodmaple 3
DollarAndADream 3
DrB1gMack 3
Drokeep 3
DrunkenTeddy 3
duffleman2002 3
Durden 3
dylanjj37 3
efischermann 3
enigmatic 3
EricNCSU 3
EsAmYk 3
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 3
Exilate 3
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 3
Fantobens 3
Festinator 3
fever95 3
FinnRhys 3
Fitted2106 3
FlappyGiraffe 3
Fluw 3
FormuleUn 3
G2019 3
gaby 3
Gaia Mormont 3
GCool 3
Geekusoid 3
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
golden_apricot 3
goldenglutes 3
GoonerBear 3
GrannyPanPan 3
Grapehead 3
grimreaper 3
grok 3
Grum 3
gurbs 3
H0PPY75 3
Halkohol 3
Hallsy 2 (just under word count)
HanTheMan_ 3
hhh81 3
High Stick King 3
Highhaschdi 3
hockeyiscool 3
Hordle 3
hotdog 3
Huck24 3
ImShiny 3
Inf1d3l 3
James Truong 3
jay2233 3
JayWhy 3
jeffie43 3
Jepox 3
JKortesi81 3
Jonny Tsunami 3
Jorec 3
JR95 3
jRuutu 3
JSS331 3
JT3 3
jtam 3
juke 3
Julio Tokolosh 2 (just under word count)
Jumbobone19 3
JumpierPegasus 3
JuOSu 3
KaleSalad 3
karlssens 3
Katth 3
KC15 3
KenitohMenara 3
kentakira 3
kenvald 3
Keven 3
Keygan 3
Kierkan 3
kikish18 3
kingtag1999 3
KlusteR 3
Kraagenskul 3
krazko 3
Kyamprac 3
Kylrad 3
Lazyeye 3
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
Leppish 3
lespoils 3
leviadan 3
lilstifler 3
Lime 3
lmao 3
LordBirdman 3
Lorec 3
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Matteo 3
Mazatt 3
mcpumpkin 3
Memento Mori 3
mer 3
Merica 3
Michiganonymous 3
micool132 3
Mike Izzy 3
MN_Moosey 3
monochroma 3
Mook 3
Mooney 3
Mooty99 3
Moreorless89 3
Mr. Finland 3
Muerto 3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
MyLittleHexx 3
NamelessNate 3
natedoeshockey 3
negs77 3
Nerio 3
Nhamlet 3
Nictox 3
Nike 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 3
notoriousTRON 3
NTG 2 (Your link did not work but I found you on the ISFL PT, I marked you down 1 TPE but double check your links next time)
O4L 3
Obsidian311 3
Off 3
Ohtaay 3
Opera_Phantom 3
OrbitingDeath 3
Otrebor13 3
pauadrian 3
Philliesphan96 3
Pickle Juice 3
PremierBromanov 3
ProjectSaint 3
puolivalmiste 3
Pythonic 3
qWest 3
r0tzbua 3
r1c3bowl22 3
Rabidsponge21 3
Ragnar 3
Rancidbudgie 3
Rangerjase 3
Rankle 3
RashfordU 3
Raven 3
raymond3000 3
RedCapeDiver 3
Redderder15 3
reid 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Rich 3
roastpuff 3
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 3
RotticusScott 3
Ruggsy 3
rum_ham 3
sakrosankt 3
Salming 3
Sburbine 3
SchwarzNarr 3
Scrufdaddy 3
SDCore 3
Sebster 3
Segi 3
Serpe x 13 3
SeymourSnatches 3
SFresh3 3
shan3p 3
simo_393 3
SlashACM 3
slothfacekilla 3
Snuffalupagus 3
Sopath 3
soulja 3
Spartan 3
SpartanGibbles 3
spooked 3
st4rface 3
StadiumGambler 3
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 3
suavemente 3
sulovilen 3
supertardis101 3
sve7en 3
Symmetrik 3
takethehorizon 3
Talls 3
TapdancingNecrons 3
taterswc 3
Tayjay 3
Thatguy91 3
the5urreal 3
TheCC 3
TheDangaZone 3
TheSparkyDee 3
Thunder39 3
Thunfish 3
Toast 3
Toivo 3
Tomen 3
TommySalami 3
tommytightpants 3
Trautner 3
trella 3
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 3
UberBJ 3
unconfident69 3
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Vandy 3
Vaxlare 3
Vikian 3
VillageBC 3
visceralpotamus 3
vulfgravy 3
Wearingabear 3
Whitecap 3
WithTheMoose 3
Wongy 3
XLeafer 3
Yagoyi 3
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 3
Z-Whiz 3
zaynzk 3
zeagle1 3
Zombiewolf 3
ZootTX 3
PM Me or Slash if you have any questions
Lorec Registered
Senior Member
The following may claim the TPE listed next to their name for PT#3- Hold this L:
39alaska39 3
3lewsers 3
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
academydropout 3
ACapitalChicago 3
Accka 3
Ace 3
Acsolap 3
Aephino 3
AgentSmith630 3
Air Crou 3
Aleris 3
Amidships 3
Arkz 3
artermis 3
Asked Madden 3
Bauer 3
bbjygm 3
bdu754 3
BenDover 3
Benpachi 3
Bfine 3
bjkman 3
bk1689 2 (just under word count)
Blasoon 3
BLBertrand 3
bluesfan55 3
Bongo 3
boom 3
brickwall35 3
Briedaqueduc 3
Buster 3
By-Tor 3
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
CampinKiller 3
CanadianDuck 3
Canadice 3
canes2112 3
CapnCooper 3
CaptainCamel 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 3
charlieconway 3
CheerfulBender20 3
ckroyal92 3
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 3
Cobbenstein 3
Count Chocula 3
CptGoosar 3
Crazylemire 3
CrazyMojito 3
Crunk 3
crutch 3
dankoa 3
DarkCanuck29 3
Dewalt27 3
Dextaria 3
dogwoodmaple 3
DollarAndADream 3
DrB1gMack 3
Drokeep 3
DrunkenTeddy 3
Durden 3
efischermann 3
enigmatic 3
EricNCSU 3
EsAmYk 3
EsAmYk 3
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 3
Exilate 3
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 3
Fantobens 3
Festinator 3
fever95 3
FinnRhys 3
Fitted2106 3
FlappyGiraffe 3
Fluw 3
FormuleUn 3
frazzle14 3
G2019 3
gaby 3
Gaia Mormont 3
GCool 3
Geekusoid 3
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
goldenglutes 3
GoonerBear 3
Graydonsanatomy 3
grok 3
Grum 3
gurbs 3
Halkohol 3
hhh81 3
High Stick King 3
Highhaschdi 3
hockeyiscool 3
Hordle 3
hotdog 3
Huck24 3
ImShiny 2 (just under word count)
inverted 3
James Truong 3
jay2233 3
JaytheGreat 3
JayWhy 3
jeffie43 3
Jepox 3
JKortesi81 3
Jonny Tsunami 3
Jorec 3
jRuutu 3
JT3 3
jtam 3
juke 3
Julio Tokolosh 3
Jumbobone19 3
JumpierPegasus 3
JuOSu 3
KaleSalad 3
karlssens 3
Katth 3
KC15 3
KenitohMenara 3
kentakira 3
kenvald 3
Keven 3
Keygan 3
Kierkan 3
kikish18 3
kingtag1999 3
Kraagenskul 3
krazko 3
Kyamprac 3
Kylrad 3
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
lespoils 3
leviadan 3
lilstifler 3
Lime 3
LordBirdman 3
Lorec 3
LucidDreams702 3
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Matteo 3
mcpumpkin 3
Memento Mori 3
mer 3
micool132 3
Mike Izzy 3
MN_Moosey 3
monochroma 3
Mook 3
Mooney 3
Mooty99 3
MP7 3
Mr. Finland 3
Muerto 3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
MyLittleHexx 3
NamelessNate 3
natedoeshockey 3
negs77 3
Nhamlet 3
Nike 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 3
notoriousTRON 3
Obsidian311 3
Off 3
Ohtaay 3
Opera_Phantom 3
OrbitingDeath 3
Otrebor13 3
Philliesphan96 3
Pickle Juice 3
PremierBromanov 3
ProjectSaint 3
Pythonic 3
qWest 3
r0tzbua 3
r1c3bowl22 3
Rabidsponge21 3
Ragnar 3
Rangerjase 3
Rankle 3
RashfordU 3
Raven 3
raymond3000 3
Redderder15 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Rich 3
roastpuff 3
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 3
RotticusScott 3
rum_ham 3
sakrosankt 3
Salming 3
Sburbine 3
SchwarzNarr 3
Scrufdaddy 3
SDCore 3
Sebster 3
Segi 3
Serpe x 13 3
SeymourSnatches 3
SeymourSnatches 3
SFresh3 3
shan3p 3
siddhus 3
simo_393 3
SlashACM 3
slothfacekilla 3
Snuffalupagus 3
Sopath 3
Spartan 2 (just under word count)
SpartanGibbles 3
spooked 3
st4rface 3
StadiumGambler 3
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 3
suavemente 3
sulovilen 3
supertardis101 3
sve7en 3
Symmetrik 3
takethehorizon 3
Talls 3
TapdancingNecrons 3
taterswc 3
Tayjay 3
Thatguy91 3
the5urreal 3
TheCC 0 (your link went to your weekly training page)
TheDangaZone 3
TheSparkyDee 3
Thunder39 3
Thunfish 3
Toast 3
Toivo 3
Tomen 3
tommytightpants 3
traphag 3
trashae 3
Trautner 3
trella 3
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 3
UberBJ 3
unconfident69 3
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Vandy 3
Vaxlare 3
Vikian 3
visceralpotamus 3
vulfgravy 3
WannabeFinn 3
Wearingabear 3
Whitecap 3
WithTheMoose 3
Wongy 3
XLeafer 3
Yagoyi 3
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 3
Z-Whiz 3
zaynzk 3
zeagle1 3
ZootTX 3