Pro Individual LeadersLast Update - Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 22:02
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Minimum Games Played: 10


#Player NameGPG
1Jagger Fouquette (VIP)2015
2Sterling Slaughter (RAY)2012
3Vesa Seikola (WRA)2012
4Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)2011
5Arthur Dayne (VIP)2011
6Conor Tanner (RAY)2010
7Mike Richard (WRA)2010
8Cody (WRA)2010
9Skao Anazibf (WRA)2010
10Hugh Jazz (WRA)209
#Player NameGPA
1Mike Richard (WRA)2019
2Scott Miller (VIP)2017
3Skao Anazibf (WRA)2017
4Fredrik Jensen (RAY)2015
5Wet Cucumber (BLZ)2014
6Jagger Fouquette (VIP)2013
7Cody (WRA)2013
8Rev Maynard (RAY)2011
9Ricky Spanish (VIP)2011
10Vesa Seikola (WRA)2011
#Player NameGPSHT
1Hugh Jazz (WRA)2065
2Sterling Slaughter (RAY)2060
3Skao Anazibf (WRA)2054
4Jagger Fouquette (VIP)2051
5Cody (WRA)2049
6Vesa Seikola (WRA)2047
7Fredrik Jensen (RAY)2045
8Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)2045
9Conor Tanner (RAY)2041
10Elijah Jones (BLZ)2040
Shots %
#Player NameGPSHT %
1Jagger Fouquette (VIP)2029.41%
2Wet Cucumber (BLZ)2029.17%
3Arthur Dayne (VIP)2028.95%
4Mike Richard (WRA)2027.78%
5Rev Maynard (RAY)2025.81%
6Vesa Seikola (WRA)2025.53%
7Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)2024.44%
8Conor Tanner (RAY)2024.39%
9Jan Zacha (BLZ)2024.00%
10Martin Kakko (RAY)2021.88%
#Player NameGPPTS
1Mike Richard (WRA)2010-19-29
2Scott Miller (VIP)208-17-25
3Wet Cucumber (BLZ)207-14-21
4Rev Maynard (RAY)208-11-19
5Conor Tanner (RAY)2010-6-16
6Jan Zacha (BLZ)206-9-15
7Gotta Love Honors Bio (VIP)206-8-14
8Bo Kane (WRA)205-8-13
9Jake Primeau (BLZ)203-2-5
10ZZ Ryder Garnsey (RAY)201-4-5
Left Wings
#Player NameGPPTS
1Jagger Fouquette (VIP)2015-13-28
2Skao Anazibf (WRA)2010-17-27
3Vesa Seikola (WRA)2012-11-23
4Cody (WRA)2010-13-23
5Sterling Slaughter (RAY)2012-10-22
6Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)2011-10-21
7Hugh Jazz (WRA)209-10-19
8Martin Kakko (RAY)207-9-16
9Ricky Spanish (VIP)205-11-16
10Arthur Dayne (VIP)2011-4-15
Right Wings
#Player NameGPPTS
1Jagger Fouquette (VIP)2015-13-28
2Skao Anazibf (WRA)2010-17-27
3Vesa Seikola (WRA)2012-11-23
4Cody (WRA)2010-13-23
5Sterling Slaughter (RAY)2012-10-22
6Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)2011-10-21
7Hugh Jazz (WRA)209-10-19
8Martin Kakko (RAY)207-9-16
9Ricky Spanish (VIP)205-11-16
10Arthur Dayne (VIP)2011-4-15
#Player NameGPPTS
1Fredrik Jensen (RAY)203-15-18
2Brennan Griggs (WRA)200-11-11
3Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)202-7-9
4Noah Brusky (WRA)201-7-8
5Prince Devitt (VIP)200-8-8
6Jimmy Van Johns (VIP)202-5-7
7ZZ Ryder Garnsey (RAY)201-4-5
8Derek Bohne (RAY)200-5-5
9ZZ Bitsy (VIP)200-5-5
10ZZ Boomer (WRA)201-3-4
Points per 20 Minutes
#Player NameGPP/20
1Skao Anazibf (WRA)201.38
2Jagger Fouquette (VIP)201.36
3Mike Richard (WRA)201.35
4Cody (WRA)201.16
5Scott Miller (VIP)201.14
6Vesa Seikola (WRA)201.10
7Sterling Slaughter (RAY)201.02
8Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)201.01
9Wet Cucumber (BLZ)201.00
10Hugh Jazz (WRA)200.97
Face-Off %
#Player NameGPFO %
1Mike Richard (WRA)2056.65%
2Conor Tanner (RAY)2055.14%
3Jan Zacha (BLZ)2054.84%
4Rev Maynard (RAY)2053.54%
5Scott Miller (VIP)2050.57%
6Wet Cucumber (BLZ)2049.69%
7Gotta Love Honors Bio (VIP)2048.10%
8Bo Kane (WRA)2047.06%
#Player NameGP+/-
1ZZ Boomer (WRA)2011
2ZZ Joey Froccaro (WRA)2011
3ZZ Bitsy (VIP)2010
4ZZ Big Fish (VIP)2010
5Mike Richard (WRA)2010
6Skao Anazibf (WRA)209
7Vesa Seikola (WRA)207
8ZZ Tim Kelly (RAY)205
9Jagger Fouquette (VIP)205
10Martin Kakko (RAY)204
Penalty Minutes
#Player NameGPPIM
1Martin Kakko (RAY)2021
2ZZ Alex Woodall (RAY)2017
3ZZ Bingham (BLZ)2016
4Jared Lammi (RAY)2015
5Fredrik Jensen (RAY)2014
6Bo Kane (WRA)2014
7Vesa Seikola (WRA)2014
8ZZ John McClaine (WRA)2012
9ZZ A.J. Baretto (RAY)2012
10ZZ Bitsy (VIP)2012
Shots Blocked
#Player NameGPSB
1Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)2031
2Noah Andros (BLZ)2028
3Prince Devitt (VIP)2027
4Noah Brusky (WRA)2027
5Brennan Griggs (WRA)2019
6Fredrik Jensen (RAY)2016
7ZZ Alex Woodall (RAY)2016
8Jimmy Van Johns (VIP)2016
9Derek Bohne (RAY)2015
10ZZ A.J. Baretto (RAY)2012
#Player NameGPPTS
No Result
#Player NameGPHIT
1Hugh Jazz (WRA)2047
2Derek Bohne (RAY)2039
3Cody (WRA)2037
4Skao Anazibf (WRA)2037
5Rev Maynard (RAY)2035
6Scott Miller (VIP)2034
7Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)2033
8Arthur Dayne (VIP)2033
9Elijah Jones (BLZ)2031
10Bo Kane (WRA)2031
Power Play Goals
#Player NameGPPP
1Jagger Fouquette (VIP)206
2Conor Tanner (RAY)205
3Sterling Slaughter (RAY)205
4Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)204
5Vesa Seikola (WRA)204
6Hugh Jazz (WRA)203
7Skao Anazibf (WRA)203
8Rev Maynard (RAY)202
9Wet Cucumber (BLZ)202
10Theodore Sober (BLZ)202
Short Handed Goals
#Player NameGPSH
1Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)202
2Conor Tanner (RAY)201
3Rev Maynard (RAY)201
4Jared Lammi (RAY)201
5Jan Zacha (BLZ)201
6Scott Miller (VIP)201
7Arthur Dayne (VIP)201
8Hugh Jazz (WRA)201
Game Winning Goals
#Player NameGPGW
1Rev Maynard (RAY)203
2Bo Kane (WRA)203
3Hugh Jazz (WRA)203
4Conor Tanner (RAY)202
5Scott Miller (VIP)202
6Jagger Fouquette (VIP)202
7Arthur Dayne (VIP)202
8Mike Richard (WRA)202
9Sterling Slaughter (RAY)201
10Martin Kakko (RAY)201
Game Tying Goals
#Player NameGPGT
1Conor Tanner (RAY)202
2Mike Richard (WRA)202
3Vesa Seikola (WRA)202
4Rev Maynard (RAY)201
5Sterling Slaughter (RAY)201
6Cupa Kaako (RAY)201
7Martin Kakko (RAY)201
8Wet Cucumber (BLZ)201
9Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)201
10ZZ Margaret Thatcher (VIP)201
Empty Net Goals
#Player NameGPENG
1Fredrik Jensen (RAY)201
2Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)201
3ZZ Sidney Crosby (BLZ)201
4Mike Richard (WRA)201
Minutes Played
#Player NameGPMP
1Noah Andros (BLZ)20526
2Brennan Griggs (WRA)20522
3Noah Brusky (WRA)20522
4Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)20516
5Jimmy Van Johns (VIP)20487
6Prince Devitt (VIP)20486
7Derek Bohne (RAY)20482
8Fredrik Jensen (RAY)20475
9Rev Maynard (RAY)20452
10Scott Miller (VIP)20438
Hat Tricks
#Player NameGPHT
1Jagger Fouquette (VIP)201
2Vesa Seikola (WRA)201
3Cody (WRA)201
4Skao Anazibf (WRA)201
Goal Scoring Streak
#Player NameGPGS
1Cody (WRA)203
2Scott Miller (VIP)202
3Vesa Seikola (WRA)202
4Rev Maynard (RAY)201
5Cupa Kaako (RAY)201
6Wet Cucumber (BLZ)201
7Anthony Archer (VIP)201
8Arthur Dayne (VIP)201
9Ricky Spanish (VIP)201
10Mike Richard (WRA)201
Point Scoring Streak
#Player NameGPPS
1Wet Cucumber (BLZ)207
2Jean-Francois Mayer (BLZ)206
3Bo Kane (WRA)206
4Hugh Jazz (WRA)206
5Rev Maynard (RAY)205
6Fredrik Jensen (RAY)205
7Sterling Slaughter (RAY)204
8Jan Zacha (BLZ)203
9Cody (WRA)203
10Scott Miller (VIP)202
Hits Taken
#Player NameGPHTT
1Scott Miller (VIP)2048
2Mike Richard (WRA)2043
3Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)2042
4Martin Kakko (RAY)2039
5Rev Maynard (RAY)2038
6Derek Bohne (RAY)2037
7Wet Cucumber (BLZ)2036
8Noah Andros (BLZ)2036
9Prince Devitt (VIP)2035
10Conor Tanner (RAY)2034
Penalty Shots
#Player NameGPPSG
1Conor Tanner (RAY)201
2Jared Lammi (RAY)201
3Martin Kakko (RAY)201
4Wet Cucumber (BLZ)201
5Noah Andros (BLZ)201
6Gotta Love Honors Bio (VIP)201
Give Away
#Player NameGPGA
1Fredrik Jensen (RAY)2015
2Elijah Jones (BLZ)2015
3Cupa Kaako (RAY)2014
4Sterling Slaughter (RAY)2013
5Vesa Seikola (WRA)2013
6Jimmy Van Johns (VIP)2012
7Jake Primeau (BLZ)2011
8Brennan Griggs (WRA)2011
9Arthur Dayne (VIP)2010
10Henrik Sapotchik (BLZ)209
Take Away
#Player NameGPTA
1Brennan Griggs (WRA)2013
2Fredrik Jensen (RAY)2012
3Noah Andros (BLZ)2012
4Bo Kane (WRA)2011
5Noah Brusky (WRA)2011
6Cupa Kaako (RAY)2010
7Derek Bohne (RAY)2010
8Vesa Seikola (WRA)2010
9Skao Anazibf (WRA)2010
10Jimmy Van Johns (VIP)209
Total Fight
#Player NameGPFT
1Jared Lammi (RAY)201
2Martin Kakko (RAY)201
3ZZ Alex Woodall (RAY)201
4Gotta Love Honors Bio (VIP)201
5Jagger Fouquette (VIP)201
6Ricky Spanish (VIP)201
Fight Won
#Player NameGPFW
1Jared Lammi (RAY)201
2ZZ Alex Woodall (RAY)201


Save Percentage
#Goalie NameGPSAVE %
1Rick Sanchez (RAY)200.855
2Nolan McMahon (WRA)200.845
3Knox Booth (VIP)200.835
4Pucky Stopz (BLZ)200.825
Goals Against Average
#Goalie NameGPGAA
1Rick Sanchez (RAY)202.31
2Nolan McMahon (WRA)202.38
3Knox Booth (VIP)202.52
4Pucky Stopz (BLZ)202.65
No Result
Minutes Played
#Goalie NameGPMP
1Rick Sanchez (RAY)201,221
2Knox Booth (VIP)201,215
3Nolan McMahon (WRA)201,209
4Pucky Stopz (BLZ)201,153
5ZZ Queen Elizabeth (BLZ)265
Shots Faced
#Goalie NameGPSHT
1Rick Sanchez (RAY)20324
2Knox Booth (VIP)20309
3Nolan McMahon (WRA)20309
4Pucky Stopz (BLZ)20292
5ZZ Queen Elizabeth (BLZ)214
#Goalie NameGPSO
1Pucky Stopz (BLZ)205
2Rick Sanchez (RAY)202
3Nolan McMahon (WRA)202
4Knox Booth (VIP)201
#Goalie NameGPW
1Rick Sanchez (RAY)2012
2Nolan McMahon (WRA)2012
3Pucky Stopz (BLZ)208
4Knox Booth (VIP)208
Penalty Shots Percentage
#Goalie NamePSAPS SHT %
1Rick Sanchez (RAY)160.938
2Knox Booth (VIP)70.857
3Pucky Stopz (BLZ)100.800
4Nolan McMahon (WRA)20.000
#Goalie NameGPL
1Pucky Stopz (BLZ)208
2Knox Booth (VIP)208
3Rick Sanchez (RAY)206
4Nolan McMahon (WRA)205