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S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - Printable Version

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RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - Punk42AE - 06-09-2024

ISFL Affiliation

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - Seymour - 06-09-2024

Bean vacationing in Florida going to his favourite Marvel movie, Spiderman. Still have to rep the Elk tho.
[Image: X4oNBZt.png]

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - Ohtaay - 06-09-2024

The off season is almost over, signaling the beginning of a new season and getting back to the gym. My off season is typically a time for rest and relaxation, however with the new season it is time to return to the weight room and the ice. As preparation for the season commences, there are several key steps that Kondos undertakes leading into training camp. Firstly, returning to Seattle, or in this instance Regina, marks the official start of the season. Participating in the training camp for Seattle involves a significant amount of endurance and skating drills with the main team, which serves to further enhance and refine my skills. Improving dietary habits is also paramount for Kondos. The off-season doesn't align with the demands of the regular season, so adopting a healthier diet becomes essential. Combining improved nutrition with increased endurance training are the two primary objectives for Kondos as he gears up for the regular season, aiming to regain optimal shape. While speed may not be Kondos's strongest suit, maintaining pace on the ice remains crucial. Therefore, ensuring physical fitness is a priority to keep up with the demands of the game.

197 words

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - KalixIzalumi - 06-09-2024

option 1:

Elly is always ready to meet new people and be the face of the league and her team! The fact that it isn't hockey related means Elly can still relax off the ice while promoting the league. Likely Elly would be attending a parade and festival event while wearing her Jersey. She can show her league pride and represent them at the same time. Elly loves to meet people and be apart of big events when she's off the ice. Perhaps even take part on one of the floats and pose for the cameras. What better way to represent the league than to ride on a float where everyone can see her majestically posing. She can share food and moments with just everyday people. She would likely even have a paw stamper pinned under her jersey for any impromptu autographs. This type of event is a great way to show that players are regular citizens too and aren't out of reach stars, plus they are loads of fun. The candid pictures from there would create lasting memories AND league publicity. Elly just wants to be cute and have fun. 

(192 words). 

(the way i imagine a paw stamper works is like an ink pad. Elly would press her paw on it and then can press the print onto a paper or wherever is needed.)

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - eddiesnothere - 06-09-2024

Hoang is always on call, his activities away from the game keeping him largely away from leisure time that send him out of the state, so Minnesota can rely on him to head to events on short notice. While he is happy to do it for the team, Hoang doesn’t like just giving away his time to the team if he has interests he wants to explore. He’s taken up hiking to keep his legs moving in the off-season, enjoying the quiet of the Minnesotan wilderness. Still, if he can get to the event, when asked, he’ll be there. To him, it’s an obligation he made when he signed his contract. As an ambassador to the team and an employee, he has a duty to help when he can. It always helps to get a team player out there to represent the organization, the message it sends is better than no one showing up.

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - Nike - 06-09-2024

Sometimes, offseason things can get in the way of recharging and getting ready for next year. And there are certainly times that, as a player, I really just don’t have it in me to get my butt back to Chicago for something as simple as a meet and greet. However, because the season is just around the corner and I know how important we are to the city, I normally do my best to get to the annual season ticket holder events that they hold right before the season starts. If I’m being honest, it is also a pretty efficient way of making me get back in a hockey mindset. While the young fans in the crowd show their passion for us even despite the long layoff, it is really hard to not get hyped up for another season chasing after the illusive challenge cup. I’m going to certainly do my player duty and make it out to this season’s event.

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - SpartanGibbles - 06-09-2024

Option 1:
Gordon-William Gibbles is more than ready to start the heavier media schedule that comes from making the jump from the SMJHL to the SHL. Thankfully he has a small edge on this as he often got to see how his father handled the media during his lengthy career for the Minnesota Monarchs. While anyone would likely prefer to continue to spend their time at their own discretion, it is very important to Gibbles that he put his best effort forward as he pilots his own story in professional hockey. He has also seen how making an enemy of the media can lead to friction and rough patches when trying to live and play in the SHL. So he will go to events and sign some autographs if that keeps the media and his team management happy. Gibbles always makes sure to have time for post game interviews so he can control the narrative and that wont change going forward.

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - Tsunny - 06-09-2024

Option 1:
There are certain aspects of hockey that Sonja does not like at all, like talking to the media. So if the general maneger were to try and convince them to do that, there would almost certainly be an excuse ready for why she can't do that. Meeting the fans however is the complete opposite as Sonja enjoys those the most. Even thoughout her early career she have already met a lot of wonderful people thought those meet and greet events so it is almost granted that if she had the opportunity she would accept atending those events without much of a hesitation. If she had to decline them, it meant she really can't make it out there. Besides while being on vacation is nice, Sonja is the type that wants to get back in action as soon as possible. So no, she would not try to find excuses and rather she would attend those events as best to her ability as she can.

(163 words)

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - mer - 06-09-2024

Aksel is trying very hard to get the attention off himself and onto the new up and comers who are the new faces of the franchise. He doesn't want to fade into obscurity - he's still going to campaign HARD for all stars, but he doesn't want to talk to media all the time. He's old. He's got less words or whatever. So whenever journalists call him up, he grabs his nearest teammate and puts them on the phone. It's happened so many times now that the locker room has actually changed seats so that the interview-hungry players are on either side of his stall, and the people who are like him and don't want to talk to anyone anymore are clear on the other side of the room. Surprisingly, it's had the opposite desired effect on journalists - they call even more now, because they know they'll get to talk to someone. Aksel gives them some shit for not doing a better job of contacting the rookies personally, but then hands them off. His calendar is completely clear for the pre-season.

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - Evok - 06-09-2024

pt pass

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - SouthPaw - 06-09-2024

For Jacppo Nummilavin it is all about the mental side of the game for the final few weeks before the start of the season. He has been spending most of the offseason working on his technical skills and also getting stronger. However, in the final lead up to the regular season he is only concerned with making sure that his head is right for what is to come. The hardest part about any sport is the mental side of the fight and he has always taken pride in his ability to keep that side of his game operating at a high level. Following the cup loss to QCC last season it is more important than ever that Jacppo take the time to learn from the mistakes he might have made last season and start this new season off with a bang. He is hoping that he will be able to instill that confidence in everyone on the Timber as the season starts.

162 words

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - natedoeshockey - 06-09-2024

Prompt 1

Patya want to tell you that he been enjoying much needed vacation from the hockeys and all associated activities. Is so nice for have some time with Kristen for relax and go for some beaches, most definitely not for see Kristen in bikini or anything, is purely for muscles regain strength...yes, this what Patya say. Anyway, Patya get call from GM and he am saying Patya need to do some marketing or meet-and-greet? Listen, Patya love fans and monies but Patya getting such old now. Patya really just want for soak in sun with half-naked wife and enjoy finer side of life. This mean Patya needing for come up with excuse. Patya thinking he have some smart idea. Patya pretend we am marooned on tropical island and am waiting for rescue from ship, but it not there yet. Patya know you thinking this silly, but Patya can be much convincing, especially when am having former reporter wife for helping because she am much more good at this than Patya.

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - baz - 06-09-2024

Prompt 2

The Battleborn are not far out from suiting up for the season to begin as they prep for what will be their best season during Wizards tenure there. Wizard is looking to finish up his prep but instead of attending the mini practices the team does to prepare, he takes a slightly different approach to it all as he does meditation. Yes you heard right Wizard has taken up meditation and has this proven to be effective? No not a single bit but he is determined to make it work as it has helped him calm down allowing him more peace of mind of the chaos in games. It allows Wizard to focus on more the puck rather than the crowds jeers or the other teams antics. This has allowed Wizard to elevate his defensive game which was the main request from his GMs who had wanted to see more from the team on defense and with being a leader for this team as a senior member he took it upon himself to take on this role.

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - tredpalo - 06-09-2024

Task One:

Trevor Lopez knows that he ISN'T the face of the franchise, because that title is a privelege that you have to earn, but the first step to earning that privelege is to be a ride or die for your teammates. As such, he is willing to earn earn the trust of his compatriots and will always be there to answer the call for them no matter the reason. Did they get drunk at a club and need a ride? He'll be your personal uber driver for the night! Are they dealing with a horrible break up and do they need a shoulder to cry on? He'll bring them the tissues and be there for them to talk to. No matter the reason, no matter the time of day. A leader must always be there for his team and his teammate, and that's the first step on Trevor's climb to the top of the ladder.

159 words

RE: S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts - hotdog - 06-09-2024

philippe eko eel has, for better or worse, actually already been spending the offseason playing hockey, so there is not too much that he needs to do to ramp up. first he played in the international ice hockey federation world championships with team norway as he is a crucial part of their team and gets utilized extensively in their game plan. but then after that when most players take a break, philippe eko eel has to participate in the undersea games which is a series of competitions between various underseas species. philippe eko eel of course represents the eel team as he is a well known athletic eel but yeah they have a bunch of contests interspecies style like squids vs eels or barnacles vs coelacanths and the barnacles always do really poorly btw because they cannot move really. anyway this takes place more or less in between the end of iihf and the start of the pee season so philippe eko eel's ramp up is essentially just still playing more competitive athletics - not a specific type of training or practice, just keeping that long body moving!