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The Podcast I Will Regret Making Questions - Printable Version

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- ToeDragon84 - 07-31-2017

Do you use black or white garbage bags?

Do you have a lawn to mow?

When was the last time you chose to take a bath over a shower?

When are you gonna do championship week?

Do you know where to go if there's a fire?

- Bonk - 07-31-2017

What did you eat last?

What did you drink last?

Tell me about the last trip you took.

- mel24 - 07-31-2017

do you still regret making this podcast?

as part of HO, what are some of your predictions for the J this season?

which is larger: pris' height or your love for me

you've stepped in as a rookie mentor this season as well; who do you think will be the best locker room presence as we go into the SHL draft?

- Slappydoodle - 07-31-2017

Quote:Originally posted by ztevans@Jul 31 2017, 07:17 PM
Last call!

I'll take a Tanqueray and tonic please, with lime. Thanks.

- ztevans - 07-31-2017


- ztevans - 08-08-2017

Taking questions

- Slappydoodle - 08-08-2017

How many minutes a night are Evans and Visser going to play and on what lines? I'm still in the middle of my draft and I'm looking at yountwo as possible late round steals.

Have you tried cinnamon Frosted Flakes, cause they're pretty damn good?

I don't think you've done one of these since the draft ended. Obviously recap Winnipeg's night and general impressions from the night overall.

If you could save one hundred people from gruesome deaths that would occur ten years from now by killing one innocent person right now, would you do it?

Geez, Guess that last one was a little heavy. Ok try this, what is your all time favorite comfort food, especially when you're having a shitty day and you want to treat yourself?

The annual Big Slappy camping trip is coming up this weekend. It's at a state park on a lake beside some big hills. Besides Bonk and I, two other good friends and all our kids will be in the woods for four days. Over unders on:

# of beers consumed
# of hotdogs eaten
# of other campers that mistake Bonk for Sasquatch
# of marshmallows dropped in the fire when going for that perfect char
# of times I get dirty looks from bikini clad girls at the beach for ogling them too intensively

- Bonk - 08-09-2017

Could you discuss the lines for the upcoming season?

What do you think average wake up time for the people on the annual Big Slappy camping trip?

If you could get any player to the Jets, who would it be and why?

What was the greatest vacation you took?

- fgh - 08-10-2017

So nothing of note happened this week Ninja talk about the things we discussed in PM because somehow we can still communicate like decent human beings despite being SHL GMs Smile)

What's the best meme to come out of the past two weeks? My vote is Beaujeaux's oversized penis jokes, but Banning copypasta is a close second

Love ya bud, we need another Southern Discomfort sometime

- ztevans - 08-11-2017


- Slappydoodle - 08-15-2017

Quote:Originally posted by ztevans@Aug 11 2017, 08:00 PM

I know I've been in the woods and out of touch, but did I miss this somewhere? Did you ever post it?

- ztevans - 08-15-2017

Quote:Originally posted by Slappydoodle@Aug 15 2017, 07:18 PM

I know I've been in the woods and out of touch, but did I miss this somewhere? Did you ever post it?

I did not, sorry.

tl;dr - I recorded (with <a href='index.php?showuser=2651' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>gfridge</a>!Wink during the, like, 90-minute span on Friday when we had "traded for Hazard" before it was vetoed by Wally. So I've been holding off on uploading it until that got resolved, whether it meant he stayed in Portland, came to Winnipeg, went elsewhere, etc. in case I needed to record an epilogue :lol:

I'll upload it now.

- Atlas - 08-15-2017

What is your opinion on Scooty Roberdads 10th season with the Jets

- Atlas - 08-19-2017

Also thoughts on the maximum quantity of deli meats in one order before it becomes rude

- Slappydoodle - 08-20-2017

Quote:Originally posted by Atlas@Aug 19 2017, 10:03 AM
Also thoughts on the maximum quantity of deli meats in one order before it becomes rude

Hmmm, quite a quandary. I, for one, am completely full of bologna, yet don't consider myself rude. Hmm

I also possess a rather large amount of Italian sausage. Tongue

Alright, on to some serious, hard-hitting journalism. Isaac Cormier-Hale was recently listed as one of the most overpaid players in the game. Would you care to comment on that specifically and on the article in general?

The recently much maligned West Kendall Platoon are on fire right now. Are you taking careful notes so as to attempt to replicate our success?

The season 31 boys have finally come fully into their own. Can we get a little bit on all three of you?