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The Podcast I Will Regret Making Questions - Printable Version

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- Slappydoodle - 12-07-2017

Quote:Originally posted by ztevans@Dec 6 2017, 10:16 PM

edit: but there's no sound. RIP

I feel your pain my brother. We've all been there.

- ztevans - 12-15-2017

Questions pls

- DeletedAtUserRequest - 12-15-2017


What 2 teams do you believe could give Winnipeg the biggest problems if you met them in the playoffs and why?


Izzy -

- Avakael - 12-15-2017

What are your 5 least favourite things about South Carolina?

Detroit's start in the SMJHL has been excellent thus far. What needs to be done to ensure it stays excellent?

Who would you consider to be the biggest rival of the Carolina Hurricanes?

If you sign up for the fantasy keeper leagues, what will your team name be?

What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

- Wally - 12-15-2017

Least favorite thing about the award show?

Dover or Rhys?

Slinger Nationals... next season... you coming?

- bluesfan55 - 12-15-2017

Who’s been the most surprising rookie so far? Name at least two pls
Biggest shock of the season so far?
Looking at the standings, which teams are making the case to be Challenge Cup winners?

- ztevans - 12-18-2017


- ztevans - 12-24-2017

Questions pls

- Clint Eastwood - 12-24-2017

If recording before Christmas, what are your plans for Christmas?

If recording after Christmas, how was your Christmas?

Thoughts on the Jets and Pride performances?

What team do you believe will be the biggest challenge to the Jets in the playoffs?

Have you had any nicknames on here?

- Avakael - 12-24-2017

Favourite and least favourite Christmas Carols?

New Years Eve plans?

SHL playoff predictions? I'm guessing Winnipeg and New England have a cracker Challenge Cup series.

Would you rather watch the entire Bee Movie backwards once, or forwards twice?

What's one thing you wish HO/Commish would change tomorrow about the SHL?

What's your favourite Australian rock group, other than AC/DC because that's everyone's answer?

How many trophies do you think Evans will win for his S38 efforts?

- Slappydoodle - 12-24-2017

Quote:Originally posted by Avakael@Dec 24 2017, 09:30 AM

What's your favourite Australian rock group, other than AC/DC because that's everyone's answer?

[Image: f16d7d91422972f5350d8d0c0744750e.jpg]

- Avakael - 12-24-2017

Quote:Originally posted by Slappydoodle@Dec 25 2017, 07:54 AM

[Image: f16d7d91422972f5350d8d0c0744750e.jpg]
John Farnham's solo career is widely regarded in this country to be the best of anything we've ever put out, so good choice. Tongue

- Avakael - 12-24-2017

Bonus question. Which Tarantino movie most deserves a Christmas spin off?

- Bonk - 12-24-2017

Any chance I can hear your favorite Christmas carol?

Does SF make you nevious?

what are your new years eve plans?

- ToeDragon84 - 12-24-2017

What color has the sky been where you are?

Does your milk come in a bag or anything weird like that?

Do you like walking around in your neighborhood much?

How does your water taste?

Since IIHF expansion has officially been announced who else will be joining us on team Mexico?

Now spend as long as it feels necessary speaking highly of Corey Bearss.