Simulation Hockey League
S63 Championship Week - Printable Version

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RE: S63 Championship Week - CptSquall - 03-01-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Verification word: Squally

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?

The last, and indeed only time that the Toronto North Stars hoisted the Challenge Cup aloft was in S35. Nearly 30 seasons ago. Back then, STHS was our sim engine and things worked differently from a stats point of view. Lets take the points leader from that team, and compare to Toronto's most successful FHM regular season.

In S35, the scoring leader for the Stargang was Damien Wert with his 55 points in 50 games. In S58, the scoring leader was Bobby Lane with 78 points in 66 games. If we adjust, Wert scored at the equivalent of 73 points in 66 games (72.6 so upward we go.) Thats not bad at all. Comparing overall goals for doesnt seem to far off either. in S35 it was 165 in 50. In S58 it was 240 in 66. Adjust for newer seasons thats 218 goals for for the Champs. Whilst that is good for 8th most in S58, that was 2nd most in S35 showing that goal scoring has gone up since then.

Goaltending is a lot more different too. Champion netminder Jeff Kirkstone only had a .905 Save% however only 3 other starting goalies had a save% over .910 that season. If we compare again to S58's Harry Carpet and his .918 save% it really makes Kirk seem small. However Carpy's .918 came at a time when that was more normal. Carpy was 8th best that season yet would have made second best and only .002 behind S35's top netminder, Kyle Wahlgren, whom Jeff Kirkstone outdueled in the Challenge Cup Finals.

Playoffs wise both Damien Wert and the legendary Kristian Eriksson lead that team with 20 points through 17 games to win it all in S35. In S58 Adam Barron lead Stargang with 23 points in 19 games, falling in the conference finals to Buffalo in 7. Both goalies saw a drop in performance that was pronounced for them at the time. Kirkstone sported a .896 Save%.....Carpy managed a .912.

Where the big change S35 had over S58 is Overtime. In S35, of the 17 games they played, 8 went to OT and their record was 6-2. In S58 the team only played 2 OT games, losing both. Lady luck needs to shine on you a little bit some times. Whilst the team from S35 was by no means weak for it's era, or even maybe adjusted, it sure as hell had a lot more luck on it's side than the S58 crew.

5. Graphic, 3 TPE, McFly
You’re angry that you didn’t win the cup this year! (If you did win this year then I guess it isn’t enough to satiate your hunger for victory) You build a time machine and join a past winner in their cup winning game. Show me your modern player in an old timey challenge cup game or championship photo. Label your player, and make it clear what team you’ve joined and in what season.

[Image: W4RlaE3.png]

7. Graphic, 2 TPE, The Peoples’ Favorite
Yes, this task can stay. Design a championship ring for either team, you may use the fancy ring site. Here's a link:

[Image: GdMxVEy.png]

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

Parity is really hard to quantify. Where do we draw the line? Do we get out our pitchforks because we always seem to see one of Buffalo or Hamilton in the finals over these ten seasons? Or do we shine a light on the fact that there almost always seems to be a new face opposite one of the aforementioned pair? Do we bemoan about how unbeatable top teams are? Or perhaps we look at the successful growth of teams like Tampa Bay, Toronto, Baltimore, and Texas. I hate to stand up for other teams who've already hit the jackpot, but people dump on the Renes as if they have been as dominant as Buffalo. Ten seasons ago they were fourteenth in a league of fifteen.

Now i get it, i don't really enjoy seeing what i feel like is comparable to watching hockey from 1995 - 2003, where you had three or four scary teams who might just end up either winning most of the cups or playing for them. However I feel as though we have this warped and misguided sense of what parity should feel like.

In the NHL, a league we seem to always be looking toward for that sense of how we are doing, you see a decent cabal of well run teams like Pittsburg, Colorado, and the like. You also have teams who have had to build themselves up from near the bottom and have a chance to run with the ball. So too is this now true in the SHL. For our Hamiltons and Buffalos, and even Chicagos who always seem to see the final four, we have our Texas', our Tampas, our Los Angeles' and yes, even our Torontos who have all had varying levels of success and may even one day crown themselves champions.

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?

If anyone here in the SHL wants a fantastic example of a perfect rebuild, look no further than Texas. The gang down in the Lone Star State is the third most successful team in the ten seasons we have played with FHM as our sim engine.

Back in S53, the first season of FHM, The Texas Renegades were on the down swing. Once play had finished, they held a record of 9-41-0 for a mere 18 points. Only the Toronto North Stars were worse. Through savvy trades, key draft picks, and development over time, Texas now has no less than three cups in the FHM era. By and large they are still a very dominant team and look to be for the foreseeable future.

Less star studded examples have included teams like the Baltimore Platoon, Tampa Bay Barracuda, and Toronto North Stars. Whilst none of these aforementioned teams have found playoff success, each has spent time in the bottom three of this league and risen to be top five at one time or another.

RE: S63 Championship Week - SDCore - 03-01-2022

CW pass

RE: S63 Championship Week - Segi - 03-01-2022

PT pass

RE: S63 Championship Week - CementHands - 03-01-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

63 Seasons ago the league was a vastly different place to be sure! There was smoking in the dressing rooms, and as nutrition or diets were not really things or well known, fast food, beer and some sparkling wine was all pretty frequent. The players were battle hardened warriors, who were good at their trade and making a living playing a game.
Now days players have been groomed to be a professional athlete from a young age. There is no longer offseason parties every year where the rules of the regular season don’t apply. There isn’t showing up to training camp out of shape and using that time and exebition to get back into shape or drop 10 pounds.
The players and their agents are more serious. No fun requests in contracts. Lawsuits fly like seagulls looking to steal a snack. The league and the players, and management are all business. They are in the business of winning and some people are saying that the fans will end up paying the price.

172 words, 3 TPE


6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?

No, I don’t buy it. I believe that when you are riding lines or specific players more than others then you are in desperation mode. Now, there is nothing wrong with this mode. All it means is that you are easier to counter with specific strategies. The best attack is a well balanced attack that shows your opponent no quarter. There are no easy shifts in which they can recover.
70 Words

b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?

Well that is a question, isn’t it? The straightforward answer is that you need to move them out of the way. Using screeners to plug up the net. You can move your cycles to away from them, go behind the net or work out of the corner to change where shots are coming from on them.
56 Words

c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?

If they send their D you counter. A 5 player or 4 player rush is unbalanced in they are only strong for the immediate push. You weather the storm, wait for them to make a mistake and pounce. Maybe bait a cross ice pass that you can turn around. They won’t dump and chase because that takes away the advantage of their rush.
63 Words

d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

Well I think you really need to mess up with their mental attributes. If you are dirty maybe run them a couple of times just to get that thought in their head. You have to break the focus. Get in front of them, and ultimately put pucks in the net. Maybe sleep with their wives and tell them about it?
60 Words

4/4 TPE

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones 3 TPE



18. Written, 3 TPE, zzSnoop Lionzz 150 words min
Well it happened. A general strike by the goalie union led to a mass retirement of goalies and now ALL of them have either quit the site (based) or recreated as a skater. HO has implemented a bot goalie system, but decided goalies were too underpowered and gave the goalies 20 in every stat, even the mental ones we can't upgrade. How does the season play out now that goalies are gods (godbots?) among men. Does anything really change?

Surprisingly nothing of notice changes. The truth is revealed that goalie TPW doesn’t really matter and the former goalie users are now much happier after they have switched roles to a skater. Also, the skater number has increased by roughly 1.5 per team, which has come at a much needed time as recruiting around the league has slowed.
Initially there was some shock and anger that the thing than many of the seasoned goalies have known to be true – that goalies in the SHL are like points on Whose Line is it Anyway? Where the stats don’t matter and the performance isn’t real.
There has been a growing push to push this auto goalie to the players as well, with some people boldly claiming that the SHL is a made up league and not real, so why not do this to achieve true parity?
Interestingly enough, Hamilton was still able to win the Challenge Cup roughly 50% of the seasons since this implementation took place. Their noted team management stated that they “didn’t do anything” and “why is the league blaming us for simply being lucky?”

186 Words, 3 TPE

16 / 16 TPE

RE: S63 Championship Week - Blasoon - 03-01-2022

1. Verification Word: Bangladesh (3 TPE)

2. Back in the SHL's heyday, where men were men and the game wasn't gone yet, hockey was played as it should be. There were no helmets, there were no rules about what could protect the goal, and there was no thunderdome! Because the rink was the thunderdome! My grandpappy knew the players from the first season; Gods they were strong then. Apparently they would all chew on tobacco whilst playing and use the blades to cut up a punk's legs. I hope to go back to a time where men could show off their masculinity through high kicks. (3 TPE)

12. Milestones (3 TPE)

14. I think that when talking about rebuilds, none can outdo the Tampa Bay Barracuda. They went from the worst season in league history at 0-50, to a regular competitor. They stockpiled picks and got some incredible users, and turned others into great users from other teams, who wished to emulate their tanking success. I do not think that a championship is necessarily all that is needed to classify a rebuild as successful. I think reviving a team's locker room and its culture is a far better sign. People want to go to Tampa Bay now. Tampa Bay making the playoffs each season is a given. I think the best thing about Tampa Bay's rebuild is that it did not give them a set window before they had to rebuild again. Through smart trading, they are still picking up high draft picks and the ability to remain a contender in the SHL's incredibly stacked Eastern Conference. (3 TPE)

15. I am going to keep my IIHF views pretty similar to what I always say. Team Great Britain is gonna win it all. The British Isles are gonna win it all. I think Jay Sink is gonna have a breakout and play a big part in Britain's big wins. I think that Austria, Latvia and Russia are gonna suck. The first two have always kinda been bottom feeders in the IIHF, the last one I think, it just going to see a lot of its playerbase defect for other countries with real life events making being a pretend Russian fairly unsavoury right now. (2 TPE)

21. I think that if I really wanted to make Leviadan's life a living hell, I would roll a six sided die and that would decide how I did my PT. On a one, I would go into google translate and use three random languages. On a two, I would use the PT to just complain about the Leviadan. One a three, I would put hard to find links in my PT's that led to NSFW content. On a four, I would put too much effort into my tasks and write essays for one hundred and fifty word tasks. On a five, I would just plagiarise a random amount of content from other PT's. On a six, I'd treat myself and choose one. (2 TPE)

RE: S63 Championship Week - FuzzSHL - 03-01-2022

Am but a GM

RE: S63 Championship Week - Ohtaay - 03-01-2022

Task 1 - 3 TPE
Trivia - Code: oats

Task 6 - 4 TPE
6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

A) LA is the finals for a reason and they have not been swept. There strategy of running their top end players is obviously working, I am sure they tried to run a more balanced attack, which didn't work. Usually Hamilton wins because of their depth and sim knowledge, however their team doesnt have the crazy depth this season that would be needed to sweep LA.

B) Well Guy O'Shea being the older defencemen you have to use your footspeed and beat him to the outside. Or as they say, pucks down deep. With LA running a top heavy line they probably do not have the fresh legs that they would need to beat him on the rush which leads to them shooting a lot from the outside and increasing their blocked shots stats.

C) Well when defense are chipping in to far the best way to beat them is with strong sticks and quick first passes. Their defence may be pinching low and not having the forward up top to cover him. So if you can break up a couple of passes and beat them on the counter attack that would be your solution.

D) Well I think the easiest way to get inside of any ones heads is with the smell of chicken fingers. Everyone loves chicken fingers, and you may have to tease them with a chicken finger or two. However, ultimately you could just get in their face and play them rough. Goalies usually don't like that.

Task 12 - 3 TPE
+3 TPE - Milestones

Task 13 - 3 TPE
13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

Every now and then new teams will make the finals, and that is due to chance or luck. But unless they can switch the trend and knock out the teams that are constantly in the finals, I do not believe parity is solved. I think what we saw this season with the mass exodus of GMs stepping down is that a lot of teams will drop back down the standings, free agents will leave and go to teams that have been constant contenders, which once again leave the same teams making finals appearances. Until GMing gets easier there will never be parity under FHM. GMing leads to many players getting burnt out, losing interest, and ultimately retiring, going inactive or not recreating. The strong get stronger, and the weak get weaker. This is why I believe that even though LA made the finals this season, I do not believe parity has been achieved and we are a far way from it.
161 Words

Task 14 - 3 TPE
14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?

Well I might be bias on this one, but I believe Texas is a great candidate. The early S50s Texas was constantly at the bottom of the league, however that luck changed in the late S50s. Texas had a very strong S53 draft which brought many top earners to the team, this was compounded with a strong S55 draft and S56. From late S50s to now Texas has won 2 challenge cups and a couple of president trophies to add to it. They did this all through drafting and internal development as they did not sign any free agents.

That being said I also believe Baltimore has had a very strong turn around, and was the top team by tpe this season. They could not best hamilton but they definitely have the roster to do it. I think if the platoon can continue to string along a couple of seasons while keeping their core together you can consider their rebuild successful.

161 words

RE: S63 Championship Week - Festinator - 03-02-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?

 While the thought of running all balanced lines is enamoring, I have always been one to prefer having your best players play the most. If you're a deep team, maybe you can get away with sneaking your top line away from the other teams top lines and have them feast a little bit. Find the ice time and let your best players play in my opinion.

b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?

Well, if those are the two players that are doing all the blocking for Hamilton, you got to go to their partner and attack that side of the ice. They are dmen so they are doing a lot of their blocking from right in front of the net so we got to get more players there to pick up the rebounds from those blocks, like we would pick up the rebounds from a goalies saves.

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Did anything surprise you about the outcome? What players performed above or below what was expected of them?

Hamilton yet again has won the Challenge cup. Was it predictable? Of course it was, it's Hamilton. Was it exciting? Actually, considering it was my players first time in the Challenge cup finals, yes it actually was exciting. It was ana amazing run to the finals after such a mediocre season. It was awesome to see our team finally playing the way we should have been playing all season. Having it only happen in the playoffs is a bit annoying as you wish you could see some of those results all season long but it was nice that it eventually happened. Unfortunately Hamilton shut down our best players pretty good but I thought some of our depth guys did pretty good and slothy had a nice swan song finish to his career in that series.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Milestones (3)

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)

BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

New team in the finals, and it was my team. Yay! is Parity solved? I dunno if it is solved but it proves that other teams can eventually make it to the finals I suppose. We were able to beat out Chicago who were definitely the favourites in our matchup but LAP has finally broken through into that nucleus of teams, and I don't think they are going to be the only ones. Baltimore and Tampa Bay are also becoming very strong teams, while Buffalo is starting to falter a bit perhaps and Hamilton is going down in tpe but they of course still have their magic. And that is gonna be the main issue going forward. Figuring out how to deal with a team that has the sim engine all figured out. They know all the answers and we're not even sure what questions to be asking. Texas is still a great and team and I wouldn't be surprised if they make it to the finals or if the finals is again some mix of chicago/hamilton/texas/buffalo. But i think Tampa, Baltimore and Los Angeles look primed to break that group apart a bit.

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)

In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?

At the current moment I would say that Tampa Bay has definitely performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom. In my first ever season, back in s55, Tampa Bay went 0-50 in the season. They literally lost every single game of the season, and I remember them coming to scout me and myself going "well im not sure if i wanna be on a team that intentionally tanks that hard and loses every single game of the season." after all, we all want to see our players have success and it wouldn't be super fun if your team is intentionally playing to lose to get draft picks. But, it worked out for them and look at the team now, one of the better teams in the league. They still have had a few blips and in my opinion have underperformed a bit and haven't reached their full potential, but they still have a few season here at the top to figure it all out and I think they will put together a few promising seasons. Will they win it all? only time will tell.

RE: S63 Championship Week - Ronniewalker - 03-02-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: Burp!

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

A. While having a line, or better yet two, get hot at the right time is almost a given necessity in order to do well in the SHL playoffs, I would still bet more on the team with a better average level of talent that can be spread out more evenly across the lines. Your team can then be that much harder for the opposing coaches to plan against, not having a clear favorite line to ‘shut down’, for instance.
(79 words)

B. It’s kind of interesting really to see these guys rack up the blocks as much as they do, since usually the big blocking machines rather come from the bottom end teams and not offensive powerhouses that dominate possession for the most part like Hamilton certainly has done for the last decade or more. But as to how to get the puck past them… I guess you just have to keep plugging away so much more shots that eventually at least some of them find a way through. And you also need your forecheck to be active as hell so as to be able to regain possession after all these blocks and not allow a quick counterattack by their elite forwards.
(120 words)

C. Full on five player attack carries with itself an inherent risk of allowing more odd-man rushes on the counterattack, so that’s what I would probably try to build my countering tactics upon. I would preach responsible defending above all else, but also tell my speediest forwards to always be ready to turn on the jets in case we force a turnover and have a good chance for an opening pass right through the neutral zone.
(75 words)

D. We in Texas have plenty of history already against both these goalies. Even though Karsikko is still rather young and Jobin plays in the other conference, we have faced off against both of them in the playoffs in most of the postseasons of the last 5 years and they have always been a formidable challenge. Karsikko is a young finn and we have a few veteran finns on our team that know just the things to say to get under a finnish goalie’s skin and they have also passed some of those things along to the rest of our crew so that they can catch Karsikko off guard when he won’t even expect to hear those things said. Jobin is a hardened veteran himself by now and has been a tougher one to crack. Sometimes we have managed to upset his balance a bit by mentioning random fantasy league issues during tense moments in the game so as to get his mind off the play at hand and onto his other duties to the league.
(175 words)

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

+3 TPE - Lemo Pihl S63 milestones (6)

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

Yes, there was finally a new team in the finals in the Los Angeles Panthers, but not to take away anything from their great playoff performance this season, on the whole it still seems more like a fluke abberation than a great sign of growing parity. I might begin to be persuaded otherwise if they (or another new team) reach the finals again next season (and Baltimore shouldn’t even count here, since they should have made the finals ages ago already and it’s a mystery how they haven’t yet), but there is I think still a more than fair chance that we will keep seeing some combination of the old top-five of Hamilton, Buffalo, Chicago, Texas and/or Baltimore in the finals. I again include Baltimore here, since although it might even be a breath resembling fresh air, it would rather be a long overdue achievement considering their dominant regular season performances in the last half-a-decade already. And with the way the league is going through what feels like a massive wave of general managers and players (rage/apathy-)quitting the league this off-season, I feel like the talent pool for those up-and-coming teams is again likely taking a bigger hit than the currently successful ones. So unfortunately I don’t see too much to be hopeful about right now in the league.
(219 words)

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?

I don’t need to look far to be able to point to a perfect example of a successful rebuild all the way from the bottom. It is my of course my own team, the Texas Renegades. Somewhere around the end of the S40’s the management team of (I think, this was before my time in the league) Dankoa and Jearim decided that the team needed to commit to a thorough rebuild process if they were to climb out of the muck of the league and return to prominence like in their glory days of old. Instead of trying to haphazardly assemble the team via trades and free agent signings, they decided to sell off all their remaining assets for draft picks and prospects and map out the road for seasons ahead. They went into the rebuild knowing that there would be many seasons of cellar-dwelling ahead, but were determined to endure this in order to achieve in the future the kind of cohesive and balanced team that would be needed to dominate the league in the future. They worked hard to sell their vision of such a team to their new draft picks and were successful in gaining their trust in the long run. Even so much so, that some time into the rebuild process, at the early stages of the S50’s, when the team management became troubled by real life issues, some of those same prospects were already able to take over leading the rebuild with nary a hiccup. The plan continued to be followed and slowly but surely Texas began to show signs of the force that they had vowed to become once again. They still kept building mostly through the draft, with only one noteworthy addition by trade, their future starting goaltender Cillian Kavanagh. The plan had worked very well and had also allowed for sufficient flexibility to sustain some unexpected circumstances like the two waves of league expansion and changes to the update scale and later also regression. It took almost a decade of seasons, but by the latter-half of the S50’s this Texas Renegades team was finally hitting full stride with a large number of their players either at their peaks or nearing them, with plenty of youth pushing up from behind on the depth charts as well. They already made the S58 Challenge Cup finals and lost that series, but were right back there again in the following season and that time took home the championship to cap off the rebuild and announce their arrival back into the cream of the league. Since then they have kept up their level of play, repeatedly appearing in more finals and also winning another championship in S62. And they don’t plan on letting up anytime soon.
(459 words)

RE: S63 Championship Week - taterswc - 03-02-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
1.      Tater
3/16 TPE
12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestone Claim 2TPE
5/16 TPE
13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?
Wow this question was savage. So lets start with parity. Parity is still a fleeting concept in SHL. If Hamilton winning another cup wasn’t a direct indication that parity is a joke then I don’t know what is. I am not saying big tpe should mean you win it all but you don’t win with Hamilton’s tpe total unless you are working the sim. Now I can’t say its Hamilton’s fault they figure out what works as much as it is disappointing that the sim engine itself can be worked. Its that reason I think Texas isn’t gone from the finals for long. And by long I mean I expect to see them back next season. Why wouldn’t they be back. I will say their second round exit was a bit surprising to me but against Chicago it makes sense. How do we stop good teams from being too good? don’t ask me I am just trying to get my TPE to maybe stand a chance. But we all know it won’t actually matter against Hamilton somehow.
8/16 TPE
14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?
When I think of a successful rebuild I have to think of the Tampa Bay Barracuda. I am a season 59 player so I have only paid attention to about as far back as season 57. Back in season 57 TBB had 17 wins. Sure other teams did worse that year but I am setting up a trend. Season 58 TBB had 26 wins followed by 20 wins in season 60. Then the rebuild kicked in and TBB won 38, 39, and 48 games in the following season. This is an example of step one of a successful rebuild, winning games. It also is a second big step in any rebuild and that is making playoffs. Now that TBB is in the playoffs the next step is to win a cup. While they haven’t done that yet (and who will besides Hamilton) they are setup to do it. Sure TBB wasn’t the favorite this year. They had to get through Bap and that would have been pretty impressive. Still from the team I saw when I started to now I can honestly say well done on that rebuild.
11/16 TPE
15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
My first Prediction is that Makrus won’t be playing this year. Oh wait that’s already true. When IIHF means something give me a call. My next prediction is that some teams will actually have legal lines. I know right bold prediction there. Not that anyone actually cares but hopefully at least a few people do. As far as team rankings go I assume Japan will probably be good again. GB seems decent as usual but they suck in the round robin. Canada should be good. probably won’t be but should be. I am hoping Sweden has a good run because I predicted them taking home a medal. Not that I know anything about who is actually good.
13/16 TPE
20. Written, 3 TPE, Free Advertising 150 words min
If you're in another sim league and are using 4 of those CW tasks here, you can do this task to advertise that league in your CW. What league is it? Is it fun? How does it work? What are the pros/cons of that league, especially in comparison to the SHL?
Many people around me know im in a lot of leagues. Currently active in 4 (sorry SSL) and I enjoy different things about each one. lets start with the International Simulation Football League, ISFL. I really enjoy the shorter careers over there. Keeps things interesting and a bit more balanced. The league also seems to be more even. Like when I started the team at the bottom almost won the whole thing this season. And the team that won the whole thing was on the bottom last season. I am generally excited for playoffs even if I am not in it. Next league is the World Simulation Basketball League. I like the sim better. Its also helps there are familiar faces over there. Even if they went IA right away. @Bfine. Being a new league it has some bumps. That’s kinda what I like. Small bumps like keeping an active draft class and not bumps like same teams in the finals again. Last sim league is the Madden Simulation Football league. This one is a bit different since unlike the other sim leagues its all on discord. There are no pts or weekly training. You get money from your contract and by placing bets or having a job. Everything is played out on Madden 22 which has its own cons. Really I like this league because I can watch a sim and its engaging. Its not squares or dots moving its rendered players actually playing football. Sure the physics is sketchy but I am enjoying it far more than I expected too.
16/16 TPE

RE: S63 Championship Week - natedoeshockey - 03-02-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for
each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked
below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get
credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)

The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now!
That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62
years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed
to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

Well, Patya am not knowing how was Simulation Hockey League back in days of many been gone, but Patya am making educated guess because Patya am many smarts. Patya am thinking people not wearing helmets. Patya am see old pictures of many mens who not wearing any protections. Patya am think this much silly, but Patya am also think this many machos. Patya am not so much for macho, Patya am more for skill. Patya am think maybe players smoking cigarettes on ice. Patya know this era of much smoking, before learning is how dangerous! Patya am telling you now, no for smoking! Especially if professional athlete! Is many bads for lungs! Am making you slow! Am giving you the cancers! Oh, Patya am almost forget for saying. Patya think maybe people am be not as skilled before as am now. People now Patya am knowing am very many skills, just like Patya! This okay though, Patya am believing this what they call "evolution".

4. Written, 3 TPE, Extinction Event (150 words min.)

Rumour has it that millions of years before the SHL began, there was a pre-historic “Dino Hockey League” that dominated the global sports market before a meteor wiped out most life on the planet. Describe that ancient league. Maybe name a couple of teams or players, tell me about how the Dino league’s rules differed from our current ones? This one is pretty loose, just have fun with it!

Ah yes, Patya am been hearing of this rumor around locker room recently. Everyone been saying "WOWEE! PATYA! DID YOU BE KNOWING THAT LONG AGO IN MANY TIME BEFORE HUMANS AM BEING LEAGUE OF HOCKEY FOR DINOSAURS!" Patya am can not believing it! But, Patya can see this happening. Patya am thinking maybe bestest dinosaur hockey players am being Misty Rex, Try Sarah Tops, and Terror Dactyl. They am having different rules because they am very big and many strongs! First and most important rule is carnivore no eating herbivore. Patya learning about this in school. Carnivore is eat meat and omnivore is eat vegetable like tree. In spirit of competing, dinosaurs must keep fair with this rule. Also, dinosaurs am not wearing protective gear. This not existing back then, and dinosaurs am being too big for fitting in pads for Patya size. Also, they not playing with pucks. They playing hockey with big rocks! Patya am thinking this because puck too many littles for big lizards. Big lizards am needing much bigger object for playing! Oh, and Patya also think tusks am being legal for use as sticks. Dinosaurs with small arms am use big trees for hitting big rock. This all Patya am knowing about this.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Patya Perevalov Milestones

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Did anything surprise you about the outcome? What players performed above or below what was expected of them?

Well, Patya am seeing that Hamilton am winning again. Unfortunate but Patya am thinking this much expected. Most players in league am thinking is weird when Hamilton not being winner big. Am still think is exciting because Hamilton am not sweeping much the Los Angeles Kitty Cats because they am winning some games. Patya am seeing Richard Hamburglar play many wells in this series! 8 points! WOWEE! Slothman and Casper the Ghost am play well for Kitty Cats, but am thinking maybe Jimmy Wagger am come up bit short and not play up to potential. Oh well, maybe next season someone am beating Hamilton. Patya would many enjoys this.

18. Written, 3 TPE, zzSnoop Lionzz 150 words min

Well it happened. A general strike by the goalie union led to a mass retirement of goalies and now ALL of them have either quit the site (based) or recreated as a skater. HO has implemented a bot goalie system, but decided goalies were too underpowered and gave the goalies 20 in every stat, even the mental ones we can't upgrade. How does the season play out now that goalies are gods (godbots?) among men. Does anything really change?

Patya am be honest and think this not really changing anything. Patya am not thinking goalies am the problem, but problem is strategy and special tactics. Patya am thinking this many more importants than goalie. Patya am however think that maybe this am help teams with not so good goalies. What if team am having goalie with 1200 special player points and then get huge boost from superman goalie? Patya am not knowing how this end up playing out, but maybe am thinking it make playing field more even. Maybe now team focus more on strategy and special tactics since goalie spot am not mattering as much. Maybe this end up as parity increase because knowledge am grow in this way. Patya am actually much interested in this as a possibility. Maybe not for real season but maybe just as experiment. Patya am thinking results could be interesting and maybe we am learning much from this activity.

RE: S63 Championship Week - Salming - 03-02-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: Borje

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

Well yeah, history of SHL is a long one. I can't remember early days because I am so young but I have heard a lot of good stories how the game was then. At first, all teams had 23 player rosters. There is a clear reason for that. Players weren't at as good physical condition than nowadays so that's why teams needed extra players to have some player rotation between games because at the time teams might play even three or four games at one evening so you needed to have some fresh legs and bodies. Second story is that on those early years there wasn't any coaches. There was only one GM but his job was just build a team and then players discussed between themselves what are the lines going to be and also tactics. But even those line combos and tactics weren't selected so closely than nowadays when teams have more data available and also more tactical variations to use.

Words: 163

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?

a) I don't buy that strategy at all. You need use balanced ice-time in the long playoff run or otherwise your top players will be too exhausted to score crucial goals in the third period where games are always decided. That's why it was bold strategy to see from the side of Los Angeles. Their coaches didn't have enough trust to bottom lines and it showed on ice. You need to have trust from coaches to perform well. Hamilton's bottom lines had trust from coaches and they played very well.

Words: 89

b) This is easy question to answer. Both O'Shea and Giannopoulos are slow with their foot speed. That's why the best tactic to beat those two guys is to collect your whole unit behind your own goal line and then begin an attack with a tight five-man unit with short passes and cross the middle zone with great speed. Puck moves faster than human and making a lot of short passes breaks any defence.

Words: 73

c) There is no secrets to prepare a five-man attack. You just tell guys than defender's have licence to attack but at the same time forwards need to be ready to adjust that and drop closer to blue line sometimes when team have the puck on offensive zone. However, Los Angeles' forwards weren't willing to sacrifice their offensive production which lead to too many odd-man rushed which Hamilton used as a strength and won the title once again with clever counter-attacking.

Words: 80

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Did anything surprise you about the outcome? What players performed above or below what was expected of them?

Hamilton has won it all, again! What a model franchise for everyone else. Their work ethic is above everyone else year after year. I admire them a lot. The final wasn't exciting because it was predictable that Los Angeles doesn't have a chance to win the cup against Hamilton. Steelhawks were very balanced team so I can't mention any player above other. Everybody on their roster did their job perfectly. It was due the goalie that Panthers got a couple of lucky ones in my opinion. So yeah, nothing to see here, I guess. Only surprise was indeed that Panthers won two games instead of zero. That was their best chance ever to win the cup and now window is closed.

Words: 121

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

+3 TPE - S63 Milestones

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

Like always, I expect big nations to succeed. Canada, Sweden, Finland, Russia and USA are powerhouses which should dominate IIHF event year after year because hockey culture is there something else than in for example in Japan, Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Norway or Latvia. Czechs are a dark horse for me because my ex-teammate from Argonauts mr. Michael Scarn can carry them to everything. I also expect that Germany's hockey will continue its rising season after season. They were already good last time and are lead by Kanoff in the attack. From Nordic countries I expect that Finland will defend its title successfully and at least makes it to final again. Sweden will be also good this year.

Words: 118

+16 TPE, thank you

RE: S63 Championship Week - Highhaschdi - 03-02-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: Feuer

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


RE: S63 Championship Week - Wearingabear - 03-02-2022

1. Cumminty

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

Back in the day, approximately 62, or 63, maybe 64? No, it was 63 seasons ago, the Simulation Hockey League was born. Back then, it was the wild west. Some of the old heads can you tell you exactly how crazy it was back then. You were allowed to fight the fans. You could pay off the refs before the game. You could even pay off the announcer to make it seem like you were doing way better than anyone could have imagined! Of course, that only worked during non live streams. If it was a live stream, there was only so much you could do to try and cheat the system. but don't worry, people still tried and succeeded. As for on ice antics? There were those a plenty. Slashing was practically legal. High touch didn't count as a dead puck. If you wanted to fight the goalie or even have your goalie wear a Captain "C", you could do it. Those were the days. (166)

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?

So here is the hard part about this prompt for players like myself, Igor Victory. The Philadelphia Forge have never won the Challenge Cup. I know, this is tough to imagine. But we're only 3 seasons old, and haven't had the same opportunities that other teams have had. The good news is, we are an expansion team that has made the playoffs every years we've been around. Our current team is a tough and scrappy one. All of us are loyal to the core to The Forge. It would be tough to be a new team otherwise. You can't have a newer, good team that doesn't have players that buy in. The systems put in place, the enviornment in the locker room has to be perfect and one that strives for excellence, as well as compassion. If those doensn't exist and you can't connect with the players. The locker room will never win a Cup. (155)

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?


No, parity isn't fixed. Wanna know why? It's FHM. It's too decisive and allows for these franchises to become dynasties and dominate their competition year after year. You see, there are some sinister people who work at Out of the Park and specialize in the Fantasty Hockey Manager series. The unfortunate thing is, those few select people have infilitraed teh Simulation hockey league and are making it so that only those four teams make it to the finals, consistently. It all started right as the pandemic was hitting and these people had nothing better to do. So they decided to join up and make it so. Now, we'll never know the true identities of these people, and that's okay. It's probably for the best. Until we make the switch from FHM6 to a newer engine, The parity was also be an issue,

12. Milestones

d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

To get in their heads, first and foremost I crop dust their crease every time I skate past them. There's no coming back from that. Secondly, I only bark at them. If they constatnly bark at some one, they become self conscious. Lastly, I compliment them. But in back handed ways. That way they really have no idea what's going on (61)

RE: S63 Championship Week - karlssens - 03-02-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
verification word = karl

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?
Oof, it's been a minute. The last time we won the whole thing was back in S49, pretty quickly after a previous championship in S45. We came real close several times in the S50's but ran in to the juggernaut we all now know as the Hamilton Steelhawks. Our S45 win was built on sheer talent. We were the top team, finished the regular season as a president's trophy winners, even set a record for most points in a season at the time. Our S49 victory was significantly different though. Our core that helped us back in S45 was 4 seasons older now and in regression. Several of our non-core weapons left for expansion teams too. We squeaked in to the playoffs and while not a huge underdog we were far away from a favorite. We knocked out several big rivals in Calgary (provincial), New Orleans (expansion squad with several of our players from S45) and New England (who at the time was being managed by our former co-gm). It was a wild ride and a well earned win.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?
A. In real life I think the balanced approach is best, but for the sake of a simulation league I don't see any issue with riding your top guys for extra minutes. Each player is a clump of 1's and 0's and if you can stretch them an extra minute without sacrificing overall I'm all for it.
B. I think takeaways or hits would be a better indication of true defense since a block requires you allowed the opponent to get a shot off, but you're correct the block does nullify the scoring chance. I'd avoid shots from the blue line and try to cycle it down low. Get their defense moving east to west and try to open up the ice a bit.
C. I'm guessing LA likes to run the offense through the blue line so the best way to shut them down is to not let them set up in the offensive zone. I'm getting the sense they do a great job of maintaining possession so if you can clog them up in the neutral zone before they can all enter the zone it could slow them down a bit.
D. I noticed this two while reviewing the candidates for Razov, both these goalies are on another level! Honestly there's not much you can do, especially in the case of Jobin who in no stranger to playoff hockey. Karsikko is a relatively new name in the game so you may be able to rattle him a bit, but he's bit the more impressive of the two so it won't be easy either.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
scholz milestones s63

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?
The two most impressive ones I've seen have to be Buffalo and Hamilton. Everyone is used to seeing both of these teams near the top of the standings each season and for good reason, they're consistent contenders, but they weren't always like that. Back in the late S30's and early S40's they were downright garbage and building for the future. They rebuilt nicely and haven't looked back. Playoff appearances? Check. Cups? Check. Hatred from every other team in the league? Check. They are the blue print of what you need and want to achieve as a new GM. Baltimore and Tampa Bay are two more teams that have recently done it, but they don't have the longevity or hardware to backup the hard work quite yet. Texas is another quality team that had a solid rebuild and has reaped some nice benefits. A lot of their talent is home grown and show no signs of leaving.