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Taking one million steps for charity - Printable Version

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Taking one million steps for charity - ec06aaj - 06-04-2024

[This post is HO approved. It is also approved by my cats.]

Diabetes: kinda sucks. That is why I'm taking on a challenge organised by Diabetes UK: between July 1st and September 30th, I will be taking one million steps. You may say "but ec06aaj, that's a mere 10,869.565 steps per day!" And you would be right, but consider this:

a) I will be taking those 10,870 steps (I rounded up) every day for 92 days. No lazy days, no slacking, it will be step every day or fail and be a loser forever more.
b) The average temperature over those 92 days is projected to be 720 degrees with a humidity of 137%, and I live in England where we don't have air conditioning. Every single step is going to suck and therefore this challenge will suck one million times.
c) I am inherently both lazy and fat. 
d) This is not part of the SHL charity drive, this is a separate endeavour I am doing (is that clear enough @sköldpaddor)

The challenge has some rewards for reaching certain goals but I am truly not bothered about them. I would like to offer stretch goals of my own volition but I sense pledging to retire Simo and immediately create a player named Lolsuckstobe Edmonton if I raised £1000 would not be in the spirit of things. Instead, please consider donating because diabetes is a dick of a condition.

This is the donation link, with my real name (gasp) and my realer face (gasp). Please do not doxx me.

Thank you and Blizzard hard.

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - Seany148 - 06-04-2024

Diabetes HATE this simple trick
for real wow! that's really impressive!

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - luke - 06-04-2024

good luck! best of luck

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - HabsFanFromOntario - 06-04-2024

Solid recreate name ngl, good luck Simo <3

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - Reno - 06-04-2024

thats fucking awesome

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - Valpix - 06-05-2024

as a diabetic can confirm shit sucks

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - Aephino - 06-05-2024

Let's get it!!!

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - ec06aaj - 06-05-2024

06-05-2024, 12:19 AMValpix Wrote: as a diabetic can confirm shit sucks

I went to my GP about it about six weeks ago because a lot of things I was feeling matched symptoms of type 2 - came back with no cause for concerns, but googling meant my FB algorithm threw the details of this fundraiser at me and it's right up my street.

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - scudmuffin19 - 06-05-2024

as someone genetically probable to get this in about 20 years, this rules

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - Anthique - 06-05-2024

Wow that's a lot of step!

Good luck reaching your goals, my mother have diabetes too so yeah it sucks.

RE: Taking one million steps for charity - Popol - 07-11-2024

never saw this before. Nice challenge! hope it goes well, any updates?