08-24-2020, 06:13 PMfunk Wrote: Damn, heavy punishment.
Can't help but feel as if this should've been caught sooner by the updaters and discussed with the offending party prior to this.
It's entirely possible that it was a domino effect, starting with a single overage and compounding into large overages throughout the seasons.
I'd love to see some proof that this was malicious intent and not just a day of bad math that turned into a prolonged problem for someone who made a mistake.
Another part of me thinks that this is just as much on the updaters who never bothered to check his gains at all over the course of the problem. Dude was 16 TPE over on
a 2100 TPE player. That's not even a 1% overage and stands to not even improve a single core stat on his build by one point. Rough, man.
Makes me feel insecure as a new user that I may be doing something unintentionally wrong currently, only for it to bite me in the ass in the future.
08-24-2020, 10:43 PM(This post was last modified: 08-24-2020, 10:44 PM by Nerio.)
08-24-2020, 07:53 PMVRTX L4S3R Wrote: As the head updater in ISFL, this is an absolute joke of a punishment. A player is 16 TPE over with capped TPE issues when capped TPE is no longer a thing. The player has 2100 TPE. To punish the player for making a mistake a few times is beyond belief. The updaters are quite literally there to catch mistakes and are fired if they do not. If the updaters are not catching the issues that a player is creating, then the updaters need to be looked at. Assuming that the errors were malicious and detrimental to the league (16 TPE on a 2100 TPE player) is such a reach that even Michael Jordan in Space Jam couldn't make it. Am I to now expect a similar punishment for every single mistake that I make that my updater does not catch? Are we to expect the same punishment for every mistake that anyone in the league makes that an updater does not catch? If we are not, why are we punishing this? Suspension is not even an option for punishment. Sure, take his TPE, fine him an extra 50%, I agree with that. But suspension for 10 games in the playoffs? That's nothing but fishy.
If you look at the audit, it's very clear a pattern of messing up capped TPE was established, and then supported by updater mistakes. From 2019 Spring until the cap was abolished in 2020 Spring, just about every month a cap circumvention was attempted. Most were caught by updaters, some were not. I agree that certain updaters made mistakes and should be looked at, as it reflects an extremely poor execution of that job. But a lot of updaters did catch it, and corrected it, and let him know. When you have updaters correcting a mistake that you continue to make and sometimes get away with, I have a hard time giving you the benefit of the doubt anymore. It's also important to keep in mind that the updater team is run a lot differently now and by different people. The biggest thing that contributed to this round of updater errors and the ones that have been called out in the past year or so is the potential for updaters to mass update, as in 5-10+ teams in a weekend. That is gone now from what I understand.
08-24-2020, 07:18 PMTommySalami Wrote: I feel for Stammer here, just last season I put in a claim for PT #5 because I was looking at what I had and had not claimed for regression, noticed PT #5 and put it in while forgetting I didn't do it. Luckily for me the updater noticed.
If someone were to come auditing later I'm sure that would look malicious even though it was an honest mistake on my part.
If it was a onetime mistake, Id agree.
But he made this "mistake" multiple times over a long period. He even got corrected by updaters who did catch it a few times, only to try/do it again in literally their next update.
Nobody is bad enough at math to not be able to count to 40. And the multiple infractions over a long period of time, even after multiple corrections by updaters, makes this a serious issue despite the relatively low TPE advantage gained.
The only thing I'm not sure on is the timing of all of this. Especially since the audit was handled 4 days ago. Had they handed out a suspension right there, it wouldve maybe carried over a few games into the first round of the POs, but at least the bulk of it would be regular season games.
Alternatively he could be allowed to play in POs, and punishment would shift to next season.