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S76 Championship Week Due: Thursday, May 23th @ 11:59 PM PST

1. allo

[Image: 75fL0ul.png]
credit to Qwest

1. Cap

13. Shit I'm amazed San Francisco won mainly because I had no idea that they were even playing for the playoffs, let alone the championship, I really didn't see that coming. And I think that's what some might say too, because a lot of people probably didn't see it coming either. So they were able to sneak on by without having a lot of people analyze their skills or what makes them so good. Which isn't an insult, if anything it's a strength and better to be underestimated and win more games. So congrats to them, they definitely earned it and I don't think anyone else could say otherwise obviously

10. Oh baby oh boy it's my favorite time of the year where I get to sing about how the United States of America is the greatest International Ice Hockey Federation ever to exist, and we're going to win it all and prove all the haters wrong while they steal all of our talent while lying about our playing time. Because obviously we win all the time for never playing anyone ever, obviously how could anyone possibly see otherwise while they steal away every single player we've ever had hopes of playing on the ice. But no it's okay, the United States is going to win at all perfect and nothing will ever go wrong and it will rain sunflowers and daisies from the sky because we're just that awesome in the United States of America International Ice Hockey federation. Go USA, we're going to win the gold and it's going to be awesome and I'm going to cry and maybe get a tattoo and it's going to be awesome too, even though I've never actually gotten one before

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S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 11:42 PM by Repgnar. Edited 1 time in total.)


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
d. Which of the teams had easier path to finals?
e. Which one would win a fight, a lion or an eagle? How would it go?
d. I personally think the San Francisco had the easier road to the Finals. When looking back at the round by round matchups its pretty clear that the Pride had an easier toll on the body compared to the Platoon when looking at total game time. While some people may focus on the strength of opponent, there’s no substitute to being healthy and game-ready after 3 rounds of playoff hockey. The only tough round for the Pride was round 2 which went 7 games. On the other hand, the platoon had a 6 game series, a 7 game series, and a 5 game series in round 3. By the time the platoon made it to the finals they were simply gassed. (120 Words +1 TPE)

e. I honestly think an eagle would win with more preparation. With the element of surprise then there’s a chance the lion can win quickly and brutally. But the precision and flight of an eagle provides an unmatchable skill that the lion simply can’t have. It reminds me of the Game of Thrones fight with the mountain (56 Words +1 TPE)


5. Written, 3 TPE, Haven't I seen this already (150 words min.)
SHL has a playoffs setup that has teams in the same division playing each other for the first two rounds.With only 5 teams in each division it often means that same teams play versus each other season after season. This can lead to good rivalries but also get pretty repetitive. Do you think this is a good structure or would you like to see it changed? Why? You can but don't have to ignore limits of FHM.
I’m a big fan of formats that allow for intra-division rivalries. I can understand complaints when the power level or strength of one division is constantly and consistently stronger than another division but in a perfect world we have divisions that continue to wax and wane with who is on top. This allows for the stronger team to have an advantage but also set up for teams that have butted heads to meet up when it matters the most. The repetition can be boring if it’s the same 2 teams year in and year out which is what will likely happen if the same 2 teams are on top every year but ideally the top teams rotate every few seasons. In that scenario, I think the system works out perfectly. If we do have a division, or two, that seems stale then the head office should look at shaping up divisions to keep the league fresh. If one of the conference finals is considered the championship game because that conference always provides a better team then after a certain point a shake up is needed. This would also impact the division issue of repetition in my opinion. (150+ Words +3 TPE)

PBE Affiliate – 3 TPE


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


3. Written, 3 TPE, Long Time Coming (150 words min.)
Both teams were competent in early S60s but ultimately didn’t end up winning the cup leading both into a rebuild shortly after. Now they are back at the top, looking to end long cup droughts. Making it to the finals isn’t easy and so both teams will want to make this one count. But there can be only one Challenge Cup Champion, leaving the other team to look ahead to next season.For which of the teams you think it is more important to win now and which is in better position to get back to the finals in the future? Why?

I think that Baltimore has a lot more history at the top and won't hurt too bad if they don't see the cup this season. The pride have had a mostly down past punctuated with a few lightning seasons where they made the finals but they lost their one shot as the pride, and two back to back way back when they were the Portland Admirals. I think it would mean a lot to the pride to finally see something after their long time struggles and to bring this franchise out of the shadows and into the table where the big teams sit. One cup won't exactly put them in that A tier but its the only thing that's going to set them on that path. After that we could be talking about the pride as one of the premier teams in this league but until then they are just another speedbump in the western conference.

11. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose Germany because I have german heritage and family from there. Even though Steve Harrington is decidedly American, I didn't really want to play for team USA because I heard that it was really tough to break into that team and they seemed like the easiest road because of the talent pool that they have. I wanted to go to more of an underdog and Germany had had some recent success so they had a shot at taking down the bigger teams. In the end it worked out even if it took a while because Germany is one of the strongest IIHF nations today and I have 3 gold medals to show for it.

[Image: arTbD7O.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
[Image: PuANRuu.png]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max
Verification word: applepie

5. Written, 3 TPE, Haven't I seen this already (150 words min.)
The SHL playoffs setup, where teams within the same division compete in the first two rounds, often results in the same match ups season after season. While this structure can foster intense rivalries and familiar story lines, it also risks becoming repetitive and predictable. This repetition can diminish the excitement and novelty of the playoffs for both players and fans. A conference-seeded format would introduce more variety in match ups and create opportunities for fresh rivalries to develop. It could lead to a more dynamic and unpredictable postseason, keeping the competition engaging. This approach would ensure that the best teams from each conference have a fair chance to advance, based on their performance over the season rather than their divisional alignment. In conclusion, while the current divisional format has its merits in building rivalries, a conference-seeded playoff structure would likely offer a more diverse and thrilling experience for the SHL playoffs.

Words: 150+

14. Written, 3 TPE - But I thought the season was already over (150 words min.)
Unfortunately, it was a pretty simple matter for the Quebec City Citadelles to dispatch the Maine Timber in five games in the Four Star Cup series final. Things started off looking fairly evenly matched with a very tight first game, with Quebec just barely winning it in overtime. In the second game, Maine appeared to have found their footing, springing back with a whopping eight to five victory. It was all downhill for Maine from that point on, though, as Quebec City would go one to win the next three games to close out the series in brutal fashion winning six to one, five to one, and then seven to five. The Citadelles were the cup favorites going into the season with Maine expected to contend, though maybe not make it to the final. The Timber proved that they were a competent team and managed to dispatch both St. Louis and Nevada in five games before nearly giving up a three game lead to Carolina. Ultimately, the Timber feel good about their season, and look to improve on it next year.

Words: 150+

Player Page || Update Page

[Image: a5C9JXf.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-24-2024, 12:46 AM by Serpe x 13. Edited 5 times in total.)

8 out of 8 TPE

Verification word: Slurpe

3. Written, 3 TPE, Long Time Coming (150 words min.)
Both teams have demonstrated remarkable resilience, returning to the top after their respective rebuilds. However, for the San Francisco Pride, winning now is more critical. They have several key veterans whose careers are nearing an end, making this perhaps their best, if not last, shot at a championship. The team's current core might not stay intact much longer, adding urgency to their quest for the cup, and before their needs to be another rebuild completed. Both teams have demonstrated remarkable resilience, returning to the top after their respective rebuilds.

In contrast, the Baltimore Platoon is in a better position for future success. They boast a younger roster and a deep pipeline of promising prospects, indicating sustained competitiveness in the coming seasons. Their recent drafts and player development have set them up well for repeated runs at the finals. Being set up for the future is one thing, it is important to still want to win the cup no matter what the roster says on paper.

165 words

11. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did I choose my IIHF nation? That is a very simple question to answer, it is because I am born in the great country of the United States of America, and I would not want to have been born anywhere else. This is the greatest country in the world and boasts the best sports athletes in the world, which is what I am trying to become. Being a great American athlete means a lot of to my and fellow teammates, this is why the United States stays constantly at the top of the national rankings, because we constantly create and develop home grown talents.

105 words

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

3. Written, 3 TPE, Long Time Coming (150 words min.)
Both teams were competent in early S60s but ultimately didn’t end up winning the cup leading both into a rebuild shortly after. Now they are back at the top, looking to end long cup droughts. Making it to the finals isn’t easy and so both teams will want to make this one count. But there can be only one Challenge Cup Champion, leaving the other team to look ahead to next season.For which of the teams you think it is more important to win now and which is in better position to get back to the finals in the future? Why?

Personally in my very opinionated opinion I would have to say that of these two teams, the Baltimore Platoon and the San Francisco Pride, that San Francisco has a better chance to make it back to the finals. Now you may ask why I think that's the case. Well I would tell you that it's because the Atlanta Inferno are going to be making the finals for the next 16 seasons in a row so nobody in the east has a chance. I think San Francisco have a better chance at remaining at the top as well because their roster seems very well built in my super expert opinion (looked at the portal once). It may only be for a season or two after this one but they've got some top players and good depth that will only just keep improving so I'd book them to be seeing another final here soon. That said I think it would've meant more for some of the older veterans on Baltimore.

168 words

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

vw: simwen

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
e. Which one would win a fight, a lion or an eagle? How would it go?
I would much rather fight an eagle. You'd still get messed up and lose I think but if you protect your face and throat best you can I think you survive. A lion would definitely just maul you and there would be no chance of survival. An eagle is definitely the better bet between the two. (56 words)

c. Willow Söderberg-Snooks has 7 goals, 18 points, 18 takeaways and no giveaways, is that enough to make them best defenceman in finals? Who would you pick instead?
I would definitely pick Willow Söderberg-Snooks as the best defenceman in the finals. They're an offensive powerhouse from the blueline and very good defensively as that statline shows. Am I just too lazy to find a different pick? Maybe. Am I sure that Söderberg-Snooks is a stud anyways? Absolutely, that's why they're my pick. (54 words)


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pbe pt

1. tree

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[Image: gayheghog.gif]

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1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verif word: penny

5. Written, 3 TPE, Haven't I seen this already (150 words min.)
SHL has a playoffs setup that has teams in the same division playing each other for the first two rounds.With only 5 teams in each division it often means that same teams play versus each other season after season. This can lead to good rivalries but also get pretty repetitive. Do you think this is a good structure or would you like to see it changed? Why? You can but don't have to ignore limits of FHM.

I personally have no clue what FHM requires the playoff format to look like, so I'm going to have to ignore that out of necessity. I think having at least some level of divisonal matchups in the playoffs is a good thing for exactly the reason mentioned in the post (rivalries)! I think arguing about whether we should keep it at 1 or 2 divisional series is kind of a moot point though. At the core of the matter is this: I think seeing greater team diversity in the playoffs really isn't really of a format issue, but an issue with the size of the league. "Real life" (soz for the kayfabe break) sports leagues usually have upwards of 30 teams and both the SHL and the J have barely in the ballpark of that amount combined! Of course you're going to see the same matchups, there just aren't that many teams. This isn't an argument for league expansion either, so please don't misinterpret me. Smile

11. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose Canada for my player due to an extremely poorly timed bit. I thought, at the time, that Drake was like conceptually hilarious. He has a few good songs, but growing up he was mostly just a meme in my head. The Story of Adidon dropping at such a memorable time in my life definitely didn't help him either. He was always the funny Toronto guy. Dake. Drale. You get the picture. Then I kinda remembered he was a creep and changed it to the render that I have today due to being uncomfortable with associating with that. I never changed my IIHF affiliation from Canada though, mainly because the Canada's junior roster wasn't the best and I would feel bad if I abandoned them, so to speak. That is the truth. No more, no less.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Presidents’ Trophy Curse (150 words min.)
Seattle Argonauts won both the Challenge Cup and Presidents’ Trophy in S68, but no team has won both during the same season since. Yet season 75 Los Angeles Panthers and season 72 Winnipeg Aurora both won the cup after being second best team during the regular season. Do you think that winning regular season has impact on playoffs performance outside of seedings and home advantage? Would you say San Francisco is better of coming into the series with second seed or will Baltimore get more out of their home advantage than any curse could hurt them?

I think that winning the regular season does have an impact on playoffs performance, but I don’t think the difference between first and second has a big impact because the league is so tight.  Both of these teams at the top are totally dominant and didn’t have to figure out a higher seed opponent.  I would give the edge to San Francisco, not because of some curse, but because they have already been tested against Los Angeles.  The one thing that gives me pause here is that San Francisco had a bigger home and away difference in the regular season, so you don’t like to see them with the lower seed there.

If Texas had come out of the West or if Buffalo came out of the East, then I would start getting superstitious about an advantage over Baltimore or San Francisco.  They would be buzzing on maneuvering through tough competition and riding a strong high where their opponent has everything to lose.  In that case, you start gripping your stick a little tight and looking over your shoulder.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Haven't I seen this already (150 words min.)
SHL has a playoffs setup that has teams in the same division playing each other for the first two rounds.With only 5 teams in each division it often means that same teams play versus each other season after season. This can lead to good rivalries but also get pretty repetitive. Do you think this is a good structure or would you like to see it changed? Why? You can but don't have to ignore limits of FHM.

For simulation hockey, I think this is a great structure.  I feel like storylines, rivalries, and team pride are a good part of the fun.  The main drawback of this structure is that the paths to the finals are imbalanced.  If you are in the stronger division in your conference, you have a harder path to the conference finals.  For example, Philadelphia had a better record than Buffalo in the East, but every one of Buffalo’s possible opponents had a worse record than Philadelphia’s opponents (except Atlanta if they had beaten Baltimore).  However, this is simulation hockey and that didn’t matter.  Buffalo was beat by the lower seeded Hamilton on their “easy” path to the conference finals.

In the West, this was a bit more pronounced as the two best teams in the conference met in the second round.  It’s fun because the powerhouse division rivals had a much better chance to match up in the playoffs, but realistically Los Angeles and San Francisco earned the right to avoid each other until the conference finals.  I think the fact that this league has playoffs multiple times in a calendar year makes this annoyance more bearable.

11. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I am still living off the decisions I made 5, almost 6, years ago.  I made Slip McScruff as a Boston guy because I’m from Massachusetts in real life.  I got lucky because most of the friends that I made in the league were also in the USA federation.  I think I would have made the same decision again with the knowledge that I have now.

That being said, for my eventual next skater, I will probably choose a smaller country.  I have already won a fair deal of IIHF medals, so I would just vibe with a small group.  If we don’t win, whatever, if we do, it’ll be more meaningful.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Steelhawks Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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1. Banana Split
6. "Thank you all for coming here today. Now I know that we all were wishfully thinking of the Battleborn making the conference finals this year  but we ran into the buzzsaw of the Maine Timber. Now our boys played valiantly throughout the series, and despite losing 4-1, we still only had a GD of -3, we took them to overtime and every game with them was extremely close. Ever game was within 2 with them that we lost, and we took em to overtime.But this team has alot of youth, and that youth is getting more and more playoff experience. The rookies are coming into their own, all the players are getting better, their is hope that next years team will be the best yet in a long time for this franchise. This team is going to have the best 3rd years in the league, and we are going to have the best 2nd years in the league. Were going to have an league best first line, and a elite 2nd line." (173 Words)
14. The 4 star cup is over, and QCC finally reached the promised land. They finally won it all. After 3 years of straight gifted talent, of having 2+ lines of 425 TPE players. After a conference finals exit twice in a row, along with winning the presidents trophy both of those years, they finally matched the expectations the league has put upon them for 3 straight years. They went on a straight beeline for their championship, taking no chances and going with a insane 16-2 record throughout the playoffs and finishing off their 4 star cups opponents (Maine Timber) with a 4-1 series lead. They did it without much fuss either. They won 2 of their games in the championship with a 4+ margin of Victory, and at minimum posted 4 goals a game. Their team had absolutely no problem winning every signle game they could this year, and they finally were able to translate that into playoff success (159 Words)

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