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S78 SMJHL Postseason Bonanza Due: Sunday, October 6th @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: 09-29-2024, 03:44 AM by a_canuck. Edited 1 time in total.)

Edit: double post

If Myers has million fans, then I’m one of them.
If Myers has one fan, then I’m THAT ONE.
If Myers has no fans, that means I’m dead.

09-29-2024, 03:41 AM15. Wrote: Jack walked around the pre-draft charity drive. His work supporting endangered wildlife had always been important to him but it felt different this time. Soon the draft would occur and he would, hopefully, be playing SMJHL hockey… maybe even SHL hockey! The thought was thrilling but he had to push it aside. There was too much to do today. He wandered around being recognized by a few people but for the most part he enjoyed this last year of being able to blend in. Jack made his way down to the rink where the annual charity game would be taking place. “Hey Jack! You’re not too big and famous to play with us are you?” Jack turned to see some of his old teammates making their way down. “Not yet I’m not! But as soon as I’m drafted you’ll never see me again!” Jack laughed. He certainly hoped that would not be the case but the draft could have him move far away from his hometown. The thought was both frightening and excellerating. Jack pushed the thought aside and took his first step onto the ice. Home. He did a lazy warm up lap as the crowd started to gather for the charity game. Jack would be raising money for giraffes with ADHD - very chaotic creatures. The teams gathered and Jack readied himself. One more game before everything changed. The whistle blew, the game began, and for one last moment Jack was just a kid playing a game. Within a few days that would all change. (WC 256)

Jack spends his last summer before the draft with family sailing up and down the Georgia Straight. He is working with a trainer to get prepared for the combine and draft but tries to spend as much time as possible enjoying his home. He knows that soon he will be far away and everything will be different. Dropping anchor in the middle of the Straight, Jack watches for whales while fishing off the side of the boat. It’s a perfect summer day and the sun shines bright down on the boat as it bobs up and down.

Jack leans back against the cabin, the fishing line momentarily forgotten as he closes his eyes and breathes in the salt air. It’s familiar and comforting. He listens to the gulls cry overhead and feels the ache in his muscles from all the skating practice he had been working on over the week slowly fade away. 

The boat was a solitary dot out in the water. A point in space where Jack had spent most of his time when he wasn’t on the ice. It was the opposite pace of all the intense workouts with the trainer, the work of getting stronger, faster, better. All that work was going to be paid off though with the upcoming draft. But for now, time slowed to a snail's pace. The pressure of the draft, the combine, the world, it all felt distant — muted by the warmth of the sun and the rhythm of the waves lapping the side of the ship.

“I wonder where I will be …”. Jack wondered aloud. In a few weeks everything would be different. A plane ticket, a new city, a new team, an old dream. Jack closed his eyes and tried to imagine what it would be like. Walking up on the draft stage, shaking the GM’s hand, posing for the camera. How would the locker room look? How would he get along with his team mates? It was all so exciting. 

Jack pulled up the anchor and set sail for home. He would enjoy a final dinner with his family before draft day. (WC 355)

Every hockey player dreams of a career playing the game they love and Jack Ellul is no different. Looking forward to the draft and everything it holds in the potential  Jack’s goals for his career are three fold. First and foremost he wants to make an immediate impact. No matter what team or where he is drafted Jack wants to compete and secure a roster spot, proving to the team, the fans, the league that he belongs. Next, Jack wants to make sure that beyond earning his spot that he is supporting the team succeed. Championships are the ultimate goal and he wants to be instrumental in their acquisition. This would be a longer term goal as he understands he would need to earn his place first. Finally, Jack wants to have a lasting impact on the league. Having a long and illustrious career would be the ultimate goal. A career he could look back on and be proud of in the years to come. Perhaps even earning a place in the hall of fame! It is a lot to dream of for a rookie who is yet to be drafted and who knows what the future will bring but Jack dreams big about what his future might bring. (WC 209)

Total word count: 820

If Myers has million fans, then I’m one of them.
If Myers has one fan, then I’m THAT ONE.
If Myers has no fans, that means I’m dead.

3. Secret Plans
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

A big issue in the Ottawa locker room is our defensive structure. I know that my player has lower than average defensive stats as I was more focused on athleticism and offensive skills. My player was playing on the third line and it took some time to get my bearing after only playing on frozen pond ice. We as a team also did not spend the off season just playing golf, we spent the time away from the league still on the ice just working on the best ways for our team to be better all around. In regards to booby trapping other teams, the only team that we would do anything to was The Yukon Malamutes. They were our arch rivals in the league this past season and I would take the time to offer their team free hotdogs and a microwave for the away locker room. This means that each time they came to Ottawa we would load them up on free meat that would hopefully just slow them down when they would try to skate on the ice. This was effective for only one game while they were figuring out why they felt so strange on the ice. (201 words - 4 TPE)

6. Team History
I know history isn't everyone's favorite thing to discuss, but a team's past can really define its identity, what its known for and who they are in the present. Tell us about your team's past! Have there been any franchise defining moments that are integral to your team or even SHL history? Conversely, is there some interesting tidbit that not many around the league know?

Ottawa has a short history in the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League as they have been only around for a few seasons. Created in season 76 and having to pick players in an expansion draft, it caused the team to have a rather low win percentage in their first season of 39%. While the first go at the league may have been rough, their second go at being competitive was a lot higher of a win percentage with 61%. Aside from the actual playing stat history, the team is named after the Scottish influence that can be found all over Ontario and other large swaths of Canada. Basically if a country was ever a part of the English crown colony system, then there was a good chance that there would be some kind of influence there from the Scots. This is true for the Highlanders that take a lot of their branding from the cultural elements of the Scottish people. We use the plaid color scheme on all of our merchandise, hire a bagpipe player to wander around the concourse, and are all force to speak English. Much like the Scots, our team in Ottawa is also quite resilient when it comes to weathering the storm that is being a new team in a new system. (216 words - 4 TPE)

13. Superstitious
In the NHL there’s a well known superstition that any team that touches their conference championship trophy won’t win the Stanley Cup. Are there any superstitions like that in the SMJHL playoffs? If so, what are they? Where do they come from? Does your player believe in them? Why or why not?

Being newer to the league and the team in general, I was not too sure what we would do at the start of the playoffs. I know some teams will or wont do specific things, but I think Ottawa has the best pregame ritual. After the morning skate, we would all meet in the parking lot of the arena to make the perfect steamed hotdog. We found that the games we missed out on this meal, we would miss easy passes or not have the greatest chemistry on the power play. The games where we actually met and had a bit of comradery there was a large difference in the way we played. I even got into a fight during one of the games all hyped up on the hotdog proteins. (131 words - 2 TPE)

14. R&R
It's almost officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. Tell us how you're spending your time this offseason, whether it be with family or friends.

Since the end of the season, I've been spending my time learning or maybe relearning some old skills. I got into making more graphics for my player and will probably start expanding into making things for other people as well whenever I feel comfortable with the art. It has been really cool to be motivated again with something that isn't related to something I do for work and I'm really excited to mess with it more. When not working or messing with photoshop, I like to watch TV with my partner or play with the corgis. I have also been studying other players in the league to try and figure out how to be the most effective next season. (122 words - 2 TPE)

16. Goals
Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?

I really want my player to be a high performing, goal scoring machine. I want to be in the top ten goal scorers in the league for at least a season or two minimum. Since this is my first player in the league, I really want them to be the best that they possibly can be. I think if I can get to a point where I gain that many goals in a season run, I don't see why I wouldn't also be inducted into some sort of hall of fame. Hotdog Lunch will be one of the greatest goal scorers for their team in due time. (108 words -  2 TPE)

18. Milestones
You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your PSB  reply to claim.


[Image: Hotdog-Lunch-Sig.jpg]

Milestones +3 TPE

[Image: EFoZMdr.jpeg]
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2024, 02:26 PM by FingolfinandRingil. Edited 1 time in total.)

I did not get the single post memo

1. Fan Appreciation Day

At the home opener of the S79 regular season, fans of the Anchorage Armada will be gifted with a replica naval admiral's hat. The hat is offered as a thank-you to all of the loyal Armada fans who have supported the team through both the tough times and also the success of the previous season. It is also somewhat of an apology to the fans for being unexpectedly swept in the first round of the playoffs last season by a much lower seed. The club is also quietly hoping for an Armada player to score a hat trick during this special game: thousands of admiral hats flying through the air would be a magical sight.

(115 words, 2 TPE)

2. Looking Towards the Future

The regular season of S78 was a fantastic year for the Anchorage Armada: finishing second overall and first in the conference was a surprise unexpected by most. Going into next season, there are some challenges.

The forward lines present the area of biggest concern for the Armada. Top left-winger Lyle Odelein IV is aging out of the J, and his 77 points will be hard to replace. A double-whammy to the top forward line comes in the apparent call-up of center Jefferson Steelflex, who scored 40 goals and racked up 84 points last season. Four forwards will be uncapping to 425 TPE, so the top lines will be in decent shape, but the bottom few forwards are well below average, with several inactive users in the mix. The draft might not be the solution to the problems up-front, as Anchorage has only two picks in the first three rounds, and with fewer than 60 players in the S80 cohort, there won't be enough new active players to fill the holes.

The blue-line is the obvious area of strength for the Armada. They have six very solid D, and all are from the S79 draft class. At least five of the six will be able to hit their 350 TPE cap during the season, and they are expected to be major contributors to any success the Armada have next season. (Those five were all picked within the first two rounds of the SHL draft.) One wonders if a trade of one of these D assets might help shore up the weakness at forward.

In goal, the Armada have a solid tandem that should have no trouble providing a high level of puck-stopping ability. Both 3rd-year PeanutButter Zamboni and 4th-year Adam Joy will be at their 425 TPE cap next season, and either one could easily be counted on to carry the goaltending load.

All in all, things look very bright for the Armada for next season. If they can get a bit more luck in the playoffs than they did in S78, then S79 might truly be one to remember.

(349 words, 6 TPE)

9. What's in a Name?

I am an old school old fart, so I didn't go out on a limb when creating my player's name: a reference to a video game plus a generic French-Canadian last name. But the breadth and creativity of the SHL player name space is quite wonderful. The best names are those that could possibly, maybe, conceivably be real-world names but which allude to something slightly off-kilter. References to hockey real-world hockey players like Jauhnne Hawky <sniff> or Jaromir Jagrbomb are great, as are references to pop culture, like Philip Fry and Tony Soprano. But my favourite names are probably the sort-of weird long names. As someone who does work with spreadsheets around here, Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk was a bit of a challenge to deal with, but I admire the dedication to the use of non-English characters. But probably my favourite name I've seen in the SHL so far is Jean-Jacques François Jacques-Jean; it's so goofy, I almost giggle every time I see it.

(162 words, 3 TPE)

12. On the Radar

Next we come to defender Barcus Juneau. On a team filled with rookie D in S78, Juneau was a bit of an enigma. He doesn't particularly stand out in any one department.  He's not the strongest defender on the team, nor is he the best with the puck on his stick. He's not the fastest, nor is the most aggressive.  But somehow he has what it takes to get hold of the puck, move it down the ice, and get it thrown at the opposing net. In his rookie season with the Armada Juneau led the entire team in Corsi For and Fenwick For and finished the season with an impressive +21 rating.

(113 words, 2 TPE)

18. Milestones

Milestone post here  (3 TPE)

Total 16 TPE.

[Image: Uy7TeEn.jpeg]

(This post was last modified: 10-01-2024, 01:44 PM by GabeyD. Edited 2 times in total.)

+1 Milestone TPE
+3 PBE Affiliate

1. Each player gets a custom bobblehead of their player engraved with their signature on a plaque at the base, also showing the year and their stats from that season. Another item players would get at the celebration is a puck, from each game held at their arena, which there will be enough of.

2. With a few players leaving the Whalers this year I think the main position that needs to be filled up is Center. One of the Whalers best, NoNo Jo, is leaving the team and which leaves a whole in the centers with only Olafur Atlason and Tank Sharksy to play it. I think the plan is to grab one in the draft but if not the position may need to be filled by a winger in the upcoming year.

3. I think the Whalers strategy this year is to toughen up on practices and really hunker down on that training and player coaching to boost morale and especially skill coming into season 80 of the SMJHL. They are hoping that the new players coming in the draft are hard workers and max earners to really boost the team as the new additions. In S79 the rookie front wasn't the greatest with the Whalers selecting one player in the draft, now one of their starting goalies, and picking up two free agents a week in.

4. In the offseason the Vancouver teamies are planning to do some go-carting, paintball, and maybe some game nights to ease the disappointment after an abrupt end to the season being downed by Great Falls in the playoffs. The team needs some tension off coming into next year and I think some fun activities might be the way to do it.

6. Defining moment in the Whalers past have been many. Being a team since Season 55, the Whalers have seen lots. Main events would obviously be winning the Four Star Cup a few times in the earlier seasons and then back in S77. The small playoff rivalry between Kelowna and them has gone on for a while, and every time they play each other it is a match to see.

7. I think the Maine Timber definitely deserved to win, the best team in both the regular season and the playoffs, just an outstanding season for the team and the players. They totally showed everyone how tough they were, constantly blowing teams out in games. (us included) Congrats to Maine as the reigning champs this year.

8. If I wasn't playing for the Whalers I definitely would go for either the Battleborn or the Walleye. I think both teams could use another speedy left wing, (to an extent) and both teams were interested in drafting me when I first joined. Also I would pick the Walleye because I want to see an underdog cup win.

9. I think some of the best names are the Cod Father, because it's just a funny pun, I like Puddles O'Duckling in relation to the previous Puddles O'Duck. Some other honorable mentions are Jeremy Snugglemuffin III, Tip Toasty, Hip Hurts, and I also like double word names like Grindle-Waters Johnson and Kiwi-Soderberg Snooks.

10. Clutch player for our team are players like NoNo Jo, who was team captain and overall amazing, David Vent was pretty crazy playing D and others like MattyJ and Oliver Cornwall and Olafur Atlason were really crucial to the team this year at showing up and performing well when they needed to. As well as our tenders Cristobal Khabibulin and Doom Guy were both playing well getting those wins when we needed them and really helping out the team.

11.  For our elite playoff team we got in forwards LW: Emeric Gagner C: Pohler Bearson RW: Easton Schaffer and on the defensive at the blueline we've got LD: Jacppo Nummilavin RD: Earl Biggins and finally in between the pipes for the team we have who else: Kris  to round out the team

12. I am a huge max earner I always want to do the tasks and chirps to get any TPE I can and upgrade my player so I can help the team. I also am very active in the locker room so pretty much 4-6 days a week, always talking on the Discord (maybe too much) and lots of participation are my main traits.

14. For rest and relaxation there isn't much, just keeping on practicing and uping my TPE by doing all the tasks I can. Of course there is always time for family every day but I have to keep training to stay on my game for next year. So of relaxation there is much, but just relaxing on late nights from a day at the rink.

1025 words

[Image: Dominic-Enselmo-sig.png]
Sig by Jove and thanks to Seany for setting me up
Whalers Dominic Enselmo/LW/Vancouver Whalers Whalers

5 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 16 TPE
17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21

Quote:17. Feedback

For recreates, how was doing this new version of CW compared to the old one? Was the experience better, or worse? How were the PT changes? For first gens, you can also talk about your experiences with PTs in general too this season!
For the feedback of this being my first Postseason Bonanza, I would say that I do greatly appreciate the longer timeframe to complete this task.  Two complete weeks for one larger task versus the one week for the two separate tasks that would make me feel rushed to get each one in or lose out on 8 TPE.  I was also glad the Procrastinator Tasks were removed from the All-Star Week task, since I don’t think there was ever a Season that the All-Star Game was completed before the Task was due, making those Prompts basically obsolete and shrinking an already small list of options to get that 8 TPE to even tighter list, so I wanted to thank you about that change (I think it was done around Season 75).

Another item that may be more personal than anything, but I enjoy creating graphics more than just trying to spill out some vomit of words to hit a certain limit (kind of like I am doing right now) for a PT.  I know that JamesT looks forward to seeing what I have to create (I bet he’s screenshotting this post right now to post into the Chicago LR).  So I was a little sad when the last PT of the season didn’t have an option to do a Graphic, or that this Postseason Bonanza doesn’t have enough Graphic Options to cover the 16 TPE limit, while there are seventeen unique Writing Tasks that those who like those types of tasks have available to them.  
Quote:255 words

Quote:18. Milestones

You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your PSB  reply to claim.
+2 Milestones

Quote:19. Fan Appreciation Day - 3 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)
GRAPHIC:  Include a picture of the item and at least one SMJHL logo; must look like you at least kinda tried.
[Image: bggvuzz.png]

Quote:20. Front Cover - 3 TPE
Make a magazine cover featuring a player comparison from any series matchup. You can compare player stats, etc. or get creative and compare their pregame superstitions or whatever.
GRAPHIC: Two team logos, two player renders plus an article blurb or tagline.
[Image: XyFjdpE.jpeg]

Quote:21. Charity Drive - 3 TPE
Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Either write about a charity or event that your player helped out with, or create a flyer or invitation for your event, including team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event.
GRAPHIC: Include team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event
[Image: CqNJRtl.jpeg]

[Image: iG4vpsb.jpeg]
Credit to @Symmetrik
[Image: ScottyFresh3.gif]
[Image: QFNCFWS.gif]
[Image: wiqZK8C.png]
[Image: 6QlU4ci.png]

milestones +2 TPEx

Task #1
For the Great Falls Grizzlies fan appreciation day today of days, we're giving out Grindle Waters-Johnson bobbleheads! what the hell? These limited-edition collectibles will feature the #5 overall SHL Entry Draft in a victory pose, commemorating his game-winning goal he probably had at some point earlier this season. The bobblehead will be distributed to all fans attending the final home game of the regular season, creating a keepsake from this year’s incredible journey from horrendous to mediocrity. This will help solidify the bond between the fans and GWJ, every fan's favorite player. After such a tough season filled with highs and lows, this day is our way of giving back and thanking our dedicated supporters for their loyalty, specifically to the cult of GWJ. These bobbleheads will also serve as a reminder of the amazing moments we’ve had this season, whether it’s been celebrating iuncredible GWJ goals or battling through tough zero point games.

150 words 3 TPE

Task #2
It was not a great offseason for Great Falls Grizzlies, with several callups tearing the team apart at the top. Our offense will keep Marian Hanak and Jackass Pants, as well as the illustrous rookie trio of Nanashi Mumei, Oatmeal Josephsdottir and Grindle Waters-Johnson, but other than that, its grim. We’re heavily reliant on our first two lines, and that’s something we need to address in the draft. Adding another versatile winger who can slot into the second line and contribute both on offense and defense will be critical. Our center depth is solid with Mumei and Pants, but there’s a need for better defensive forwards who can kill penalties and protect leads.

On the defensive side, we’re looking very depleted, keeping only 3 defensemen. Our top pairing has been exceptional in shutting down the opposition’s best players, and we will be keeping both, but everything else is a complete variable. An offensive defenseman who can contribute on the powerplay would be a perfect fit. Our goalie situation is fine, with Gil Galad sticking around another year

Overall, our team has the talent to make a run, but we need to hit in the draft to really make sure of our talent.

200 words 4 TPE


[Image: ili5NZ2.png]


S78 SMJHL Milestones - 3 TPE

[Image: sobchak.png]
(This post was last modified: 43 minutes ago by blix900. Edited 2 times in total.)

+3 TPE Milestones

Quote:3. Secret Plans
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

The Anchorage Armada will be utilizing the secret drink from Space Jam that Michael Jordan used for the Looney Squad to beat the Monstars. It's clear that this drink was incredibly effective in their win, and I don't see why it wouldn't help the Armada reach their own goals. Plus we don't have to play against aliens who stole professional athlete's skills.

62 words

Quote:4. Funtimes
You have been designated as the team's official Fun Director! Now, everyone is looking for some sort of fun activity where you all can spend an afternoon or day to chill, hang out and build some team spirit. Especially after a long and stressful season, what are your plans to ensure everyone has a great time?

One of my favorite things to do is plane watch at a local airport. It's a relaxing activity where you can bring food and drinks for a picnic. Watching the aircraft come in one by one and take off one by one is always interesting. I like to imagine where they came from and pretend I was there on vacation (unless it's Toronto).

63 words

Quote:12. On the Radar
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S79 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

With the S79 SHL draft just around the corner, one player drawing attention from scouts is Javelin Bodine, a promising defenceman from the SMJHL. Bodine put together a very strong season, showing not only defensive prowess but an offensive flair that wasn't totally expected of him. His performance with the Anchorage Armada, highlighted by an outstanding 12 goals and 37 assists, puts him on the radar of several SHL teams looking to bolster their blue line.

Bodine is the definition of a modern defenceman. He has the physical attributes to compete at the highest levels of hockey with his 6'2 198 pound frame. He excels at using his body to clear the crease and protect his goaltender, making him a valuable asset in front of the net. His 74 shot blocks in 66 games emphasize his commitment to defense, often selling out to block a shot that most players wouldn't put effort into. This commitment to blocking shots also shows Bodine’s fearlessness, an invaluable trait for teams seeking tough, shutdown defenders.

However, Bodine isn’t a one-dimensional player. His 12 goals and 37 assists show his ability to contribute offensively, making smart plays to move the puck up ice and drive the attack. His passing is crisp, and he has an excellent sense of positioning that allows him to create plays from the back end. Although, his +3 rating indicates that he does not always generate more scoring than his team is allowing when he's on the ice.

Despite these strengths, Bodine's game does have areas that could be improved. His ability to control his emotions when things aren't going his way can be a bit lackluster, as evidenced by his 47 penalty minutes this season. Additionally, his skating, while not a glaring weakness, could use refinement if he is to excel at the SHL level, especially against the faster, more skilled forwards he’ll face. This is something Bodine will definitely work on before he makes the jump to the SHL, otherwise he may fall short of expectations.

Overall, Javelin Bodine is a prospect with a high ceiling. He is touted as a potential top pairing player once he continues to blossom. SHL teams looking for a dependable two-way defenceman will see great potential in him, though he’ll need to fine-tune parts of his game to truly thrive at the next level. Wherever he lands in the draft, Bodine is sure to be a name to watch.


Quote:16. Goals
Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?

Now that I've been drafted to the Edmonton Blizzard again, I plan to be a 2k TPE player just like Luke Laraque. Javelin is going to be a stud two-way defenceman and will hopefully win some awards as top d-man in the league a few times. I want Javelin to be a HoF player. In the SMJHL I expect Javelin to be a 4 time all-star and win at least one best defenceman award, and hopefully the rookie of the year award. Javelin should expect to win a few championships as well. Anchorage is a team built for now and the future. We have an incredible group of experienced players and rookies who will take us to the top at least once, hopefully more. In Edmonton we can expect to have incredible success just like the times in Luke's career. If we're lucky, I could expect the Blizzard to win two to four championships in the time Javelin is around.

160 words

16/16 TPE

[Image: blix900.gif]

[Image: QwTZD8C.png][Image: iemKOIk.png]

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