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I liked Lazer Team too. Was a fun comedy, and a lot better then I expected for a crowd funded movie made by an online productions company.

RIP Mac & 701


[Image: 220px-Z_for_Zachariah_poster.jpg]

8/10 - Z for Zachariah has been criticized for being slow, but I never thought it was. Instead, I saw it as a compelling film with interesting characters and thoughtful ruminations on survival, religion (especially during turmoil), romance, and relationships. Brilliantly directed by Craig Zobel, this one deserves more attention than it has received, especially because of the gorgeous cinematography and fantastic acting from Margot Robbie, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Chris Pine. Z for Zachariah is a compelling human drama and character study that avoids falling into the stereotypes of the post-apocalyptic genre. Honestly, I never found it to be slow, though its pace certainly is quite assured and deliberate. If you enjoy films about people and do not mind films that are more subtle, Z for Zachariah is for you. A thrilling, moving, and truly enjoyable experience, Z for Zachariah is more than worth your time.

[Image: 220px-Vintage_Potemkin.jpg]

10/10 - Battleship Potemkin may honestly be the best film ever made. The problem many encounter with older films is that they are boring. This is never the case with Sergei Eisenstein's masterpiece and not just because it is pretty short. Instead, he manages to keep both the tension and emotional tension up the entire time and keeps you on the edge of your seat as you watch the events unfold. While undeniably communist propaganda, Battleship Potemkin is still a brilliant and highly influential film that will hopefully live on forever.

[Image: 220px-The_Visit_%282015_film%29_poster.jpg]

6/10 - The Visit truly underscores why horror comedy is such a tough task to pull off properly. It can be quite funny and quite scary at times, but you are never really sure where the comedy ends and the horror begins, which is problematic. However, the film manages to throw yet another genre in the mix, as it is a pretty entertaining and well crafted thriller as well. Therefore, I have no idea what this film really is, other than an at times awkward mishmash of genres. That being said, nobody does creepy like M. Night Shyamalan. The film is truly creepy and unsettling at times, which helps it out. Plus, I really liked the twists and turns the film took, as well as the found footage element. The acting is pretty good, but I really wish the film felt less disjointed because of its genre. Regardless, I will take this one as a sign that Shyamalan is getting closer to returning to form because this one is not just enjoyable, but pretty well made, creative, and creepy.

[Image: 220px-ChiRaqMoviePoster.png]

8/10 - A great modern take on both the situation in Chicago and the ancient Greek play Lysistrata, Chi-raq is one of my favorite Spike Lee films. I say that as someone who does not really like Lee, so this one ranks as one of the few I do like. A provocative look at the situation in Chicago, the film makes you want to run out and change the world like portrayed in the film. The writing is phenomenal and incredibly creative and shows the great blending of the Greek comedy and the hip-hop influence to be found in the film. Nick Cannon, Teyonah Parris, Angela Bassett, and John Cusack, are all phenomenal here. Admittedly, the film can be a bit vulgar and far-fetched at times, but if you are willing to go where the film wants you to, it will be a very enjoyable experience. Though the plot itself can be messy, it is thematically tight and the pieces all work if you think about what they are symbolic of and are meant to represent, a lot of which ties to both the Greek-influence, as well as today's violence and sexuality. Chi-raq will not be for everyone, but was luckily for me.

[Image: 220px-Macbeth_2015_poster.jpg]

8/10 - Macbeth is one of the year's most beautiful films. Sporting gorgeous cinematography, brilliant lighting, great staging, and fantastic costumes, Macbeth is technically brilliant. This brilliance is accented by fantastic performances from Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, and Sean Harris. Though the Shakespearean English being spoken through Scottish accents can prove to be a challenge at times, it is a challenge worth undertaking due to the brilliance of the film as a whole. The direction from Justin Kurzel is fantastic and really gets your heart racing at times. For example, the battle sequences are brilliant and as hectic as they are, they pack a certain beauty and elegance. As a whole, Macbeth is a fantastic piece of film. It can be a touch slow and can be hard to follow, but if you are willing to give it an attempt, your eyes will thank you for letting them gaze upon this gorgeous piece of eye candy.

[Image: 220px-DazedConfused.jpg]

8/10 - Honestly, Richard Linklater may be the only man to be able to make such an endlessly watchable and enjoyable film about a bunch of high school jerks who smoke weed and drink all day. Fantastically funny and a great look at high school in the 1970s, Dazed and Confused is a fun and enjoyable ride that may start off a bit odd, but once it hits its stride, it's a true joy. The ensemble cast is fantastic and it is tragic that a lot of them did not get any major roles after this, aside from this obvious few because they are all a delight. Matthew McConaughey does steal the show though of course with his multiple iconic lines that will continue to live on forever. Overall, Dazed and Confused is a truly enjoyable high school stoner comedy that is fantastically written and directed by Linklater.

New post coming tomorrow or Sunday, but in the meantime here's my top 20 (+5) list from 2015!

Went and saw Lazer Team, so much fun, only issue is unless you're a fan of Rooster Teeth you probably won't enjoy it, but if you like Rooster Teeth or Achievement Hunter it's awesome. Really well done.

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
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[Image: WREXKS.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Feb 6 2016, 02:15 AM
New post coming tomorrow or Sunday, but in the meantime here's my top 20 (+5) list from 2015!


[Image: 220px-10Command56.jpg]

8/10 - The Ten Commandments have certainly aged since 1956, but it remains a true classic film that maybe be nearly four hours long yet I still wish it was longer. Great acting, fantastic set pieces, and a great adaptation of the Biblical tale, the film is a fantastically daring film. Cecil B. DeMille showcases why he is the legend that he is with this film and Charlton Heston brilliantly depicts Moses. The task of watching the film will prove daunting for many, but this pilgrimmage is more than worth your time.

[Image: 220px-Tropic_thunder_ver3.jpg]

8/10 - Zany and bombastic, Tropic Thunder is a fantastic satirical skewering Hollywood, its members, and of war movies in particular. The acting, especially from Matthew McConaughey and Tom Cruise, is great and the film as a whole is truly hysterical. The various elements of Hollywood that are parodied are too numerous to list out, but each is given its due and is really mocked thoroughly. Though it can be over-the-top at times, it is a fantastic time throughout that really exceeded my expectations completely. I expected it to be pretty dumb all around, but instead, I got a crazy good time that kept me laughing from beginning to end. The writing is good, the mise en scene as a whole is very good, and I loved the make-up and characterization in particular. Overall, Tropic Thunder lived up to the hype and more.

[Image: 215px-Darkman_film_poster.jpg]

6/10 - Darkman is a film that is dripping with 1980s-1990s cheese with awful special effects, but manages to overcome that with a fantastic performance from Liam Neeson and a very good superhero origin story. Directed and conceptualized by Sam Raimi, the film is well-written and well-plotted and does a great job siding you with Neeson's character, Darkman. As a superhero film, it plays out largely as it would in a comic and shows Raimi's willingness to adapt his original character to the conventions of the genre. While the special effects do hold the film back, the heartfelt and very well designed character and make-up effects do make up for that negative. Plus, the film is so well-directed by Sam Raimi's sure hand that it is nearly impossible to not enjoy this. A very good time, Darkman is a down-to-earth superhero movie that has a human heart and a human exterior, which makes it all the much better.

[Image: 220px-1408poster.jpg]

8/10 - 1408 is a great psychological horror flick that does a fantastic job create a creepy atmosphere and maintaining it throughout the film. John Cusack turns in a great performance, as does Samuel L. Jackson in this well-crafted film that really has a lot more going on beneath the surface than you would anticipate from a film of this type. The horror is never cheap and the psychological element really does mess with you and scare you pretty thoroughly at times. However, this film truly rides on atmosphere and its well-adapted script with a seriously spooky air to the film and well made characters. As a whole, 1408 lived up to my expectations and managed to exceed them, but really delivered a thought-provoking look at many different elements that make the film worthy of a closer look.

[Image: 220px-The_Ladykillers_movie.jpg]

8/10 - I have no idea why The Ladykillers is so panned. Tom Hanks is phenomenal, as are J.K. Simmons, Tzi Ma, and honestly even Marlon Wayans. Featuring many Coen Brothers trademarks, The Ladykillers is a very fun watch that may be a little odd at times and showcases the directorial/writing duo almost trying to outdo themselves on the weirdness scale, but it has a fun engaging cast of characters, is well-written, and has a very compelling narrative. Even better, the lunacy of the film makes it truly hysterical and like I already said, a truly great time. While it does not reach the heights of some other Coen Brothers classics, I do prefer it to some of their more subtle films and though I would not call it their best work, I would hard pressed to call it their worst either. Overall, The Ladykillers is vintage Coen Brothers, even if it received less than stellar reviews.

[Image: 220px-Weekendflm.jpg]

9/10 - Truly brilliant. I have no idea why I like this one, but it is a truly wondrous film from Jean-Luc Godard that criticizes and punishes each and every human being. Hell, the audience even gets in on the action by him making us watch this damn thing. It immediately becomes one of the weirdest films I have ever laid eyes on and my brain is still working on trying to unscrew the cap from this film, though that may be truly unattainable. Hilarious, odd, politically poignant, and just downright weird (I know I said odd already), Week End is a masterpiece from the French New Wave, but I have no idea why. Yet, that is why I like it. Don't watch this one unless you really really want to.

[Image: 220px-Pawn_Sacrifice_Poster.jpg]

6/10 - Though the performance from Tobey Maguire is fantastic and the mental condition aspect of the film is handled perfectly, Pawn Sacrifice does largely fall a bit flat. Though it is never boring or a bad film, it only rarely captivates and even worse, it is like every other biopic ever made. Following the biopic formula to a fault, Pawn Sacrifice gave me deja vu many times as I could have sworn I saw this film before, even though I had not. This is problematic for a biopic. Fortunately, the story of Bobby Fischer is quite interesting, the scenes of his mental turmoil are grueling and sad to watch, and the performances of Maguire, Peter Sarsgaard, and Liev Schrieber, are all very, very good. At the end of the day, I wish this one was just not so typical because it has a good story, but its generic nature certainly hurt it at the end of the day.

[Image: 220px-Hail%2C_Caesar%21_Teaser_poster.jpg]

8/10 - I loved Hail, Caesar. An absolutely hilarious homage and piece of social commentary (politics, Hollywood, human nature, etc.), Hail, Caesar is a really a movie about movies made for people who love movies and their history. Touching on all the key movements of the 1950s from the classic films to the politics therein, the film really skewers the time period and entertains along the way. Lavishly crafted with fantastic production and costume design, the film both looks and sounds the part. Channing Tatum honestly stole the show for me comedically, as all of his parts were hysterical. George Clooney, Josh Brolin, and Alden Ehrenhich, were the real stars here and knocked it out of the park. Ralph Fiennes, Tilda Swinton, and Frances McDormand, were also very good in smaller roles. Overall, Hail, Caesar is an absolute riot if you love film and film history. It appears many moviegoers thought it would be more of a serious kidnapping type movie, but if you know anything about the Coen Brothers, you know there is always more than meets the eye in their films and their classic kidnapping trademark. This is very much the case in their latest work. Overall, the film was phenomenal and really sets the standard for forthcoming releases this year.

Got around to seeing The Visit, and like Spangs I wasn't sure how to take the movie, it was deeply unsettling and disturbing at times, but other times I was laughing, then I was laughing at things I don't think were intended to be laughed at? The lack of a defined genre kinda made this movie hard to digest for me. I can say, it is absolutely a Shymalyan movie, it feels like it from beginning to end.

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
[Image: wrexks.png]
[Image: WREXKS.png]

Quote:Originally posted by JayWhy@Jan 27 2016, 11:22 PM
[Image: 220px-Theatrical_poster_of_Lazer_Team.jpg]

[b]Personal Rating:
10/10 as an RT fan. 8/10 as a movie-goer.

It may not have been perfect, there were some little things that were odd about it. Sometimes the jokes didn't seem to land as well as they'd obviously hoped, or the script just made it a bit too simple. They managed to keep from catering to long-time fans though, only having little cuts to employees and background in-jokes that every production company has while focusing primarily on creating a whole new story for new fans to enjoy. The beginning of the film was a bit slow, them just kind of showing all the people and introducing them and it made it seem pretty corny in some ways. It didn't take long for things to really pick up though, and it picked up great. It was absolutely a great movie to myself, and something I plan to watch over and over.[/b]
Agree with all of this. As someone who listens to the RT Podcast on my way to work daily, and watches Lets Plays by AH more than any other form of entertainment the movie had a ton of nods that fans would enjoy and pick up on, but they weren't necessary to fully enjoy it. You hit the nail on the head with the ratings imo. As a huge RT fan this movie was a dream come true. If I wasn't a RT fan I don't think I would have appreciated it quite as much.

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
[Image: wrexks.png]
[Image: WREXKS.png]

Deadpool was gr8

[Image: bXyuiQK.png?2]
Alucard,Apr 14 2016, 03:33 PM Wrote:May the harvest be with you, young spud.
enigmatic,Aug 26 2016, 10:05 AM Wrote:Jedi could have 1 TPE and still improve any team [Image: ashamed0001.gif]
[Image: uyTKBKH.png]
[Image: jSQTZY7.png]

First ever Norwegian IIHF Goal!!
2. Team Norway , Jackson Rodgers-Tanaka 1 (Isabella Esparza-Osvaldson, Aleksander Andrezjeck) at 5:50

Special Thanks to Count Chocula for the Hugo G sig <3

Deadpool was a solid 7.5

Ryan Reynolds was fucking great. Movie felt short.

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

[Image: 220px-Big_Trouble_in_Little_China_Film_Poster.jpg]

4/10 - Frenetically paced and stocked full of 80's cheese, Big Trouble in Little China goes off the reservation with weirdness a few too many times to make this a passable action movie. The weirdness level is increased ten-fold throughout the film and that combined with some awful special effects and a weird plot really kill the charm of Kurt Russell and the hysterical one liners. The direction from John Carpenter is just fine, but the movie was just not my type of thing I guess. Far too odd and nonsensical, Big Trouble in Little China plays like the live action version of a bad kids movie. Fortunately, it has enough solid action and is entertaining enough to overcome some of those negatives.

[Image: 220px-Fifth_element_poster_%281997%29.jpg]

7/10 - A wonderfully crafted and truly entertaining science fiction film, The Fifth Element has a fantastic message about the true source of power in the world and how it stands compared to true evil. Even better, it has a great message about violence and evil and how evil begets evil. This is truly where The Fifth Element's success largely comes from, though the performances of Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich are both very, very good. The special effects are pretty cool and slick, as is the script and the direction from Luc Besson. Even better, the world it created is a fun and very expansive one that would be great to see more of. However, what I believe holds this one back a bit is the bad villain. Not only are there many of them, but Gary Oldman's motivations are never fully explained. His character is poorly developed and this really harms the overall film. However, that being said, The Fifth Element is a fantastic time and a very well done science fiction action film that is endlessly watchable.

[Image: 220px-Prince_of_egypt_ver2.jpg]

2/10 - I expected a lot better, to say the least. Prince of Egypt is decently animated, but serves as a sparknotes version of the Biblical story that not only is far too quick, but it is a shallow adaptation at best that misses many key elements of the story. Even worse, it changes many of them and the story itself resembles very little of the actual Biblical tale. Now, this is not truly a sin on its own because of course it is changed, but the changed story is far too kid-oriented and feels far too often like a bad kids cartoon that adults hate in numbers. There are a few good sequences, such as the burning bush sequence, but you would be far better off just watching The Ten Commandments if you want to watch a film version of the Book of Exodus. Everything is borderline comical and the fast pace and the way it just skims through the story are incredibly annoying and, if you do not know the story, hard to follow. Overall, The Prince of Egypt misses the mark by about 40 years.

[Image: 220px-YoureNext2011Film.jpg]

7/10 - You're Next is not particularly scary and any fear it creates is somewhat diminished by the end of the film when you realize what all is happening, but it is still a really fun horror comedy blend that does provide some scares. The acting is pretty solid and the special effects (read: blood) are solid as well. Overall, it does a really good job creating tension and a scary atmosphere thanks to the good direction from Adam Wingard. Plus, the writing really works for the film and it does some fun things with classic horror cliches, even if it largely holds to many of them throughout. As an overall film, You're Next is nothing extraordinary, but it is a fun way to spend an hour and a half if you like horror movies and pitch black humor.

[Image: 220px-UmbertoD.jpg]

8/10 - An incredibly depressing slice of life film, Umberto D depicts a man named Umberto and his dog Flike living in post-war Italy. A depressing and largely hopeless story unfolds in which your heart breaks at every single point, almost to the point where you hold contempt for the film for making you go through this. The turmoil and emotional pain this film causes make you want to break through the screen and give Umberto a hug. Like damn. Overall, Umberto D is a masterful film from the Italian Neorealism and from director Vittorio De Sica.

[Image: 220px-Talladega_nights.jpg]

3/10 - I laughed far more than expected, but that was easy since I expected zero laughs. The majority of the jokes miss, but the ones that do hit are really funny. I am not a Will Ferrell fan and this one is no exception, though it was better than Step Brothers, but that was easy to do as well. The plot and writing and decent, but it is a comedy and the focus here is obviously on it being funny or not. It was not, on the whole, funny so the movie is bad from that angle anyways. The film, fortunately, is bad everywhere else too, though the direction from Adam McKay is okay, even if this material is beneath his skill level. Overall, Talladega Nights may be bad, but it is bolstered by a few laugh out loud moments. Tragically, the rest fall flat.

[Image: 220px-Only_God_Forgives_poster.jpg]

6/10 - There is more good than bad here in director Nicolas Winding Refn's bloody follow-up to Drive. Personally, I prefer this one to Drive (though I need to watch it again). What holds this one back is the hyper violence. It is just honestly too much. That being said, there are not many films as beautiful as this one and as artistic as this one. Sporting such Russian concepts as the "Kuleshov effect" and montage, Only God Forgives is a highly artistic exercise in the hands of the ever talented Refn. The acting is pretty non-descript, namely thanks to the lack of dialogue for the most part. That being said, what acting there is, is solid. It is wooden, but that is purposeful, so the actors did a good job capturing that. The cinematography and lighting are both truly breathtaking and what stand as the main reason I largely did enjoy this one. Though it is not for everyone, Only God Forgives is a beautifully crafted film that may seem aimless and meaningless to some, but if you are willing to indulge it, you should enjoy it, but only if you do not mind such brutal violence.

[Image: 220px-Robocop_film.jpg]

8/10 - I love the work of Paul Verhoeven and Robocop is not an exception to this rule. An astute criticism of American culture and also a fantastic shoot em up late 80's action flick, Robocop features solid acting, solid special effects, and a killer plot coupled with great direction and writing. A fun and entertaining film, Robocop works on both a pure entertainment level and the satirical level, similar to Verhoeven's later work on Starship Troopers. In Robocop, Verhoeven uses its relatively straight forward plot as a tool to critique American culture, namely when it comes to violence, television, the military, capitalism, and the very infrastructure of our society. In addition, I also really thought Verhoeven was ahead of his time in his portrayal of women here, as they are shown as being largely on the same playing field as men and if you did not know better, you would have no idea what gender they are. Somehow, this film was criticized for being sexist, but I have no idea how. As I watched, I was struck by how well done the women in the film were, but I guess maybe I am the one who is wrong. Who knows. Anyways, Robocop is a very well made action film by Paul Verhoeven that is both entertaining and thought provoking.

[Image: 220px-CasablancaPoster-Gold.jpg]

10/10 - Casablanca is pitch perfect and honestly one of the few truly perfect films. Humphrey Bogart oozes charisma in his trademark role and Ingrid Bergman is fantastic. The script is smart, witty, sentimental, and beautifully romantic, to the point that the whole film is entirely moving. Honestly, there is not much to say beyond: Casablanca is perfect in every way imaginable from acting to directing to writing to mise en scene to editing. What a masterpiece.

[Image: 220px-Ali_movie_poster.jpg]

9/10 - Powerful, emotionally stirring, and ever captivating, Michael Mann's biopic Ali is a brilliant film that is an example of Mann directing in peak form, comparable to his success with Heat and The Insider. The direction is fantastic and this film touches on many aspects of Muhammad Ali's compelling life and none of them feel out of place. They all feel as if they are coherent and moving towards the same goal. Additionally, the writing is fantastic and did a great job both capturing Ali and making compelling cinema. Will Smith is phenomenally charismatic in the lead role and truly embodies the boxing legend. The choreography of the fights and everything to do with them is fantastic with the music and editing being particular highlights. Both ensure that the fights are as climactic as possible and also compelling as possible. Overall, Ali is truly a brilliant work from Michael Mann that reaches far and high and winds up knocking out the competition.

What we have learnt is the funny bone that we all have, has been replaced by a stick in the ass for spangs :->

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee@Feb 15 2016, 08:10 PM
What we have learnt is the funny bone that we all have, has been replaced by a stick in the ass for spangs :->

I recognized there were jokes in Talladega Nights, but have no idea how they could be funny.



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Quote:Originally posted by Winter is Coming@Feb 15 2016, 05:22 PM


Talladega Nights>>>>>>>>>Spangs

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