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S46 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 12:52 PM by Hoovuh.)

TASK 2: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
HO has agreed to allocate money towards championship rings to the Challenge Cup winners and they are looking for help with the look and feel of these rings! Create a Championship ring for 1 of the teams involved in the series. This SHL championship sports ring should have the team name or logo on it, as well as the season number.
[Image: 5w0qyky.png]

TASK 4: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Design a signature for one of the teams in the Finals of them lifting the Challenge/Four Star Cup.. for the organization and its fans to use if they win the championship. Must include, at minimum, something resembling a Cup, a player render, team name, and some semblance of appropriate color changing to match the team.
[Image: pVSre8Q.png]

TASK 10: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
During this week-long event each team will do a lot of travelling. Both teams have their own plane and bus and HO has asked that both means of transportation receive a visual make over to draw attention to the championship series!.  Choose one of the teams planes or Busses and give it a Challenge cup series look!  Plane or Bus should have at minimum the teams logo, a player render and a reference to their entry into the series.
[Image: yCnAIqm.png]

TASK 12: (Graphic, 3 TPE) is covering the series and they are looking for a tale of the tape graphic to use during the games! Pick a player from each team that are lining up against each other and create a graphic comparing their playoff statistics in S46. Must include player render, team name, team logo, and at least 4 statistics for each player.
[Image: BLbIyLt.png]

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

**[u]Important[/u]**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." [u]do not[/u] send it to my personal account cause i will [u]not[/u] look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task.  [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. pusesmakajolil
2. noewtdicatslo
3. lkgvironeoi
4. ihoswlilmlncsaai

Sent to PT Director

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[Image: M02LOrx.png]

- Profile Page - Update Page -

Task 14: PM sent

[Image: I3BTEQc.png][Image: dGD5tIx.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2019, 12:30 PM by Thunfish.)

TASK 14: Done.

TASK 1: While Yoshimitsu McCloud hasn't exactly been the finest player in the history of Irish-born ice hockey, he's been making a lot of friends at Anaheim and has been getting himself very adapted to North American culture. Most of the times, he goes on joyrides with his teammates, sightseeing and playing all sorts of games, including still not being able to beat Mathias Seger on Connect 5. Most recently, of course, he was able to bring one of his relatives, his little sister Kunimitsu to live at the US, where she has since been working with the Outlaws to make all sorts of handmade merchandise, including the world-renowned Outlungus plushies. He also makes regular visits to San Francisco, where he's been working together with the Pride staff, trying to better himself as a player, although most of the time he's busy having duels to the death minor squabbles with Dakota Reid, whenever she's not asking him about South America for some reason.

TASK 9: According to Yoshimitsu McCloud, the Specters are the underdogs of this game, not only due to being one of the league's newest teams. He related that during his session of training before this season's draft, he found that surviving a Stampede was harder than what he did in order to practice for the possibility of joining the Specters, staying an entire night at a cemetery, reading his favourite books and practicing his ninja leaps. He also attributed that, in all honesty, the series will be a massive contest of two strengths that displayed throughout the season and also took the opportunity to deeply apologize both teams for predicting that they wouldn't make the finals earlier on the season, for he believes that he shouldn't hurt people's feelings, should they take his playoff predictions to heart. Additionally, he said that he'll be watching the finals with his sister and two friends he recently made that apparently used to live on a spaceship.

TASK 11: McCloud's role at the San Francisco Pride organization is pretty similar to the role he currently attends at the Outlaws, in that he's there mostly to help the mood at the locker room but also share some ancient foreign knowledge whenever needed. His interactions with the team that drafted him are often about Pokémon, for the critters keep invading an aisle of the Pride Rock and McCloud's enthusiastic love of catching Pokémon means it's a match made in heaven. He's still deemed not good enough to join the main team, a fair assessment given how he's not good enough to even start at the first line for his own team, but he seems to be appreciated by the other players, staff and head office at the Pride... even if he's probably not going to be familiar with Simulation Hockey League ice any time soon.

TASK 13: Voiceover: A long, gruelling season has taken place as the Simulation Hockey League's forty-sixth season prepares to reach its' climax.
The Challenge Cup is shown in the middle of a random hockey venue, picked so in order to avoid the possibility of the commercial being considered "partial". Several shots are shown, in order to drive the focus of the main prize.
Voiceover: Sixteen teams from all parts of North America took to the ice, their minds set towards the main goal, conquering the Challenge Cup.
Footage of mostly crunching action between all of the SHL teams, shots of the regular season with some playoff footage being sprinkled throughout.
Voiceover: However, only two teams can go to the big dance...
Footage of the New Orleans Specters is spliced in one side of the arena, being projected over the empty seats.
Voiceover: The New Orleans Specters, the surprise out of the Bayou, they who left the tomb.
Footage of the Buffalo Stampede is spliced on the other side of the arena, being likewise projected over the remaining empty seats.
Voiceover: The Buffalo Stampede, a wild herd coming from the Far North with a single word on the mind: win.
A big shot of the arena as is gets shown before the screen fades to black to the sound of a goal horn.
Voiceover: The Stampede. The Specters. Season 46's Challenge Cup. Only on IZZ.TV.

[Image: d8gycCg.png]
Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

The season ended with a pretty disappointing finish for the Lethbridge Lions. For most of the season it looked like Eva Lykke Aparjode will reach her goals that she set before the season, but a slow second part of the regular season and a drop in the individual game, made her come up a little bit short. Overall the season wasn't that bad for the Lions. They finally got out of their slump and started to play as a team, to end up higher than last season. Of course it would be hard to drop lower in the standings then they already were. If we look at Eva's individual stats, than she did improve, but not as much as maybe she and the team wanted. During her rookie season in the SMJHL, she got a total of 25 points from which 15 were goals and 10 were assists. This season the numbers were just a little bit higher - 27 points from whom 13 were goals and 14 assists. She has added to her passing game, but unfortunately the thing that everyone waited from her the most just wasn't there - goals. Next season certainly will come with new goals and there is no doubt that Eva will keep improving.
[208 words]

TASK 14: SENT (up to 3 TPE

[Image: 32882_s.gif]

Oliver Pettyfer / Isaac Cormier Hale / Eva Lykke Aparjode

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be 150 words or more.

The worst moment for my player was the awful beginning of the season where both he and the North Stars struggled mightily to generate any offense. Starting the season with a 4-11-2 record, Toronto was bottom of the East and had very little to look forward to. During this time Lokitonov also had one of his better moments as he earned his 200th point in the SHL. One of the major milestones in a career came during that dark start to the season. This past season he set a career high in assists at 30, but on the other end he had his second worst goal scoring season with only 14 goals to his name. His 44 points was the second highest points total of his still young career, and has pushed him into the top 20 in points for a career in North Stars history. Hopefully next season he can take the next step towards a point per game season.

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE) Sent pm.

TASK 2: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
HO has agreed to allocate money towards championship rings to the Challenge Cup winners and they are looking for help with the look and feel of these rings! Create a Championship ring for 1 of the teams involved in the series. This SHL championship sports ring should have the team name or logo on it, as well as the season number.

[Image: S47ChampRing.png]

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]

(This post was last modified: 04-11-2019, 01:08 PM by JRed94.)

Task 1. (154 words)
With Jack Kennedy's rookie season in the books, we can look back at the year's ups and downs. Playing top-six minutes the brand new Chicago Syndicate, Jack Kennedy put up twelve goals and six assists for eight-teen points. He also went plus-one, and fired one hundred and twenty-nine shots for a 9.3 shooting percentage. While not impressive numbers on the surface, the kid showed signs of promise and flashes of brilliance. If you were to ask him, Kennedy would tell you he was not happy with his numbers, but looks forward to building on the totals next season. Kennedy would also quickly change the subject to that of the team's success, which takes priority. He's very disappointed about watching the playoffs from side lines, but is itching for the International Ice Hockey Federation Championships to get going very soon here. So, one goal he could still check off his list is gold for Canada.

Task 7. (157 words)
Being left in charge of such an important event, with the causes going to such a great charity is no small task. With so much riding on the line, and not to mention the Commissioner counting on me I had to come up with a perfect plan. Here goes nothing. First, we will have a silent auction with donated memorabilia and autographed jerseys. We will invite big name players from the eliminated teams in hopes that they will attend and lend their star power. There will be a dinner service. Per plate donations will be taken. For the kids we will have cotton candy and hot dogs to eat. To keep them busy, a hockey net set up with targets for accuracy and radar for slap shots. Weather permitting, I hope players will volunteer to sit in a dunk tank. For the adults, Molson has lent their service and products with Molson fridges set up everywhere.

Task 11. (152 words)
Jack Kennedy has won a championship with the Vancouver Whalers in the SMJHL, so he knows what it feels like to win it all. "There's no better feeling; it's the culmination of a year of hard work with all your brothers. In short: it's why we play." Due to playing for a young expansion franchise, the Chicago Syndicate, there is not as much internal competition to make the squad as there is in some of the more established squads. Jack Kennedy still does not take anything for granted. He will work hard at the worlds and in the off season as though he was a bubble player trying to make the team. Jack Kennedy's goal is to build on his rookie campaign. He intends to put up many more points: "at least twice as many goals and assists compared to last year", and he "wants to get that shooting percentage up too".

Task 14. (pmed)
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 07:05 PM by dizzyDC.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be [u]150[/u] words or more.

Well, I can’t say that I was entirely happy with Louie Garrett’s season, but there were definitely some positive things that happened as well. I was pretty disappointed at the point drop of from last season where I led the league in points and ultimately was the leagues top forward only losing out on MVP to a goalie that put up record setting numbers. I was pretty happy that I was able to finish the season putting Garrett officially at a point per game over his entire career which I think is pretty damn impressive. I would have liked to score more than just 20 goals on the season, but I have been lucky enough to be spoiled by the sim over my career so I will still take breaking 20 goals. I was hoping to get a hat trick this season which is something Garrett has struggled with and it didn’t happen… again. Next season, hopefully Garrett and the Texas Renegades get back on the path to killing it.

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '[u]1[/u]' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?
2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*
5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why?
7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?

Oh, this is a tough one for sure. Both tandems of GMs have a boat load of experience so I am basically going with the pair that I have had more personal experience with and that would be the New Orleans pairing of Joe and TDZ. I know that they spend a crap load of time with the sim so I think that dedication edge could be what puts them ahead, but again… this is a crapshoot in my opinion.

2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?

Well both goalies had outstanding seasons, but I think that I would have to go with Cedric Robinson of the Buffalo Stampede. In terms of save percentage both guys were pretty dang close to one another, but Robinson had the edge in goals against average. He also had the edge in shutouts from what I can remember, so yeah I guess that’s what I’m going with.

3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.

So the three forwards I am going to go with are Joe Kurczewski, Oisin Fletcher, and Oliver Konig for the simple reason that they were the highest scoring players on their team which is how all-star rosters are basically made these days anyway. For the same reasons I’m going with GOD McZehrl and Karl Hefeweizen on defense. Goalie I am going with the aforementioned Cedric Robinson. Simple as that, going with the highest scorers.

@JKortesi81 @Evok @gfridge @grok @Chris-McZehrl @Sleepy

4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*

For the Buffalo Stampede it has the be the winger Alexander Selich. Wingers can be absolutely deadly in this league and he’s just starting to get to that level where he can be an impact player. I think he’ll start putting up serious points soon. For the Specters, I think Aleister Cain is going to be the next hot goalie in the league. He has a ton of potential and is still getting better. Can’t wait to see what both of these guys can do.

@Tomen @SlashACM

5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?

Is this honestly even a question? One of these cities is one of the best known party cities in all of the United States and the other is known for being a miserable wasteland. I think most people would have to agree that New Orleans would be the natural choice for an event of this nature because honestly drinking in the streets and hockey seems like a fantastic idea on all fronts.

Task 5: (Written, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

Alrighty, so I walked into the New Orleans Specters locker room and honestly, I don’t even want to talk about what I saw or more specifically what I heard. To be honest, some might even consider it blasphemous within the circle of the SHL. Basically, I saw and heard two former members of the Calgary Dragons, Roman Augustus and Joe Kurczewski, talking about how they don’t even think chicken parm is all that good. Honestly, as a former member of the Calgary Dragons myself, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Chicken parm is basically the holy grail when it comes to the Dragons and their culture so I couldn’t believe that some former members would just so blatantly put it out there. They definitely saw me too and they just kept on going saying that “it might be the single most overrated dish there is”. I ran out into the hallway and took a minute to catch my breath before I swore that no one would ever hear of this travesty… well except for here I suppose.

@JKortesi81 @TheDangaZone

Task 7: (Written, 3 TPE)
The commish has asked that both challenge cup participants collaberate on a large charity event to be held during the festivities leading to the start of the finals, and you have been asked by the league to set everything up!  What did you come up with? what sort of theme did you choose? what were some of the events to take place to help raise money? what players were very helpful during this process? where will the funds be donated? Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

It’s kind of scary that I would be chosen to run a charity event as I am neither organized, creative, or fun. Anyway, the theme of the event would be pirates and ninjas because I like both of those things. Show up dressed as either a pirate or ninja? You get free tickets to our raffle where we will be giving away fabulous prizes like booze and tickets to the Challenge Cup Finals. Who can argue with those things, right? We need music for this event so we went out and got the very best there is… an AC/DC cover band. Hell yeah, nothing says pirates and ninjas quite like that. Our events include walking the plank into a vat of champagne and assassinating Japanese emperors. Really, there is no possible way that this evening could possibly go wrong. Oh of course we would need to hosts for the evening and there would be no better than Daniel Karlsson of the Texas Renegades. Of duh and where is the money going? It’s going to funding research into CTE which is a noble cause. I look forward to seeing everyone there.


TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

**[u]Important[/u]**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." [u]do not[/u] send it to my personal account cause i will [u]not[/u] look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task.  [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. pusesmakajolil
2. noewtdicatslo
3. lkgvironeoi
4. ihoswlilmlncsaai


[Image: GkHz3HI.png]

[Image: T8nB5Dn.png][Image: KXZ8h4k.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 11:54 PM by ImShiny.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be [u]150[/u] words or more.

Going back and looking at this past season I believe it is a very good season for David Vent.  Vent was able to get a new high in points and was able to not be top 3 in penalty minutes which is always a big plus. Vent also did not get ejected from any games this season and he knows that’s not a major thing for most players, but it was a huge plus for him. Vent still had a ton of penalty minutes which he is not proud of but he was able to get in some fights and win two, tie one, and unfortunately lost one. Vent was on the second pair with an amazing player Guy Zheng and posted a very impressable 20 plus-minus to end the season. Comparing himself to the league also Vent was top 5 possession along with many fellow knights throughout the season.  Vent and the knights were also able to make the SMJHL finals but were unable to finish the job and win the Cup. Vent looks forward to next year with lines to improve and be a better player

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '[u]1[/u]' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why? 
2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*
5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why? 
7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim.

3)New Orleans would be my choice for the next All-Star location. The place has such a deep history and it would be good for the place since they just got a new team and it would bring many fans to the organization. Also, New Orleans is a very good place to have fun and throw a party. They are many places for the players to visit with their families and there are also activities that families could enjoy as well.

Task 5: (Written, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

Vent was minding his own business on his way to his Kelowna locker for game 1 of the Four-Star Cup Finals. They were facing Saint Louis and he was getting in the mindset to be able to play his physical game to start off the series.  Since Vent was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he entered the incorrect locker room by mistake. However, when Vent walked into STL Scarecrows locker room the sight shocked him. The floor was covered in hay and by covered Vent couldn’t see any carpet at all. In the middle of the room, there was a Scarecrow, but it had a Kelowna Knights jersey on it of Dick Clapper. There were two other figures in the room with Vent that had not noticed his invasion of their locker room.  Slip McScruff the Captain of the Scarecrows punching the Scarecrow dawning the Knights jersey over and over again. Holding up the scarecrow was none of than Nicolaj Muller the 4th line rookie center was cheering on his captain. Vent couldn’t believe his eyes and he quickly and quietly exited the room. He couldn’t believe what he says but he knew one thing from this incident. If STL wanted a physical game, then he would bring them a physical game.

@Scrufdaddy @esilverm @5ympathies

Task 9: (Written, 3 TPE)
You have been asked to spend a few minutes on air with the series commentators during the game 1 preshow! During that segment they ask you to do a full break down on the series... in 150 words or more tell them who you believe is the favorite and who is the underdog of this series and why.. as well as your thoughts on what each team needs to do or not do to win the challenge cup.

Going into this series I would defiantly say the Buffalo is the favorite to win the cup. Buffalo has a lot riding on this final and a lot to prove to everyone in the league. They need to show that they can win their first appearance and not lose to the new expansion team that has made it to its first final. New Orleans is the Cinderella story that many organizations wish they could have had. Being in their first season they are always picked to be the underdog. Taking what players, they could from the pool of eligible players and making a very convincing cup run. For New Orleans I think they just need to play their type of hockey. Teams haven’t been able to find a answer for their fast paced play and high scoring offense. Their goalie has been playing incredible and never seems rattled in the crease. Buffalo needs to come out and play physical. They have the skill to slow down this fast team and show them a real test of their courage and ability to work through a stressful situation. All in all this is both teams chance to win a cup for the first time so I expect it to be a very fast and physical game.

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)
There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first,, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more.

David Vent is currently going to be spending a third year in the SMJHL to improve his game and mature more as a person. Vent is a very physical defensemen however the organization doesn’t want him taking so many penalties this late into his career. The Manhattan Rage drafted two defensemen during Vent’s draft. The very talented and very good Andrej Doskocil. A smart defensive defenseman who isn’t afraid to hit and is still able to be in position at the right moments.  Vent hopes to be able to mature enough for this next season and show his General Manager that he is ready for the big leagues and can handle himself and be a asset for the team.  For the upcoming season Vent hopes to put up more hits and shots blocked to show he is a very good defensemen and all get in a few more fight wins to show his club that he is strong and will stand up for his teammates when needed.

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. 

**[u]Important[/u]**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." [u]do not[/u] send it to my personal account cause i will [u]not[/u] look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task.  [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. pusesmakajolil
2. noewtdicatslo 
3. lkgvironeoi 
4. ihoswlilmlncsaai


[Image: ImShiny.gif]

Season 46 for me was a career-best despite having one of the worse Goal Against Average in the league standing in fifteenth place and 3.18 goals a game. This can be seen as a low point, but 26 wins are my best so far. Playoffs were nothing short of fantastic for me despite the Conference Finals elimination against New Orleans with 6 wins 3 losses and 3 overtime losses. Where I shined most is in the goal against average and save percentage departments leading the way ahead of the Finals with 0.940 and 1.85 respectively including 3 shutouts which are again a career high for me. I know I gave it my best and my all this season but I recognize some areas, such as my skating skills and my size needs improvement and I will focus on that in the offseason. I played big during season 46, I will play bigger comes 47.

Word count: 154

Task 3:
1. Despite the strong showing of the Buffalo's organization to build up a team that made it to the Challenge Cup Finals for the first time in over 12 seasons, the New Orleans Specter organizational team managed to pull a sensational job of building a team based off the available talent pool as an expansion team. In their inaugural season, they managed to contend for the Cup at their first go and did so in spectacular fashion against teams like the Panthers and the Chiefs not to mention have an incredible regular season.

TASK 5: I simply couldn't believe it when I got into the locker room of the New Orleans Specters! A scene taken directly from The Lady and the Frog! Keith David, dressed as Docteur Facilier, was running what seemed to be a ritual around a pair of frogs wearing miniature Buffalo Stampede jerseys! There was a pentagram around the logo of the Scepters and the lights of the room was dim with candles displayed everywhere. All the players and mister David looked at me slowly with hollowed stares which creeped me like never before so I had to get out of there. It was too dark to notice who was who, also, they were wearing masks the lot of them. I wonder if the frogs are actual Stampede players. I'm scared. I had to get out of there and I did so by backpedaling very slowly. I never felt so wierded out of my entire life, that is some crazy pre-game ritual... Literally!

Word Count - 160

TASK 7 - As the event planner for the festivities, I would've made a two-venue venue affair with activities taking place in both the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans as well as the KeyBanks Arena in Buffalo. On the Stampede's side of things the charity represented is the Willie Hutch Jones Education and Sports Program. On Nawlins side, the Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation is represented on the Specters' side. In both events, there are locally inspiration food for all, personnel from both teams, some local celebrities and of course freebies given, prizes to be gained and money to be given in order to support the two charities. I came with the idea of a double venue event because why would I go to one event when both can work? That way both team supporters can attend without having to go to the other team's location. I considered a neutral venue but felt it wouldn't be the same.

Word Count - 156

TASK 13:
One team has not been part of the Finals in many... Many seasons.
It's opponent is at it's inaugural season and aspires to glory at it's very first go!
Both teams have one thing in common: They both have no Championships to their name!
This Changes Now! History will be changed forever for one of these two teams as the Challenge Cup waits the team most worthy! Will it be the Buffalo Stampede? Will their Championship drought end? Or will the New Orleans Specter complete their magical run and claim the Challenge Cup as their own for Season 46? Only one way to find out folks! History will be made as the Championship awaits it's new owner! Who will succeed the Winnipeg Jets? Tune in to the SHL Network Now!

Word Count - 152

TASK 14:
PM sent to PT Director
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2019, 03:29 PM by JSS.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be [u]150[/u] words or more.

S46 was pretty memorable for Flacko Lagerfield. He is still considered young and for the first time in his career he finally got over 50 points which put him down as an elusive point per game player. I think I met my indivual goals personally, I still have a while before regression so my big goal of winning the leading scorer trophy, MVP and a Challenge Cup is still some time away and I don't need to worry about that as of right now. I was really happy with my points are obviously but I think I can do better on the powerplay. I'm also happy I had a positive rating and made the playoffs. I think Lagerfield's career has been going good so far and many more good seasons are to come. I can only hope I can be considered one of the best when I retire the player.

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '[u]1[/u]' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?
2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*
5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?

1. I'm gonna go ahead with Tomen and Finn, mostly Tomen since Finn is lazy and doesn't test sim. However, Tomen is a machine with the test simming and he'll spend a whole night test simming if he can. I also have never been GMed by TDZ or Joe K so I would not know if they are good test simmers or not.

2. The battle of the rival SMJHL goalies face off in the finals in their rookie season, that's a nice story. I would go with Robinson mostly because Buffalo had the better season and faced off agaisnt better opponents. Buffalo also played in the much stronger conference this season however Cain is still a great goalie like Robinson

3.  F - Viktor Marius, Roman Augustus, Oliver König  D - Tatu Makela, Alexis Metzler, G - Cedric Robinson. 5 Stampede players + 1 NOLA player lol. I think Buffalo had the better roster though I don't know the NOLA roster too well since I never played there and this was their first season. It's obviosuly pretty good since they made it to the finals but yea. Cedric is good goalie, Makela and Metzler good duo. Marius Augustus and Konig seemed like they would gel nice together.

5. For the next all star game I would choose NOLA as a destination no questions asked. Nothing agaisnt the city of Buffalo but it's boring as hell, like the Ottawa of the USA. Just plain boring. NOLA is bumping year round and has a crazy night life scene. Parties 24/7, events always happening. NOLA is one of the most exciting cities in the USA and hockey isn't too popular there so hosting an all star game in NOLA could help grow the game of hockey there and the fan fair things will be great.

TASK 4: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Design a signature for one of the teams in the Finals of them lifting the Challenge/Four Star Cup.. for the organization and its fans to use if they win the championship. Must include, at minimum, something resembling a Cup, a player render, team name, and some semblance of appropriate color changing to match the team.

[Image: Untitled-1.png]

Task 13: (Written, 3 TPE)
This is an historic finals as both franchises come in with some amazing storylines to boast! Write a TV ad for a "History Will Be Made" script and in 150 words or more add the details and circumstance that warrant either or both teams for this television ad. details could include a memory from there team's history, whether recent or past, it is up to you.

Both teams have come very far and no matter which team wins it, both will have an incredible story to tell. Since joining the league in the late S20s, the Buffalo Stampede have had lots of trouble. They have gone through many bad seasons and the team seemed like it was going nowhere until current Head GM WannabeFinn stepped in and made some nice changes and drafted studs like Lagerfield. A lot of the players on the team, as in like 95% of the team also have been challenge cup-less. And then you look at NOLA, an expansion team that came out of nowhere with good GMs. They signed top FAs, drafted well in the expansion draft and are already in the Challenge Cup Finals! This is something that is unheard of. No matter who wins, whichever team wins out of the top 2, it will be their first Challenge Cup in franchise history with 1 being much more deprived of cups than the other lol.

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

**[u]Important[/u]**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." [u]do not[/u] send it to my personal account cause i will [u]not[/u] look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task.  [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. pusesmakajolil
2. noewtdicatslo
3. lkgvironeoi
4. ihoswlilmlncsaai

@PT Director sent

[Image: 3.png]

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be 150 words or more.

Honestly, especially after a hot start to Season 46, I felt like I would be in conversation for the Quilha Agante Trophy this season. However, that brisk start to the season quickly faded, and I really struggled down the stretch. At one point I went nearly ten games without a point. The trade to Halifax could have been a positive change in scenery, but I only scored six points in 16 regular season games there and didn’t fare much better in the postseason. Furthermore, the Raiders fell out of a top-six spot, finishing behind Montreal (the team that traded me) before we ultimately lost to the eventual champions in St. Louis in the second round. All around, a very disappointing season if I’m honest, to the point that I’m kinda glad I’m getting called up. We’ll see how the adjustment to the big league goes, but I’m optimistic and, more importantly, ready to move on.

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?

This question is actually insulting. One city is full of color and excitement. One city is full of snow. New Orleans is a party, Buffalo is a hellscape. Literally the one redeeming quality of Buffalo is the food, and even that can’t hold a candle to the restaurants in New Orleans. If we had an All Star Game in Buffalo, I would likely intentionally to avoid having to go to it.

Task 5: (Written, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

So my old man got invited to the Challenge Cup Finals, because I guess people respected him for some reason, and he brought me along. It was a weird series for him … first, because it’s really the first season that has come and gone without him since he was my age, and second, because there’s still some old farts like him playing on these teams. He had a nice chat about WrestleMania with Joe Kurczewski, and was about to go say hello to Alexis Metzler, basically the only person left from his days in Detroit.

Well lo and behold, we walk in and see Kaapo Kekkonen, Buffalo’s General Manager, swapping Franklins with Ryan Fucking Vas. Now listen, I’m not saying that exchange had any outcome on the series. Hell, I think Vas is just a janitor with the Militia now or something. There’s a dude that looked just like him when I played there but always wore some fake-ass Mario mustache like he didn’t want people to see his life had completely gone to shit. But I know nothing good came from that, and I’m still reviled that I saw it in person.

@JKortesi81 @Avakael @WannabeFinn

Task 9: (Written, 3 TPE)
You have been asked to spend a few minutes on air with the series commentators during the game 1 preshow! During that segment they ask you to do a full break down on the series... in 150 words or more tell them who you believe is the favorite and who is the underdog of this series and why.. as well as your thoughts on what each team needs to do or not do to win the challenge cup.

DD: Good evening, sports fans! I’m Daniel Delewis, alongside my colleague Thor Trenton, as the MBS Sports Network brings you tonight’s coverage of the Season 46 Challenge Cup Finals between the Buffalo Stampede and the New Orleans Specters. We are also joined by two-time Challenge Cup champion Zach Evans tonight, welcome to the booth, Zach.


ZE: Hello, I am … surprised you guys are still on the air, honestly. You’ve definitely come a long way since that night in Season 31.


DD: This isn’t your podcast, Thor, let’s hear from Zach, as someone who knows what it takes to win a Challenge Cup –


DD: - What do you expect out of this series?

ZE: Well, I think this is a pretty evenly matched series because both of these teams are very sound defensively. I will admit I didn’t expect New Orleans’ defense to be so good this season, even after they crushed the expansion draft and free agency, but that unit has played well and, more importantly, Aleister Cain has been incredible in net.


ZE: It’s true. Ultimately, I think Buffalo will have the upper hand as the more talented team, but New Orleans has surprised some people to get this far so you can’t count them out.

DD: Well, Zach, we look forward to having you in the booth with us tonight, let’s go down for starting lineups –


DD: This still isn’t your podcast, Thor.

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)
There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first,, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more.

Well, unfortunately I will have to live with the fact that scrublord extraordinaire Anastasia O’Koivu played an SHL game before me. That is partially my fault – by eliminating her Colorado Raptors in the playoffs, Hamilton had the luxury of calling her up for their second-round series while my playoff bid continued against St. Louis.

With that said, I have it on very reliable authority I will be called up for Season 47 and will soon be joining the Hamilton Steelhawks. I expect I will blossom with the opportunity to play with SHL players, no longer limited by arbitrary TPE limits. At first, ice time will be hard to come by – I will likely be third-pair alongside somebody like an aging Dwayne Wyder. But I’ll be in the league, and there’s a chance that’s more than that goon O’Koivu will be able to say, so, you know, sucks to suck, I guess.

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." do not send it to my personal account cause i will not look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task. [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. pusesmakajolil
2. noewtdicatslo
3. lkgvironeoi
4. ihoswlilmlncsaai

Yeah I fucking sent it

Zach Evans[/b] | Player Page | Update Page
Nikolai Evans
| Player Page | Update Page

Task 1.

This season went decently well for me i’d say. Once again i was told i’d be sittin’ next to Aittokallio and Rove up on the first line, i knew i had to prove myself. It’s a little tough… mentally, ya know? Knowing you’re gonna be out there playing with and against the league's top talent. But somehow we got it done. I think we just kept it simple, played to our strengths, worked together and that allowed a lot of us to shine in our own ways.  I mean... i almost doubled my point total from last season, had a positive plus/minus, and got on that hits leaderboard. What else could i really ask for in my second season, you know? A lot of the credit has to go to my teammates and coaches cause realistically... they’re the reason we got to where we did. We’re a young team and the future looks bright as shit, i couldn’t be happier to be here.

163 words

Task 3.

2. Looking at it you can see just how close in comparison these two goaltenders are. I would however have to give the slight edge to Aleister Cain. With Cain facing just slightly over the amount of shots that Robinson had and posting the best goals against average in the league it’s hard not to pick him.

56 words

3. Marius - Konig - Augustus
Makela - Physt
I don’t even think i really have to make my case here. The forward line would be dominant and scary as hell to play against. If Marius isn’t putting you through the fuckin’ wall you can bet Augustus will be. These two lead their respective teams in points this season. Putting Konig, who already has chemistry with Marius and is a beast on the dot, between them just makes sense. Makela and Physt each lead their team in plus/minus and aren’t afraid to throw their bodies around either. I think i’ve made my case for Cain already.

97 words

5. I think I’m gonna have to go with New Orleans on this one. Not that i think BUF isn’t also deserving, i just feel like it’s a really good opportunity to really burst open the new market in New Orleans. What better way to get people on board who might be a little hesitant to open up to the league than show them what the best of the best have to offer? And it’s not only about the competition but the festivities surrounding it that really draw the crowd and get them engaged. All Star games are all about fun and giving the fans a great experience and that has to be a top priority with this new team coming to the league.

123 words

6. Obviously Marius has to be mentioned in this discussion. Leading the league in hits is no easy feat and with a shot to be feared you know everyone is going to have their eyes on him at all times. I think Physt is another one I’d be terrified to see at the opposing end of the ice. Hard to get anything going against him alone. Fletcher has gotta be on everyone's radar too. If he aint making you look silly with his skills he’ll just punch your lights out instead.

90 words

7. I’ve had my eye on TJ Bayley for quite some time now and i gotta say i’m getting more and more impressed. That’s not to say he hasn’t been given the credit he is due, i’m just saying i’m not at all surprised to see him perform the way he did. That 18.52 shooting percentage is MASSIVE and is the highest out of anyone on the teams who reached the finals.

71 words

Task 4.

[Image: r7WaLB1.png]

Task 9.

The number two seed in the West, New Orleans Specters, meets the number one seed in the East, Buffalo Stampede, for Season 46’s Challenge Cup Series. The Stampede had a dominant season taking home first in league... all while being a part of what is, right now, arguably the more competitive conference. New Orleans are really looking to turn heads after coming into the league through expansion and bring home a cup to solidify their spot in the league right away. They have proved themselves early but have a mountain of an obstacle in front of them. Buffalo has had some hot hands all season and postseason long, there is no reason for them to slow down now. Stick with the game plan and put pucks in the net. The Specters will need to be tight defensively and try to stay out of the box to give Buffalos weapons the least amount of chances.

154 words

Task 14.

PM Sent

Task 3:
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Task 4:
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Task 6:
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Task 14: PM'd

Germany Elk Aurora [Image: vKrOFwy.png] [Image: VbtOVyg.png] Aurora Elk Germany

[Image: Thunder39.gif]
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 11:06 PM by Bonk.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Lil’ Manius ended up have a very respectable season compared to then his previous two season in the league.  Manius racked up a solid 36 points consisting of 20 goals and 16 assists and was a minus one on a team that’s goal differential was minus 31. Lil’ was able to put up 143 hits while averaging just under 24 minutes a game. This blows away his previous average of 98 hits, 7.5 goals, 8 assists, for an average of 15.5 points per season. Although the one stat that shocked me the most when diving into Lil’ Manius numbers was league leading seven game winning goals. Granted that league lead was co-shared with Matthew Auston and Vijanupatan Singh but it is still league leading. So in summary I was generally pleased with Lil’ Manius performance this past season but I will probably do a redistribution of TPE and try to bring up those assist numbers.

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
2. Out of the goalies Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain, I would have to say that Cedric Robinson had the more impressive run. Heading into the finals Cedric Robinson had only lost two games during the play offs. Granted Aleister Cain had more shut out heading into the finals but in addition to those shut outs were a lot more losses.
4. If there were a player who could turn out to be the team’s next important player, that player would have to Mike Hunt. I love Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt has the potential go through plenty of rounds of playoffs with teams shooting over and over again, but Hike Hunt can take it. Sure Mike Hunt may get a little sore from all the action, but do not worry after that period. Mike Hunt will bounce back.
Words ~76
5. Considering I have been to both of these cities this is a no brainer. One city is this life of the party and is host to distinct music, Creole cuisine, a unique dialect, and Mardi Gras and then there is the city that  host wings. Chicken wings. So yes New Orleans would be my choice for next seasons all star game.
6. The three most dangerous player on the ice in this series are Viktor Marius due to his physical play. Charles Walker due to his impressive shot blocking skills. Rounding out this group is Roman Augustus with his knack for game winning goals. Those are my three choices for the three most dangerous players in this series.
Words ~56
7. My choice for unsung hero is DeMaricus Smyth because he has been mister clutch this post season. He managed to rack up four gaming winning goals this post season along with 11 goals and 6 assists. These four game winners made him the SHL season 46-post season leader in game winning goals.

Task 13: (Written, 3 TPE)
Has the time come for Buffalo Stampede, after 21 years it looks as if they are on the verge of SHL Glory as they are heading into the Season 46 Challenge Cup Finals? This Thursday see the stampede begin there run into history as the face off against the new kids on the block the New Orleans Specters. This war pits your Eastern Conference Champion Buffalo Stampede against the surprise of the SHL the Western Conference Champion New Orleans Specters. I mean who do these guys think they are the Vegas Golden Knights? Although this post season has seen these up starts beat west conference powerhouses the Los Angeles Panthers and Minnesota Chiefs. So please join us this Thursday and watch the epic match up, with pregame analysis done by Big Manius and Slappy Mcdoodle as they breakdown this match up and give you stunning insight into the SHL.  Pregame begins 7:00 and puck drops at 8:00.

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)


Task 15: (Podtask, 3 or 4 TPE)

[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

(This post was last modified: 04-11-2019, 12:34 AM by bilbo.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be 150 words or more.

Dom found himself on the second line for most of season 46 on the Raiders. He got 28 points this season versus last year's 32, scoring 5 less goals this season, so that made him a bit frustrated that he couldn't connect as well on the ice this season. His +/- did improve at the end of the season by +19 compared to last (-11 to +8), so that felt good. Some of his best off-ice moments though were making sure no one on the Raiders died from alcohol poisoning or were arrested for murder, having Leo Lockhart say he wanted to date him and getting to spend a day with him in Anchorage, and coming out publicly on the Raiders' LGBTQ2+ Pride Night with one of his bffs, Jimmy Slothface. He is also proud that his Instagram follower count went up, but really, those three other things are his highlights, mainly Leo, if we're being honest. Halifax had some dark days after their many wins in the beginning of the season.
WC: 171

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.

D - Tatu Makela did really well in the regular season, leading Buffalo defensemen with 42 points and has a high hit and shots blocked count.

D - Then I'd probably go with GOD McZehrl since he puts up some good scoring numbers for a D, along with the shots blocked, without getting a lot of penalties, which is important for the playoffs.

F - Starting with Buffalo, I would take Viktor Marius who had 28 goals and 59 points in the regular season and 221 hits for you to know he can play defensively as well.

F - Then I would take Joe Kurczewski from the Specters who is a fantasy favorite and also does well in the playoffs/regular season.

F - Roman Augustus who has done really well in past playoffs and also topped the Specters' in points this regular season.

G - Aleister Cain - his PCT is just a little higher than Robinson's from Buffalo with .915 and has a 2.49 GAA, plus he's a more seasoned SHL goalie than the rookie Stampede member, even on a new team.
WC: 177

Task 5: (Written, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

Mr. Spi Der was asked to go interview the New Orleans Specters for Biased News with Bilbo, and what he saw in the Specters' locker room was truly something he did not expect. Instead of talking about the game they were about to play, they had a screen projector up on the side of a wall, and up on that screen was a PowerPoint of none other than Olivier Cloutier's naked torso! Mr. Spi Der blinked his spider eyes a couple times, thinking, "No, this must not be happening!" Only Dennis knew Mr. Spi Der's crush on Cloutier ( @Jenny ) and a slew of people on Twitter who suspected the spider's obsession with the Armada forward. But no, when he came to his senses, Cloutier was indeed up on the screen still. Roman Augustus ( @TheDangaZone ) was up by the screen, pointing at Cloutier. "Our prospect Jimmy Slothface ( @slothfacekilla ) is into this dude, and to make sure when he gets called up that he stays happy, we need to see some romance happen, fellas." No one saw Mr. Spi Der in the room, since he was a spider, but he saw Vasily Horvat ( @Slowpoke ) nodding in the background, eating french toast. Mr. Spi Der wanted to stay in the room, but since this seemed to be a private meeting, he left as quiet as spiderly possible and let the Specters continue their presentation in secret. This is maybe why they lost the cup.
WC: 241

Task 7: (Written, 3 TPE)
The commish has asked that both challenge cup participants collaberate on a large charity event to be held during the festivities leading to the start of the finals, and you have been asked by the league to set everything up!  What did you come up with? what sort of theme did you choose? what were some of the events to take place to help raise money? what players were very helpful during this process? where will the funds be donated? Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

I cannot trust my son Dom with the task of setting everything up, so it is I, bilbo, who would help with it. The charity event would raise money for underprivileged schools in both New Orleans and Buffalo to have more updated classroom materials and educational programming. The theme would be "Come Together for Change," which is not much of a theme, but it is what they are getting. This would consist of hockey players and other volunteers dressing up in buffalo masks and gloves with of course a purple cloak, symbolically bringing the two teams together for change. Of course, the Specters would get Jimmy Slothface ( @slothfacekilla ) to help out with the delicate sewing on those ghoulish cloaks. Events include a fancy dinner for the highest donors, face painting for whoever, inflatable obstacle course competitions for people ages 14+, a "buffalo" ribs and beignet eating contest, and so much more. There obviously is not a very storied rivalry between these two, and maybe this event will keep it that way, even though it would be fun for the rest of us to see 'em angst.
WC: 186

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)
There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more.

Dom Montgomery has had good communication with the management of the San Francisco Pride and has reason to believe that he can make the team's roster by season 48 if he puts in the hours and stays hungry for victory and other delicious things in season 47. Before this topic was posted, he was technically competing with Leopold Lockhart for a spot on the roster, but since he is one of the loves of Dom's life, it is not like he is about to hate Leo for getting called up in season 47 (he wouldn't hate anyone for getting called up before him, to be clear, but he is extra okay with Leo getting called up since that is Leo's dream, etc). Leo is also a defenseman, but with slight higher TPE and the higher scoring that that Pride need (I think), it made sense to call him up first. Dom is still thankful for the Pride's interest in his development and is hoping to bring as much TPE to the table for when he gets called up. He will expect to contribute to the team in whatever ways they need, but he hopes to have a decent higher number in shots blocked than he's been getting in juniors and will hope to assist on the big wins.
WC: 218

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." do not send it to my personal account cause i will not look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task.  [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

PM sent.

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.