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07-19-2019, 02:30 PMBonk Wrote:
07-19-2019, 09:36 AMztevans Wrote: No one chased him off the site.  He left of his own accord.  

Hell, in Russia we talked about this at length, but in closing I told him he was always welcome in Russia and I just hoped he saw things more from our perspective now.  For me, personally, I have too many former female classmates from college who went on to have WAY more successful sports media careers than myself to not stand up for them when something like "they are invading sports!" is said, but it doesn't have to alter what I thought of PK entirely.  And as I said at the time, I don't hold grudges.  Plenty of examples of buried hatchets just on this site for me.

His response to that olive branch was to leave, without so much as a goodbye.  I have no sympathy for him.  He was not forced to leave.  Several people even encouraged him to stay.  He opted to leave and then claim he was chased off.

If he ever changes his mind and makes a new player, maybe even a Russian, I'm still just as capable of burying the hatchet as I was five days ago.  But I won't hold my breath waiting on it, because this is clearly what he wants.

I did not ask about pk. I was asking the actions of some GMs and for the record I am not defending pk.
Would it be acceptable for GM to search or have someone search a users posts to start a shit storm? In my option the GM should be held to a higher level of conduct.

Lol the GMs on this site are some of the most degraded troglodytes I've ever seen

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

07-19-2019, 02:32 PMSlashACM Wrote:
07-19-2019, 02:30 PMBonk Wrote: I did not ask about pk. I was asking the actions of some GMs and for the record I am not defending pk.
Would it be acceptable for GM to search or have someone search a users posts to start a shit storm? In my option the GM should be held to a higher level of conduct.

Lol the GMs on this site are some of the most degraded troglodytes I've ever seen


[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]


07-17-2019, 10:36 PMSlappydoodle Wrote: All the children on this site talking about “boomers” need to get a clue what the term even means. Penknight is not a baby boomer. He is definitely part of Gen X. Baby boomers were the generation born after WWII. It just sounds naive to keep throwing that word out there over and over when it doesn’t even apply.

Also, all this ,”You’re going to make a stand for this guy?” stuff is just ignorant. People can take a stand on a principle without having to necessarily agree with everything an individual said. Just stop trying to shame or humiliate people into agreeing with you. Let people have their own opinions. It’s ok. We can all live our own lives happily, even if we’re not all in lockstep agreement. I promise you.

found another boomer, guys

[Image: pppoopoo.gif]
[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

07-19-2019, 04:08 PMcpetrella Wrote:
07-17-2019, 10:36 PMSlappydoodle Wrote: All the children on this site talking about “boomers” need to get a clue what the term even means. Penknight is not a baby boomer. He is definitely part of Gen X. Baby boomers were the generation born after WWII. It just sounds naive to keep throwing that word out there over and over when it doesn’t even apply.

Also, all this ,”You’re going to make a stand for this guy?” stuff is just ignorant. People can take a stand on a principle without having to necessarily agree with everything an individual said. Just stop trying to shame or humiliate people into agreeing with you. Let people have their own opinions. It’s ok. We can all live our own lives happily, even if we’re not all in lockstep agreement. I promise you.

found another boomer, guys

I am probably the only true boomer on the site smfh

[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]


07-19-2019, 02:30 PMBonk Wrote:
07-19-2019, 09:36 AMztevans Wrote: No one chased him off the site.  He left of his own accord.  

Hell, in Russia we talked about this at length, but in closing I told him he was always welcome in Russia and I just hoped he saw things more from our perspective now.  For me, personally, I have too many former female classmates from college who went on to have WAY more successful sports media careers than myself to not stand up for them when something like "they are invading sports!" is said, but it doesn't have to alter what I thought of PK entirely.  And as I said at the time, I don't hold grudges.  Plenty of examples of buried hatchets just on this site for me.

His response to that olive branch was to leave, without so much as a goodbye.  I have no sympathy for him.  He was not forced to leave.  Several people even encouraged him to stay.  He opted to leave and then claim he was chased off.

If he ever changes his mind and makes a new player, maybe even a Russian, I'm still just as capable of burying the hatchet as I was five days ago.  But I won't hold my breath waiting on it, because this is clearly what he wants.

I did not ask about pk. I was asking the actions of some GMs and for the record I am not defending pk.
Would it be acceptable for GM to search or have someone search a users posts to start a shit storm? In my opinion the GMs should be held to a higher level of conduct.

From my understanding, tampering requires your own team to be involved in the comment. Him leaving the site is not the same as inviting him to join my team. Tampering is only related to a player leaving their team, but the "crime" of it is from what the new team "offers", so you couldn't even be charged with tampering (from my understanding) if you PM'd a player just telling them to retire. I get where you're coming from to some degree, but are you actually saying a GM or GMs was/were involved in penknight deciding to retire his player? I've worked with all the GMs on the site for quite a while, and while I don't see eye to eye on everything with them, none of them strike me as the type to be involved in chasing a player away, but of course our definition of "chasing" them away might be different.

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

opposing GMs collaborating to subliminally force a player with 395 TPE to become a sexist asshat (initiated in discord servers they probably aren't even in?) so they can then crowdsource bullying him off the site is probably the wildest conspiracy theory i've heard since the last time i rewatched the X-Files.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

07-19-2019, 05:09 PMsköldpaddor Wrote: opposing GMs collaborating to subliminally force a player with 395 TPE to become a sexist asshat (initiated in discord servers they probably aren't even in?) so they can then crowdsource bullying him off the site is probably the wildest conspiracy theory i've heard since the last time i rewatched the X-Files.

While none of it would or should be characterized as tampering at all, I think the case would be more fairly represented as GMs taking advantage of an existing situation, helping to exacerbate it and keeping the fires of outrage stoked long after they would have died out. To be fair, Penknight himself definitely did his part in keeping it all alive as well. It doesn’t have to be some Kennedy-esque grassy knoll conspiracy, just shit stirring, muck raking, shame spreading, feigned moral outrage and bad decisions on every side.

[Image: nQDbTbM.png]

[Image: hA5o4UG.png]

07-19-2019, 02:32 PMSlashACM Wrote:
07-19-2019, 02:30 PMBonk Wrote: I did not ask about pk. I was asking the actions of some GMs and for the record I am not defending pk.
Would it be acceptable for GM to search or have someone search a users posts to start a shit storm? In my option the GM should be held to a higher level of conduct.

Lol the GMs on this site are some of the most degraded troglodytes I've ever seen
Sort of rude and honestly mostly uncalled for

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]


07-19-2019, 06:40 PMSlappydoodle Wrote:
07-19-2019, 05:09 PMsköldpaddor Wrote: opposing GMs collaborating to subliminally force a player with 395 TPE to become a sexist asshat (initiated in discord servers they probably aren't even in?) so they can then crowdsource bullying him off the site is probably the wildest conspiracy theory i've heard since the last time i rewatched the X-Files.

While none of it would or should be characterized as tampering at all, I think the case would be more fairly represented as GMs taking advantage of an existing situation, helping to exacerbate it and keeping the fires of outrage stoked long after they would have died out. To be fair, Penknight himself definitely did his part in keeping it all alive as well. It doesn’t have to be some Kennedy-esque grassy knoll conspiracy, just shit stirring, muck raking, shame spreading, feigned moral outrage and bad decisions on every side.

Which GMs are you accusing here?

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

07-19-2019, 09:47 PMGrapehead Wrote:
07-19-2019, 06:40 PMSlappydoodle Wrote: While none of it would or should be characterized as tampering at all, I think the case would be more fairly represented as GMs taking advantage of an existing situation, helping to exacerbate it and keeping the fires of outrage stoked long after they would have died out. To be fair, Penknight himself definitely did his part in keeping it all alive as well. It doesn’t have to be some Kennedy-esque grassy knoll conspiracy, just shit stirring, muck raking, shame spreading, feigned moral outrage and bad decisions on every side.

Which GMs are you accusing here?

I’m not making any accusations. I said what I wished to say.

[Image: nQDbTbM.png]

[Image: hA5o4UG.png]

07-19-2019, 09:59 PMSlappydoodle Wrote:
07-19-2019, 09:47 PMGrapehead Wrote: Which GMs are you accusing here?

I’m not making any accusations. I said what I wished to say.

okay I just misread:

07-19-2019, 06:40 PMSlappydoodle Wrote: I think the case would be more fairly represented as GMs taking advantage of an existing situation, helping to exacerbate it and keeping the fires of outrage stoked long after they would have died out.

as an accusation :shrug:

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

I'm honestly surprised that this thread is still going. Good job guys

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]


07-19-2019, 10:20 PMml002 Wrote: I'm honestly surprised that this thread is still going. Good job guys

Classless, Assless, Deaf, and Dumb

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]


07-19-2019, 06:40 PMSlappydoodle Wrote: While none of it would or should be characterized as tampering at all, I think the case would be more fairly represented as GMs taking advantage of an existing situation, helping to exacerbate it and keeping the fires of outrage stoked long after they would have died out. To be fair, Penknight himself definitely did his part in keeping it all alive as well. It doesn’t have to be some Kennedy-esque grassy knoll conspiracy, just shit stirring, muck raking, shame spreading, feigned moral outrage and bad decisions on every side.

It is amazing how you, ztevans and others have misconstrued the timeline, facts and actual truth of the whole situation.
Since it appears many of you have difficulty with comprehension let me try to help by putting it in plain English and Black and White.

I was goofing around in my NOLA Locker Room with a few members shooting the breeze but not with Grape or Tweeds.
Someone got offended and copy pasted my comments to just about everyone on the site or Discord.
The SHL room asked me if I said something and I replied... yes I said that I don't see the problem.
I didn't continue the conversation.
However, Pris asked me to explain in the Russia Locker Room which I did.
Now these fine people just heard what they wanted to hear and strung me up the tree without a trial.
ztevans basically called me a racist as I explained I didn't watch the NBA anymore because I didn't like the way the game had changed from about 15 years or so ago.

As that occurred, these spies decided to create a Thunderdome Thread and I never even opened it and it got locked after 34 pages of hate.
So they started another TD Thread that I never commented on or opened.
And they started one or two more TD threads that I never opened or commented on... that is 4 TD Threads that I never made one post on.
I removed myself from all locker rooms after a little discussion in Montreal and NOLA.

After that others created SHL Media about the situation which I did not open or comment on.

As a matter of fact I told everyone privately that I should be banned from the league because it was the easiest decision for all involved.
Everyone I told that too like Slappydoodle, ztevens, Slash, Joe K and a few others said that it wasn't worthy of a ban let alone a suspension.

Next I said I would take any punishment that HO or any other authority in the matter wanted to hand down.
That I would comply with any and all decisions made.

So instead I decided to just retire my player which seems the best course of action.
After retiring my player I have made less than 10 posts about the situation.

So your statement of PenKnight stoking the flames of this whole thing are completely false and inaccurate.
I will stop posting on this site eventually but it bothers me that people who I liked and enjoyed like Slappydoodle and ztevans could be so wrong in their assessment or recounting the actual facts of the situation.

07-19-2019, 11:59 PMPenKnight Wrote: ztevans basically called me a racist as I explained I didn't watch the NBA anymore because I didn't like the way the game had changed from about 15 years or so ago.

LMAO my dude.

My dude.

Your exact words were, and I quote, "Does that make me racist because I don't watch the NBA anymore?" Race was not a part of the conversation until you made it so. There are many reasons to not like the NBA, now or in the past. You are the one that made it a race question.

I simply responded "I mean, if the "change" is that more black people are playing basketball, then yes, it would lol" Because it would.

You then went on some spiel about how the game has changed, etc., (which it has) which only proved my larger point in the entire conversation - things like 'not liking that there is less physical play in basketball' or 'not liking broccoli' DO NOT EQUATE to saying an entire half of the population should not be employed for a certain job simply because of their anatomy.

Since you seem to want to question my authenticity, here is that exact conversation.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2019-07-19_at_11.10.00_PM.png]

[Image: Screen_Shot_2019-07-19_at_11.10.44_PM.png]

For what it's worth, my only other comments publicly about this matter have been that a - You doubled down on your comments, which you have done since on your own in your "less than ten totally not inflammatory" posts and b - I had no interest in kicking you out of Russia over this. Guess what, I can prove that too.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2019-07-19_at_11.17.53_PM.png]

Have whatever opinions you want, but if you can't come to the table with facts, keep my name off your fingertips, bud.

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