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S49 PT #5: The Meta PT

I will comment on Item A and B and I find they are kind of similar in what I like and don't like

A) Personally like the points where I can just come up with something creative. Backstory or what if scenarios are all ones I like. I tend to dislike the research based Pts because I don't feel I am doing anything more than regurgitating numbers and am not really doing anything that is particularly interesting. I mean good on so-in-so for scoring a bajillion goals 25 seasons ago but it doesn't seem fun to relive past glories unless you are the one being relived. I also like Pts where we are referencing others on the site. I think it promotes a healthy amount of engagement between members.

b) Again I enjoy the graphics that I can get a little creative with. I liked the life lesson Pt we just had and did a graphic for it, which was fun, and I played around with a couple funny ideas before going with the idea I did. I again tend to dislike the info graphics because again it just feels like I am repeating numbers with whatever filler I need to get the bare minimum. It would be

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page


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[Image: m59RPb7.png] [Image: czechup.png]
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A: My favorite type of PT is by far the current happenings in the league. I find it very easy and enjoyable to write about numbers, stats, standings, current trends, etc. Basically anything sim or league history related. For example, I liked The Record Book PT last week, in juniors the S46 League Leaders PT was really good.

Not a big fan of PTs where I have to make things up like the backstory-PTs, mainly because my imagination sucks :3 Sometimes it takes me more than one hour to do a simple PT and a few times after struggling with it for a while I ended up doing the graphic part. I don't really hate it and I know some people enjoy this type of PT so I'm fine with it, but we definitely need a good mix of everything.

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[Image: aawil.gif]

My favourite PT's are the ones that are easiest to bullshit, not unlike this one. No disrespect to Izzy or hotdog or anyone else but I'm just here to get TPE and when TPE is rewarded on the minimum word count with no effect on quality, it makes sense that I just add up the words as much as I can. More specifically however, I do enjoy PT's that ask about stuff about a player off the ice because it lets us create a more rich and in-depth backstory that others can read and potentially relate to. Overall I do enjoy the PT's despite how it may seem otherwise.

[Image: j2h9XpS.png]
Thanks to JSS for the signature

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A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

Not trying to be vague here, but I've enjoyed doing every one of the above mentioned PTs. Out of that bunch though, I do really like writing about the current happenings in the league, I think I'll enjoy it even more when I get the call up to the SHL, when I'll be able to contribute to my SHL team and talk on actual SHL happenings. I like to be able to talk about other players as well, whether it's my teammates or opponents, I think that doing this brings teams closer together and some gentle ribbing between opponents can really help make games against them even more exciting. In general, I've found doing PTs help me get to know other players / users a bit better, something that I feel goes a long way.

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
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A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I am going to go with option A though I could easily say hundreds of nice words about the man, the myth, the legend, the Augment, Mike Izzy. Wow we're almost there...back on topic. i personally like PTs that are related to my player's backstory which I feel like also includes him as an on-ice and off-ice figure. Furthermore, I think some of the most enjoyable PTs are those that ask about my player within the dynamic of my team because it usually leads to conversations and shout outs between myself and other players. This also means that I read a bunch of PTs of people that tag me but also give me some insight into things going on beyond the league as well. My least favorite are definitely PTs relating to the index, it just forces us to open the index which is already viewed as it is where our games are displayed, and then mindlessly copy stats from it.

[Image: TorTuck.gif]
[Image: sAx3Llh.jpg]

First thing I what to do is thank @Mike Izzy  for all the great work he did as the PT Director, he did an amazing job and taking over for him is a task only a few could handle right away. ( @hotdog is someone who will do an amazing job in this role.) When it comes to my own personal favorite PTs, I have always preferred the tasks that are about my players backstory and off ice activities. I feel that these particular PTs help breath life into all the unique players throughout the league and deepens the connect between them and the creates behind them. Something I would like to see more of in the future is more options for the TPs. When it comes to the weekly tasks, having a few choices on what to write about would make reading though the replies better because more choices would give more them more variety.

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

My favorite PTs are ones where we get to come up with a new team brand or talk about the type of player we would be if we recreated. Also, what moves we would make if we were managing. These allow us to be a little creative and think about other things besides the usual current player talk. I dislike PTs involving tagging other members. I get the idea, to get more eyes reading PTs via tags, but it still is kind of annoying. A lot of people are into back story PTs and that’s cool, I’m not all that into it but if others dig it a lot then keep them coming.

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[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2019, 10:51 PM by Rublic.)

D. Say 100+ words of nice things about Mike Izzy

@Mike Izzy

Mike Izzy is an all around fantastic human being with an unmatched work ethic. From my experience being on this site for 45 seasons on and off Mike Izzy truely stands out as one of our more dedicated members and one who really helped develope the point task department into what it is today. He has also set up the point task department in a fantastic position to transition towards Hotdog Running our PT department who i think will make a fantastic leader for the PT department. Mike Izzy is always willing to help people no matter how big or small the task he will do his very best to help any member out as best he can! Mike Izzy you da real MVP

[Image: mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.3u3.jpg]

S52 "A" Alternate Captain of the Calgary Dragons
"GM" - Former Prince George Firebirds and Regina Force General Manager
"C" - Former Captain of the Halifax Raiders
S48 Brandon Holmes Trophy Recipient - Top Defensive Forward

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Personally I am the biggest fan of PTs that detail your player. It's a lot more interesting to write about how my player has been spicing up his practice routine or what made him get into hockey in the first place to me. I like the involvement of other players too, Its great when you get tagged in a PT and someone has written about you. My least favourite PTs would be like the pop culture reference ones that I don't understand because I spend all my time on a fake hockey website. I think a healthy mix of PTs is great but there are obviously some that are more liked than others

D. Say 100+ words of nice things about Mike Izzy
Mike Izzy does so many things around the site well, from earning a ton, to having his player score and hit a lot on the ice, to as most of us know being the PT director for a long time. He was in charge of the department from the time I've been on the site, and possibly before that, though I wouldn't know. He always tried to be honest and open, and to come up with new creative ideas to for point tasks. He created some great new things, like the 3v3 Showdowns, which are more unique and interesting than the previous game predictions, to using google forms to make the PT process more simple for a lot of stuff. PTs were always graded fast and he was right on time every week with posting the new PTs, and that organization and structure speaks a lot about his character and his commitment. I think he will definitely leave behind a legacy for seasons to come and he will be missed dearly by me and a lot of players along the site; perhaps one day he will return to the PT team but for now we have to bid him farewell. @Mike Izzy


A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

For me my favorite type of PT is related to my player directly. Those PTs help me to think about my player in ways that I normally would not have. It is very enjoyable to think about stuff I am doing both on and off the ice. When the PTs are something like this I find it really easy to bang it out and feel pretty good about it; I don't feel like I'm just going through the motions. When it is PTs about what is happening in the league or specific players or history I have a hard time doing them. I don't have a ton of time to go through all the stats or history. It adds stress to the PT that I don't need.

[Image: EmersonSHL.gif]
[Image: uDjThoa.png]

I personally just want a PT that I can talk about without doing a lot of research. I don't try that hard with these things because I don't really get them so anything that just lets me be able to write on a subject and do it a lot without thinking is beneficial for someone like me who is trying to get more active but this is a reason why it is hard for me to keep updating my player more than just activity checks and training. I am willing to bet there are a lot of people who feel the same way. So based on that I would guess that stories based on your player or just random situations are probably the best kind of PT for me to do, as that doesn't require me talking too much about the SHL games or the history, because I don't know THAT much about all that stuff.

A. Backstory related PTs let people be creative but it starts to get old after a while. I think PTs that involve other players are fun. In particular, I liked the tv show one where we could describe the show we’d have plus involve a different player as a co-host or something like that. I don’t really like having to search for stats or standings but I guess once in a while it wouldn’t be too bad. Sometimes I can’t always get to a desktop and trying to scroll for standings or stats and tab back and forth on mobile is excruciating. Maybe that’s more of a “me” problem though.

[Image: xvPjYUR.png]
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