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S51 PT #3 - SHL Board Game

Board games are a fantastic way to pass time and help build camaraderie with the group that you happen to be playing it with.

For the SHL I wanted to base it off of a classic game that I remember playing fondly when I was in my youth and that was "Snakes and Ladders". The objective of the game is to get your piece to the end of the board by rolling dice and moving forward, along the board there are ladders which can you move up more quickly to the top or there are snakes which brings you back down or even lower on the board! Whoever gets to the end of the board is the winner.

To SHL-ify the game the ladders can be SHL teams where you get "called up" and can get farther along on the board. For the snakes, they can be your SMJHL team and when you land on them you will be "sent down" on the board. The final place on the board can be the Challenge Cup and whoever wins the board game will be able to hoist the Challenge Cup and call themselves the "Snakes and Ladders" champs of the SHL. 

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(This post was last modified: 12-09-2019, 04:52 PM by puolivalmiste.)


Recommended for 4-8 players
You need:
2 regular packs of cards
5 regular D6 dice

Everyone rolls 2 dices, player with highest total starts. In case of tie tied players keep rolling until there is a winner. First Player picks team (their own or real SHL one) and selects if they want to play in West or East. Player to their left then picks team and which will be placed to other conference. Next one will be added to same as first and so on.

Your player will have following stats; Checking, Fighting, Scoring, Passing, Defence and Penalty shot. They all start as D6 and every TPE increases them by adding another D6, so if you add one TPE to scoring it becomes 2D6. All stats are capped at 5D6.



Shuffle one deck of cards and deal 5 cards to every player, do not look at cards.
Starting from player who picked their team last and on later seasons from player who won Challenge cup.

During their turn player can open up to 3 cards with following effects based on value of the card:

2: Caught Tampering, discard 2 of your unused cards.
3: Inactive Linemate, your first round pick goes inactive and you can't find a replacement. For this upcoming season you roll one dice less for scoring and passing.
4: Casino, Set up some bets that can't fail. Lose so much money you cannot train, 0 TPE.
5: Failed mock draft, 0 TPE.
6: Accurate Season Predictions, +1 TPE.
7: SimonT, keep this card until used to double down on randomness. When played during playoffs, between matches, both players discard their hand, those cards get shuffled back to deck and then both players are dealt as many cards as they had before SimonT's intervention.
8: Championship Week, hard work earns you +2 TPE.
9: Podcast Series, easier than printing fake money, spent some extra cash on equipment, +2 TPE.
10: Depth Scoring, Your second line can actually score. Add 20 points to your final score of regular season.
J/11: IIHF Gold, First player to draw gets gold for the season, if drawn multiple during one off-season next ones give +1 TPE
Q/12: Simmer, get all four PTs for free during upcoming season.
K/13: 10x10, What a deal, now you can buy anything. Draw one more card and for rest of the game draw one extra card during off-season, keep this card for rest of the game, one player can have multiple of these.
A/14: Hamilton Coaching, move all dices from passing to scoring, ignore cap. Then add one dice to passing. If scoring is now 11 or more league folds and game ends. Winner is determined as usual.

Once everyone has made their off-season turn player who started can then discard up to 4 cards for PTs that give you +1 TPE each. Simmers can keep all their cards and get 4 TPE.

Add all TPE from off-season and PTs to your stats. Then roll as many dice as you have for following.

Goals = Scoring
Assists = Passing
Plus/minus = Defence - 10
PIM = Checking + Fighting

Regular season results:

Standings are directly related to your players ability to carry. Team's score is counted by adding goals, assists and plus/minus together and then teams are sorted from highest to lowest to determine playoffs seeding.

Sergei Karpotsov Trophy is awarded to player with most points.
Jeff Dar Trophy is awarded to player with highest plus/minus.
Turd Ferguson Trophy is awarded to player with highest PIM.



Any card left for Playoffs can be used for "All night test sims” that allow you to pick blindly one of your opponents card and give back any of your own including one you just draw.

If there is no opponent, player gets a bye to next round.

Brackets for both conferences:

1st vs 4th
2nd vs 3rd

Conference finals:

Winners of round 1

Challenge cup Final:

Winner of both conferences

Playoff Series:

Team with higher regular season score will get home advantage.

Use unused deck for these. Shuffle deck and deal 9 cards to home team and 5 to visitor. Both check their cards. Visitor then blindly picks two cards from home team.

For every match both player pick a card and reveal them at the same time. Player who has card with higher value wins the match (Ace is 14), ties are resolved with penalty shot roll. You need to win 4 matches to win the series and moving up to next round. After Challenge Cup finals are over start next season by going back to shuffling all cards back to off-season deck and dealing starting from player who just won the cup.


After 5 full seasons players enter regression. Every stat is reduced by 1 TPE/D6 and cap is lowered to 4. Stats can never go below their starting one D6.
After 6th season all stats are further reduced by 1 and cap is further dropped to 3.
After 7th season all players retire.


Only one makes it to hall of fame, player with highest total of Personal Awards, Challenge Cups and IIHF Golds wins the game. In case of tie there is one last penalty shot roll.


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Example of player sheet

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Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me



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Risk, except territories are on the rink. You get more units for zones you control, like offensive zone, defensive zone, etc. Game ends when one team is defeated. Honestly, I'm not feeling very creative today.

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S48 Four Star Cup Champion (Vancouver Whalers)

My SHL game requires a minimum of 4 people to play but can be played up to a total of 12. Each person chooses a character token that represents SHL greats from every era. Once everyone has their player card, they must pull a token from a bag. There should be the same number of tokens as the number of players. If there are an even number of players, then half the tokens should be red, the other half blue. If there are an odd number of players, then there should be an even number of blue and red, and one black token. Once everyone chooses a token, they place it in front of their player. These are the teams for this round. The teams then decide what SHL team they want to represent that round and place a jersey on their player character. If a player selects a black token, they are the “Referee”. They will, in effect, sit out this round… however you may also require them to be the drink bitch. Once teams are selected, the round begins. Players will face off against a person of the other team. Players play Rock/Pay/Scissors/Lizard/Spock. If more players on one team wins than the other, a small hockey puck token can be moved towards the “goal”. Example, If Red team wins 3 and Blue 1, the puck can be moved 2 spaces towards the goal. This continues until the puck is advanced into the goal. The goal is 7 spaces in each direction from the centerline. Once a goal is scored, the round is over. Everyone on the winning team collects a “point” chit. Then teams are chosen again as before. If there are an odd number of players, the “referee” keeps their referee token and a new one is added to the bag. A person cannot be referee a second time until everyone has been referee once. After a specified number of rounds, the game is over and whomever has the most point chits is the winner.

Words: 338

[Image: WuRZxKN.png]
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Every Room in Clue would be a different organization. So in Clue, you have 9 rooms, and they could be the longer lasting organizations in the SHL. Or, you could always add Rooms so that all 16 teams in the SHL can be used. And you can have two floors or something for the different conferences or even when the expansions happen in the SHL, you have that room to add.
The people like Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlet or Professor Plum can be different SHL players. So you play as yourself or you can even choose the GMs around the league. Maybe even use the players that have awards named after them, since they are the most historic players in our leagues existence.
The weapons that would be used to kill people in Clue can be the weapon used by your player. Your weapon of self defense. A hockey stick or skates or a helmet and what not.

And finally, you probably thinking about who did they kill? Well, in SHL clue, you are trying to figure out who stole the Challenge Cup? DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN

[Image: Bruins10.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2019, 06:07 PM by chetib.)


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Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

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Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

The SHL Rookie of the Year Board Game. the game i had in mind would pretty much play like the game of LIFE. we'll say 2-4 players just to make things easy. the object of the game would be to be named the SHL's Rookie of the Year. the game would start off by making players make a decision, much like in the game of LIFE, to stay down and develop in the SMJHL or just go right for it and start their rookie season. once a player enters it's rookie season they would randomly select a few archetype cards and choose which of the three they would like their player to be (players who developed in the SMJHL would pick from a different deck of archetype cards). archetype cards would have a couple stats or "mods" in different categories (Goals, Assists, Shots, Hits, Shot Blocks... basically the important stuff like fantasy) that pertain to that archetype. underneath that would be a handful of different stat lines that pertain to different numbers on the spinner (1-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-10). then you would randomly choose a contract card to find out which team drafted you, the card will also tell you to spin the spinner to find out in which position you went in the draft and how much your salary will be. this number will also tell you which stat line on your archetype card you will be expected to produce by the end of the regular season. the game will continue by moving through spaces using the spinner which will progress you through your rookie season. there will be STOP spaces along the way, maybe 4 or 5, which will mark certain points in the season's schedule. draw a schedule card and spin the spinner to find out how many wins your team had over the span of the games as well as the total stat line you posted in said games (you will add your stat mods to these totals). there will be spaces along the way like "Chance" in monopoly where you will draw cards with different prompts... INJURED lose a turn, ATTEND AUTOGRAPH SIGNING gain some $$$, stuff like that. after you have gone through all the stops the season will be over and you will count up all your totals for wins, stats, and $$$ (each of these will be worth a certain amount of points which you will total up). only players who reached their expected stat line will be considered for rookie of the year and of those players the one with the highest total points will be crowned the SHL's Rookie of the Year. maybe there could be some playoff section of the game or something. though that isnt considered in naming rookie of the year... who knows, an expansion or whatever.

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PBE welfare for Donini13

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That game shown in the first post actually looks pretty cool and the PT idea is great, but ....
PBE Affiliate PT

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Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2019, 12:22 AM by Rublic.)

[Image: munchkin.jpg]
My SHL board game is a SHL version of the card game munchkin. There are two types of cards. Next Shift Cards( Door Cards) and Equipment Cards(Item Cards) Each Player is trying to be the Point Scoring Leader. This is achieved by reaching level 10. You gain levels by defeating other teams players(monster cards) and by doing so you also obtain Equipment cards they leave behind to outfit your player. All of the equipment cards will relate to the SHL. For example on of the equipment pieces you can find it called the "Izzy Augment" @Mike Izzy It is a cybernetic eye gadget that provides a +2 bonus and every time you take your next shift you can draw two Next Shift Cards and choose which one to play. Discard the other Next Shift card. Some of the equipment cards are one time use only items such as the Big Parm. @Steelhead77 It gives you +5 on your next combat and but you take a -2 on the following combat due to being depressed all the Chicken Parm is gone. Races will be replaced with Teams which will all have cards that benefit them such as if your player is draws the Team Card: Calgary Dragons and you had the Big Parm in your hand it will instead give you a +10 on your next combat and a -1 on the combat that follows. The Class cards will represent positions and just like the Team cards will gain certain benefit from the equipment cards. For example if you currently have the forward class, you would not be able to wear the goalie pads.... I actually really want to play this now

S52 "A" Alternate Captain of the Calgary Dragons
"GM" - Former Prince George Firebirds and Regina Force General Manager
"C" - Former Captain of the Halifax Raiders
S48 Brandon Holmes Trophy Recipient - Top Defensive Forward

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PBE +3

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(sigs courtesy of Carpy48, BDonini, Turd Ferguson, FlappyGiraffe, and Sulovilen)

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