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S51 PT #3 - SHL Board Game

My suggestion for a board game would be SHL Shadowrun, based off the popular tabletop pen+paper RPG Shadowrun. SHL Shadowrun would take place in the distant future, in the cybernetic utopia of Season 420. By this point in the SHL's existence, players would be augmented with cybernetic implants to allow for more powerful slapshots and devastating body checks. Your player, a low-end scout for (insert favourite team here), begins to suspect that certain SHL players are being possessed by magical spirits or being mind-controlled by cyberware to do weird things on ice. With the help of your best friends Mike Izzy IV and Mikhail Caesar, you try and find the source of the problems. The final boss ends up being the demonic spirit of vengeful bench player Cleo Green, who transforms into a dragon and has to be defeated by your party using a cybernetically enhanced stick known as the CCM Goalie-Killer 3000

Of course, this would just be the suggested default campaign included in the box for newer players, and it could be customised as you please to create your own personal story of intrigue in the world of SHL hockey.

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Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

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[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

INTRODUCING.... OTTERTRAP - a new SHL board game, coming to stores near you soon, is a remake of the popular game mousetrap, but themed around everyone's favourite SHL player eko van otter (yes see he's an otter). As you move your otters around the board, you will slowly build up a trap, and at the conclusion of the game, the aim becomes to be the only player who doesn't land on the trap square once the otter trap is fully constructed, as other players gradually get "trapped" (eliminating them from the game - we wouldn't want @hotdog to end up in a cage now would we, that'd stop us getting our tpe). While the game plays similarly to mousetrap, other changes include cheese tokens being replaced with fish (an otter's favourite food), and the cheese wheel has been replaced with a basket of fish. Enjoy the game. (always eat fish responsibly as well, don't eat fish and drive or something)

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[Image: 58170_s.gif]
Thanks to @Carpy48 , @sköldpaddor, @Weretarantula, @Bruins10  and @Wasty  for sigs
Extra special thanks to @Julio Tokolosh for the sick gif one

Wow, what the hell, are you asking me to write about? My first thought is to do something like board game Clue. You know something where it was Mrs. Plum in the library with the candlestick except it would it would be it was Otis B Driftwood (@Slappydoodle) with a slapshot, from the blue line, with an assist from Mike Izzy (@Mike Izzy). Although that would be dumb. Then I thought maybe I should do some type of Monopoly variation but how do you do that? Do you try to take over the management of each division? What would be the point in that be? You would be competing with yourself, what would be the point of that? In addition, that would be same no matter how you set it up an SHL Monopoly correlation. I guess you could make spin off of the game Life, where you get in a skate and cruise thought the SMJHL. Then you are forced stop and spin to see what your SHL team you go to. Then after what do you do? You have the first half of the board is training and equipment then the second half has lots of regression mixed in. Oh, I guess you could have random game stats, trades, and free agency here and there, but what would that get you? Let us face the fact, that a board game based on the SHL is a bad idea.


[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius


Shl bubble hockey game featuring 2 dice where you roll for possesion of the puck to start the game after wards almost all chances are determined by dice roll if you win by 5 or more on a roll you get a free play if you win by 4 you get to initiate the play for 3 seconds then your oppenent can engage if its 3 you may start the play for 2 seconds these are counted in Mississippis and once finished you can rejoin the play you must keep your hands off of the table until this time has passed 2 or less you gain no advantage but if you get 12 and your opponent rolls a 3 it's an automatic goal if you roll snake eyes you basically roll a 13 snake eyes trump all and give you a free play or auto goal whichever you decide call is yours remember to practice not only your bubble hockey skills but also your dice game fitted out.

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

I think there could be an SHL version of battleship. Instead of trying to sink ships you would be trying to hit players, with the hardest one which is the two seat being the goalie. And you would hide your players on the ships, which the equal of like a five seat boat being a big enforcer, they're big so they're easiest to hit and it makes sense. The three seat boat could be the skill forward because he skates fast, is lean and mean, and probably is elusive. To add a special variant each player that you hide can have a head that represents one space and if you accidentally hit to the head oh no the refs call a penalty and you lose a turn, so the other player would get two turns. This would be equal to how they are banning hitting from the head now and would bring a new rule to an old game. The refs are soft too so it makes sense.

[Image: oie_floaties.gif]

A custom chessboard, personalized by franchises would be pretty cool, but im not versed enough in SHL lore to list 8 top players (assuming the pawns would be generic prospects).

My real submission:

The SHL's spin on "Don't Wake Daddy", titled "Don't Wake the Updaters" is the must-have gift for this holiday season. Similar to the classic version, the goal is to advance around the board towards victory, while risking waking the archaic chunky plastic thing in the middle of the board. The setting: participants choose which Hamilton Steelhawk player they would like to be. The goal is to advance your player's passer rating from 90 to 45. each update, you have to reallocate more and more of your TPE, but each time you do, the updaters/HO will be prodded, until eventually one of them catches on. When Updaters/HO catch on, the game breaks, and you cant play it again, and no other players, even those not participating, can re-allot their TPE.

Player Page || Player Updates || Visual History

The board game I would create would be SHL: The one cup. It’s a board game with 4 people working together. At one end of the board is Simon T in all his evil glory. One player has the cup and is the chosen one. The players will play through different maps to try and get to the end. However, there are different tasks for the players to do get through the maps. If tasks are not done, then players are then moved closer to Simon T. Simon T is also able to move closer to the players through random activities that occur throughout the game. Tasks for players would be Activity checks, Training, Point tasks, Media, Graphics, and Updating. The one player that has the cup, if they get caught by Simon T then everyone fails and dies. However, if a player is caught without the cup then the team is still good, but that player is put into inactive. That player is no longer allowed to help. It’s a race to the end and against Simon T

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Ok, well this will be fairly on par with what this is... Hockey Themed Dungeons and Dragons!!!
You could do this with 1GM and 2 players (head vs head) where each controls a small party or "team". It will be made up of unique positions such as "Offensive Attacker", "Defensive Specialist", "Floppy Goalie", "Fighty Angry Man" (Actually, this might just be barbarian, replace their weapon with a stick). So in the small 3 player game version we have 1 GM, and each player will have a team of players where they have to turn based maneuver against each other.
This can scale up to a 4 player game with pre-made obstacles. You have 1 GM, 1 player controlling the forwards, one controlling the defense, and one controlling goalie. You would have challenges such as digging the puck out of the corner, making a laser 50 foot pass through the other team, scoring on the resulting breakaway - hopefully you don't roll a 1 like McDavid did last night.

An additional ramped up version includes 7 players, either coop or head to head. Head to Head is 3 on 3 as explained above, with 1 GM and you are going against the other team using your pure mental superiority. The other version is like the coop 4 person version, except you have each player control a specific player on the ice, working through pre written challenges. We can also publish some official ones and include tips for some money for our sweet sweet DDoS protection.
The ultimate version of this is played with 13 players. That's right, 1 GM, 6 players per side. Full on blood bath.
Pizza is served, bring your dice, character sheet and a pencil.

I'd like to play this version, here are my proposed teams:

Team Winners

Team Ice Dawgs
@Citizen of Adraa

And the GM for our campaign will be none other than Wil Wheaton.
PS. I believe this has the added benefit of pretty good balance. Say you load your team up with "Sniper" type characters. They are going to suck at a lot of the challenges, so maybe don't build a team around that :eyes:

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Aleksi Kettu
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]


Talisman, the SHL Expansion

Talisman is a board game where a user controls a character with a certain strength and magic power. You can battle monsters, find hidden artifacts and complete quest to strengthen your player. In the SHL Expansion, the goal of the game will be to reach the center of the board first and win the cup before any of the other players does it.
In order to reach this goal, you will need to move around the board and beat several fiends in order to strengthen up, you might run across an actual Calgary dragon, who is worth so much magic points you could upgrade your own magic skill level if you beat it, or you can run into a new orleans spector which you also need to beat with magic power.
On the melee side you can find real Hamilton Steelhawks or some Minnesota Chiefs who try to attack you with their axes.
In order to reach the middle of the board, which is called ‘the playoffs’, you will first need to make sure to find a wildcard token to let you into this part of the board. Once in the playoffs you will need to make sure you are the first person to reach the middle and claim the cup, but beware, others can attack you to and knock you right out of the playoff section of the board!

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


I'll describe SHL Life because Life is one of the easiest games around and therefore the easiest to apply to an SHL context. Maybe someone has already done this; it's like the easiest one possible so I wouldn't be surprised. You start out by rolling (spinning? i think it's spinning actually) for your build - gotta hope to get a scoring build, not a passing build, otherwise you're doomed from the start - which is, to be fair, a key part of the game. You start out in your fancy little plastic car or whatever and spin through the pre-draft scouting and your first major event is getting drafted by an SMJHL team. If you're lucky, you draw the Anchorage Armada card and @Acsolap joins the front seat with you in your little car and gives you road head as you go. Part of the board is a loop that you can repeat up to 5 times - that's the SMJHL. If you keep going, you'll get more money in your account and be better prepared to face the challenges that await on the other side. I'm over 150 words so you can imagine what the rest of the game looks like lol

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway


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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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Okay well monkey d. luffy here, if you haven't heard of me then what the fuck have you been doing on SHL? Living under a rock? Well I'm going to describe to you the beauty and wonder of this here new board game called Fblthp. In this wild new game of Fblthp the goal is to get through the entire game without having depression, anxiety, or any other worldy despairs. This takes from all the great things about SHL and wraps it into a beautiful little package you can play anytime! On the go or in your room, yes you can play it by yourself because none of us have any friends to play with! So here with this revolutionary board game Fblthp playing the SHL has never been easier, because you can double dip! You don't even need discord for this one. You thought you were safe from SHL until Luffy launched Fblthp.

[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.