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S53 PT #3 - Build A Front Office

A Negotiator- My negotiator would be @JayWhy. The man is able to keep players for long term and also bring in key free agents that he needs. JayWhy is great at getting good trades for the team and is able to easily manage the roster and get the key pieces that a team needs.

A Strategist- Obviously I am going to take @39alaska39. He has been running the lines for Manhattan for the past few seasons and has been doing a kickass job on it. He knows what it takes to win a cup and is able to adapt very well to other teams strategies.

A Scout- I am taking @luketd. Luke is so good at finding prospects from any team. Everyone knows him since he is so active on the site which helps because Luke is in almost every locker room. Luke knows what it takes to find a good prospect. It's not always about how much tpe but also who the person is and would they fit in the team well.

A Clubhouse leader- I am taking @Inf1d3l. Infidel is always super active in the locker room. He is so kind to everyone he meets and is also a great teacher for the younger players. He also streams games for everyone to watch and it helps bring the team closer as they all have a good time playing together.

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(This post was last modified: 04-11-2020, 01:28 PM by Jenny.)

Excuse me while I re-live the triple-cup-winning glory days of the New England Wolfpack and assemble a front office out of (a few of) those people, to be honest.

Hands down Eggy is the person that comes to mind as the negotiator. I've never had direct experience with anyone as good at attracting people to come play for the team for the right price for both parties - and for good reason, given all those cups.

Strategist is more difficult in this era of FHM bc I haven't got a fucking clue how it works or who's good at it. I'll give it to Storm tho bc this is a nostalgia FO.

Scout I give to lil, may she rest in peace free of this hellsite, as she did much recruiting work and also recruited me.

Clubhouse leader I think prettyburn is most suited to hands down. One of my favourite captains I've ever had - definitely fits the bill with regard to being inspiring in good times and in bad.

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I can definitely tell you which front office position I wouldn't be good at and that's strategist. Based solely on the performance of my player, it's clearly obvious that I know nothing about the new sim engine and don't have the time or the inclination to learn, honestly. I probably wouldn't be a good scout either, because that requires spending time on the site, paying attention to people's activity levels and their builds, etc. And like I said, no time and no inclination. Working 60 hours a week in quarantine doesn't exactly make a girl wanna pick up a fun fake hockey job on the side. There's a ton of people on the pride better suited to all of these positions, but I'm not that keen on listing them all out and matching them with jobs. Create a front office Backseat Driver position and I'm totally in. I'll just sit there, watch the action, reap the benefits of someone else's hard work and/or complain when someone else gets it wrong.

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A negotiator - I would choose @JKortesi81 for the negotiator spot because he's fantastic at convincing people to do things that they didn't even know they wanted to do. We unleashed him on free agents anytime we needed them in Calgary during his time here and he always delivered. All I had to to was slide in to wrap it up. Joe is also great in trade negotiations although I know his tactics because I taught them to him so he hasn't been able to get anything over on me despite his best efforts.

A strategist - Since we're in FHM now I'll go with @Mook because he's proven he has a great understanding of FHM builds and strategies. We talked a lot in the off-season and he taught me a few things (Sorry Wasty). Once a Dragon always a Dragon. Mook has also proved to be a great coach in LA already this season with the best record in the west through 26 games. I'd be more than comfortable with him coaching my team.

A scout - @Weretarantula has proven to be great scout for us over the years and has been a huge help in scouting and draft preparation. He has a great personality and really knows how to connect with members. He also has an excellent gut instinct of who'd be a good fit on our room and as a locker room leader he knows what we're looking for. He's also great at keeping the draftees involved and supports their development.

A clubhouse leader - This is easily @Mike Izzy who already does this on a daily basis. He has an incredible positive and fun way about him that brings a team together like nothing I have seen before. We've been benefiting from this for years and now as co-gm he's taken it to another level. Always positive, always helping our players succeed and supporting them. He was a great team captain for us for years and is a born leader.

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

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Markus is currently acting as an amateur scout for the Newfoundland Berserkers (R.I.P. Lions), and has been since - well, pretty much since he left Lethbridge to join Minnesota. He's still roaming North America, keeping an eye on what's going on near Minneapolis-St. Paul and elsewhere. The travel and the long hours spent at the rink felt tedious at first, but it gave him some appreciation for the different goaltending styles there can be. It has reaped its rewards - from great scouting done by @Carpy48, @"NeonLime" and myself, as well as great persuasion and draft day acquisitions from GMs @JNH and @SDCore, the Zerkers are exhibiting their furor, by being one of the stingiest teams in the SMJHL - despite depending on a rotation of two 17 year old goaltenders! This team is poised for a very deep run at the Four Star Cup, a la Montréal Militia of season 50 - at least, that's what we're hoping for. But this Detroit juggernaut...

(165 words)

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Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

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Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2020, 05:30 PM by gurbs.)

This was a really hard one to get started but I think I got it down. For my front office team, I would assemble the best possible squad there is. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE.

A negotiator - @gurbs This one was a hard one but the possibility of being a GM has always been really intriguing to me. I think it would be a great challenge but after a few seasons, I think we could build a solid squad together.

A strategist – @ml002 who else than God Emperor ML? I think ML is doing a great job in Toronto and with what we were trying to build here. It’s going to be a process but I think ML would be perfect to my management team.

A scout - @Carpy48 consistently is facing 50+ shots per game… (sorry Carpy) so else would be better to be our scout than our best player who faces the other team’s best players.

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A negotiator- @Wasty - One of the best GM's the SHL has seen and currently holding the longest tenured GM job(AFAIK), he is one of the most well known names in the graphics world and a great GM to play under. He has made some pretty good deals in the past and is great at bringing and keeping top talent on the Panthers

A strategist - Myself. I too am extraordinarily humble. Panthers are winning the cup this season

A scout - @JayWhy Seems like he would be a great fit here, his love for statistics/analytics are a great fit. Plus he's just a great guy to be on a team with, enjoyed my time with him and I could think of worse places to play.

A clubhouse leader - @Mike Izzy There is no one else that can fill this role. Absolutely no one. Izzy is a LR goldmine and any other answer for clubhouse leader is wrong.

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Negotiator – I don’t really think I’ve been in the league long enough to answer this properly, but from what I’ve seen @Ace has built a great team for this season through trades and scouting acquiring big names over the last few seasons like Ola Wagstrom and Rex Kirkby who are currently major forces driving this team to the top of league.

Strategist – I think @Carbine will surprise some folks in a couple of seasons when West Kendall makes the leap and becomes competitive.  His adjustments have been the catalyst driving some of the key upsets and he has really helped the squad gel together.

Scout – @Zoone16 has a great deal of connections having been around here for a while now and has a wealth of knowledge about the league and about people.  He was also part of the Kelowna management that drafted me and then convinced West Kendall to give me a look as well.

Clubhouse leader – I haven’t had much interaction with him until recently, but @suavemente often brings folks together hosting game nights which I always find a lot of fun.  He inspires me to stay involved and interact with people around the league.

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My team would be built up of the best of the best. Male or female, gender is not a factor, it's only about who is the best. Also this front office would only work for the Firebirds, it just wouldn't work for any other team. Don't ask me why, I don't make the rules. 

To start off, my negotiator would be hotdog. Even though he's one of two GM's for my actual team, and he's never the one I discuss my contracts will, he's a master baiter.

The second position would be filled by hotdog. This guy puts in work, whether it being adjusting lines or telling us what to update. He is the GOAT.

Thirdly the scout for this group would be last name dog first name hot. He always knows who to draft and he's picked some good players regardless of round.

Lastly, clubhouse leader, would not be hotdog, it would be me. Cause I like to pretend like I'm a leader, and I also like to think that I'm a good one.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

A scout - Okay, so the team is going to pay for Thicc Cheezy to fly around the world, pay for my hotel rooms AND force me to watch hockey all day every day? Buddy, you KNOW is a job fit for an addict. Watch hockey, is there beer in the arena? FUCK YEAH there is! Games are done by 10pm? Guess there is nowhere else to go but the bar! Games don't start until noon the next day? Guess that quick beer after the game is now an all night bender that doesn't see me stumble into my hotel room until 2am! You say Im an irresponsible adult, I say I'm living my best life. Spend a week scouting with me and I guarantee it's the best week of your life. You've never partied with the likes of me before, and i fuckin know hockey. I could do this shit with my eyes closed, so don't even for one second say I'm a shit scout. I'm known talent, alcohol or no alcohol. The booze just makes it a fun ride!

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Negotiator - Grapehead - Somehow, he's been able to quickly turn the Pride right around and is great at keeping good talent. Don't underestimate this guy. He's created a great locker room experience and since I'm on the roster and he wants to keep me there, then it is the best possible roster.

Scout - hhh81 - I don't have firsthand experience of hhh's scouting and recruitment style, but I wanted him in my front office roster because who wouldn't, and a lot of other people are saying he's good in this position, even himself! We love a confident scouter. Hhh is a smart person and great with words, so I'm sure prospects who talk with him are like, "Heck yeah, I want to join hhh's team. Cool person for sure." Indeed.

Clubhouse leader - DaftRaincloud - When we ain't winning, Daft is great at boosting locker room vibes and he gives updates (along with Grape, but I already got him in one position) that we want to hear about how management is going to try something new (and it usually helps! V cool concept!). He is fun to talk with about ghosts and things, so great person to play for.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
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Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

Well, my SHL head office will be made up of some gentlemen I know relatively well, as they have all been my teammates at one point in time or another. I've had the pleasure of getting to know all of these guys, and besides all generally being good dudes, they all have a specific skill that would make them an incredible group working together. First up is the negotiator position, and that one goes to my main man Keygan. This man could the last drop of water away from someone lost in the desert. I've known him for awhile now, and I'm constantly amazed with what he can get out of people. The strategist would be my dude Cal. He was the mastermind behind a lot of the builds our team rolls with for FHM, as he has quite a bit of experience with the engine. He's just generally a knowledgeable guy in general, and I greatly respect his opinion. Our scout is my original SHL GM, Nictox. The man seems to know everyone, and he obviously has a great eye for talent, as the Scarecrows have had an incredible run with him in one of the bosses' chairs. Finally, we have the clubhouse leader. This one goes out to my dude Fish. When he served as captain of the Scarecrows, he was the one that rallied our team together. He was a great leader and my final choice when assembling my head office.

244 words

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Scarecrows Usa Blizzard Panthers Patriotes Stars

Negotiator: @Wallflower will be my negotiator. His former player was OJ Simpson. You tell me if there is somebody in the league that you think is better at enforcing and getting what they want than OJ Simpson. The guy is nothing short of an absolute legend.

Strategist: @luketd will be my strategist. I have seen this guy crank out a lot of articles and you know he does his homework. He is also a very nice man and respects me, so I like him a lot. Also he has a really large bank account so he could just buy our team victories with his SHL monies.

Scout: @Snoopdogg will be my scout. He has done a lot of good work in the SMJHL media keeping up with prospects and he seems like a nice enough guy. And he has insider information to trade which is essential to every business.

Clubhouse Leader: @Kylrad is obviously the clubhouse leader because he is a great man. He is my fearless leader from my LAP days and first player, I love him. I would die for kylrad and I believe others would as well.

190 words

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somebody please make me a sig

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