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SHL 10 Year Anniversary - Bonus PT

Where to start?

Firstly, special thanks to the boys in Czechia, @caltroit_red_flames @39alaska39 @Blastmeaway and everyone else. I'm too lazy to find all your tags but you guys were my original friends on the site and I couldn't imagine being on any other nation. From our Marbula 1 streams to Pew Pewing, to whatever odd conversations we have, it's always a bumping place and even if we have our disagreements, Czechia is still one of the best locker rooms on site.

Second, the boys in STL. Mainly, @Nictox and @Capt_Blitzkrieg - we've talked daily for seasons now, you guys are two incredible human beings and have made my timer in St. Louis as player and advisor truly incredible, wish you both all the best in your careers as players and management. Blitz - I can't wait to dunk on you and the North Stars as you eventually graduate out of the Js. To Zapo, ML, and the others, wish you all the best. @ml002 wish u werent TOR GM, would've loved to play with Meszaros in the future.

Lastly, my Buffabros. You guys are probably the tightest-knit locker room in the SHL, and boy, am I ever glad @WannabeFinn and @Tomen listened to @esilverm and drafted me in the early second round. Although I was disappointed to have fallen in the draft for some reason, and had been warned by loads of people about coming to Buffalo - it turns out that they were all wrong, you guys are truly incredible people, willing to put your necks on the line in order to defend your players. I can't imagine ever leaving Buffalo with the friendships I've made, and continue to make as we add new players through the draft and free agency. To all my fellow commoners, such as Luffy, Zombie, Burd, Evok, Grum, Ferda, Mayuu, Karey, Traut, Bobby, trips, baelor, Wozy, etc. you guys help make Buffalo the best and most active locker room in the SHL, it's crazy the friendships we've made and how cracked out that place is, but I wouldnt trade it for anything. to the recent additions such as faelax and zolt, you guys fit in seamlessly and I can't wait to watch you guys grow and develop into SHL players. To our new addition Kalakar, you've fit the Buffalo LR like a glove, and I can't wait until you get brainwashed and join the hive mind mentality.

Thanks SHL for creating a fun environment to develop friendships, enjoy hockey, and whatever else this place does.

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Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

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Hello. I not know how i write so much word about it but my favorite memory except for score 2 goal in faceoff against strawmen is when we play skribble and @Nhamlet draw this

[Image: yoshi10.png]

i have hard time guess as you can see in chat
it was funny draw
but is when the time is over and the answer show up saying 'Yoshi'
i have not laugh like this much very often

I not mean be rude and mock is just look at this creature is look like something in adventure time or something
it is potato shaped with round paws and have a flying potato friend i love it

for comparison :

[Image: yoshi210.png]

is great effort it looks same.
i like so much i think we should change team name to Noofoundland Yoshis
we would look nice i think

[Image: ak46-j10.png]

i dont know what team management think but i think is catchy
maybe we have pay copyright i not know

anyway thank lot for good laugh nham
and i will take oppotunity for thank all team people for have great time in LR
will not lie i first think i join for joke then okbye but berserk team win andrei heart and even if i still not find brother i feel better in heart
we not win this time but next year is berserk year

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Some of my favorite memories is when I was apart of the vancouver whalers. First when I was a player, it was my first introduction to anything like this. It was new and exciting and there was a great locker room in there ,from geck, leppish, plas, tlk, and others it was great. Going into the finals my first season as well helped, as I continued to grind and earn as much TPE as I could. Then going back next season to actually win the 4 star cup was amazing. The LR was going a mile a minute as we won. Then when I became Co-GM and then GM, being able to get back there with my team and win it made it special. I remember sitting where I am now, when we won I was shaking, I jumped up and down, ran around the house. I was hyped because I was able to win the 4 star cup, and help bring 1st gens and recreates the opportunity to win, and allow them to go to the SHL with the Cup. Then when I went to Co-GM to Manhattan, being able to Win the ultimate Challenge Cup was amazing as well. I remember that because my Grandparents were over, and it was in the middle of dinner I went to the bathroom to watch the sim. And since my phone was behind, I got the notification from @Tomen that said "Grats" and I knew that we won. I couldnt really celebrate because I was in my bathroom, but I think I shed a tear or something. But then I celebrated in the Managment chat. It was really special.

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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The SHL has been a revelation for me. It has given me something to look forward to every day, and has been an exciting part of my life that I do not think I will get away from for a very long time. I have only been here for 4ish months, but that time has been absolutely spectacular. I wouldn't have imagined when I signed up that I would join such a great community, write media, try my hand at graphics, and get site jobs. My Detroit family has made this experience what it has been, and I look forward to chatting with them every day. Thank you to everyone who runs this site and makes it possible. The camaraderie, rivalries, and excitement have made for a blast of the 4 months. If I had to choose the top moment in my time here, it would probably be this past regular season for the Falcons. The LR was buzzing, and it felt like we were on top of the world. I truly believe that we kept each other in it and that there isn't a better group of people on the site. Recently the graphics community has been where I have been trying to expand, and I have been overwhelmed with their positivity. Most everyone on this site has been nothing but a treat to spend time with. Thank you. Here is to another 10 years.  (236 words)

Thanks Wasty, Carpy, JSS, TurdFerguson, Geekusoid and Awesomecakes for the sigs!
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Well I've been here for roughly half the league's time. One thing I have learned in the shl in that time is just how quickly things change over time and how quickly people turn their backs on you. So there's a lot of bad space in my head from this place and if it wasn't for the Calgary guys I'd probably be gone by now. My favorite moment probably wouldn't be my 2 cup wins, 3 smjhl cups, iihf gold medals and wjc championship. I would have to say my favorite moment would be being drafted by @Steelhead77 for the Calgary Dragons in S41. Esa is the one who recruited me to this place all those seasons ago from a fantasy league we still compete in to this day. It was great to be able to finally play on the same team after having spent the first 3 years of my time here in Texas. It was pretty tense waiting to see if I'd last until the final pick in the first round and after Blue went to Seattle I kind of knew it was destined to be. Runner up of favorite times would be the times spent with Rick james in Texas talking and writing about our escapades in his China Club lol. We were a couple of hard partying fools and I miss him to this day. @RHolder71

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I've been around here for nearly 3 years. I don't know how many average SHL members have even noticed my existence because my players haven't exactly been world-beaters. Koda was supposed to be a Gordie Howe Fighter/Scorer, but she just ended up with only being a goon since I was just never a top earner. Then I attempted to be a top earner with Raquel, but after being fucked that one time- You know what, I'm supposed to keep this positive aren't I? One of the best times I had in the SHL was the one week that I was on the New England Wolfpack. There was voice chat almost every night, they made a special channel for me to put my gifs in, it was one of the most accommodating locker rooms I'd ever been in. Or at least the most accommodating immediately after my arrival, the other places I've played just took a bit longer for everyone to get into what I was about. I think that the biggest thing about the SHL was the amount of people who encouraged my music. @tweedledunn really gave me a lot of great advice with recording and it was that NEW locker room that let me play on VC. So yeah, SHL is fine.

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Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional
And I wish I'd been a little unconventional
But I was not enough, no, I'm not enough

When I first arrived on this site I was stoned out of my mind (peep the account creation date) and had no idea what I was doing. I almost left the site and never looked back but some early introductory posts by @Acsolap on my player page kept me engaged from the start. I came in just a few days after the draft and I told myself that whichever team reached out to me first would be the team that I would sign with. Luckily for Acsolap and myself he was the first to do so and I still haunt that wretched locker room to this day. 

One of the first people I interacted with heavily when I arrived in Anchorage was @Tomasnz who acted like a mentor of sorts for my first few weeks in the league. He and I don't speak much anymore and he's rarely in Anchorage anymore, but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Tomas and as much as my loss in the finals hurt, it was only made better by the fact that he was on the team that beat me.

There were many active and engaging members of my draft class, but I immediately hit it off with @Gwdjohnson and @frithjofr. Gabe is without a doubt my closest friend in the SHL and he and I even have exchanged phone numbers. I always feel like I can talk to him about anything and now that he has been in life for just over a year I can't imagine what it would be like if he weren't there for me to talk to. Frith and I share many interests and love to both assume characters in the discord and roleplay off of each other, probably annoying everyone else around us whilst doing so. Both of these guys have been so integral to my social life and my time here in the SHL and I truly believe that if I had never met them both I wouldn't still be around here today. 

@hotdog and I didn't talk much initially, but he is now a guy who I think of as a close friend. We have a knack to complete each other's thoughts or post the exact same thing at the exact same time, and our sense of humor is so similar to each other that it's eerily like I am just speaking to myself sometimes. He's a dumb language doctor which kinda sucks but he's cool.

@Grapehead was the first SHL GM to scout me and keeping with my principles I had in deciding my SMJHL allegiances I had a strong desire to go to San Francisco. I wasn't a top prospect in the draft and I was elated when Grape announced me as the pick. I danced around my house I'm pretty sure. If Grape had never drafted me I never would have gotten into management as early as I did.

Thanks to being drafted to San Francisco I met a lot of great people. @bluesfan55 who I also now share a locker room in Anchorage with, although we nearly drove him to demanding a trade. @bilbo who I have great conversations with a few times a week and is one of the nicest people I have met in the SHL thus far. And @ej27 who is always a delight to speak to when I have the chance.

@Weretarantula is someone that I initially didn't get along with too well, but now he's one of the dudes I look forward to talking to the most. We have a ton of similar interests and I always appreciate what he has to share.

Special shoutouts to the following people, I'm over word count and my hands are tired. @artermis @SAwful @"BoucherFan12" @Ferda @ml002 @goldenglutes @Jepox @"toirekari" @Bongo


I've had some great years here since joining the SHL back around Christmas time 2017. I was drafted to Halifax by @FourFour as part of a reddit draft and met some great people there who helped me learn the ropes and also became good friends. We had a great locker room but unfortunately just couldn't break the Halifax curse and pull of a four star. It took me a little bit to figure out the site so I was not a top earner at the time, but I had conversations with @vbottas17 as he was also a part of the Raiders locker room. The Panthers took a chance on me in the third round because of him and I'm super grateful. Since being drafted to the Panthers I've really never looked back. It's been my home for my whole SHL career and I've made a ton of great friends because of it.

Early on I had hoped to build a good player but I never truly expected he would have the success that he has. I've been fortunate enough to get a Stevens as well as another Stevens nom, a couple all star team appearances, a four star cup, and of course 5 straight gold medals with Ireland. The only thing still eluding me is that damn challenge cup, so hopefully we can pull it off over the next few seasons and Toner can ride into the sunset.

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

Wow 10 years is a crazy long time. I have only been in sim leagues since last year so kuddos to all the founding fathers and HO and everyone who has kept the league and idea of the sim leagues alive. I am a s54 draftee. I came to simulation hockey league on a random day. I was feeling kind of down in the dumps not gonna lie. Those close to me in sim leagues know for the past couple months have been shitty for me. So why not start a new character in a new league. The day is march 15th. Just a random day for me I see @Acsolap and @golden_apricot talking bout SHL in my National Simulation Football League locker room. I just think fuck it why not make a guy. I don't tell a single person. I just create Bork Lazer. I enter the season 54 rookie discord. Say hi to my good friend @Frostbite and @FleshBagSoup.  I start reading the chat I realize holy shit i just literally joined on draft day. So here I am frantically trying to get all the interest threads done and what not before the draft. I get them done now I sit back to watch the draft. I barely know most of the GM's in the SMJHL besides ass and GA. I know @SDCore another good due i get along with very much. So there is a couple teams I think I will end up at. We get to the fourth round I am thinking to myself holy crap I just fell to the fourth round. The lowest draft selection i have ever been taken at since my first draft in the NSFL minors where I was drafted in the sixth round. I was 11 overall selection in NSFL major league draft. 2nd overall in my first PBE majors draft, and finally first overall in my second PBE majors draft. So after these to drop to the fourth round I was stunned. Enter the Anchorage Armada. One of my favorite locker rooms I do not GM for. Literally welcomed with open arms. With the best rookie class i can remember besides my NSFL minors one which is what it felt like. @honkerrs @SAwful @mdubz these dudes are awesome and I fully believe should be drafted 1, 2, 3 overall this bext draft cause they are all max earners and funny as fuck.
I would like to give a shout out to @KenitohMenarafor doing media with me and helping me out while getting used to things here. I wouldnt have been able to earn without his help and media guidance.
Next I will shout out to the alumni like @ml002 @hotdog @Weretarantula @Gwdjohnson these guys helped with a bunch and had great conversations with in the locker room as well. 
Next I need anothe big shout out to my hypeman @bluesfan55 my guy bloos has been nothing but supportive of me in my time in Anchorage and was the true definition of a captain, he will go on to do great things in NOLA with @JKortesi81 another good pal of mine as well.

I am sure i am forgetting someone but my 2 months in league has been nothing but great. I look forward to my next adventure in the big leagues draft coming up.

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I have not really been super active in the SHL during my time in the league but I at least got to over 1K TPE, that has to count for something right? I have had such an up and down career as a user and a player going from being super active in my early days, even being a co-GM in New England for a short time and helping at least a little I think to run the show there but was mainly just in the background. If I had to choose a best memory, it would probably be winning an MVP with Johannes Leitner. It was a wild season, I believe it was Season 49 and Leitner swept most of the awards and came out with like 7 different awards/trophies on the season. What made it even better was that winning MVP meant that the team was very very good and the team made the cup finals only to lose in dramatic fashion to Edmonton. It was the pinnacle of Leitner's career and I think part of the downfall and me getting the dumb thought of well, why update and go hard when I can win MVP already? It was however my first kind of MVP award anywhere in all the sim leagues I am involved with though so I will always hold that near and dear to my heart.

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I sat on this for a few days trying to figure out what my single favorite moment is. The shitty answer is all of it. Sure there have been some bad days, but everything is packaged together in an awesome experience. I'll start with the beginning:

I was screwing around on r/hockey one day at work and saw the post. Interesting I thought. I went to the website, poked around a little bit, and left a tab open for the next day. over the next 3 days I watched the create a player videos, read through the forum threads for how to get started, and looked at the teams. I thought the Jr. teams were a stupid idea. After I created Karl I looked for things to do. It was about 2 or 3 days before the draft and I saw that you could earn some extra points by filling out each teams scouting thread. Cool, pounded that out and found that most of the questions were the same, but really what else could you really look for? After filling out those answers, representatives from those teams started reaching out, I responded to all who did on the forum and the ones who asked for my discord (It was also on all the IP threads that asked) got it and we talked on there. Here is where my first shout out goes, @FuzzSHL chatted with me for a while and really helped me get a feel for the site.

After Fuzz, it was @Flareon, who reached out about a day later. We had a good conversation and I asked him some more questions. Now, Flare's shout out really came post draft. I had a trip planned to visit my Mom's family shortly after draft, and before our draft I was involved in a pretty rough car accident. I was able to walk away from it, but I was in for months of rehab, physio, and pain killers - In fact I still haven't been cleared to go back to playing hockey. Obviously these 2 things lead to a period of low activity. I was very new to the site, hadn't built any relationships yet, and when I was traveling it was inconvenient to access the site because it was brutal on the phone. Flare persisted. He sent messages, he knew I was traveling (don't think I actually mentioned the accident), reminders both on the site and discord and once I got back I was able to settle into a regular updating routine (he also helped me quite a bit with the updates because I deleted my first update, and just posted over top of it. I had to dig through all my posts and rebuild it in the end.)

Of course all the Raiders get a shout out, but @charlieconway gets my next one. He was my pillar when I was learning the league. He did every scrap of TPE that was possible, and I learned pretty quickly instead of looking to the forums for what was available, I could just look at his posts, because he was bound to do them. This extended all the way to predictions where I still ask him for his thread. I looked up to him as a fellow rookie. In my SHL draft interviews I talked more about him than I did about me, because he was the best. A lot of teams asked if there was someone I'd like to be drafted with and it was an easy answer, trying to pump him up to everyone who asked. I would take some credit for him, but I don't think I actually talked with Winnipeg at all, so they did their own good job scouting.

At the end of my first season we had World Juniors. I was excited for these, and I learned that Germany would be mashed together with Switzerland, and Austria. It was here I applied for my first ever site job, and 2 shout outs come here, @SlashACM for hiring me to be the DACH Co-GM, and @FinnRhys for being my GM partner. We had a rough round robin, but we learned the sim, and with some help from some Swiss and Germany vets, we were able to put together a gold medal winning sim! It was super exciting and an awesome feeling.

@BadWolf gave me my next job 2 seasons later (my 3rd) after I had a horrible run at WJC GM. She hired me to be one of the interns. Holy crap was there a lot that I learned just from being present in SMJHL HO, and the GM chat. It was a straightforward job, @notoriousTRON and myself were in charge of approving new players, and chiming in occasionally with our opinions for league discussions. There were a lot of players to approve, and some of them we even took on a little bit of a mentor role, helping them navigate the waters of a brand new players, and what the rules were around talking to teams. This season spent as an intern was when I really started to dig into the league, and it set me up as well as it possibly could for my next job, Halifax Co-GM.

I was very sad when Flareon told us he would be stepping back at the end of the season. He put together a great team with @Citizen of Adraa and gave us a great chance to win. Unfortunately that run fell flat with a quick playoff exit (I've gotten used to those), but I knew that we had a good team, and I wanted to help if I could make them successful. I applied for the GM position, and then I revoked it. I thought I should apply because I had the attitude, but then after a lot of thinking decided to rescind it because I didn't have enough familiarity with the sim to have a chance at leading a team, that whoever got the job I would be much better as a Co-GM. I could learn the ropes, and help out that way. Our former Co won the position, and I fired off an application to him right away. CoA gave me the opportunity to learn beside him, and we struggled mightily with that first draft, but we learned and improved, and got better. I'm very excited for the next few seasons with Maine, we will be a very strong team.

@StamkosFan reached out to me, I forget which period, inquiring about interest to transfer. I remember I was still pretty upset with my record at running the Germany WJC team. I felt like I didn't have support and although they had a stacked IIHF squad, I felt the pipeline was pretty dry. His timing was nice, and he gave me the time I needed to think, and talk to some of the Senior members about what their plans were with my player, and what the realistic time frame looked like. It wasn't an easy decision, but I had a gut feeling, and after a difficult talk, told Stammer that I wanted to make a move. He gave me all the time I needed to make my decision, and didn't rush or pressure me at all. I'm very happy with the decision in the end, the LR is great and has been a fantastic branch to get to know people on different teams.

Last 2 shout outs go to @SDCore and @nour. I knew them a bit from my internship and first season as the Raiders Co, but we were not super familiar. When the SHL HO post came up I thought about it, and then said what do I have to lose? I knew I was still pretty new by league standards, but I had taken on a bunch of roles to get some depth, and most importantly, and I pushed this on my application is that I love this league, and I want to help it continue to grow and succeed. There aren't any easy decisions, and I thank them for putting up with me playing Devil's Advocate on almost every decision we have been discussing.

My only regret is that I didn't join up sooner. It's been a blast, I look forward to hitting my 1 year mark this summer and the future of the league beyond that.

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(This post was last modified: 05-06-2020, 03:52 PM by MrRuihu.)

I'm not very good at writing sappy things, Especially since I'm very new to the league.
I just want to say everyone I've interacted with in the league, be it from my team ( Go Knoots ) Or a few from other teams (Although I don't remember who you are, sorry. ) have been pleasant and enjoyable to talk to.
We've played jackbox, League of Legends, trashtalked eachother, and it's all been fun.
This league has left a great impression on me, It has given me an outlet for myself to be a part of a community where we all share love for the same sport, Trashing each others favorite NHL teams and still being able to not hate eachother at the end of the day, all in good fun.

And one final shoutout to my entire team, If they see this, I'm back in business baby, I won't be an all star TPE earner, But i'll do my best to be above average. Which I hope is good enough.
I hope to be a part of it for a long while to come and to create better, more specific memories for the 20 year celebration.

(P.S, I barely remember most of the other people in the league if we've hung out because I was probably drunk, which I'm sure people already knew.)
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2020, 04:41 PM by karlssens.)

Oh snap it's hard to believe it's been 5 years since I've joined. Time has sure passed! Looking back there are two moments that jump out at me. The first would be joining the newly founded Admirals. While we did suffer some poor seasons it was my first opportunity to really bond with users over the course of several seasons and give me the opportunity to familiarise myself with the whole sim league style. Some of the names that really jump out during that time are @JumpierPegasus @dankoa @GCool and @brumm . Part of me is always curious what could have been. Fortunately I was traded to an amazing franchise in Edmonton and got the opportunity to meet equally awesome people such as @JayWhy @Jedi and @teztify. The other moment, or time, is building the Blizzard with my buddy and cogm @Ace (and turning it in a championship winning team with my boy @Keygan ). After several long years of losing seasons, deep scouting sessions and remaining optimistic we were able to crack the playoffs in S39 and have only missed it once since then (I think it was just that one miserable season where we went 2-18 on the final 20 games).

Thanks for the sig ragnar!
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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

I have had and incredible time in the SHL. Nothing beats the joy of your first seasons, where everything is new and the activity bug kicks in. Having been in a few sim leagues in the past, the novelty of the SHL was thwarted by an encompassing desire to make a player who would stand the test of time. Viktor Marius was made in conjunction with a player in the VHL, my goal was to have two players at the same time to encourage me to maintain activity. I needed a distraction, I was hungry for community, and was hoping the SHL/VHL would give me a purpose my depressed and jobless self could rely on. At this stage, I had taken a year off from finishing my degree, stuck in a limbo where I was taking a couple casual classes and unfortunately unable to hold down a solid job for longer than a few months, I was struggling to stay afloat.
I quickly brought into the Detroit Falcon's LR and had started to make relationships. Taking a flyer on me during the S39 reddit draft wasn't anything but luck and team need, however, within the season in Detroit, my joy and sense of home led me to increased activity.
The most memorable day was draft day, I remember it clearly. Mocks had me going somewhere in the first round as teams had seen my potential, however, teams chose to pass on me, seeing more potential or positional need elsewhere. Looking only at my TPE, discrediting my TPE/week and activity, Buffalo literally creamed their jeans when I was available in the 2nd round. I would say the joy of being drafted by @WannabeFinn had me out of my chair, fist pumping and audibly yelling in joy. There was no team I wanted to go to more, secretly hoping Buffalo would trade up into the first round.

The reason @WannabeFinn is successful in drafting and team building, is because he is meticulous in seeing the person behind the player. He watches their passion and activity, sees their potential and doesn't buy into draft day hype. His sense of community and loyalty is second to none. He doesn't know how instrumental he was in giving me things to look forward to in a desperate time of need. My time in Buffalo and Detroit have been the best years on the internet, and my friendships that transcend the site are a source of incredible joy. I was going to tag a bunch of people but I want to just want to tag a few people who at this moment come to mind who I don't see anymore.
@BadgerBros @ztevans @Waters @J4ke rip fuck you tree @Rindiee
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2020, 06:31 PM by roastpuff.)

My favourite memories of the SHL and SMJHL so far has to be the draft days, and the weeks leading up to it. Nothing else compares to the frantic wheeling and dealing, the feeling out of GMs, players, agents and scouts, as everyone tries to find out where they're wanted and where they're not. Where you think you'll land, who your teammates are going to be, who you'd like to end up with and who you're not going to be able to share a locker room with.

Those private messages or Discord DMs from the General Managers the night before, or an hour before draft, or even a minute before they pick you - that is something that also stands out to me. The feeling is indescribable, like a relief knowing that you have a home in the SMJHL or the SHL, and knowing where you stand on things. Once you know, the feeling is amazing. I couldn't sleep the night before both drafts, even knowing where I was going to land and where I was going to be picked. Thank you to @notorioustig and @Muerto for contacting me before I was picked, and for establishing such an amazing relationship with me. I love being a part of Detroit, and look forward to playing for Winnipeg in the future!

On the other hand, not knowing where you are going to go also builds up a delicious tension as you wait with bated breath. And then being picked high... it's a heady feeling that comes with a lot of responsibilities in living up to your draft pick pedigree. It's something that I have hated at times, but I have turned it into a motivation.

So far, this is what I have as my favourite memory on the site. But, I am still new, and I am sure I will make many more memories!

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.