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Big Wanger's Press Conference
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2020, 12:45 PM by Ferda.)

05-22-2020, 07:43 PMNeonLime Wrote: “Any relation to Wang LiQin?”
I had no idea about this, but I talked to my parents and it turns out that I have very distant relatives back in China where one they sprouted out a fellow Wang that played hockey. I had only heard stories about this guy growing up and how he was a great player and it was unfortunate that they had lost contact with each other after he left the country for hockey. I had no idea that it turned out to be Wang LiQin @Gooney because I would’ve expected him to use an alias to mask his real name in LiQin. They told me that he was great with balls and was a stellar soccer player growing up. They were saying how he was on track to become China’s most famous soccer player and surpass Ronaldinho in his prime. Unfortunately, this was all back when there were no highlights, so I wasn’t able to see Wang LiQin’s ball handling skills in action, but I’m glad he’s had success in the SHL. His parents emphasized that he was very interested in American culture which led him to watch a lot of American sports such as hockey. Wang LiQin started watching star Asian players such as Paul Kariya and Richard Park in the NHL, which began his love for scoring goals and celebrating just like his fellow Asians. This eventually led to him somehow running away to Canada and miraculously gained Canadian citizenship. There is much to find out about Wang LiQin and I hope I can get in touch with him, but ever since he’s retired he has been completely off the grid. He wasn’t that communicative or vocal about himself, so I think I’ll have to leave it as a shot in the dark. Wang LiQin, if you’re out there, your family misses you and we hope you come out of your retirement home to tell us your story and reconcile the people that love you.

05-22-2020, 07:59 PMgolden_apricot Wrote: “Michaud Wang when?”
Hey man, let me tell you about how good the weather is in the summer in Buffalo… You fucking left me to go do performance enhancing drugs with your entire SHL team to win a chip man. Kind of weird dude, but I get the motive. At least the boat gang won one too, so there’s that. But to answer your question… who knows man, who knows. :simonHmm:

05-22-2020, 08:02 PMACapitalChicago Wrote: “Longtime watcher of your career, couple of questions,”

1.) “Biggest impressions on the most recent SHL season?”

2.) “Best moment in the SHL?”

3.) “Can I get a discount code?”
Wow, thanks a lot man. It’s good to hear from different people in the community and I’m happy to have you here to pick my brain on whatever you have on your mind. I apologize if my message doesn’t get through to you past the back to back chips you won in Montreal and Carolina though. ?
  • Biggest impressions on the most recent SHL season?
I think the biggest thing that I’ve felt this season is that there was always something more that I could do to help the team win. I’m not trying to complain about the minutes I was getting at all. It’s more of a knock on myself for not taking those steps and feeling caged in when I wasn’t making the most of the minutes that I was able to play. Playing a depth role on a team as strong and successful as the Buffalo Stampede is very difficult as a hot prospect entering the league because there was definitely a lot of culture shock in that I was once again a tiny fish in a big pond. However, the cliché that winning fixes everything was super apparent here as I got increasingly comfortable in my role which helped fuel my desire to win. I’ll be honest and say that it was very difficult at first, but all of the guys in the locker room would start to take note of the little things that I would do and try to add it to their game. I think that’s the great part about my Buffabros because they aren’t afraid to admit that they’re wrong at times. I’d also be lying that this doesn’t happen all the time, I know they can be stubborn idiots like myself too, so it’s a good balance of both which keeps the room fresh and the guys on edge when they need to be. Overall, I’d say this season my numbers may not have stood out at all, but I’m happy with my place on the team and look forward to having more success with these guys. I learned a lot from all of them and it’s pretty crazy to think about what I can do with my upcoming promotion to the second pairing.
  • Best moment in the SHL?
Well, this one is a no brainer for me. My favorite moment in the SHL to date is definitely defeating Gone Wild “Gabriel @Gwdjohnson ” Johnson’s Hamilton Steelhawks in the Season 52 SHL Playoffs. I got called up for the last couple of games in the series and it was awesome to finally stick it to the man who nearly ruined my SMJHL career during and after his time on the Anchorage Armada. Sure, I only played 3 minutes in the entire series, but you know what they say right? Quality over quantity. Also, the quality of his championships is also debatable too, but I’ll leave that for next time.
  • Can I get a discount code?
I’m sorry man, but SHL Kush isn’t looking to sponsor anymore people at the moment right now. Maybe some time in the future. I'll let them know that you're interested and they'll get back to me with any potential opportunities. When they decided to sponsor me in my rookie season, they were taking a huge leap and it paid dividends for them to the point that their site is pretty much never online. If didn’t know, when the servers started to stabilize for a short amount of time, they decided that it was a good idea to sign my fellow Armada alumni Daniel Bischoff @dylanjj37 of the Edmonton Blizzard and gave him a discount code in db20. Turns out, he was actually able to negotiate an additional 5% onto his discount code that came out of his paycheque so that his fans would be able to save more than me on their purchase. I couldn’t believe it, but I guess I can’t argue with the guy who won an MVP in the SMJHL and the leading scorer title. If you want to save more and support my boy Danny then go ahead and use db20+5, but if you’re a real one then you’ll continue to use WANG20 on your orders at

[Image: image.png]
[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

When do you expect Canada to get a medal?

What is your favorite team branding from the SHL(Buffalo is not a possible answer)? What about from the SMJHL?

What is your favorite sport(s)? What teams do you support from said sport(s)?

What is your favorite movie?

What do you think is the best team branding in NHL?

Dogs or cats?

If you could rebrand one team in the SHL, which one would it be? What would the new branding be?

Do you know about what your next recreate will be? (name, country, position, ...)

Why the name Augustus Wang?

What is your favorite type of alcohol?

Who is your favorite GM between WBF and Tomen?

Is Was Gabe Johnson a good fedhead?

[Image: BriePK.gif]
|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

[Image: unknown.png]


(This post was last modified: 05-25-2020, 01:22 PM by Ferda.)


1.) “According to fish we won't be playing on the same line next season, how do you feel about that?”

2.) “Who is you favorite user in Team Canada LR?”

3.) “What's your favorite emote?”

4.) “Cats or dogs? Rats or Snakes? Gabes or Kalakars? WannabeFinn or Tomen?”

5.) “As a banker, what's the most stupid thing you have seen?”

6.) “Why is the title not little wanger?”

7.) “Does your discount code really work?”
  • According to fish we won't be playing on the same line next season, how do you feel about that?
.-. <- My face when you brought that up

I actually didn’t come to that realization until well after that was said to me. I just kind of assumed that you would be there with me. I won’t be able to have as much fun on my line because Selich is just going to force me to do all the dirty work on the line and he won’t share the puck with me as much since there’s no doubt that he’s the better player right now. Just keep working hard man. We’ll be together again at some point. At least we still share a stall in the locker room together. It’s not like I’ll be going anywhere. If anything, it lets us both work on our play apart from each other because we must’ve been too good of a duo that the commissioner told Lee and Tomen to split us up. ?
  • Who is you favorite user in Team Canada LR?
I think that award needs to go to Gone Wild Johnson because even though I hate him profusely, I can’t help but commend him for being able to take the flack time and time again. As the former Federation Head of Team Canada, he had every right to bench me or never call me up to the big boy squad. Instead, he decided that I was more valuable as a player and looked past all the shit that I have slung at him in the past. Credit where credit is due, the guy is thick skinned which is why he’s my favourite user in the Team Canada LR because I can keep verbally abusing the guy and he won’t even bat an eye.
  • What's your favorite emote?

I go through a phase for emotes, but my current favourite is definitely :simonHmm: because it fits every situation. It’s so multipurpose that I use it all the time now. No matter how happy, sad or whatever emotion it is, simonHmm always fits the bill because it leaves people wondering what you’re actually trying to say.
[Image: 690992351275122748.png?v=1]
  • Cats or dogs? Rats or Snakes? Gabes or Kalakars? WannabeFinn or Tomen?
Cats or dogs? I’d have to choose dogs even though I’ve grown to love both equally. I think the whole man’s best friend thing is too heartwarming for me to pass up. There’s something about how loyal and loveable they are that makes it hard for me to pass on the equal love and affection a cat can give. I’d probably choose a calmer and more loyal breed if I were to own a dog in the future because even though cats can do the same, I’m not a fan of how moody a lot of them can be. Plus, a dog would make it easier for me to continue my active lifestyle because I enjoy exercising a lot and having a dog would give me less time to be lazy as we would go for walks, go outside to play, etc.

Rats or snakes? I guess I would have to go with rats because I’m friends with one @RAT. Also, I was born in the year of the rat so it would be counterintuitive for me to choose a predator over my own zodiac animal.

Gone Wild Johnsons or Kalakars is the easiest answer. Kalakar is one of the most awesome and dedicated people in the SHL and I’m angry that you even needed to pit me against the hell-spawn that is Gone Wild Johnson. Kal is not only a Buffabro now, but he’s also the seckrit simmer man who is going to leak all the good strats to Buffalo the best simmer in the league because of how many hours he puts in to make the stream as enjoyable as possible. I’m happy to have met him first in Team Canada and it’s been a pleasure talking and memeing with him on a regular basis.

Lee or Tomen is a simple answer too Grummy. You know the saying. LEE OUT.
  • As a banker, what's the most stupid thing you have seen?

Man, there have been a lot of dumb things that I have seen this season, but jfisherr ‘s sig payment last week takes the cake. Like take a look at this fucking “signature” that he tried to pay $1 million for.
[Image: unknown.png]
Like come on man, if you’re trying to buy a shitty sig at least make it a sig dude. Fish I know you’re going to come in here and say “HUR DUR BUT BANKERS AREN’T GRAPHICS GRADERS HUR DUR”. All I can say to that is I dare you to submit it to graphics grading then and let’s see how much you earn then. I think the real joke is on you because that signature was actually meant for me but was leaked into the LR. Augustus Wang was once a young tadpole like you, but in a different stream if you know what I mean, and that fish is a good representation of who he was growing up. Just a tiny little guy trying to find his way in the sea of other men looking to make hockey a career. I’m ashamed that you would do this to me fish. I thought we were friends. .-.
  • Why is the title not little wanger?
The ladies aren’t a fan of flaccid Wangers, I’m sorry Grum. .-.
  • Does your discount code really work?
Yes, discount code WANG20 at really works. You just need to access the site at the right time because we simply cannot handle all of the traffic the site gets. I’m only sponsored by them, but I’m in the same boat where I feel like they should recognize that they need to increase their server size to accommodate for all the traffic that is crashing their site. Anyways, I have had people tell me first hand that they have been able to receive their orders and have openly said that SHL Kush has the best product on the market and that they would be return customers in the future.


1.) “What are your thoughts on how your career has gone?”

2.) “Do you see yourself chasing any individual awards?”

3.) “.-. , thoughts?”
Hey Zombo, thanks for taking the time to leave a couple of questions for the Wang Gang. Love ya bud. Hope to see you up with the herd again soon.
  • What are your thoughts on how your career has gone?
I believe that my career has gone better than expected because of the stellar players that I have played with in the past. My junior career was riddled with mental problems due to the existence of Gone Wild “Gabriel” Johnson as he belittled my career and future with the Anchorage Armada. This led to many problems that I thankfully resolved as my SMJHL career went on. Initially, I was displeased with my lack of individual recognition in terms of awards as I was always second best in all of the voting. However, I grew to care less and less about individual awards because I started to think about the team more and how it would be way more awesome to win the Four Star Cup instead. Winning that Four Star Cup in Season 51 was definitely the cherry on top for my juniors career and I am so happy that it was with Anchorage because they are an amazing group of guys and I wouldn’t change a thing to that squad. The satisfaction of winning with people that I care about is way more impactful to my life than any individual award would give me. Sure, it’d look good at the very end of it, but the armchair analysts will always go to the “rings” argument before providing any true analysis on a player. This leads me to my closing thoughts which end on Buffalo at the moment because I am very optimistic of our future and I look forward to bringing another championship to the already storied team. There are some amazing pieces on the squad and in the pipeline and I know we’ll have a good shot at the Challenge Cup season after season.
  • Do you see yourself chasing any individual awards?
I talked about this in the question before, but I think at this point in my career, I want to focus more on making the team better and winning as many championships as I can. Surely that will never go away, however, at some point I’ll start to care more about individual awards to help boost my case as one of the best defensemen to play in the SHL. Until then, bringing chips to the Stampede is all I care about because I am not at that point in my career.


1.) “Give me your top 5 simps.”

2.) “Give me your top 5 chads.”
  • Give me your top 5 simps.
1.) Gone Wild Johnson
2.) Gone Wild “Gabriel” Johnson
3.) Gabriel “Gone Wild” Johnson
4.) dmills3
5.) jss
  • Give me your top 5 chads.
1.) Frick_Nasty
2.) frithjofr
3.) DaftRaincloud
4.) honkerss
5.) sAwful


1.) “Ferda, give me a good LR moment in Canada.”

2.) “Favorite moment with me, Jean-Paul Boivin?”
  • Ferda, give me a good LR moment in Canada.
I think my favorite moment of all of us was when I first joined the Team Canada LR because we were all so nice and innocent each other because we weren’t all used to each other’s antics yet. If you were to contrast it to how we are together now, I’m super glad that I got to know all of you. But when I first joined, I tried to introduce myself as the “wild card” like Charlie in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia by saying a bunch of random shit to try and get the LR all rowdy. You guys took it all in stride and from that point I had a hunch that you guys would be a good group of people to hang out with. It was only when those Tem Tem boys (RIP Tem Tem 2020-2020) started gaming that I noticed that people were starting to gather to play games together and that was when I was sure that we would all become great friends. I know you said give me a good LR moment, but as cliché as it sounds, I appreciate all the moments I get to spend with you guys because you all never fail to make me laugh my ass off and have a great time. Whether it’s just chatting in vc, watching you be alone in vc, or fucking around in a game, I’ve enjoyed my time in Canada and it’s why I was so resistant to actually transferring to another nation as I would lose that nationalistic connection even though many of the people, including you, aren’t actually Canadian in real life. I love ya boys and you’re all a big part of why the SHL has been such an enjoyable experience for me. <3
  • Favorite moment with me, Jean-Paul Boivin?
I think my favorite moment was when we met in the Season 51 SMJHL Playoffs when we faced off in the semi-finals. I know we beat you guys in 6 games, but for the first 4 games that series could have gone anywhere as we were tied 2-2 going into game 5. I remember thinking to myself, “this can’t happen again. I can’t fall to the same fate Gabe Johnson did when he lost to Vancouver in semi-finals of S48”. You, as the Captain of the Whalers, led a strong team that really gave us a run for our money and even though you guys didn’t do as well in the regular season, I believe that you guys had a good shot at winning the cup again just like you did after you beat the Armada in S48. This is why this my favorite moment with you because we really laid it all out there to try and chase the chip.

I was going to talk about our World Junior Championship Gold Medal in S51, but I strongly believe that Canada is always one of the frontrunners to win the whole thing. The thing that I will take note of is how we bonded during that time and reconciled over our battle scars from that SMJHL playoff series to band together and win the World Junior Championship. That gold medal definitely wouldn’t have been possible without your leadership and physicality. Now as we are in the early stints of our SHL careers, I can confidently say that John-Paul Jean-Paul Boivin is one of my good friends. I was cheering for you in the S53 SHL Challenge Cup finals and it’s unfortunate that you lost to Gabe Johnson’s Cheathawks, but you still made it farther than my ass did. Love ya bud.


"Why do you mix protein shakes with sparkling water? Freak."

Hey fuck you Lee, you know that wasn’t me who said it. It was god damn jss. Mans out here flexing his cocktail protein flavors with sparkling water. No wonder why he’s a snek.
[Image: dRBslyi.png]


1.) “When do you expect Canada to get a medal?”

2.) “What is your favorite team branding from the SHL (Buffalo is not a possible answer)? What about from the SMJHL?”

3.) “What is your favorite sport(s)? What teams do you support from said sport(s)?”

4.) “What is your favorite movie?”

5.) “What do you think is the best team branding in NHL?”

6.) “If you could rebrand one team in the SHL, which one would it be? What would the new branding be?”

7.) “Why the name Augustus Wang?”

8.) “What is your favorite type of alcohol?”
Hey Simon, sorry that I cut out a lot of your questions, but I have answered a lot of them from people who submitted before you. Feel free to scroll back up and find them in the sea of words.
  • When do you expect Canada to get a medal?
I’d like to say sooner rather than later now that Gone Wild Johnson is gone. I think he was the biggest part in destroying the firepower that Team Canada naturally has. I heard that their mascot is a pretty good hockey player. Maybe they should give him a shot over that Gabriel Johnson guy who was worse than the 2 rookie defenders Adam Barron and Augustus Wang.
  • What is your favorite team branding from the SHL (Buffalo is not a possible answer)? What about from the SMJHL?
I feel like the Toronto North Stars are my pick from the SHL because they have some of the best branding in the league and a lot of that has to do with the logo for me. Some people may say that the center of the logo may be a bit clutter because of the maple leaf, CN Tower and star, but I personally like it because it combines the city of Toronto, the nation of Canada and the team name all together into one logo. It’s honestly pretty unique from every other team because pretty much every other logo is just an angry or intent-looking animal.

From the SMJHL, this is a homer pick, but I think the Anchorage Armada have some very good branding because the whole “armada” name brings together the fact that there are a ton of ships that go through Alaska to cross the Bering Strait into Russia. I really like how unique the location is and how it is very different from the typical “hockey cities or states/provinces”. The Armada have a pretty cool looking logo and the colors on it are very fitting for a team that is stuck out in Alaska of all places.
  • What is your favorite sport(s)? What teams do you support from said sport(s)?
I’d say my favorite sports are definitely hockey and volleyball. I played both sports growing up and I have a strong passion for both of them and have watched a lot of high level play from both of them. In terms of teams, there is no doubt in my mind that the Vancouver Canucks are my team. I have never cried over a sport before like I did when they lost been so baffled that my team was so good that they would cancel the entirety of the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals. For volleyball though, I don’t really follow the actual pro teams, but I do watch a lot of international volleyball and I am definitely a nationalistic guy when I say Team Canada is my favourite to watch. I’ve seen their games live and they’re all a bunch of very skilled guys that I aspired to be when I was still playing volleyball.
  • If you could rebrand one team in the SHL, which one would it be? What would the new branding be?
I think I would rebrand the Minnesota Chiefs because the team name “Chiefs” along with the logo seem very out of place to me even though they are trying to pay homage to the Native peoples of the state. I would rather they rebrand themselves to something like the Minnesota “River Otters” because otters are awesome and a lot of them live in the state of Minnesota. People love otters and it would be a great name to get casual followers to the team too. :cellyotter:
  • Why the name Augustus Wang?

I wanted a pretentious sounding Asian name and I chose Augustus since it sounds like a stuck-up rich guy and then I randomly Googled “most common Chinese last names” and felt that Wang paired nicely with Augustus. Thus, the legend of Big Wanger began.
  • What is your favorite type of alcohol?
Probably any kind of soju because it’s very light for its percentage and you can easily mix it into cocktails or take is as shots. There have been so many nights where my friends and I would just grab a couple of bottles of our favorite soju and down them. Plus, soju originates from Korea and you know the Koreans are wild drinkers. Whenever my friends and I get together we make sure to play a bunch of Korean drinking games to pass the time while we chat.



Why would you ask me that Dylan? That’s mean. You’ve changed ever since you joined the Blizzard.


1.) “Favorite part about British Columbia?”

2.) “Favorite part about Buffalo?”

3.) “If you had to play on a different SHL team (not Hamilton) which team would it be?”

4.) “Again, why are you the way that you are?”
  • Favorite part about British Columbia?
I try my best to avoid answering with stereotypical answers, but I think it would be wrong to just ignore the fact that my favorite part of British Columbia is the nature. I feel that a lot of people that live here take for granted how lucky British Columbians are that we live so close to such a vast amount of beautiful nature and wildlife. It is amazing that I am able to drive about an hour away and end up in a place that feels completely disconnected from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan area. On top of that, the fact that even the cities and towns have made a conscious effort to integrate nature into their infrastructure has only benefited the reputation that British Columbia is a beautiful, green, metropolitan landscape. The fact that most people generally have an environmentally friendly point of view here has only doubled down on the province’s ability to have someone of the best living conditions in the entire world. People view Vancouver, British Columbia as one of the best cities to live in (even though its insanely fucking expensive to live her) and I don’t think that perspective is going to go away anytime soon. I feel very fortunate to have been able to grow up in British Columbia and to have been able to experience all of the outdoor activities that many others are unable to do simply because of location and proximity.
  • Favorite part about Buffalo?

I have already answered this in a prior question, but I guess I’ll try to give a different answer here because I love my Buffabros. My favorite part about Buffalo is definitely the people that are on the team. The love and support that they we give each other is the reason why I am certain that I want to spend my entire career here. Sure, we can be relatively abrasive at times, but a lot of it is just banter and I hope people are able to see through that and see that we’re a great group of people. I’m under the impression that I wouldn’t even be on the team anymore if it weren’t for all the great personalities that coincide with mine. They have made my time on the team very enjoyable and I can’t wish for anything more but to win a championship with them because I can easily say that they are all amazing people in their own unique way. Whether it’s a personal or team problem, I can be sure that they will have my back whenever I need them. They have made the transition from the SMJHL to the SHL seamless and I am proud to call the Buffalo Stampede my home.
  • If you had to play on a different SHL team (not Hamilton) which team would it be?
I think if I had to choose a different SHL team aside from the Buffalo Stampede and Hamilton Steelhawks, then I would definitely choose to be on a rebuilding team. The thought of being able to be the star player early on in my career feels like a great opportunity to pump up my career totals and increase my chances of becoming a Hall of Fame player in the future. Also, the chance of being on a team that is likely to be consistent contenders due to a large number of actives eventually coming through the pipeline is very interesting to be a part of. In my opinion, the ability to rack up points, play a lot of minutes and have a bright future is what would make a rebuilding team a healthy choice. This is why my pick would be the Toronto North Stars because I think ml002 is on the right track to bringing his team to the next level. He has drafted well and there are a lot of good players that are likely to have a lot of success in the near future. His drafting and asset management have been key to their rebuild and I would have been delighted to been drafted by him in S50 as their future becomes better and better as seasons progress. If I were to draw a comparison between myself and one of their prospects, I would be very similar to Jack Kanoff (jeffie43) as he is in the exact spot that I described above. He is likely to be one of the top rookies when he makes his debut in the SHL as he will be shouldering a lot of offensive and defensive responsibilities as they slowly shift to becoming contenders again. They have all the necessary parts of creating a strong team in a stud defenseman in Jack Kanoff, great goaltending in Harry Carpet and prospect Scoochie Stratton, along with an abundance of highly touted forward prospects to boot and I am confident that they will be playoff threats soon enough. People who continue to clown on Toronto are going to be in for a rude awakening because they will likely have a lot of good players on their roster in the near future.
  • Again, why are you the way that you are?
Fuck you fish. I’m requesting a trade.

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[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

fuck u freak

[Image: 3.png]


05-24-2020, 03:25 PMJSS Wrote: fuck u freak

1v1 me in habbo hotel bitch

[Image: image.png]
[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2020, 06:04 PM by fishy.)


Suck my nuts ferda u ain’t know shit about graphics, maybe that took Reno 3 hours to make, who are you to say that isn’t 1M? Go back to your MacBook Air u simp

[Image: fishyshl.gif]
Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

[Image: czechpp.png][Image: czechup.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2020, 06:11 PM by fishy.)

Fav part about BC

Fav part about Buffaloooooo

if you had to play on a diff shl team (not HAM) which team would it be?

Again, why are you the way that you are?


[Image: fishyshl.gif]
Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

[Image: czechpp.png][Image: czechup.png]

05-24-2020, 06:05 PMjfisherr Wrote: 1.) “Favorite part about British Columbia?”

2.) “Favorite part about Buffalo?”

3.) “If you had to play on a different SHL team (not Hamilton) which team would it be?”

4.) “Again, why are you the way that you are?”
  • Favorite part about British Columbia?
I try my best to avoid answering with stereotypical answers, but I think it would be wrong to just ignore the fact that my favorite part of British Columbia is the nature. I feel that a lot of people that live here take for granted how lucky British Columbians are that we live so close to such a vast amount of beautiful nature and wildlife. It is amazing that I am able to drive about an hour away and end up in a place that feels completely disconnected from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan area. On top of that, the fact that even the cities and towns have made a conscious effort to integrate nature into their infrastructure has only benefited the reputation that British Columbia is a beautiful, green, metropolitan landscape. The fact that most people generally have an environmentally friendly point of view here has only doubled down on the province’s ability to have someone of the best living conditions in the entire world. People view Vancouver, British Columbia as one of the best cities to live in (even though its insanely fucking expensive to live her) and I don’t think that perspective is going to go away anytime soon. I feel very fortunate to have been able to grow up in British Columbia and to have been able to experience all of the outdoor activities that many others are unable to do simply because of location and proximity.
  • Favorite part about Buffalo?

I have already answered this in a prior question, but I guess I’ll try to give a different answer here because I love my Buffabros. My favorite part about Buffalo is definitely the people that are on the team. The love and support that they we give each other is the reason why I am certain that I want to spend my entire career here. Sure, we can be relatively abrasive at times, but a lot of it is just banter and I hope people are able to see through that and see that we’re a great group of people. I’m under the impression that I wouldn’t even be on the team anymore if it weren’t for all the great personalities that coincide with mine. They have made my time on the team very enjoyable and I can’t wish for anything more but to win a championship with them because I can easily say that they are all amazing people in their own unique way. Whether it’s a personal or team problem, I can be sure that they will have my back whenever I need them. They have made the transition from the SMJHL to the SHL seamless and I am proud to call the Buffalo Stampede my home.
  • If you had to play on a different SHL team (not Hamilton) which team would it be?
I think if I had to choose a different SHL team aside from the Buffalo Stampede and Hamilton Steelhawks, then I would definitely choose to be on a rebuilding team. The thought of being able to be the star player early on in my career feels like a great opportunity to pump up my career totals and increase my chances of becoming a Hall of Fame player in the future. Also, the chance of being on a team that is likely to be consistent contenders due to a large number of actives eventually coming through the pipeline is very interesting to be a part of. In my opinion, the ability to rack up points, play a lot of minutes and have a bright future is what would make a rebuilding team a healthy choice. This is why my pick would be the Toronto North Stars because I think @ml002 is on the right track to bringing his team to the next level. He has drafted well and there are a lot of good players that are likely to have a lot of success in the near future. His drafting and asset management have been key to their rebuild and I would have been delighted to been drafted by him in S50 as their future becomes better and better as seasons progress. If I were to draw a comparison between myself and one of their prospects, I would be very similar to Jack Kanoff @jeffie43 as he is in the exact spot that I described above. He is likely to be one of the top rookies when he makes his debut in the SHL as he will be shouldering a lot of offensive and defensive responsibilities as they slowly shift to becoming contenders again. They have all the necessary parts of creating a strong team in a stud defenseman in Jack Kanoff, great goaltending in Harry Carpet and prospect Scoochie Stratton, along with an abundance of highly touted forward prospects to boot and I am confident that they will be playoff threats soon enough. People who continue to clown on Toronto are going to be in for a rude awakening because they will likely have a lot of good players on their roster in the near future.
  • Again, why are you the way that you are?
Fuck you fish. I’m requesting a trade.

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