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S54 PT #5 - Parent's Day

Olli Saarinen, Sr was a goaltender in the GOMHL back in the day, and while he has retired he still loves hockey and always really enjoys watching his son play. So for Father's Day this year, Olli Jr was lucky enough that the Specters schedule lined up and his dad was able to fly out and watch him play - he was even in net for one of the games. He and his dad also spent some time exploring New Orleans since Olli Sr had only briefly been to the city when he helped Jr move into his apartment at the beginning of the season, so had seen very little of it. They went out to a few extremely nice dinners, went to a few bars, ate themselves sick on beignets, and otherwise had a great time - somehow Olli Jr didn't feel too sick to play from all of the food they ate. It's hard when your family lives on a different continent, so they always make the most of it when they get a chance to spend time together.

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Scarecrows Usa Blizzard Panthers Patriotes Stars

Missing out on the playoffs means Jakub will now get to spend Parent's Day back in Russia with his mom and dad. He also didn't return home empty handed, for his mom he brought home his mom's favorite kind of flowers and tickets to the next broadway show in Moscow. For his dad Jakub upgraded his entire tool set and bought his dad another garage to keep his cars in. With both of his parents being former pro athletes it's always hard to shop for them. Since it's Parent's Day Jakub along with his younger brother and sister cooked dinner and dessert for the family. Jakub and his younger brother kept arguing about everything, from how to set up the grill to how long to leave the steak and burgers on the grill for. Despite that Jakub was very happy to be home and was grateful to be able to spend time with his family before the IIHF tournament started.

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Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

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Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2020, 06:17 PM by O4L.)

Parker Smeb is part of a famed Korean family that includes star hockey players such as Steve-Craig Smeb, Chico Smeb, Khan Smeb, Kit Smeb, Daniel Smeb, as well as some rumored Smebs that haven't admitted to their Smeb bloodlines that are currently playing in the SHL. Parker and his brothers were born the bastard sons of former SHL HOF player Chico Salmon when he was living in Korea after his SHL career ended. Chico ended up abandoning them all in Korea when he returned home to North America. The Smeb bros have a fractured relationship with their father Chico, but they decided to visit him in Columbia where he now owns a chicken farm. Chico and his sons finally had some great bonding time and shared a great Korean meal. Chico told all his sons he was very proud of all of their accomplishments except for Kit Smeb who he called a massive disappointment.

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23


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Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

Nicholas Owen's parents aren't hockey players, not even athletes of any kind. They are just your everyday people in Japan as his dad is a fork lift driver whilst his mother works at a bakery. As for what they both got for parent's day, as a surprise visit Nicholas finally came home to Japan after being a way for so long and he bought them a new house. Since deciding to head off for North America in order to pursue his hockey dreams of joining the SHL, Nicholas Owens hasn't found a ton of time to go back home and see his family outside of maybe twice a year with Christmas and sometime in the offseason. His visits are always long though. This time around however, the visit was only for a few days but Nicholas spent the whole time helping his parents move in and with stuff around the house, along with of course some fun like going to cool restaurants or going to some local shows.

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Creller celebrated his first father's day as a father of 2 this year. It was an amazing day being able to spend it relaxing with his two boys. While Father's day is never as relaxing for a dad as Mother's day is for a mom it's always a great day. Being able to go out fishing with his oldest, playing road hockey and playing video games all while carrying around the baby so he at least feels included. It's tough to do things for both a 5 year old and a newborn but just bring able to get the bonding time with his two kids is all that matters. During the season he travels a lot and misses out on a lot of experiences with his kids so being able to spend an entire day with them is huge. During the offseason he tends to push off training as long as possible to enjoy time with his family

My player is not a parent. In fact he is a virgin who is saving himself for Jesus. Not in the sense of like, practicing celibacy, but in the sense that the Jesus he worships is actually a beautiful goddess and Erben Kasius believes that by preserving his own purity he can one day, in the great beyond, be with this Jesus in a loving relationship. He also regularly performs rituals for Jesus, such as buying Jesus food or driving Jesus to the mall. Spiritually of course. He is also there whenever Jesus is feeling down even though Jesus is never there for Erben ever at all. Basically Erben Kasius is a simp for Jesus. Erben Kasius also has no parents. His life story is basically like batman's except instead of bats he's terrified of hockey pucks and so he became a great hockey player to conquer his fear. And when he's beating up hockey pucks instead of saying that he's not wearing hockey pads he says he's not wearing bat pads. But anyway if he were going to get a Father's Day gift he would want new hockey pads because his kind of smell.

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Gunnar is definitely not a parent yet; he doesn't think he'd make a very good one at this point due to his busy schedule. He knows he wants kids someday, because he comes from a large family and wants to have a large family of his own, but he intends to wait until he's a little deeper into his career to pursue that. But he does have parents, who he has talked about before. His mother, Hanna, was an Olympic medalist for Sweden (not in hockey, though, she participated in archery), so she's probably where Gunnar gets his athletic talent from. Gunnar's father died when he had just turned two years old, so he didn't have much of a father figure until he was seven years old and his stepfather Karl came into the picture. Karl was Gunnar's coach first, and that's how he met Gunnar's mother, and they were married two years later. At this point, Gunnar considers him to be his father - Gunnar's siblings, who all remember their dad, call him "Papa Karl" but to Gunnar, he's just Dad. For Parent's day this year, Gunnar sent home a personalized game puck from the first goal he scored with Chicago, with a little message thanking his parents for everything they've done to enable him to pursue his hockey career.

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Matthew Sawful celebrated Parents Day with a quick visit to Chicago to see his parents and spend the day fishing with his dad and then cooking with his mom. Both his brother and sister were able to make the surprise trip as well to make it a nice family outing to celebrate the day. While Matthew has no plans on being a parent any time soon, he was able to spend this low key day doing a few things his parents love and showing appreciation for everything they've sacrificed to allow him to get to where he is. One day, once he makes an SHL roster he hopes to do a little more, maybe buy some bigger gifts, but for the time being everyone is happy to just spend time together. So, while it seems like just another small gesture, catching those fish with his dad and brother was special and then cooking that catch with his mom just pushed the day over the top.

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Armada  ||  Uk  ||  Wolfpack

Zoltan does happen to be a parent to a mini zoltan just about 2 years old. For Parents day, he received a beautiful custom made case for his hockey sticks. Zoltan isn’t the flashiest guy out there, so he had been using a Bubble wrap stick case of his own design. Duck tape holds it all together of course, as is tradition. For Zoltans parents, they were gifted a nice meal. The entire Zoltan family stopped exchanging gifts many many years ago. Instead, Zoltan picked up some tomahawk steaks at the store and the whole family sat outside and gorged themselves on delicious meat. Mini Zoltan entertained the crowd by running around with Nash the dog and by jumping in the pool and swimming around. A nice lazy Sunday for parents day is the best gift anyone could get. Always looking forward to some family time during the busy hockey season. There is nothing like it.

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