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S54 PT #5 - Parent's Day

Oliver Cleary has fully embraced the California lifestyle. The still young defensemen on the Los Angeles Panthers loves partying, beaches and keeping things pretty casual. As such, he hasn't really settled down into a relationship and as such, still hasn't had any children. Parents Day for him isn't as big as it is for other players. Cleary always revels in the fact that his Los Angeles teammates get extremely spoiled by their family's on their respective days. He lives vicariously through them even if he's not ready to settle down himself. For his own parents though, Cleary likes to keep things casual. Being that his parents are in Ontario while he is in California, he doesn't get to spend time with them directly. Instead, he finds ways to show his appreciation. For his mother, Cleary typically sends flowers and a card every Mother's Day. For his father, he typically gets a giant gift card for whatever store relates most to his current hobby.

163 words

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Kalevolaripaavo Kaspertommevisnapuu is not a parent, as of yet, but he did decide to celebrate the American holiday of Parents’ Day for his own parents. After the harrowing events in his native Estonia, Kaspertommevisnapuu was able to bring his parents stateside. He invited them to stay, along with his other siblings, at his home.

When Kalevolaripaavo signed his first SHL contract, he vowed to use that money to afford his parents their own home. He also would pay for them to have their own cars, a translator, and classes for them to learn the English language better. Pay for professionals to help his parents find new jobs in the United States, as neither of them were ready to retire.

Kalevolaripaavo also woulld pay for private school for his siblings and set aside a college fund for all of them. He wanted to make sure his parents didnot have the burden of worrying about his siblings’ future, though both of them being well regarded athletes themselves, may pave the way without assistance. Having a safety net in place, though, eases any uncertainty of the future.

Kaspertommevisnapuu, though, waited till Parents’ Day to surprise his family with all of this. The family heard the good news, while enjoying another American tradition, the cookout. While the family will never forget their heritage, they also are willing to try out new traditions, in their new homeland.

~220 words

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Pbe pt

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08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

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^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
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^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

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[Name Redacted] was born in a lab, so he doesn’t have parents in the traditional sense.  The closest thing he has to parents are the scientists who created him.  They were all destroyed when [Name Redacted] went apeshit on the ice and no one was able to score on him.  [Name Redacted] is sure that the ghosts of those scientists are probably celebrating Father’s Day enjoying the fact that [Name Redacted] hasn’t sniffed the playoffs in 2 years since leaving the lab.

[Name Redacted] does consider everyone he comes in close contact with to be a child of his, in a way.  Every person he comes in contact with carries on [his love and warmth] to others that they meet, so to him, in a way, they are his progeny. Now that Vancouver is more opened up, [Name Redacted] celebrated his Father’s Day getting to know the many people of Vancouver, partying in bars and strip clubs with them.

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[Image: hTAHbeC.png][Image: OaCJVMI.png] | [Image: pMYriGC.png]

Now that she's in the big league and having an awesome season, Elizabeth Doyle probably took the opportunity to celebrate each parent's day with a little trip to Buffalo. She made sure it was a weekend were they had home games, so that her parents could see her play at home. Of course, there's nothing to really do in buffalo, so on the day were there was no games, either the Saturday or the Sunday, they took a little trip to New York City to visit the real big town. They had a walk around Central Park, view the Liberty Statue and saw the view of New York from the Empire State Building. They then returned to Buffalo for the rest of the evening where she presented them to her friends in the team and they had a little evening relaxing all together. On the Monday, she would drive them to the airport for the goodbye until the next time she could see them.


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(This post was last modified: 06-28-2020, 09:20 PM by charlieconway.)

My player isn't a parent, so I will instead tell a story of the time Adam got his parents on Parent's day.
As long as he can remember, Adam Barron's father has wanted an antique medieval hammer. He'd been regaled by tales of an ancient ancestor wielding one in the Battle of Agincourt to put a melon-sized hole in the face of a French count, and though the story might've been a fabrication, his father's love of medieval history wasn't.
So with some of his beaucoup SHL bucks, Adam purchased a verified bec de corbin warhammer and set out to get a great gift for his mom, whose interests were a bit stranger than his father’s: she liked bugs. The creepier, the better.
Adam sought out a life-sized model of the creepiest bug he could find: an Amazonian Giant Centipede. It took a bit of time to find someone willing to make it and deliver it to Halifax (where he was playing at the time), but eventually he made the purchase and received the model a day before parents day.
Timing his arrival so that they’d be gone out of the house when he got there, he hastily wrapped the gifts and left them on their porch so that they’d see them when they got back.
Adam’s father opened the gift with his name on it and was delighted to see such a treasured item. He then checked to see what his wife had received and, upon seeing the realistic bug model, instinctively used his own gift to smash the giant bug. In doing so, the warhammer cracked, and so Adam’s dad broke both gifts before he could even say 'Surprise!' ■

[281 words]

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Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno

Daniel Smeb and all of his many Smeb brothers including the one's that have been disgraced from the family are the sons of legendary SHLer Chico Salmon, quite the tyrant of the father. Most of the Smeb's have never seen their mother and don't even know if they have the same mother, they barely ever see their father anyways. For most parents days all the Smeb's just leave Parker Smeb in charge of figuring out what to get for their dad Chico Salmon since he's the only Smeb he doesn't completely hate for some reason. Chico is pretty proud of the success Daniel and Parker have been having in the SHL lately though following in their fathers footsteps, Unfortunately Kit Smeb has been a disappointment for a while now and Chico Smeb has also been trending downwards, Maybe their gift to their parents for parent's day will be stepping up their play for the playoffs.

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If there’s one thing Joe K never got to achieve during his very, very long SHL career, it was that of finding a wife and having a family. Joe K was never a parent (that he knows of anyway), and he never had time to settle down when he’s been too busy running New Orleans, Team USA, St. Louis, playing for Calgary or Edmonton, and doing all sorts of crazy things for his entire career. He never stopped to smell the roses, obsessed with winning MVPs, cups, Gold Medals, and getting into the Hall of Fame. He’s been the SHL’s most eligible bachelor for quite some time. He was in love once, with a write from The Buffalo News just as he was starting his career with the Dragons. Sadly, she passed away from cancer, and Joe K hasn’t even tried to find love again. So for Parent’s Day, at the very least, his sister proceeded to get him a few gifts from his dog Bayley. He’s been a great dog dad, which should count. “Bayley” got him a really nice card that she signed with a paw print, and a cool framed picture collage of their various life adventures together. Sure, it isn’t exactly having a child, but its close enough. Dogs are better than kids anyway. (218)

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Sasha Dangelchek is young and as such, doesn't have kids quite yet. He does, however, enjoy a very close relationship with his mother and father. He understands the sacrifices they've had to make through his life for him to get to the elite level of the SHL and he's now going out of his way to make sure they know how much they're appreciated.

This Parent's Day, Sasha went all out. He bought his parents a brand new house in their little town in Czechia and furnished it in their favorite styles. With the Wolfpack offseason coming earlier than anticipated, he was able to be there when they saw the house for the first time. Momma Dangelchek cried and Papa Dangelchek looked on with pride. Sasha spent almost the entirety of his first contract on the house -and it's a beautiful house - but it was definitely worth it. Sasha loves his parents.

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Jack Tanner (D) - [Player Page] [Player Updates]

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One sig is tweed's and the other was a karlssens/Copenhagen collab

AC | Bank | Claims

So, this happened in Jmac's rookie season, but he knew Parent's Day was coming up and wanted to do something big for them. He has had trouble throughout the last few years to get them something nice, and always just went with a sentimental gift. So once Jmac signed his rookie contract and had some cash monies, he knew he could get them something great. He and his siblings have always been open with their parents, so they knew the ins and outs of everything their parents did, like their house mortgage. Jmac got into contact with the company that his parents paid their monthly mortgage and paid it off completely. Jmac showed up to his parents how for Parent’s Day for dinner like he does every year, and in front of his parents and siblings he showed them a piece of paper that said their mortgage was completely paid off. His mother cried tears of joy and father bear hugged him. They had an amazing dinner and his parents said it was the best Parent’s Day ever!

Falcons (178 words) Chiefs

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Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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Samat Beibitzhanov does not support corporate holidays like Parent's Day because for him every day is Parent's Day. Rather than buying small gifts like many people do on the holiday, Samat has given money from his SHL salary to his family back in Russia and Kazakhstan, not only for his parents but to put his younger siblings through university. Due to the constraints of the season, Samat usually travels home for a few months in the offseason and then spends the remaining time in Colorado and more recently a few days in Manhattan for his callups to the Rage. Paying lipservice to the holiday, Samat called his parents, which is moot because he usually does it weekly anyway. Samat currently has no plans of having children and is currently single, choosing to put hockey before any other parts of his social life, or life life for that matter.

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Credit to Geck, Ragnar and Juni for sigs

Michael Fox is not yet a parent. He has had thoughts about the possibility, but hasn't quite crossed that bridge yet. Fox wanted to do something for Father's Day, but both his father and stepfather were having to work during the pandemic and it was mutually decided by the three of them to postpone celebrating the holiday until things returned (somewhat) to normalcy. In the past though, Fox and his dad have spent Father's Day going to a baseball game, wherever there happened to be one going on. Fox and his dad somehow grew to like rivals in the PBE. Fox grew to like Detroit, odd enough as it was, while his father grew to like San Antonio. With Fox becoming close friends with members of both teams, Fox had planned on surprising his dad with a trip to a game featuring both teams with an "all-access" sort of experience. This, however, will have to wait another year.

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Aleksi Kettu
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Adam is not a parent yet, but he does have two very supportive parents that are the reason he was able to be where he is today. Obviously for mothers and fathers day he got his parents alot of Kelowna Knights and Texas Renegade merchandise. As well as some tickets to his upcoming playoffs games. but not only tickets, being the Kelowna Knights captain has its perks, and Adam was able to get his team a sweet box to watch the games and have some food, and if they are lucky even a visit from the Knights Team mascot, Knoot. There will also be a period break presentation video from the players to all their parents at the Knights first playoff home game, which includes pictures and video of all the Knights as they were growing up and learning hockey. And each of the parents gets free booze at the game, because whats watching hockey if you arent drunk

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 Timber Steelhawks Norway Norway Steelhawks Timber  
Knights  Renegades Norway   Norway Renegades Knights

Bobby Sharp has yet to find a nice girl to settle down with and make little mini-Sharps that inevitably will be their own little terrors on the ice one day. So for now, Sharp's focus on parent's day is his own. Sharp and his brother Fred typically organize a nice relaxing day at the spa for some R&R for their mother Mrs. Sharp. While Mom is relaxing, they take their dad Mr. Sharp out for a round of golf. After golf, the Sharp's go pick up momma and head home for a nice home cooked meal. Waiting at home is flowers and chocolate for Mrs. Sharp, and cigars and Whiskey for Mr. Sharp. Even though Bobby has his own cooking show, his brother is the real wizard in the kitchen, and for dinner both the Sharp parents are quite fond of Ribeyes cooked out on the girl. All in all the focus of the day is on the parents, as without them both the Sharp boys wouldn't have had anywhere close to the opportunity they've had to succeed throughout their lives.

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