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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began

The speach that Guomundur Kristjansson would give would be about how you should never give up on your dreams and also promote the sport of hockey in the small nation of Iceland. The goal to inspire the kids is firstly have a speach, no presentation needed, and then reveal that the rest of the school day is cancelled for a Kristjansson hockey workshop to expose the kids to the sport of hockey and try and grow the community over there. Of course during the speech Kristjansson would be speaking Icelandic, hyping up the sport and also would be seen as a national icon as there are few Icelandic players in this SHL. I may have also forgot to mention that the music that would be playing during the workshop would be national treasure JaJa Ding Dong of course. In the end the event would be a success and the kids would start having a bigger interest in hockey and inspired to follow their dreams. Each kid was given a signed New England Kristjansson jersey to commemorate the event.

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When they asked me to come speak at my old High School I had some pretty depressing flashbacks running through my mind of some hard times I had when I was a teen. That being said I jumped at the opportunity and was so excited to come back here now. When I was going to school I didn't have all the confidence I have now. It took me many years to learn to love myself and not feel like a burden whenever I entered a room. I have met some amazing people who have helped show me they way with their great leadership and now I look out at all you kids and see nothing but unlimited potential. I know some of you in this room don't feel like you are valuable. I know what that feels like, but I also know that it is bullshit. Humans are the most beautiful thing there is. What are you looking for? Look inside's you. There is nothing more beautiful than you and when you finally see it inside yourself, you will see it in others as well. You can only love anyone else as much as you love yourself, stop worrying so much about what other people are doing. Your words are very powerful they are the magic that creates change around you. Learn about the power of your thoughts and actions and understand that you really do create your own reality.

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First SHL goal on first SHL shot in first SHL game.

Piotr’s speech would be simple, and straight forward. Would it entertain kids? Probably not. What it will do is strike the fear of god into them. Piotr is not an elegant speakers, but he does a great job of highlighting how he views them all, and he believes they are all failures. Being a failure is Russia is tough. You are a disgrace to your family, your community and your country, and that is what they all are. The fact that he has to meet them in a school, and not on the ice means they are physically and mentally weak. He would express that it is not their fault, but the fault of their parents for failing them. Before he leaves he would make a donation of skates to their class as a way for them to seek redemption. Most of them would continue to be failures, but Piotr can sleep well knowing that he did give them a chance.

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In my return to Charlotte to speak to the kids at my old high school, the focus of my talk will be about treating other people with respect. Coming off winning the league award for Most Sportsmanlike Player I want to springboard off that since Sportsmanship is based in respect.  There's a lot going on in the world right now in respects to the treatment of people of color and the LGBTQ+ community.  A lot of "pundits" will say that high school kids are too young to be dealing with these issues, but of course, that's hogwash. These young people see people like them, and how they are treated, on TV, movies and in public interactions.  Bullying is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days, but a bully isn't just the mean person in the hall who trips you or pulls your pigtails. What about the random person in the street who directs a racial or homophobic slur at your parents, or your friends? You think kids don't internalize that stuff. "If she's a *blank*, I must be a *blank* too." What about the stuff you see on the internet? Most of which is awful.  Your local sports team or school posts something Pro-equality and there's 10000 comments about how awful that is, and you shouldn't support that, and "just stick to basketball". Kids read that stuff. I want to let them know that they matter and they are loved and to be able to sort out the good from the bad. But it starts and ends with respect.

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(This post was last modified: 07-31-2020, 12:23 PM by honkerrs.)

If Scoochie went back to his hometown of Dallas and went back he would definitely pick about elementary grade level kids to go speak to. Why is that? Well hockey isn't the biggest sport down in Texas so he thinks it would be a great priority to help grow the sport in the community, especially to ones that can't afford the gear to play. Would definitely come during PE and turn the gym into a hockey learning experience for the kids. He is not a very good orator whatsoever so being able to engage in an activity would seem much much more natural. Would be a lot of fun to help grow the sport that way by showing how not only is it a guys' sport but there are a ton of girls that play as well. Additionally, being a college hockey player himself, it could turn into a talk about how it would be a great way to earn an education for free because of scholarship money available. Definitely would be a fun day of trying to grow hockey in Texas

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(This post was last modified: 07-31-2020, 01:53 PM by awils13.)

Quote:Written Option B (150 words min.): Provide an excerpt of your speech - either from the main portion or the Q&A that follows.

When I was a kid like you, everyone, including my coaches, said I would never make it as a professional hockey player. They said I wasn't good enough. I had a decent wrist shot and wasn't terrible defensively, but that wouldn't be enough. I didn't know how to check the opposing players. I couldn't complete a successful pass to a teammate that was standing right in front of me. All I could do was shoot and play defense. When I declared for the smjhl draft, almost every scout said I would go undrafted, but Vancouver took a chance on me in the 4th round, and one season later I was drafted 17th overall by the Hamilton Steelhawks, now I'm sitting at 318 points in 312 shl games and hopefully my best seasons are in front of me.
So I hope my example will inspire you. If you don't have the skillset of a conventional SHL player, if all you want is to fight people and be a goon, if all you want is to agitate your opponents so they take more penalties, or maybe you just want to stand in the crease all game, that's fine, you can be all of that. Also Gabe is good.

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SMJHL plug and future SHL plug Sammy Blaze was invited to speak at the Harvard Institute for the Blind Kids recently, and it went pretty well.

The speech was mostly about the dangers of playing the game of hockey as a blind man, where you have to rely on your teammates to kind of tell you where the net is, how to skate, how to hit the puck and such. Turns out Sammy Blaze is quite the motivational speaker, as he spits out the words eloquently. He was a bit of a nervous wreck prior to the speaking engagement, as he knows the blind people have higher senses. Not only is their hearing much improved, their sense of smell is very intimidating. Blaze had just come from a Detroit Falcons practice and didn't have time to shower.

The speech lasted about 20 minutes, but Blaze could tell that the next important blind hockey player was in the room, and perhaps his speech pushed him in the right direction.

Returning back to the high school that he once attended, Big Terry is rushed with emotions as he prepares to deliver his speech in front of the kids. Terrence was never a strong student in school, and he knows that he is not the strongest speaker nor speech writer. This brings upon nervousness, as despite his success on the ice, he lacks the success in public speaking. Looking back at his cards for the last time, Terry ponders on how he will speak of what it was like being a hockey player in a non-hockey market, or who helped support him when he needed it most, or how is life journey has lead him to be a succesful Colorado Raptor and future Edmonton Blizzard defenceman. Pacing back-and-forth, Terrence finally walks up the stairs and hopes to get an amiable welcome by the young crowd. Perhaps he'll even spot out the "next Big Terry".

153 words

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Kata Vilde went back to his native Sweden to talk to the young generation at his old school. Knowing how most kids don't pay attention to school speakers at all he decided he'd dress up as his father randy macho Man Savage in full wrestling regalia. While his normal voice is quite low it's not near as gravelly as his fathers but Kata can do a damn good impression so he entered the gym with a huge Ohhhh yeahhhhhhh!!! The kids went crazy and immediately he had their attention. That might have been due to the fact that he was tossing Slim Jims everywhere which are near impossible to get in Sweden. Vilde just went on to tell them that he found out about his famous father much later in life so being famous really gave him no advantages in making it to the SHL. It was all about the work you put in not who you are was the gist of his message. Afterwards he signed photos for the kids and then went home for a simple home cooked meal his mother made for him just like when he was a young lad.

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Shepard can’t go to his true home town as he is from the future. However he still inquired about making a speech at his hometown of Vancouver. At this point Commander Shpeard is an international celebrity being the first open time traveller. Shepard’s speech would be as epic as it gets. Shepard during his time saving the galaxy multiple times had numerous speeches about persevering and doing the right thing which always inspired his crew mates. This one will be no different. Shepard will explain that hard work and an unwavering dedication and loyalty to one another will lead one to greatness. Shepard, like all great speeches, will form a sort of crescendo towards the ending. Starting at his humble beginnings as a street thug in future Vancouver. Deciding to better himself and escape gang life by joining the alliance, working hard from the bottom gaining the respect of your peers and superiors. Learning new skills, leading by example etc. The school students will become so inspired. Hell maybe Shepard’s great-great-great grandparents themselves are in the audience.

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Thanks to @FlappyGiraffe and @ToeDragon84 for the making these sick sigs!

Quote:                            First Goal (3rd Game): Commander Shepard 1 (Nick Brain 1, Noah Gallagher 2) at 8:48


"Hello, I'm Slap McShotty. I was asked to talk to you guys but I was under the impressions I'd be doing it one-on-one for each of you, so now I gotta wing it. Four score and seven weeks ago..."


"... and that's how I earned the nickname 'ColonoscShotty' in THAT retirement home. Okay, that about sums it up. Any questions?"

Q: "You mentioned you made an individual speech for each of us. What was mine?"

A: "I did make some well-meaning speeches, but yours was kind of 'meh', I don't really see you going anywhere so I didn't waste my time. Next?"

Q: "What's your favorite video game?"

A: "I really enjoy the new Grand Theft Auto: Augmented Reality game, it makes running over cops more fun when you get to see your star rating go up. Next!"

Q: "You don't seem like much of a role model."

A: "That's not a question. Sheesh, no wonder you're failing. Give me your twitter handle afterward so I can publicly shame you, thanks."

"No more questions please, I'm exhausted and I need all my energy for my scrimmage against the local elementary school hockey team. Later!"

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

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Never forget

Gunnar's speech is a pretty emotional one because he already does a lot of work with his hometown youths in the offseason each year. Ordinarily he is not much good at public speaking and gets very nervous, but since these are kids he already knows and works with a lot, the speech feels less formal than it would if he were going to a strange school. The speech itself isn't anything too fancy, because Gunnar is not really a fancy boy (although he likes to pretend he is), but it is heartfelt. The contents of the speech aren't complicated because he's speaking to a lot of elementary school students, but they mostly concern following your dreams and being your authentic self, which is something Gunnar feels strongly about. He tries to impress upon them the importance of being true to themselves, but also the importance of standing up for others to allow them that same thing. In his opinion, it is very important to educate kids when they're young and impress upon them the importance of being kind to others, but willing to stand up and be strong when others are being bullied or harassed, so he tries to convey a sense of balance - gentleness and kindness with each other, but an unrelenting pursuit of equality and opportunity for everyone they come across.

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