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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2020, 01:55 AM by Patty.)

I love speaking to the next generation.  I feel I have a lot of experiences that they could really learn from.  Growing up in Europe and traveling all over playing hockey, I’ve seen a lot at a fairly young age.  Though it was much more hockey experience than real life experience.  

I’d tell them about what I learned playing with different teammates all the time.  And try to show them it’s okay to feel lonely or out of place.  Everyone does from time to time.  Learning how to deal with it and still be an effective hockey player or happy person.  Is what’s important about those situations they’re learning experiences!  Everything that happens to you is!  Taking in the experience and using it to grow is a skill that applies to every part of life.  You don’t need to feel like to have to figure them out on your own either!  Your coaches, parents, friends, siblings, they will all be there to help when your confused and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. 


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A option

Speech would definitely be about what hard work can do and how important it is. Hard work always beats money and talent. I would show them videos from locker rooms, trainings etc. I would make them more interested, so they have more passion to make their dreams come true. Will tell my story, how important is practice and that they should never stop.

It’s hard to say how my speech would go. I might mess up and I might talk it all perfectly. It’s based on how kids will respond aswell. Plus, in my opinion, each kid has that ability to achieve great things, so I think that in this rooms sits many future legends. Question is - who of them will not give up and will succeed.

Speech would probably be not so long. It would be short, but motivational. After that would be more questions and answers type of talk, selfies and maybe some skill showcase for them. Most important thing that they are not bored and they are inspired at least a bit.

176 words

Stars Stars Stars

It was a beautiful summer day when I received a call from my elementary-school teacher as well as a sports-school teacher. They invited me to tell me about their careers for the young champions, as well as those who haven't really chosen to become anything yet. As well as those who don't know who a professional hockey player is. I know I'm not the most compassionate player, but I wanted to go to Latvia and if it was possible to combine it, why not. The flight was good, given the state of affairs in the world. It took me 2 weeks to sit in quarantine. I went to the school where I met my teachers, as well as the young players. My speech lasted two hours, given that I wasn't the most comedic, it seemed a surprising long time. The conversation was about hockey, about my youth in hockey, how I dealt with everything, and so on. I tried to encourage the young to keep fighting, not to give up whatever happened, because I also had a moment in my life when I was going to leave hockey, but I was encouraged to stay because of my talent. The conversation was lovely, the children liked, asked a lot of questions. Overall, there was a very good measure.

During the off-season Disisde Dayudie spent a lot of time in his hometime of Matsumoto, Japan. He was asked by his junior team to create some publicity for the club and hockey in general, so he booked the gymnasium of every school in the city to tell the kids about his story and what hockey has done for him. He told the kids about how he used his martial arts background to get an edge in the sport, and how it has led him to become a player just on the verge of breaking out into a star, and he's not even close to his prime yet. He told them all about how if you work hard you can make something of yourself, the future doesn't have to be farming or sitting in front of a screen all day, hockey is a real choice.

He was met with mixed reactions, hockey is not very popular in Japan. There were however some kids that showed some interest, which led to there being more sign-ups for the hockey schools around the city, so mission accomplished!

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Reginald MacIntyre returned overseas to his hometown of Inverness in Scotland following the United Kingdom's silver medal run at the IIHF Championships. Fresh off of donning yet another medal for his nation, he returned to address several of the local schools, and in particular, the primary and secondary schools he attended before going all in on the professional hockey route.

"I could stand here and tell you to follow your dreams. To be honest, I worked hard at it, though I was also fortunate. There were several points where I could have dropped off, but someone else encouraged me to keep training, keep going. Your support system is key to whatever you want to do. If you don't succeed the way you want to, it's not the end of the world. It took me 10 seasons of failures and leaving the ice before I wanted to before that magical run where the Rage captured the Challenge Cup. I dealt with it in juniors, too. I dealt with a stretch where I just plateaued in the pros. Make no mistake - even for the pursuit you are told you are gifted in, you will have to work hard. Everyone else around you chasing that same dream is gifted, too. The one who works harder has a much better chance. Among geniuses, you are average without hard work. Don't let anyone tell you anything to the effect where your talent alone will carry the day. Talent is the entry fee. Hard work pays the rent."

Speedwagon Player Page | Speedwagon Updates Page 

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Lonnie O'Donoghue comes from a small town in Canada called Flin Flon. Flin Flon has a long history when it comes to producing hockey players that can play at a reasonable decent level, and that's why it was confusing when Lonnie got the message from his high school coach asking him to come in and talk to the kids and give a speech. "Why me?" He though as he sat down to write a speech that could compel these kids to follow their dreams and always work hard no matter what they are doing. He spent hours going over what he had written, then finally the big day came. As he was melting these kids' minds with this amazing speech they clearly seemed super bored with most of the kids having glazed over eyes and teachers waking up dozing off kids. Do, in a last ditch effort to gain the apporval of these high school kids he will never see again in his life he ended the speech early and opened a Q&A where he received many questions about other players that were better than Lonnie with almost nothing to do with him.
(196 words)

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(Sig Credit: toedragon84)

PT Pass claim

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Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Bo Kane's hockey career was a late starter. He always played but never took it competitively until he entered the SMJHL draft combine after pressure from friends and family. His reasoning for never taking it seriously was a lack of belief that the dream was possible. His speech to the kids back in his hometown in Toronto will be about having confidence in yourself and believing you can achieve things. How you must be willing to take the risk in failing or else you'll always live a life of what ifs. How failing is ok and inevitable. To help make the speech a little more fun for the kids there will also be a mini talent show at the end. Any kid can enter and do whatever talent they would like to show everyone. This will be away to keep it fun and keep the attention of the kids while also instilling some confidence in them.

Falcons Canada

James Kimanje was born in a hut near a dirt road in the backroads of Uganda, about 50 miles from Murchisson falls. There were not many children at his school, and they had all moved on by the time James was invited to return to give an inspirational speech, but there had been an explosion of growth at his home and there was now a large secondary school. As James stood at the podium and looked out across the 400 bored faces who had no idea what hockey was or why he was there, he realized that his accomplishments meant nothing for these kids. They needed hope more than anything. So James tore the speech he had written about his hockey career thus far in half and stomped it into the ground. He began to talk about his journey from the village to the capital city, where he had picked up odd jobs wherever possible but always practiced his skills at the same time every day. He talked about how when he finally had the money to come to the States, he almost missed his flight but was able to make it. He talked about his firs few days in the States and how different it was. And as he talked, he slowly saw the faces in the room begin to gain interest and light up. After he mentioned his hockey career briefly, he closed by telling the children to always be hopeful and to never give up on your dreams, that they do come true. And James was able to leave the school confident that he had made an impact on each of those 400 teens.
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2020, 04:34 PM by The__Y-man__100.)

Boris got to go home to Ukraine over this off-season. He went back to his celo when he grew up and the mayor invited him to come and address the village. He totally winged the speech, knowing that everyone in the town was probably drunk and being the only SHL player from the village they would love him no matter what he said. Boris presented his speech in front of the village, one woman even gave birth in the crowd as the hospital staff took the afternoon off to come and see his speech. He talked a little bit about his time at home, but mostly about what his life has been like since making the jump to the SHL. He talked about the thrill of getting his name called on the draft floor (since he almost went un-drafted) and reminded everyone that even though they are in a small town, big dreams are still possible

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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During the off-season, Parker Smeb got the chance to visit his home-town of Seoul and speak to a bunch of aspiring hockey players and high elo LoL players. The kids in Seoul greatly look up to Parker as he is the first Korean player to ever win a major SHL award in SHL history. Parker brought along his brother Kit to show the young athletes what can happen if they stop working hard and become unmotivated, Kit is now 300 pounds and lost his spot on the Syndicate as a 3rd line forward due to no longer working hard. Parker also spoke about his brother Steve-Craig who had a career-ending ear injury in his second season and how it's important to remain healthy if they want to have long careers. Parker also spoke about Daniel and how he carried him to his Smeb record 70 point season this past season. Finally, Parker told them it's unlikely most of them would make it to the SHL as the Smebs were a family of elite athletes and only 3 of them managed to have long SHL careers.

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

The moderator presses a button following the introduction, and Joseph Weston appears on the screen for the students in the Zoom call, sitting tall in his Calgary Dragons jersey with his usual smile. There are some shocked looks, some surprised phones come out for the Insta and Snap, and of course a decent number of unaware and blank stares. Weston came from a hockey heavy area, one with a mix of fans outside of Chicago, Hamilton, Toronto, and the occasional and rare Tampa Bay fan, so of course he was met with the sights of various jerseys proudly displayed by students whose eagerness in their eyes betrayed the confident defiance put on to support their favorite team selections. Weston, like many other professional SHL players, was not the most eloquent of speakers. But he was however, down to Earth, and back in an environment he knew and was happy with. So his smile grew even wider, and he began to talk to the next generation of super stars.

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

Prompt A

I'm going to talk to the kids about the importance of making sure your airways are always clear and that you always breathe the right gases. I'm not talking about oxygen, or carbon dioxide, or even carbon monoxide, but gasoline. Gasoline is an important part of every hockey player's upbringing, as you can tell from Maxime Bouchard's rise to fame after his many youthful years spent huffing the delicious fuel. The speech starts out well, I get on stage and start talking about the importance of knowing proper breathing techniques. Then, I bring out a jerry can of gasoline and start showing the kids how it all goes down. Soon, the effects of the gasoline take over, and I wind up mumbling on the stage because I am a big buffoon who isn't can word good. It's a terrible sight for all to see and the kids all wished they had skipped the assembly instead. Guy drives home, still high from the fumes, wondering where it all went wrong.

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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Cain heads back to Whitney White High School to give a speech to their hockey team. Originally he did not plan on even becoming a professional athlete but he did not pass up on the opportunity to play in the SMJHL after being drafted last overall and proving himself to the team and the league. His brother Martin is also there, after dabbling in professional sports and even GMing in the SMJHL, he is now a youth hockey coach. Cain gives a speech about how you never give up on your team, as he has had some lows, especially losing in game 7 of the finals in s46, but they came back and won it all last season to the surprise of everyone, who thought the Steelhawks would run away with it. He spoke about being more than friends with your team, being brothers that you would give it all for, that kind of bond is how you go far and play to your fullest.

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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Option A:

Victor Ball has an idea of what the speech he has to give should be like even before he writes it. Why? Well, his dad gave him and his high school the same speech just a few years ago. Of course, Victor isn't going to replicate his speech, but he knows what he should do.

Victor is going to mainly discuss how what he learned in high school has helped him get to where he is now, although he didn't care about high school one bit, but they don't know that. He also wants to entertain the teens with various jokes scattered through the speech, jokes talking about hockey, Latvia, the school, anything. And of course, he is going to show a video of his highlights from his first season in the SMJHL, although it'll be a little short, so he will include others from before as well. Overall, he just wants to give the kids something to remember and something for them to get out of a lot of their classes that day.

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First Ever SHL Goal:
5. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 1 (Piotr Czerkawski 1, Cameron Dubois 2) at 16:27

First Ever Hat Trick:
S45 Game 46 NEW vs TOR
6. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 1 (Artemi Berezin 3, Tigole Bitties 5) at 5:21
9. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 2 (Artemi Berezin 4) at 18:58
10. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 3 (Tigole Bitties 7, Manuel Gotze 2) at 19:38 (Empty Net)

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