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Open letter:Expansion GM announcement


I am sorry to all the applicants who didn't get the job. I mentioned this in my post, you all did fantastic jobs. I want to address some thing here quickly. It is Friday afternoon for me, this is not an excuse but I just drove home from work, I need to feed the dog, walk the dog, make dinner, and do stuff so forgive my slow response.

@39alaska39@frithjofr@Wally@DaftRaincloud@Acsolap, I think these are the few who applied who have been on this thread. I will extend a personal apology to you. At the time of this posting Tomas was not aware of a few things we were setting in motion. HO was already assigning our members to review and chat with the applicants, in fact I know a few of those convos have already started. I'm sorry this didn't happen before the posting went up, for that I take responsibility. We were talking with the 2 we selected and didn't want it to leak out not from us. We thought that would hurt more, obviously we were wrong.

Please note, I am sorry and will personally talk to each member who applied but did not get the job, if they want met to. I know everyone was excited about this and I feel like posting today, we did the site a disservice. 

Again, our intention was not to hurt or make anyone feel lesser than, but to get the information out quickly and then work through talking to members. I see the error in this now.

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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I need you guys to do my next job application. I love the passion.

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I mean majority of time you dont get responses for putting in apps. Don't get the big deal. Great choices here HO

[Image: honkerrs.gif]
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(This post was last modified: 08-14-2020, 08:29 PM by ml002.)

08-14-2020, 08:22 PMhonkerrs Wrote: I mean majority of time in real life you dont get responses for putting in apps. Don't get the big deal. Great choices here HO

[Image: honkerrs.gif]
[Image: OPTIMIZED.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2020, 08:24 PM by Blastmeaway.)

This isn't just a stop issue at GM Announcements it's a site culture, and possibly just the ignorance of youth, but every single job that is applied for should receive some form of feedback. The biggest reason I can think of why this happens is that people don't like to give bad news to others, which I understand but like @Tomasnz stated it's just the respect of the comments no matter what they be. It tells the user that you have received their message, have then probably looked at it. I made sure to respond to every user that applied to be an updater while I was Head Updater, @Zombiewolf has ensured me he did and will continue to do such as well. People like to feel that more effort than just reading their message has taken place.

Shout out to ml002, schultzy, slashacm, tedward!
[Image: blastmeaway.gif]

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09-05-2018, 10:04 PMBeaver Wrote: Wow look what the PT affiliation has done to our pristine league.
12-19-2018, 12:31 AMBeaver Wrote: I personally blame the PT affiliation for handing out massive amounts of free TPE to all these players, inflating the TPE they're at when they get called up.
[Image: Capture21.PNG?width=400&height=90]

08-14-2020, 08:17 PMnour Wrote: Hey so, I'll address some of this stuff here point by point.

I'm not entirely following the logic of being happy with the hirings we chose and also feeling like the process was rushed. Tig and Hotdog were HANDS DOWN the best options for the job, we all provided internal commentary on every single application we received and thoroughly reviewed every single one with the help of all HO members and the owners. It's easy to say the process appeared rushed from the outside looking in when you've seen none of the apps and weren't a part of the process, but we picked the best set of GMs for this team and we have an insane amount of confidence in both of these following their experience and application.

Head Office has had almost no precedent for follow up interviews for jobs. If that's something you guys would like I'm definitely not saying no, I think any suggestions to improve the application process is more than welcome, but I don't like the insinuation that we didn't do our due diligence on this hiring. And to be quite honest, yeah the apps we received from Hotdog and Tig were quite literally in a league of their own. We reviewed every single app and we found a few that were on par with their apps (all of which we DID in fact reach out to, anyone who was a finalist we touched based with following the hiring).

Again to this next point, I'm not OPPOSED to giving feedback at all, but that's never been done in the past at all and no one complained. That's something we can explore going forward but I'm not fully understanding the anger stemming from us not doing something we've never done before to no complaints. Not to mention that the expansion process is more than just selecting GMs, we need to set rules for selecting coGMs, we need to figure out divisional realignments for the new playoff format, we need to figure out deadline dates for protection lists, and so much more to prep for expansion. We had 14 apps, I'd love to be able to sit down and talk to all of them but we have a lot to do, and again, we DID our due diligence in the process to ensure we picked the best people possible (case in point, no one has an issue with who we actually hired).

Idk, I don't want to invalidate anyone's feelings here, like I said we are open to exploring application feedback and hiring interviews in the future, but the insinuation that we're treating this like its not a big deal feels unfounded when we have been discussing these apps, debating and weighing options for days now. I'm positive we did the what was needed during this process and we have picked the best people, not by luck, but through hard work from everyone involved.

Leave it to Tig’s Co to defend the hiring process.

[Image: lap-teamsig.png]
Aleksi Kettu
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]


why isn’t feedback already apart of the job process? how will people know what they did wrong if they aren’t told what to improve on?

[Image: ImShiny.gif]

08-14-2020, 08:15 PMACapitalChicago Wrote:
08-14-2020, 08:12 PMLeppish Wrote: I mean, they could at least respond to the people who put in work to apply.

Agreed. Looks like a serious lack of effort from what we've seen on the side of HO so far. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but so far all that's known publicly is that they didn't interview everyone and haven't done what should be basic due diligence.

Agreed coming from someone else who also never got a message back from HO.

[Image: thedangazone.gif]

08-14-2020, 08:24 PMFuzzSHL Wrote: Leave it to Tig’s Co to defend the hiring process.

This is an apocalyptically bad take considering in mere months on the job nour has been one of the most valuable site leaders in fucking years.


@SDCore great reply and apologies for jumping the gun.

[Image: tomasnz.gif]

Player Page

08-14-2020, 08:25 PMImShiny Wrote: why isn’t feedback already apart of the job process? how will people know what they did wrong if they aren’t told what to improve on?

every job should receive a reply yes or no. It's just courteous.

Shout out to ml002, schultzy, slashacm, tedward!
[Image: blastmeaway.gif]

[Image: f4IDm9I.jpg] I [Image: specterspp.png] I [Image: czechup.png] I [Image: gs89eGV.png] I [Image: f4IDm9I.jpg]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]

09-05-2018, 10:04 PMBeaver Wrote: Wow look what the PT affiliation has done to our pristine league.
12-19-2018, 12:31 AMBeaver Wrote: I personally blame the PT affiliation for handing out massive amounts of free TPE to all these players, inflating the TPE they're at when they get called up.
[Image: Capture21.PNG?width=400&height=90]

08-14-2020, 08:23 PMBlastmeaway Wrote: This isn't just a stop issue at GM Announcements it's a site culture, and possibly just the ignorance of youth, but every single job that is applied for should receive some form of feedback. The biggest reason I can think of why this happens is that people don't like to give bad news to others, which I understand but like @Tomasnz stated it's just the respect of the comments no matter what they be. It tells the user that you have received their message, have then probably looked at it. I made sure to respond to every user that applied to be an updater while I was Head Updater, @Zombiewolf has ensured me he did and will continue to do such as well. People like to feel that more effort than just reading their message has taken place.

The Updating Team being ahead of the curve for the SHL? Why I never!

[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

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08-14-2020, 08:31 PMBlastmeaway Wrote:
08-14-2020, 08:25 PMImShiny Wrote: why isn’t feedback already apart of the job process? how will people know what they did wrong if they aren’t told what to improve on?

every job should receive a reply yes or no. It's just courteous.
Funny how basic respect is considered a big ask

Alex Winters (retired)
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Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
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08-14-2020, 08:26 PMTheDangaZone Wrote:
08-14-2020, 08:15 PMACapitalChicago Wrote: Agreed. Looks like a serious lack of effort from what we've seen on the side of HO so far. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but so far all that's known publicly is that they didn't interview everyone and haven't done what should be basic due diligence.

Agreed coming from someone else who also never got a message back from HO.

iirc you used to be in HO and already got an expansion team?

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
[Image: 47986_s.gif]


08-14-2020, 08:24 PMFuzzSHL Wrote: Leave it to Tig’s Co to defend the hiring process.

I'm even on the side of the hiring process being lackluster and this ain't it chief. Not like nour hand picked tig himself without anyone else's input from HO. I get you're mad and I would be too in your shoes but nepotism was far from the problem here.

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