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S55 PT #5 - Playoffs (Remix)

I will promote the Calgary Dragons playoff push on the infamous SHL channel called Dragons TV. It would be a classic Mike Izzy production with Calgary Flames player highlights that would represent some of the best moments of the season fifty five regular season by Dragons players. The motto of the video will be a rallying cry behind the “Win It For Izzy” slogan as Mike Izzy, a life long member of the Calgary Dragons and current assistant general manager will be retiring at the end of Calgary’s playoff run. He was an absolute stud for the Calgary Dragons have a long illustrious career as one of the best power forwards to ever play in the SHL so it makes sense for the team to rally behind him to make a deep playoff run.

The song I would use for the TV commercial would be one of Pitbull’s newer songs called “I Believe That We Will Win” and the forty five second commercial will play the lyrics of the main chorus “I said I, say it with me (I) I believe, say it with me (I believe) I believe that, say it with me (I believe that) I believe that we will win Let me hear you say (I believe that we will win) I believe that we will win (say it ) I believe that we will win I believe that we will win (say it) I believe that we will win I believe that we will win (say it) I believe that we will win I believe that we will win (say it) I believe that we will win (woo). Following this part the end of the video will play this part of the song as an epic outro: “We could lose the battle But we gon' win the war I'm from the bottom, I'm that uncut real raw When things get tough That's when we show up That's when we show out That's when we show you all (305) It's time to knuckle up (knuckle up) And fight hard (fight hard) Now let's all buckle up (buckle up) And fight hard (fight hard)”. Ultimately this would be the perfect playoff pump up song for the commercial.

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The commercial I would make would open with a mobster, a minotaur, a buffalo wrangler cowboy, a birdman, a wolfman dressed for the Arctic, a dragon, a spooky weird shadow specter wraith guy, and a bandana-clad desperado walk into a room with a table, chairs, and one hanging bulb in the center. The mobster would toss his cigar on the ground, grind it into his heel, and say "Alright gentlemen, lets get down to business...." in a mobster accent.

We then cut to highlights featuring top SHLers such as Daniel Smeb, Bo Kane, Monkey D. Luffy, and Aaron Wilson just to name a few, doing their best to go wheel top shelf snipe celly all over the opposition, along with big saves from goaltenders Peter Larson, Aleister Cain, and Elizabeth Doyle. A montage of big moments from olden times with black and white tones would flash by in increasingly fast motion, before cutting back to camera shots of the 8 mascot-ish men who walked into the room at the start. We then would get the tagline: 55 seasons. 8 teams. 1 champion. SHL Season 55 Challenge Cup Finals LIVE on

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Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

I know how the local Tampa Bay broadcast is going, even if its not strictly *for* the playoffs.

"Are you ready...", it begins. Cut to Tom Fiddler deking and dancing through 3 defenders and ripping a blistering wrister into the stands. Another cut, Megatron barreling through the crease clearing defenseman and the opposing goaling, netting a goal. Heavy metal blares, every thump of the kick drum lining up with a shot or a hit.

"To weather the storm...", cut to Michael Fitted fighting his own teammate at practice, smash cut to broken sticks, a depth forward being pelted by shot after shot. A drum fill that is loud as it is long, extending the commercial to a solid minute at this point. No one enjoys it or is impressed.

"For the Tampa Bay Barracuda???" Smash cut to Tom Fiddler and Michael Fitted drinking at local bars, throwing chairs, beating up bouncers, screaming at cars. A lone guitar rips a fat squeal on the string, followed by yet another unnecessary, but totally awesome, solo. Weedley weedley wooOoOOOOOOOooO

"They're back from hockey, and they're pissed. Board up your windows and brace yourselves for the Boys in Blue". It was actually a PSA the whole time. "Gimme your fuckin' money", its the voice and face of cptrella, also involved in the drinking shenanigans

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Fuck the penaltys
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(feeling lazy and don't want to make a video so here's the written task) 

My commercial would need to be another hype video. I have recently watched Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix, so I'm thinking I'd use the Agni Kai music for the background. It would get people feeling energetic and pumped out, while being intense and fun at the same time. The commercial would highlight all the stars on the team. This season our stars were myself (Edward Williams), Zoltan Topalo, Fred Wanesly, and then for defense I'd include Michael Lee and maybe I'd toss in Kolja Kekkonen. It would be relatively fast paced with cuts of goals, saves from Thor Odinson, maybe important shots blocked, as well as any good celebrations or team moments. It would also end by highlighting and reminding everyone of the Four Star Cup win of S53 (skipping over last year's poor showing). This is pretty much the end of the big S52 draft class, so it will also highlight these players' big moments in their careers. With GM Tiggie Smalls moving on at the end of the season, it will be an emotional playoffs filled with heart by the Detroit Falcons and the commercial will represent that.

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The commercial starts out with an SHL logo flashing on a fresh sheet of ice, with players skating around in a warm up drill, and Eye of the Tiger is playing in the background. It then starts cutting to clips of the star players of each team in the playoffs. Kholin and Luffy connecting for a beauty of a goal, Gabe Johnson clapping a bomb from the blue line, Thomason scoring a nice breakaway goal, and Parker Smeb laying out a huge hit. Then it goes over to the western teams. Bo Kane dangling around a poor goalie, Kvalheim making an elite defensive play, Mike Izzy driving to the net and scoring a big goal, and Jimmy Slothface breaking a defensemans ankles. Then, depending on where you are watching from, it goes on to talk about the S55 SHL playoffs, then talks about local TV times and goes over the local teams result from the previous game. 

159 words

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My commercial is going to utilize Pitbull, similar to the NBA commercial used for the example. Except this is going to use his best song. While Timber is iconic, of course, the true best song for the situation is Green Light. Think about it:

Red Light (like the goal light), green light
Everybody take a shot (on goal, presumably, but who knows many of us are not that good)
Red light, green light
Give me everything you got (it is the playoffs after all, you better be giving 150%, if not more. Actually, make it 155%, for S55)
Red light, green light

It already fits hockey perfectly talking about goal lights, taking shots, giving your all. You can tie in clips of people with broken bones still playing, injuring themselves worse in the name of trying to win this one time. You could put clips of goals being scored, of goalies being angry. You could kick it off with the green light just being players coming out of the tunnel and ultimately that's what I'd do.

Think of this, you start with an interview about returning to play and the excitement of making the playoffs as it fades into the background. You get little clips of shots and such. And then the last green light and players come racing out and then the beat breaks out and you have clips of hits, goals, saves, and the like. You just blast them with all the best highlights. Then you close out with the Cup being raised above the head of a player with that big "GIMME THE GREEN LIGHT!" and cut.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


It's an animal theme for this S55 SHL playoffs commercial, so there's no music. It's just various animal noises throughout. It starts with a dark screen, can't really see whats going on, but there's noises. like a stampede. it's for buffalo, the stampede do you get it? it zooms out and you can see all the buffalos running and they're in a stampede. also there's an otter zig zagging through the stampede, demonstrating the pinnacle of agility. also there's a big ol hippo powering along as well. Then it switches to a different scene and there's a sloth in a specters jersey and he's just chilling like a cool ass dude, maybe throws in a yawn but it's a cute yawn not a sleepy yawn, it's jimmy slothface. Then another scene it's a cow on ice slipping all around (this one is julio tokolosh of the edmonton blizzard). hmmmmmmmm are there other animals?? uhhhh ok there's a bunch of hawks swooping in at the end for Hamilton!

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway
(This post was last modified: 08-26-2020, 01:06 AM by Julio Tokolosh.)

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This is easy. I always wanted to see a commercial with something intense. First song to pop in my head is “Walk” by Pantara. The song is great to have video cut to especially hits and cellys.

The guitar comes in, show some footage slowed down a little and in black and white. Close up on some man face that’s all sweaty. When the song kicks in so does the color and the speed.

The chorus can be just accentuated with hits. RE! SPECT! WALK! Boom dude gets punched the the face. “What do you say?” Have some people chirping. Hits the guitar solo and it’s just dekes goals and cellys.

Thinking about this it’s such a good idea it has to have been done already. Maybe not which hockey, but someone should do it. You can put my muse money right in my bank account...

“Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistence
One step from lashing out at you
You want in, to get under my skin and call yourself a friend
I've got more friends like you, what do I do?”

It writes itself. The first few lines are perfect. If you can’t imagine this I feel sorry for you.

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pt pass

Quote:Describe the TV commercial you've designed to promote this season's playoffs. What music will accompany the commercial (remember this is something that people will be hearing over and over again throughout the playoffs)? What teams/players/messages will you feature?

Aron "Fishy" Hernadivic, aka the blonde-haired attractive Czechian was chosen as the face of Buffalo as the SHLs marketing department wanted to focus on the young stars in their new playoffs ad. Joining Hernadivic will be Kaarlo Kekkonen of the Texas Renegades, Bo Kane of the Edmonton Blizzard, and Gabriel Johnson (lol) of the Hamilton Steelhawks. Also joining these 3 are some SMJHL players, Colin Lambert of the St. Louis Scarecrows, Kolja Kekkonen of the Detroit Falcons, and Emilia Bergman of the Anaheim Outlaws. 6 of the players will take turns shooting the puck off the post/crossbar, forming the beats for this commercial. The 7th person, Gabriel Johnson, who is a notable singer, will sing a song over the puck and post instrumentals. Gabe will be singing an original song called "playoffs". Gabe is so talented. - inspiration (183 words)

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Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

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(This post was last modified: 08-26-2020, 12:32 PM by Carpy48.)

Felt too lazy to write, so here's a cheap playoff poster.
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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

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Play-offs are only once per season and that's very big event. So it's obvious that it needs an amazing commercial for TV and other platforms.

Commercial will not be cheap thing. Money will be invested to get an A level celebrity - musician for it to sing. In this case it could be DaBaby. He always knows how to get public hyped and that would be amazing before Play-offs starts. He will use ''Rockstar'' commercial, which is really big song and have been even on billboards.

On commercial will be only two teams - best from each conference. Buffalo Stampede and Edmonton Blizzard with small video snippets from other teams games and of course - video of trophy. Artist st4rface will feature this commercial aswell to help hype this event up as much as possible. He will perform together with DaBaby and they will promote this commercial in their social media accounts aswell. It will be not very long commercial, but it will be amazing commercial for upcoming Play-offs which will hype up every hockey fan.

173 words

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