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S56 Championship Week

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

  • Honestly I was disappointed with how my player performed in almost every category. Last season I was an All-Star, and one of the hit leaders in the SMJHL. This season I dropped from #2 in hits to #5 and went from 242 hits to 148 hits. Honestly that’s a disappointment. I know I was put into a new line and new roles but I didn’t think I would drop off that much. I may have scored more goals but I was less effective as a team member all around the ice. I even gave away double the pucks I did last season. I’m attributing this to a loss of a lot of players and moving up form line 3 to line 1, which was a big change that I don’t think my player adjusted well to. Next season I hope that Panda will come into the season ready to go and hit the ground running with a fresh start and less internal team turnover. (164 Words)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.
  • This is a piece of cake. You start off with a double sided round robin challenge, the top 6 all go into one round robin, and the bottom 6 go into another round robin. You take the top 3 from this round robin, and then go into a blind double elimination bracket. Throw all 6 remaining teams into a hat and then draw them randomly into a bracket. That way we get maximum craziness. Then make each game a best of 11, so that we can see who really is the best. In the double elimination side of the bracket, once the losers side comes through to the final the team that didn’t get eliminated gets a 1 game advantage in the first part of the final round. Then if they lose the first best of 11 both teams get to start out even. (144)

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
  • Now I’m going with homerism as per usual. The Colorado Raptors should have been CONTENDERS. We had the squad at the start of the season that in my opinion should have been able to compete with anyone out there. I think the sim messed with Colorado and must have had a deep hatred for us. And then in the playoffs we lost every game where we outshot our opponents. I think please don’t quote me on that, and I do 100% think we should have gone farther. I hit a lot of people and I got into fights why won’t the sim love me. We had a very strong line, and a lot of good players who regressed somehow even after upping their cap, like me. (126 Words)

8. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min. if written)
The arenas in Buffalo and Hamilton want to make sure they're pulling out all the stops on the big stage. Help the concessions department of one of these two teams develop a new product, with marketing specifically pertaining to this finals series, to be sold at the arena during the finals. Describe the product and the marketing in 150 words or create a promotional poster showing the product, its name, the price, etc.
  • I think the most obvious thing to sell is Food that comes with branded Masks and popcorn that’s container can double into a Branded Face Shield once the popcorn is eaten. This is going to be popular because you can enjoy your meal and then enjoy the game knowing you are safe from the corona. (also make sure not to sell corona). The marketing would be a bunch of people with the cool looking popcorn helmets on their head, with the one clear side so they can see out. The biggest problem I can forsee is two-fold. What do you do with all the extra popcorn kernels that are unpopped in the bucket? And  now you have a helmet with a clear side, but that side is covered in butter. That’s why every bucket will have a liner inside it that you turn inside out. This disposes of the extra kernels, and the bag will have a hole you put your head through so that it acts as another barrier as it will lie flush with your neck to ensure you are safe from disease and the clear panel is not covered in butter, it’s a win win. (198 words)

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
  • On Paper I have to go with Buffalo. Have you ever watched One Piece? Monkey D. Luffy has eaten the Gum Gum Fruit and is basically a rubber man, I don’t know if that’s legal but being able to stretch your own body to crazy lengths has to be cheating and is worth a whole teams worth of skaters just on their own. (63)
b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
  • If i were the Manager I wouldn’t change anything. Both teams obviously had good strategies to get them here, and I think if the players are comfortable with the strategies then you stick with them. Changing things up can threaten the comfort level of the players and can cause them to overthink and make mistakes while trying to implement the new strategies, not all players are smart enough to do two things at the same time. (76)
c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
  • This is a dumb questions it’s blatantly obvious. It’s lake Superior do I have to spell it out for you. Lake Superior is the Largest Lake of the 5 by Surface Area and Volume. Outside that Lake Superior is ALSO the largest Freshwater lake in the world, meaning you could live on it AND drink the water unlike the Caspain Sea, WHICH ISN’T EVEN NAMED LAKE. Besides that It’s in the name, SUPERIOR meaning it’s better (Though technically named le lac  supérieur meaning the upper lake because it was North of Lake Huron).  (93)
d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)
  • Well I would pick Gabe because he sounds nice but now I won’t. I’ll be honest I don’t ever leave my locker room so this is a hard question but I guess I would pick TnlAstatine since they named their player after an Anime character i assume we could bond over that. I’m just starting One Piece but we could chill and just watch/discuss anime all darn day. (69)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
  • Kappa

[Image: juniped_shl.gif]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Again I did about as well as my team did. Considering that this past season was pretty much my peak TPE season it should've been my best. However, we all know that TPE doesn't mean anything - or not much - for goalies, the season did depend on how the team in front of me played. We were better than last season, obviously, but I didn't meet my individual goal. That goal is still to win a McBride and that hasn't happened yet and obviously won't happen this season either, because there are much better candidates out there. I can attribute all of that to my team itself. We are getting better and even though I will start regression next season, I do see my player improve for a few more seasons, hopefully. I know all of the above sounds like an excuse, but we all know how FHM treats goalies Wink. At least we got more wins? (157 words)


2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

Thanks for including only the seasons that I've actually been here :D. Since I typically don't follow the playoffs much, because we're never in there, I'm not sure if any of them are particularly memorable for me. I mostly remember a few of them, because I knew people on some of the teams and they won their first cup. So I associate the S46 Buffalo win with Luffy, who I was playing with on Lethbridge at that time, who won his first cup as a call-up for Buffalo while the team also won their first - that was pretty cool. And the same with S49, when my favorite cow Julio won one with Edmonton. Since I didn't actually follow any of the series, I couldn't tell you why they were good or the best. A lot of people will likely mention the S51 Hamilton cup win too, but I won't get into that one. If I really had to pick just one, it will be the S46 one, especially because it also included NOLA and they were an expansion team at that time that made it to the finals. (189 words)


3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

Worst? Okay you asked for it. We get 3 teams from each of the four divisions, so 12 teams. To make it less complicated I will call them division A, B, C, D so team A1 is the first from that division (anyone still following?). This will be entirely random. A1 plays D2, B1 plays A3, C1 plays D1, A2 plays D3, B2 plays B3 and C2 plays C3. After that we're down to 6 teams. They will be sorted alphabetically and divided into two groups, to make it easier I'll again call them group A and group B. A1 plays B2, A2 plays B1 and A3 plays B3. After that we only have 3 teams left. The 3 team captains of the remaining teams play rock paper scissors against each other until one of them has won. Now you're wondering: what's the logic behind it? There is none. You asked for dumb and worse, this is both. I hope. Can I get my 2 TPE now? (167 words)


6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Obviously Toronto for the SHL. We should've made the finals for sure. Since this seems to be a Great Lakes division thing this year for the finals, why not? I mean you could've also picked Chicago. After all they did finish 2nd in that division after Hamilton and also second in the East. Either way, we certainly wouldn't pick a team from the West. I mean what's the point of predicting the finals the old way where one team from the East and one from the West makes it, only to ignore the West entirely in the end? We might as well make it more ridiculous, so I'll go back to Toronto because that's my team and who doesn't want to play in the finals? (125 words)


13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
If we simply look at TPE you could argue that Buffalo has the player with the highest TPE in the whole league right now (Monkey D. Luffy), but on the other hand Hamilton has a total of four players that are over 2000 TPE. If we look at the top 25 skaters in terms of TPE in the whole league it's pretty even again, since both teams have 4 skaters each on that list. Yet I'll give this round to Hamilton; on paper they're better. (85 words)

c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
I'm totally indifferent to them and since I have no idea, I turned to Wikipedia for help. Looks like Lake Superior is the largest by surface area and water volume. Who would've guessed with that name. It's not only superior to the others, it's also the greatest. I mean that has to be the only correct answer here. (58 words)

d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)
Well, since I obviously can't pick Gabe, I have to pick someone else. I don't really know anyone on Hamilton, so that leaves Buffalo. On that team I only know a few players, but the choice simply has to be Monkey D. Luffy, my former teammate from the early days in the SMJHL. I don't know yet what we would do, probably have some drinks and talk about the old times? (71 words)


16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

word: coffee


Total: 16 TPE

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2020, 07:06 AM by jRuutu.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I had a solid year, 35 points in 50 games is more than in the previous season, I was able to get a lot more assists for example, so that shows that I have improved as a player, I'm not just a shooter anymore. The physicality improved as well, I had the most hits in the league with 254! I was not expecting a number like that, same goes for the penalty minutes, I had 142 penalty minutes, but I'd say the aggressive role still fits my playing style, I have the tools to be aggressive with and without the puck.

The main factor behind the better season is me improving as a player and working hard over the summer, but also getting to play in a big role is a crucial factor, the importance of a big role is something that can not be underestimated as I had over 10 points on the powerplay alone. Next season the goal is to take fewer penalty minutes, if and when I hopefully do that I should be near point per game pace, which would be awesome. (185)

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

Well, this is a tough one. I have never lived in Buffalo or in Hamilton, and if I understood the bubble rules correctly the players are not running around in the cities doing whatever? The life in the bubble is pretty much taking it easy at the hotel and hockey at the arena either in practice or while playing? If that is the case, I'd pick the city that has room for the teams, need big hotels, and since the teams and players have money to burn - high-quality hotels.

Living in a hotel during these tough times is not easy, so size is not just about being able to fit a lot of people under one roof, but also making sure the players/staff have room to move and keep their distance. Then comes everything else from eating and transportation between the hotel to the arena, etc. What the players do in the bubble could be reading, listening to music, playing video games, watching TV/movies, and sleeping. Nothing too exciting, but I guess it helps to create some chemistry within the teams as they go through that experience together. (189)

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Nevada Battleborn, the team has an elite-level defense group with players who can do both defend and play with the puck. The two goalies can both win games on their own. The forward core in front of the defense is not bad either, not too many league-leading scorers maybe, but 12 different players had at least 20 points in the regular-season games. Simply put, Nevada had enough skill in the roster to win it all. The reason why it was not meant to be was the league rules, the league is afraid that active players and teams come to the top too fast, the 350 TPE mark you have to stay at as a second-year junior was perhaps the biggest reason why Nevada did not make it into the finals. (130)

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

One team that I'm expecting to do well is Finland. Last year was not a good tournament as Finland won only two games, but this year things will be different. Old players like Ensio Kalju are not there anymore, which means younger players like Watt and Barkov will get even bigger roles in the blueline. Tactically as the roster keeps getting younger the system also changes, so purely as a result Finland will be a bit of a mystery for many, that opens the opportunity surprise the teams that might have a bit more skill in their roster.

If I look at the whole tournament, I'm sure teams like the USA, Japan, Canada, and Great Britain will once again have solid tournaments as they have a lot of great players who want to win and play for their countries. Japan player Monkey D. Luffy has been on fire this year again, so he is one player that I'm expecting to offer a lot of exciting moments to all IIHF fans. Look for Team Finland goalie Harry Carpet to stand on his head again, last year he faced the most shots but if and when Finland is ready to play this year - he can be a difference-maker. (200)

8. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min. if written)
The arenas in Buffalo and Hamilton want to make sure they're pulling out all the stops on the big stage. Help the concessions department of one of these two teams develop a new product, with marketing specifically pertaining to this finals series, to be sold at the arena during the finals. Describe the product and the marketing in 150 words or create a promotional poster showing the product, its name, the price, etc.

Hamilton Steelhawks are always looking to gain an edge over the competition, the concessions department is no different. This year the Hamilton marketing team has decided to do something different as they have put together a magazine that is handed out at the arena for free! After browsing the magazine the customers can decide if they want to pay something for it when they get home. (Instructions can be found in the magazine.) The magazine focuses mostly on the final series between Hamilton and Buffalo with interviews and articles related to both teams - typical hockey magazine in that sense.

However, at the end of the magazine in the hopes of getting younger people to come watch the games, the marketing team added the answers to thousands of math problems/questions from grades one to twelve, those might come in handy during the exam week.

Somebody might be wondering if the magazine is a smart idea, isn't it a waste of resources, etc? Do not worry the Steelhawks have considered the environment, the magazine itself is made from extremely thin paper, so if you want you can use it as toilet paper! (180)

3. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?

Superior, in this case the clue is in the name - Superior is the greatest. There is nothing you can not do in lake Superior, you can enjoy the view by climbing to higher ground, you can just walk around at the beach and of course the opportunities to do something with a boat or other water vehicles are endless. (60)

d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)

I have always built Finnish players in this league, one man has been running the Finnish national team for years and years, that man is WannabeFinn. He would be one person I'd like to meet, not because I have something to say to him, but I want to offer him the traditional Finnish discussion experience where we talk for few minutes and then sit in silence thinking what was the reason to meet face to face when we could have just done this in the phone or online somehow. (85)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: indexesnotworking

= 16 TPE

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This was last season in SMJHL for Aumy Jr. and of course - I expected for him to do better than last seasons. He wasn't bad last seasons, but I knew that he can do better for sure. And he did pretty decent - he had almost twice as more points as last season. He scored 15 goals and got 20 assists. Not bad for a defender. I am not surpsied, shocked or dissapointed. I think it was a decent season for him, because he could've done even more better. Next season will be the first season for my player in SHL. I don't expect for him to do something big. I just expect him to hit 1200 TPE mark and do okay in season. He isn't in the convesartion of best defenders yet, so I just focus on maxing him out and in close future we can talk about some bigger goals. Would be cool to get some goals and assists, but main thing I want to do is make my team win championship and that cup.
[176 words]

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Play-Offs bubble is kinda cool. At least - in my opinion, it's cool and interesting. I think that Los Angeles would be greatest spot of all SHL teams location places. Mostly, because Los Angeles is a biggest and possibly more beautiful city. If we talk about biggest safety and less things to do, so players don't get disturbed with some type of parties and more - Tampa Bay could be a nice spot too. There is huge beaches and bubble might be set up near that, so players have to do something in free time. Players would play their consoles, have time to spend in beach, gym and more. They wouldn't be allowed to leave a bubble, but they wouldn't need to leave it, because there would be a lot of stuff to do and they would have to play hockey in general too. Television, Wi-Fi, dinner, team trainings and workouts. They wouldn't have any time left besides sleep. There would be some park and small basketball courts too, so they can't say there's nothing to do.
[175 words]

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
I think in SHL, a lot of people expected Chicago Syndicate to make finals and be favorites to win the cup. They got eliminated by Buffalo Stampede by a sweep and it was unexpected. In SMJHL - Colorado Raptors were pretty good last seasons, but didn't get far too. I think that both of these teams were capable to be in finals and get a title, but fell too short. Both teams had great offense, good defense and decent goalies. I think that weak link was strategies and just the fact they couldn't find right tactics to win similar opponents as him. New simtool asks for coaching stuff to learn this game from the beginning and multiple teams don't succeed just because of that, unfortunately.
[124 words]

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
IIHF and WJC are always interesting to watch. First of all - a lot of times there are different outcomes for players. For example - you can do well in SMJHL or SHL and be just disgusting in IIHF or WJC. Or completely opposite - you can do bad in regular season and Play-Offs, but surprise with your nation. I think that Finland, Japan and Russia are favorites in this season's tournament. I think it will be individually good for best players of this league - Wagstrom and others. I expect that Latvia, Norway might do not so good. Mostly, because of the fact how they have played in last seasons. However, I think that some new players might surprise with some good games and that would be pretty cool. I think that small countries with less active players have bigger chances for new players to blow up. It might help with confidence for new players aswell. I think that there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of letdowns. I can't give any big prediction, because I'll be honest - we can see any type of surprises!
[185 words]

8. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min. if written)
Finals are always something big and teams need to figure out how to sell out all the tickets and how to get biggest ratings on TV ever. Buffalo Stampede and Hamilton Steelhawks don't meet in finals first time, so it's easier to promote these finals. This is already some big rivalry which is long multiple seasons. First of all - teams should promote it as a revenge finals. Both teams have met before and I believe that it's an individual rivalry for fans of both teams too. Stampede should create new jerseys - specially for finals and fans to give it away for free. Each ticket owner gets one t-shirt and entire arena wears them in home games. That means - green shirts only and amazing public, atmosphere in arena. That would be a thing they all get for free. For extra price they could buy same type of look t-shirts, caps and even more. Stampede should focus more on colors and fireworks too, so they can get best energy out of all fans. That might help a lot for players to bring home cup again.
[183 words]

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE! Each answer must be 50+ words!
First topic: B - Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
- I think that it's usual thing that winner don't change anything. My opinion is that both teams needs to leave same strategies and look how it will go in first game. After that - they can think about changing it if it won't work out so well. However, that's something team's management needs to think of, but that's just a simple thing in any of sports.
[65 words]
Second topic: D - If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)
- I don't even know Gabe that well, so I guess it's easy to say that not him, haha. However - I think that @WannabeFinn is a great guy and it would be really cool to hangout with him. Technically, I am Stampede player, so I root for them and I would lucky and happy to hang out with this dude. Hopefully, I'll be a Stampede player next season too!
[68 words]

16 TPE!

Stampede Raptors Stampede Finland Stampede 

Stars Stars Stars

(This post was last modified: 11-13-2020, 09:45 AM by Mavfatha.)


Verification word for trivia: Anthropomorphism

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Manuel Gotze did not fare as well as he would've hoped this season. I mean sure, he was a fairly important part of the Inferno's scoring, had a large +/- rating by the end of things, contributed on special teams, and wasn't embarrassing on the defensive side. The team also made it to the playoffs in their first season of existence (as I predicted) and progressed to round two, which he was also happy about. However, he was greatly outclassed in terms of hits this season, averaging fewer than 2 per game and having to stare longingly at DeMaricus Smyth, his own teammate, as Smyth checked the crap out of everyone in every single game on his way to leading the league in hits. So yeah, Gotze was disappointed and it was all Smyth's fault. Obviously the best way to improving his own numbers would be for Gotze to get Smyth removed from the team somehow. Though outright murder would be frowned upon, maybe he could get away with planting something that violates team rules but isn't illegal - such as bubble gum - in Smyth's locker so the team has to suspend or trade him.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

Oh this is a fun one. I'll be going with the bottom point in particular, coming up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff - 7-game series round robin! Screw the regular season, let's make the playoffs last longer than several regular seasons smushed together. The way it would actually work is that each of the original 12 teams would play a best of 7-game series against the other 11 playoff teams, leading to a possible 77 games played for each team. At the end of those series, we would take the 8 best teams and have them repeat the round-robin structure to determine the top 4, who would again have a round robin to set up the finals. The finals, of course, would be a best of 51 to really rub it in to the regular season.

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

So I lack the sophistication to be able to find out how to look at only the stats from the finals. However, looking at the overall playoff numbers from Hamilton, the most impressive statline to me is Aaron Wilson's. Aaron was below several of his teammates in points - though not by much - but also contributed a little over 2 hits per game while having very high ratings for offense, defense, and overall. To me, that all-around aspect to his game gives him the advantage for playoffs MVP. Also a shout out to Inferno legend Eko van Otter who's stats in only 11 games stack up well against the teams in the finals with at least one extra series.

[Image: gotze_team_siggy.png]
[Image: lKRNHAn.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2020, 05:27 PM by thedangazone.)

Welfare Claim - ISFL PT for 3 TPE

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Well to be honest with everyone my season was pretty disappointing overall with only 26 points on the season. I came in with some goals in mind to hit at least 35 points and grow on my rookie season and even though I was put onto the 2nd line for Los Angeles I just was not able to get it done and it hurt me bad. I think it can be a mix of personal regression on the ice in my sophomore year mixed with moving to a new team with new line mates and we just did not have that chemistry yet to do great things, hopefully that chemistry will be there next season as I have had a lot more time to gel and get to know my line mates more. On top of that I have a large amount of training ready to go to really up my game next season and hopefully take me over the top from newbie trash to a solid top 6 forward.

170 words

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Like most tournaments and seasons since we have moved over to FHM I still expect that the top teams will be fairly easy to determine and that IIHF will be no different. While I do think some surprises could happen I still think for the most part the top teams will be the same. Canada, USA, Czechia, and Great Britain stand out immediately as the early faves and I would be absolutely shocked if someone other than one of those 4 was to take home the gold. I would actually not be surprised in the slightest if 3 of those 4 take home all the medals and I would probably bet on Great Britain taking the gold with USA or Canada in second place. Czechia will take home bronze because that's what they do most consistently. There's probably a few dark horse teams that could sneak in and steal a medal but to be honest I wouldn't bet on it.

160 words

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
I think Hamilton has the better roster on paper just because Buffalo has a few younger players and a few older players as well that both are bringing the overall depth down a little bit. While Hamilton does have Robert Phelps who is a legend there he is the only one who stands out as that style of player who could drag the team down a tad.
67 words

b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
I think both teams were probably very on top of changes if they decided to make any. With Hamilton going up with a big lead early in the series I can not see them making many changes as it was already working. Buffalo would have been smart to try and swap it up a little to try and change the momentum of the series but it obviously didn't work in the end either way.
74 words

c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
Well this one is a tough choice but seeing as I have only been close enough to even see one of these lakes in my lifetime I am going to have to go with lake Erie. On the eastern side of Michigan it's a beautiful sludge color when staring out from Detroit and it's just a nice view anytime of the year.
62 words

d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)
I would choose evok every single time. It's no offense to anyone else but evok is an amazing user who is also just a genuinely great person. She came down to my wedding and if I could ever return the favor to go see her I would leap at the chance (damn you money and covid) and I think we'd have some fun times playing video games, DnD, and eating all the good Montreal food.
75 words

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word : Limitless

[Image: thedangazone.gif]
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2020, 05:17 PM by gordieboom.)

16. CW Trivia
verification word: Ayeaye

Stars | Player | Update Thread | Gordie#6746 | Manual Lineup Sheet | HockeyNation | Grizzlies
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 10:38 PM by The__Y-man__100.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

What a wild ride it was with Calgary this year. I had the best season of my career and proved Boris is not a waste of time. Calgary was one of the favourites going into the playoffs and unfortunately anything less then the cup was considered disappointing. Having lost to Edmonton it was a cruel fate this great team had to face. Boris is not getting any younger and the skates might be hanging up sooner rather then later. The next season will have a huge impact on how long of a career is left for Boris. With a lot of rookies getting the call up maybe the youthful energy is something the dragons need to go to that next level. Playing with my brother is going to be fun as that hasn’t happened in farrr too long. Here’s hoping Calgary can get there shit together and make some magic

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

It’s sad because I have been in two finals with Boris, and in both I have come out with nothing but the conference championship trophies. It really is mentally taxing when you can’t finish such a great run. I truly believed NEW would win the finals against EDM, but they slated the beast, and I will give them my respect for that. That New England team was one for the ages. Setting records all over the place and having a team play some of the most dominant regular season hockey this league has ever seen. But Edmonton worked harder at the end of the day and you know what, you can’t win them all. Their goaltending was fantastic and they shut down everyone. Ola was our leader and at the end of the day he, just like the rest of our team, got lost in the shadows. Until next time

Trivia (3tpe): Yeet

[Image: zcOwSzN.png] [Image: b1AwZLU.png]
First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

[Image: ezgif-3-597e9990a5.png]

(This post was last modified: 11-07-2020, 04:30 PM by dankoa.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I think all things considered I'm happy with the season. Breaking the 40 point barrier and having what was a pretty good season on paper, and then also being in a spot where Texas was able to win their division made it a really fun season. It feels like the lean years in Texas have been going on for some time, and even though it's not exactly winning the cup, being able to win our division was the kind of step that we needed to take in order to keep everything on track. I came pretty close to being a point per game player too, and even though I wasn't quite able to get there this time around I'm hoping that next season I'll see some more improvement and get over the line. Definitely a season to be proud of both individually and for the team, so I'm hoping that we can build on it and keep things going into next season and make a bit more of a competitive push in the playoffs.

174 words

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

I think the best one was probably the Buffalo vs NOLA series in S46. I remember having some feelings about the Specters and some of the moves that they'd made and how within the rules they were, and add in the fact that they'd taken my buddy Slowpoke's player from Texas in the expansion draft and were playing him in a terrible 4th line role and I wasn't the team's biggest fan. I also had some friends on Buffalo who were at that point fighting for the team's first championship in franchise history, and became quite involved in cheering them on and wanting them to win. I remember them going down by a couple of games and things starting to get worrying about whether they'd pull it off. Them being able to fight back in the series and then win Game 7 in overtime was a huge moment in the league and one that I remember pretty clearly. I don't think I've followed the finals as closely since as I did then, hopefully that changes soon when Texas gets back there.

181 words

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)

a.) Both teams are impressive but I would probably have to go with Hamilton. I think they've got the slight edge in terms of their forwards and defenseman, an even though Buffalo's goaltending will likely be stronger, I think it'd be hard for the Stampede to stop Hamilton outgunning them. They've got some serious firepower and I think it's going to be hard for Buffalo to beat them out.

68 words

b.) I don't really know how FHM tactics work so I'm not sure whether or not changing things would have that much of an impact. I think that if a team goes down by a couple of games they'd be silly not to try and adjust things to get the best result possible. With the cup on the line you have to try it.

63 words

c.) Lake Ontario all the way. I don't know anything about the others but Lake Ontario is pretty cool and I grew up near it so it has to be the won that wins this. It's the closest lake to Hamilton too and they were the best regular season team so I don't think that's any coincidence.

56 words

d.) I would like to hang out with SHL user WannabeFinn. I have always suspected that I'm a way better drinker and smoker than he is and it would be fun to have the chance to prove it in real life. There's loads of people on both teams I enjoy speaking to tho so plenty of answers for this one I could go with.

63 words

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: juice

Affiliate PT Task

ISFL PT (username is Drizzy)

Total: 16/16 TPE

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2020, 10:10 AM by Rabidsponge21.)

PBE CW +3 PBE affliation

Task 16 Trivia - Submitted - arya

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

- Honestly, I have zero goals or expectations for the player heading into his rookie season. As far as expecting any sort of recognition in the award categories I knew as a 3rd pairing defenseman on a still rising team wouldn’t garner any extra attention compared to the forwards. Defense seem to have a big hill to climb besides the elite forwards, so getting noticed at all will be a task unto itself. I was just happy to end the season on a positive plus/ minus, and break double digit points. As far as real progress for my player, it’s sort of hard to make large jumps in skill like you used to. With the really steep TPE scale, you kind of just slowly grind up the list and pray you have some good line combinations and supporting cast. I have that in Texas I feel, but with teams like Hamilton – Buffalo – Chicago in the east, it will be sometime before I can make any noise individually I feel. (168 words)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

- I mean this is a pretty simple fix. Revert the system back to the OLD NHL style. Divisions needs to die and lets just have straight conferences with rankings 1st to 7th. Top 4 teams from each conference make it, and away you go. This will reward the top teams for being top teams, but also give those mid tier teams a chance to maybe make it past the first round. I’d like to see once those 4 teams from each side are decided we stick to conferences. It’s crazy that you have 2 eastern teams playing for the finals, and didn’t we have the final 4 all be the east? What excitement and fun is there in that? I get that people want the ‘best’ teams in the finals, but the randomness is what makes hockey fun, not the status quo. (142 words)

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

Safetest bet for SHL

- Hamilton – literally the place is as close to a dump as you could want. Sure it’s within proximity of some major attractions but with the numbers spiking in the Toronto area constantly and really shitty highways, the players would never want to leave the bubble both in fear of catching the RONA and because of the meth heads wandering the streets with the decaying ruins of the metal industry. Not to mention the crammed one way streets that clusters to the downtown core.

Best Overall Experience

- Seattle. Yes I understand the USA is an absolute mess right now, but with that state generally being more reasonable with it’s mindset, and the weather bubble it is apart of, I think this would be the perfect location to lock the players down but leave them the chance to still get out for their own sanity. I only wish there was a Vancouver team to set up as a 2nd bubble (SMJHL doesn’t count) as it would make the perfect 2 city hub (with travel restrictions put aside)

8. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min. if written)
The arenas in Buffalo and Hamilton want to make sure they're pulling out all the stops on the big stage. Help the concessions department of one of these two teams develop a new product, with marketing specifically pertaining to this finals series, to be sold at the arena during the finals. Describe the product and the marketing in 150 words or create a promotional poster showing the product, its name, the price, etc.

- Hamilton inspired Kool aid – Drink this and when your player reaches the pinnacle of your career, you will buy into the memes full steam and request to be traded to Hamilton ASAP or wait until free agency hits leaving your draft team empty handed! The colour of this amazing and totally not cult like kool aid is steelhawks blue! But that’s not all, get ready to have your taste buds assaulted with the blue/raspberry flavor! (Lemon/Lime Yellow will soon be available as well)

- Buffalo Ludwig Koch Schroder Voodoo doll – Channeling the inner mojo of this long reviled ex stampede player, the stampede continue to reap the benefits of using this now staple to grant themselves luck in the finals to win another cup. Where most teams have t shirts or towels for events like this, the Ludwig Koch Schroder voodoo doll has become symbolic in nature and continue to be littered on the ice whenever there is a hat trick or Buffalo victory in the playoffs.

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]
[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2020, 01:21 PM by iamslm22.)

+3 TPE - Affiliation

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

Alright lets think of the worst format for a 12 team playoff and I think I figured it out. we are going to give the automatic bye to every team but the 1 and 2 seed. They will face eachother and then the winner faces the 3 seed. The winner of that then faces the 4 seed. After that the winner will face the 5 seed. After that the winner will face the 6 seed. After that the winner will face the 7 seed. After that the winner will face the 8 seed. After that the winner will face the 9 seed. After that the winner will face the 10 seed. After that the winner will face the 11 seed. After that the winner will face the 12 seed. TRY making a playoff worse than that. 129

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

Well I mean if we are going to create a bubble then we have to find the greatest city and see where we should and what we should do but like it cannot be in too much of a major city really because it would be expensive and all that so that rules out places like San Fran or New York because like that would not be ideal and people in those cities are busy and it is expensive so no. When thinking of things in general lets go to a place where we have a legend. We know some one who is there and we know perhaps the most famous and relevant teenager in the whole world. We should go to Saskatoon and go there after our very own Carson AKA Noble and whatever. Lets go bubble there because it would be great and obviously we are going to be in Canada and they love their hockey and yea that is the best place. 165

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I mean when we talk about the best team to not make the finals and the answer is obviously the Quebec City Citadelles. Why are the Quebec City Citadelles the best team not to make the finals? Because I am the most biased person in the history of CW. Why would I write a task like this about another team that is not the Quebec City Citadelles. The Quebec City Citadelles have super star Center Stan Q Next a two way monster who is one of the best players on the PK and carried them scoring a lot and was probably one of the best players on their team. 109

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Lets talk about the two way monster of Stan Q Next the star center for the Quebec City Citadelles. Stan Q Next was a scoring machine and lets start with that. From a shooting perspective Stan Q Next scored 11 goals on one hundred five shots on goal giving him a shooting percentage of 10.48%. But Stan Q Next was also a great passer. The center Stan Q Next had 27 assists as he set up his team and did an overall great job. He was useful in his minor power place times with 1 goal and 5 assists in his small amount of opportunities.  On the defensive side Stan Q Next was a monster – lets talk about the hits that he had and it was an incredible 54 hits. There are 61 shots blocked by Stan Q Next and there are a lot of things to look forward to for Stan Q Next. He had a great season and next should be even better. 165

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

I actually don't think this is very close - it clearly has to be the season where the Hamilton Steelhawks beat the Edmonton Blizzard in the season 51 cup. That is so memorable because of the way that Hamilton won the championship and that was by having guys who didn't pass a lot and just fired shot after shot after shot on goal and one of those players was my player and that was Iam Essellemm (and as discussed I am biased and obviously will remember the cup that I won and that was here). But like aside from my own personal biases the Hammy team that won changed the league and made the rules different and exploited the sim in a way that now seems unfair and in the moment people complained but it was within the rules and we did everything the right way and were great so like this is very memorable and a great team to remember the winner. 163

This is 16 TPE
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2020, 02:34 AM by Muerto.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

For Goku Muerto, this was probably the last season in which he can compete at a first-line level, with more severe regression setting in. He was able to put up 23 goals and 45 points, which was slightly better than last season but below what I had projected - anticipating a PPG season so came up a bit short. Other positives on the season were reducing PIMs and having a better +/- as well as better advanced stats. Areas where he had a tough season were in giveaways and having an overall disappointing GR. Muerto was just one of of several Jets players who had a season of not reaching expectations, which led to the team as a whole not quite showing the improvement they were hoping for this season. I feel the team just couldn't seem to shake bad luck, and had trouble putting together strings of wins to turn the tide. Next season I intend to start focusing more on being a better defensive player as the days of focusing on offense are gone but I still want to be a good team player as my career winds down. (189 words)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

In my playoff format, there are 9 divisions of 2 teams each. The playoff teams will be the 9 winners of the divisions who all advance, as well as the 3 remaining teams which had the lowest Goals Against, regardless of Win/Loss Record or points. The 12 teams will be re-seeded into 4 playoff branches of 3 teams each, with the new branches being determined based on the zodiac - the team with the most Aquarius will be slotted in with the Scorpios and the Libras. The other branches to be determined similarly with random zodiac signs being lumped together. The winner of each branch will be the team which everyone agrees has the best logo. The 4 teams that advance will play a Frozen Four style tournament where they each play each other, then the team which scored the most goals and the team which gave up the fewest goals will advance to the finals. If it was the same team, they will be forced to split in two and play themselves, and the players which lose the final are automatically made free agents. The Challenge Cup is awarded based on a vote from the teams that did not make the playoffs, Survivor Style. (205 words)

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

I think the best city to host the bubble would be Seattle for the West and Toronto for the East. My reasoning here is that both cities/regions seem to have been doing ok with keeping the spread of Covid down, comparatively, so they are already somewhat safe to begin with. Both cities are also large enough and have enough hotel rooms to house half the league and all the players and coaches and assistants and refs that would be involved. Both have the infrastructure as far as arenas go, and adequate wifi to keep the players engrossed in their Among Us games for as long as the season lasts. Also, the teams for both host cities would not be in the playoffs so there would be no charges of tampering or playing home favorites! Also, just generally, both cities have a good vibe and are clean and are also relatively not at risk of having any riots or anything like that happening! (163 words)

5. Written, 2 TPE
Write an SHL themed Haiku Sonnet (see link below) which I just learned is a real thing. The format is: Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku Couplet

offseason again
no time to wallow in grief
first round exits suck

just wait til next year!
then my franchise defender
asks for a trade out

I get back draft picks
I never had any before
Time to start scouting

GMing never gets old
always some new adventure

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I believe Great Britain / United Kingdom will be the team to win the Gold Medal in this season's tournament. They are, according to my inside sources, in the midst of the Golden Age of British Hockey, so perhaps they are feeling the need to put themselves in the same tier of international hockey as Ireland. They are very good, and will probably meet up with Canada in the finals, giving the maple syrup drinkers another silver medal to hang on their mantles. The shock of the tournament will be Norway who have made big improvements over the past few seasons as their young players are now starting to hit their stride, while stalwarts such as Van Otter, Kvalheim, and Muerto are at the top of their game still. They have a stellar tandem in net with Kavanaugh and Larson both able to win games. I have no doubt EVO will be the tournament MVP, as he showed in Atlanta this season that he is a force to be reckoned with. (170 words)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

VW: presidentbiden

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 04:40 PM by Ronniewalker.)

Tasks done: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 16 (Total TPE: 3+2+2+3+3+3=16)

Task #1 - Reflection on season (3 TPE)

Lemo Pihl started the new season well. Only being a couple of points away from the 350 TPE cap to start season, he was moved up to the Anchorage Armada third line and thus going to get a lot more responsibility and ice time in the coming season and was looking to make good use of it all. He quickly surpassed his point total from last season already in the first week of sims by putting up 4 goals and 4 assists in the first quarter of the season. He was also a nice +7 to end that first week. As his previous points record was just 7 points last season, this marked a decisive improvement and gave great hope for things to come. Unfortunately his and the team’s stride broke somewhat in the following weeks, until things picked back up again in the final quarter of the season. Lemo finished the regular season with 22 points and a +2 and looked forward to helping the team redeem themselves from last season’s catastrophic playoff fiasco. He went on to deal the game-winning assist in three of four Anchorage wins in the first round series against Anaheim, but just as in the regular season, his scoring pace has waned since. But he is not so much bothered by that, as long as the team is still in contention. At the time of this writing, the Armada are gearing up for their games 6 and 7 against the Newfoundland Berserkers in the semi-finals, which they trail 2-3 largely by the strength of glove and blocker of NL’s star goalie Cale Amundsen. Hot goalies shutting down an otherwise dominant Armada team has been the story almost throughout this whole season, but hopefully the Armada will find a way to solve Amundsen in these two more games tonight Smile
(316 words)


Task #3 - absurd playoff system (2 tpe)

The 12 teams are split into three groups of four teams each, because why not, right? The teams are grouped 1-4-7-10, 2-5-8-11 and 3-6-9-12 by regular season standings. Each group plays an extra round robin to determine how many games they have to win in the playoff series to come. Group winners can win their series with just 3 wins, second place will need 4 wins and the bottom two will need 5 wins to advance to the next round. 

Then teams are reseeded based on their position in their group and how many points they got in the round robin. The winners take 1-2-3 in order of round robin points and then so on all the way down the table. The bottom eight then play another play-in round while the top four take a breather. Then the real series commence with the aforementioned different win objectives.

Aside from all that, all teams must play their backup goalies every third game and no player can be a healthy scratch for more than two games in a row either.

The champion will be crowned in a single game played at a neutral location, a’la Champions League final.
(209 words)


Task #6 - Best team not to make the finals (2 TPE)

This one is easy for me to answer - the Anchorage Armada, again. For the second straight year they were done in largely by another great performance by the opposing goalie, this time by the name of Cale Amundsen. At least the Boat Gang can be happy at at least winning two playoff series this time around, as last season they got done in right in the second round following their first round bye. This year they did not get the bye, but instead a closely fought series against Detroit, where already the magnificent Thor Odinson was about to single handedly end the Armada’s this year’s playoffs run. But the Armada kept pushing and finally Odinson was overcome. They then dismantled the Nevada Battleborn in fairly quick and convincing manner, but despite again putting up huge shot totals against Newfoundland and more specifically Amundsen in net, they were unable to climb out on top of that series. It is a sad thing that the great core that this team had for these last few years and that is now ready to take the big stage in the SHL was still left with the unfinished business of never reaching the Four-Star Cup finals.
(210 words)


Task 7 - IIHF preview (3 tpe)

Taking just a quick glance at the revealed IIHF rosters for this season’s tournament, to me the front-runners seem to be Canada, Great Britain and Norway. 

Canada - The amount of league-leading offensive names jumps out immediately with Theo Morgan, the top scorer from this season leading the way with the likes of Maxime Bouchard, Aaron Wilson and Dick Clapper right alongside him. Also solid on defense, perhaps the only question mark is their goaltending and whether the Frans Eller can find his form from last season or will his this season’s struggles continue with the national team.

GB - Great Britain has not long been a name associated with being a hockey hotbed, but these past few years have shown them to be  a force to be reckoned with in the international stage. Under new management and boasting so much offensive talent on their back end that they have declared some of those as forwards for this coming tournament, they will certainly challenge for the championship once again. Luca DelVecchio of the SHL’s Baltimore Platoon will have a chance to play behind an actual defense for once and this should help him surpass his league numbers.

Norway - If the Norway team plays the tournament as thoroughly as their management took to their roster reveal, they will certainly do well in the competition. Led by Eko Van Otter up front and Karlstraße Scholz on the back end, this team will look to make the medals at the least! Not to mention that they have now added Bork Lazer and even Putin himself to their team now!
(270 words)


Task 9 - championship hat (3 tpe)


Task #16 - CW trivia (1-3 TPE) 

verification word: Burp!

[Image: 63647_s.gif]
Forge  S69 Challenge Cup Champion - Philadelphia Forge   Forge
Renegades Renegades  S59 & S62 Challenge Cup Champion - Texas Renegades  Renegades  Renegades 
 Armada  S57 Four Star Cup Champion - Anchorage Armada  Armada 
Finland  Finland  S57 & S58 WJC / S62, S64 & S66 IIHF Gold Medalist - Team Finland   Finland  Finland
[Image: kLRJavo.png]       [Image: ZjgHcNL.png]
After 69 shots on net with still no SHL goals to show for it, even the opposition started to feel so sorry for Lemo, that they decided to help him out :D
- Bad pass by Jack Klompus, he gave it right to Lemo Pihl.
- Lemo Pihl rips it to the net...
- Lemo Pihl will find the empty net, that should do it!
TEX @ MAN, S59 game 31
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 05:43 PM by Otrebor13.)

Task 1

Well, I think this is pretty easy for me to answer. I 100% exceeded my expectations this season (and probably any season I could have imagined happening). I think there are a few things I can attribute the season to. One of them is definitely having a very strong offensive team and putting up a lot of goals every game, it definitely helped me get points in bunches and continue to put up points throughout the season. The team and management put a lot of faith in the top guys and I was one of them that benefited from that.

Another factor is definitely luck. In order to have a season like I did and to break the single season goal scoring record, you definitely need to have some luck involved. For next season I would definitely like to be a little better defensively, as I had quite a few more giveaways than I would have liked to have.

Task 2

I think one of the more memorable Challenge Cup Finals over the last 10 seasons would probably have to be Season 51 where Hamilton beat Edmonton. Probably not the reason most people want a memorable final, but this was the season that Hamilton was accused of cheating the sim with the infamous SC/PA situation in STHS. I think a lot of people pretty much wrote off that season as one they wanted to forget or deem that it shouldn’t even be awarded simply for the controversy surrounding the team and the league.

It was extremely memorable to see everyone pretty much decide that Hamilton would win the Challenge Cup even before the playoffs started, and it was like nobody even cared much to watch what happened because they knew how it would unfold. It’s unfortunate that such an event tarnished that season and the overall championship, but I think it definitely has to be the most memorable over the past 10 seasons.

Task 3

I think a good playoff format for this task (bad playoff format overall) would be if the bottom 4 teams got first round byes and the top 4 teams play each other (1v2, 3v4). It would continue in a reseeding format. However, the difference is that rather than having the top teams get matched up against the bottom teams, you have the top teams match up against the next highest seed so it encourages the best teams have to go up against the best teams and it gives the bottom seeded teams a chance to make the Challenge Cup Finals. This would almost guarantee that someone outside of the top 6 playoff teams would be in the Finals and have a legitimate chance to win. This encourages teams to be mediocre and not be at the top since the competition is weaker. Would be fun to see how teams would purposely throw games to improve their playoff chances.

Task 6

I think it’s without a doubt the Chicago Syndicate. Not only because they ended up having a 3-0 series lead against Buffalo, but I think they have the highest amount of TPE as a team compared to anyone else in the league. They have a fantastic roster and are poised to be a contender. I really thought this could be their year and I had them pegged to be in the finals. It was something that I was pretty surprised to see, just because of the way they were dismantling their competition, and when they went up 3-0 in the Semis I think everyone had marked them down as finalists getting ready to play for the Challenge Cup.

Task 13

a. Both teams are extremely strong on paper, but I think if I had to choose I might have to go with the Stampede. It’s tough to say, but I think the top end talent is close and may favor Hamilton, but I think the overall depth favors Buffalo in this situation.
b. I think it’s going to be a very strategic series. Both teams have very good rosters and there isn’t too much that separates them. I think the difference in the series will be made by minute changes to the lines, the strategies and definitely special teams. They can both shut each other out or score at will, so I think tactical changes will decide the series.
c. Well obviously it has to be Lake Superior, it’s literally written in the name. The lake is superior to any other lake, and honestly you can’t really go against that. I don’t know much about any of these lakes, but just looking at their names, I think everyone knows which one is best.
d. I’ll go ahead and choose someone on the Stampede since I know the Hamilton guys pretty well. I think if there’s someone on Buffalo I would hang out with it would be Kal. He’s a great guy and I’ve gotten to know him a little through team Canada and I think it would be fun and we’d get along well. I’d say we would probably go out to get some good food and have a few drinks together. Nothing crazy but just enjoy Montreal’s nightlife a little.

Task 16


[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]

(This post was last modified: 11-09-2020, 03:53 PM by JSS.)

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

If the Simulation Hockey League were to hold a league bubble, because of a global pandemic like other popular leagues have, I personally truly believe that the best location would be none other than Canada's very own Thunder Bay. This city has everything and anything you want to offer you. From beautiful nightlife downtown to world class cuisine as well as some of the best beaches the world has to offer I struggle to find a location better than Thunder Bay Ontario. During the free time, players would not be able to do much since they would be in a bubble and leaving the bubble would be anything but safe so the options are limited, but on resort activities like golf and fishing in the great ocean would be what they could. However when teams are eliminated from the bubble, the players would be able to truly enjoy the great city of Thunder Bay.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Personally the best team to not make the finals in the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League was none other than the great Detroit Falcons. The best team of all time in the SMJHL fell short to the Anchorage Armada in 6 games this season after a tremedous season where they finished dead last in the standings. Evangelos, the stud of the team was left to carry the team but sadly he could not pull through. Players like Kolja Kekkonen should be traded since they are bringing the team down and should be replaced with 155 TPE inactive players since they would be better.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Let me tell you hot dog buddy, do I have some great International Ice Hockey Fedaration tournament predictions to share with you my friend! So to begin, let me say first off I am not expert but if I were you I would go with these predictions. Number 1 prediciton is that Canada, the supposed best team out of all the IIHF teams will fall short and finish dead last in the tournament and go home without a medal. Why you ask? Because I can see the future, I have the vision. They call me That's So Raven cause I be seeing the future. Next, Finland? Ya the Finns gonna be winning gold hot dog, you heard it here first. From last place all the way to first place Finland will pull through this tournament. Kaarlo Kekkonen will carry the team to glory and the season after he will carry Texas to a cup. You're welcome.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup championship hat for one of the teams in the finals. (A four-star cup championship hat for the SMJHL is ok as well.)

[Image: z315ff-flex-fit-hat-royal-front.png]

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)

C - The best lake out of these four lakes is lake Ontario. There's nothing special about this lake, but it's the only one I've ever seen in real life so I'm just gonna go with this. However, all of these lakes suck and none of them compare to the good ol Fleuve Saint-Laurent!

D - Personally I would hangout with my slime, my crodie for life if you will Nour Harrack. Croski Nour moves sickaz and you known when mans links up it's gonna be a movie on ja. The man just drips and how could I pick anyone other than Nour Harrack you get me?

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Word: JSS

[Image: 3.png]

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