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S58 PT #5 New Award

If there was an award that Magnus Liljestrom could win, it would be called the Humpty Dumpty Topsy Turvy Award for Most Overturned. It seems like in each and every sim that I see, Liljestrom is getting his ass beat in the corners, getting upended and dumped on his butt by other players. He doesn't win puck battles, or gets away cleanly, or does things for his teams except get a stick in his legs and then get flipped over by opponents. Frankly it's getting tiring and upsetting to watch this happen each and every time, so the least consolation that I could get is an award for how many times he gets dumped on his ass by another player and the referees not calling anything. This would go a long way to salve the hurt. Perhaps the trophy can have a player that is upside down and in mid air, about to fall on his neck and break it, as the other player has used a can opener move on him.

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THE TEDDY PARK AWARD FOR TOP GAME RATING.  I'd like to take us back to a simpler time when we only played 50 games each season.  It was S56 in the J and KEL finished with the 2nd worst record in the league.  Teddy Park was a stalwart blue-liner for the Knights and finished top 5 in most of the defensive stats, top 10 in the rest and was also his team's leading scorer (25 pts in 50 games... we were bad ok).  Teddy didn't get so much as a nomination for any award after doing his level best to help the team and leading them across essentially every stat while also being at or near the top of the league.  However, if you look at the game ratings stats FHM puts out Park led the league in DGR (83) as well as straight up game rating (71).  Sure the NHL doesn't produce a game rating, but that's because they have more advanced metrics and more data to be able to look at a player and say "he isn't producing as much because of the guys around him but damn he is playing as well as anyone in the league right now."


PBE Welfare

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I think an award for beegest locker room presence could be something that Vaseline Podcalzone could absolutely win. Podcalzone has always been a vocal member of the Newfoundland Berserkers locker room, and his passion for the Zerkers and the game of hockey on and off the ice has helped him become the team’s leader.

It’s easy to present laurels to the best performing players, but what goes unnoticed at times are those players that, for lack of a better term, aren’t necessarily the most likely to get on the score sheet, but they help their team in alternative means, such as by being a high energy guy.

This award would be a great way to reward the unsung heroes of the league, the ones who are doing the little things right and getting the players going. It could absolutely be a league wide award, but at the bare minimum I expect all teams to have this award for their team award presentations. The Berserkers had a “Captain of the Dragon Boat” award for a few seasons, but the new awards committee has big plans for renaming and representing this award.

WC: 193

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A lot of the SHL awards are based off NHL awards, but we've gone where the NHL won't and added a most improved, similar to the NBA, and a defensive defenseman award, something the NHL would really benefit from. One award the NHL has that we don't however is the Lady Byng. Obviously it's a bit hard to demonstrate "sportsmanship" in a simulation, but if we go beyond the sim and look at the locker rooms I think we could make some strong cases for a sportsmanship based award. Separate from the Littleton award for dedication this would include nominees for good vibes and helping create an overall positive experience for users. Activity is important here, but the biggest contribution is the significance of that activity. A few names that come to mind when thinking of sportsmanship and improving the overall entertainment would be Michael Izzy, Luke Thomason or one of the several Muerto boys. All would be worthy of naming the award after.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

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If I was going to make a bum-ass recreate, the award I'd want that player to be able to win would be the Passenger Pigeon award. This award would go to the player in the league who has no ability to drive play at all, but still puts up decent numbers thanks to the hard work and effort of his teammates. Essentially this award would go to the player with the worst underlying analytics that also has the most points. This is a player that cleans up the garbage and makes himself look really good and then signs a huge deal somewhere else and then all of a sudden goes silent because the teammates aren't able to give him a ride anymore. The award to reward all those pigeons out there that ride high on the backs of the hard working and finish plays they had no hand in starting.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

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There's a quality award that's been newly created, aptly named the Poor Man Award. It's a consolation trophy that only gets handed out to a select few people every year. The qualifications for this award are that you must be a player in the Simulation Hockey League, and must be active in both Casino bets and Fantasy Hockey. The stipulations are that your player must be on one of the worst 3 teams based on points. You must have placed last in your fantasy group, the further down you get in total rankings, the higher your chances are of winning the Poor Man Award. Then your casino bets, must be made honestly and aiming to win, but they all fail. The same stipulation goes for the Fantasy group. You cannot actively choose the worst players, but must make an attempt to win your group. The trophy will be a bronzed used Jock Strap, that may or may not actually be bronzed. However, it will some how, stand on it's on atop the trophy.

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This may not just be an award for me, but creating as a two way D man made me think that it's kinda odd that we have an overall defenseman of the year sorta award and a defensive defenseman award but we really need a 3rd. Overall defenseman could go to the best two way D man and you could create an offensive defenseman award, but right now the Stevens award often goes to the highest scoring defenseman, so maybe that should be the offensive D man award and the new award should be the two way Defenseman award instead. As for naming this award I think we go with someone who did a lot in both ends of the ice, preferably someone retired for a while, but unfortunately I can't think of anyone, so let's call it the Gabriel Johnson award, since we all know he is a defensive beast when he's not scoring goals.

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So I'm gonna go a little off the rails here and I hope the PT team will indulge me as I create this award for my past player and that is the Eric Vanderberg Role Player Award. It is given to the 5th and 6th Defenseman on a team or the best fourth liner, the grinders or the enforcers who make a difference. I named it after myself after reading back in Buf's locker room where Finn said that Vandy was probably one of the best role players of all time as a +/- +100/100 Pts player as a career third pairing defenseman. I believe that my Junior recreate player could have won this award last year as Quebec's fourth line definitely helped to slow games down and help the team to a Laurifer Trophy season.

This season I haven't really kept up with the SHL since you know I am a junior leaguer so I couldn't tell you who should or shouldn't win this award. But we do have the Bojo for the best defensive defenseman so I think the RPA could go a long way in honoring if not the best role playing defenseman than surely our best role playing forwards.

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Shout out Ragnarr for these two amazing sigs

The Try-Hard Award.

This award is given to the SHL's Most Valuable Try-Hard each season. How is trying hard measured exactly? Well, it is exactly as it sounds. The award is given to the player who shows up every day and tries his or her hardest. It does not necessarily come with all of the trappings of sim rewards (goals, assists, shots blocked or hits). And it certainly does not have any of the clout of the most dedicated reward (often given to the simmer, let's be honest) or any of the other accolades that an individual might get for their dedication to SHL site jobs, media or otherwise. This award is for the player who simply does his updates on a weekly basis, earns just enough money to get by, but is the penultimate teammate by continuing to try hard without going down the traditional routes of rewards being showered upon them.

And of course, that's the perfect award for Kickz Jr. He doesn't have all of the stats to win a real award. And his player agent doesn't hold a single site job. He's just here to try-hard at growing his skillset each week and hangout with the cool kids in the locker room. Nothing wrong with a simple man that goes to work and goes hard when he does.

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Thanks Jove for my sig

You know, its really hard to win an award as a goalie in this league. You're either Goalie of the Year or really nothing. Yeah there's that award for team GAA but no one remembers those winners. And you can win some of the other awards like Rookie of the Year but good luck in a stacked field. So we need to add another award for goalies. My proposal is "Meat Shield of the Year" award, or the MSOTY. This award would go to the brave players who suit up night in and night out only to get absolutely pelted by pucks all game long. It would be the player with the best stats BUT, with a certain threshold of shots faced, say you need at least 1700 shots faced to be eligible for the award. That means each season, there would be anywhere between one to four players who would be up for this prestigious award.

Word count: 157

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As hockey players, we always say we play to win a Cup, and that is 100% true. However, any player that says they don't care about individual accolades are lying to you. No player wants to go their whole career without some shining moment for them, whether that's an award, an all-star nod, whatever. With awards, it's difficult. There are only a few to give out each season and it mostly goes to the superstars in the league. There is one award, however, that I think should be added that any player can win.

In the off-season, there is one sport that we play other than hockey. Golf. It's the off-season sport of choice for all hockey players because of the similarities and the accessibility. In golf, the lowest score wins the game, so you want to shoot in the minus. In hockey, being a minus player is bad. I think we should have a connection to golf and have an award for highest AND lowest plus/minus. I'm fully aware that plus/minus is a garbage stat, but what the heck. This is an award that any player could conceivably win. On a good team? You could grab highest. On a bad team? You could grab lowest. It's a great way to bring all players together, from bottom of the heap, to the top.

Now, this season I have a mighty low plus/minus, but still nowhere close to the lowest, but at least for players in my spot who aren't good enough, we still have something to achieve, even if it's a bad thing.

(266 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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(This post was last modified: 03-09-2021, 08:45 PM by leviadan.)

If I were to design an award for Burlok Sulfurgold, it would be the "Spent His Entire Career in the Shadow of Stars" trophy. Being a little more defensively minded and less of a sniper or a speedster, Burlok has almost always lagged behind his top teammates in the flashy scoring statistics. However he has always respectably held down a line defensively, while being able to chip in around 0.5 PPG. With a career high under 20 goals and less than 30 assists, it's in a reach in any sense of the word to say Burlok is grabbing much attention. He is a man of duty, and a real coach's pet.

I'm not sure Burlok is the type of player that will ever win a scoring title, or an MVP, or even a defensive award. But I do think that he'll be among the the quietest 2k TPE players of all time-- hidden behind stars like Kaarlo Kekkonen, Edward Williams, and Eric Hudson. So if we could design an award for "Guy that Trys Really Hard but is Surrounded by Much More Talented People"-- then I think he could maybe take that one home.

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