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S59 PT #4 All-Star Snub

The biggest all-star snub of the season happened in the juniors. An amazing defenseman that is feared league wide and even made the all-star game last year, scoring one of only two goals in the game. Yes of course I'm talking about myself, Zayne Rotzbua, the hit king, the sultan of slam, the lord of laying motherfuckers out, has been snubbed. Surely some heads will roll over this. If not then Rotzbua will make them roll (the player of course, r0tzbua the user couldn't fight a stick). The committee is clearly just afraid that Zayne Rotzbua will injure all the leagues best upcoming stars and turn an entire generation of hockey players into scared little babies, which they already are. The people want violence, this modern roman empire need its gladiators and the league will suffer they consequences if they don't make these blood sacrifices to these American Gods.

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All these answers, and every answer written after, is wrong and I will tell you why: there is no bigger star than I, Luffy Richard. The best Luffy on the North Stars. Who else is sponsored by a ramen company? Who else can skate backward and forward after only their entire life of learning how to do so! You all think it is so easy being Luffy Richard what with my thirteen points in forty-eight games. Well, I am here to shatter this illusion because it takes an all-star effort to be me. None of you could do it! This is the life of a fifth-rounder, always overlooked for players with skills and talents and on-ice success. Ridiculous. Honestly, I was hoping for a few mistake votes because of that other Luffy character. This snub shall not go unanswered for I will rise higher than the North Star itself! I will be the ultimate all-star and win one of those fancy competitions you guys put on. Now if you will excuse me, I need to cry into my pillow.

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(This post was last modified: 05-11-2021, 12:59 AM by Kyamprac.)

I've never really paid any attention to any all star game type event, let alone the one that recently took place (or will take place?) in the SHL. It's nothing against the event itself really; it's probably a really cool honor for those who get selected and I congratulate them for having that one to add to their resume. It's just not really my interest, to a point at which I didn't even know it was happening until this PT came out.

So from my perspective, it seems silly to me that anyone would feel snubbed over missing out on it. Which is a good thing, because Burke is kind of awful at this point and won't find herself on an all-star roster anytime soon. That said, if I absolutely have to pick someone who got snubbed for teeps it's going to be a kind of random homer pick. Someone like Biscuit, who finds himself in the top 8 for shots blocked so far this season.

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Who would I pick for biggest all-star snub. Myself of course, Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Okay so I may not have the flashy stat of hundreds of goals but teams just play better when I'm on the ice. Think of me as the boiler in the house. You never think about it when is working but you miss it deeply when it's broken (or on the bench).
Playing on a team who had been getting handy beaten 2 out of every three games has meant Hundertwasser didn't even get a look in. 12th in the league in assists and 9th in the league in blocks (playing at winger) you would think the gritty play of Hundertwasser would have allowed him to take the ice.
I wouldve loved to have been able to team up with the Taskmaster Greg Davies for the all star game but the powers that be once again saw fit to only send 1 Scarecrow to the all star game.

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Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

The biggest All-Star snub was of course that goaltenders Elizabeth Doyle, A Jobin and Mat Smith didn't get the invites. They are top three in wins this season. Jobin has 31 wins, Doyle 30 and Smith 29. Smith as a rookie goalie would have been especially great addition to the all-star event to attract younger viewers and to be an excellent role model that also at young age you can have success in this tough adult's league. Smith's GAA 2.37 is also second best among number one goalies. When it comes to Doyle, she has proved that she is one of the best goalies in this league and should be in a discussion year after year. Jobin is number one goalie in the best team in the league and his stats are also marvelous so it feels wrong that he is out but no can do. However, Carper, Redacted, Tegernako and Cavanagh are also great goalies who deserve their spots in the event but also Doyle, Jobin and Smith would have been good candidates.

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It feels different to talk about a snub when you were one of the players that were nominated. While I believe that I deserved it given my numbers so far this season, there are some other goalies that deserved it just as well and were only left out because of a limited number of goalie spots. That's the only reason. In the West one of them is Knox Booth. Five shutouts and a 0.926 SV% (I don't know if it was different when the players were picked, but I think it was similar and I don't count wins as a goalie stat) is pretty impressive, but it's super difficult to just pick two goalies from the West if Tegernako from Minnesota and both Texas goalies are also playing out of the minds right now and absolutely deserved their spots. If LA didn't have three skaters among the all-stars already and there had to be one single player from the team to be picked to represent their team, I'm sure you could've taken Booth over Kavanagh from Texas. There are so many good goalies in the league this season and some of the best didn't make it. In the end I'm glad I didn't have to make the choice, but I am glad that every team got represented.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

This is going to sound egotistical but others have also picked this so I feel it is justified but myself. Jon Forty-One easily got snubbed in the last 2 all stars and it is purely because they decided to not care about any of the other teams past the 2 super teams. It is quite frustrating to see this happen considering these are looked at with Hall of Fame and I have had the stats to get into the line up a good amount of times.

I realise ASG may be a bit more fun and fair going forward but that does not help me in the long run and with how poorly this season is going it is just a feels bad whenever I think of this. I do not deserve it by the looks of this season and I am running out of time to even make it once. So yeah, quite easily Jon Forty One.

[159 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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TheSparkyDee AKA Zakkira Diporov, he is a great player! Well he is an okay player. He is a go to work kind of guy. He was snubbed for this seasons All Star Game! I think we do not take a look at his stats, BUT we can focus on how he is a great player... in his heart. He deserves this nod for great work and dedication, he almost never on time to practice, but why does that matter? You know why? Because it does not! He has made zero All Stars nods, but not be generous to this hard working MAN! Who plays hockey every day and every night, and not to give him a chance at playing in the All Star Game is just ludicrous! HE DESERVES TO BE PLAYING! The fact that he is not in the game is baffling because he has played every game this season.... That should mean something. 

(155 words)

Drafted 2nd round 21st Pick by the Winnipeg Jets in S55 SHL Entry Draft 
GM of the UCORCAL in the WJC S55
S55 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for UCORCAL
Management Role for Russia in the IIHF
Recent Management Role / Head Coach for Winnipeg Aurora in SHL 
CO-GM St. Louis Scarecrows S57-S60
GM of the St. Louis Scarecrows S61-S72
S72 Challenge Cup Champion
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I guess I can look at both leagues, and pick a player or two that was snubbed in my eyes. First, in the SHL, how about goalie Mat Smith of the Chicago Syndicate? Smith has been a major reason why that team sits so high in the standings in the final week of the regular season. Third in wins, second in goals against average (with ten more starts than the first place goalie). Smith has been a call up for the past three seasons and finally got the nod this year with the departure of Soonika. Just a S56, it would have been great to have some young representation at the league's all star event!

In the SMJHL, I again go to the netminders and see that Benjamin Blue II did not get the nod. Now, this could be due to the fact that his team, the Knights, already has a whopping SIX players taking part in the weekends festivities. Blue II holds the best goals against average among starters (although, he has started less games then six other goalies) and has a phenomenal 25-5-3 record. Again, this could be due to the stacked team he plays on, but I think a goalie is such a big part of a team, they really need to be acknowledged in any way that they can!

223 Words


I have always believed that every team should have representation at the All Star weekend. I will not talk about the SHL All Stars because there is enough chatter about that. Instead I will talk about the SMJHL and how the snubbed my player Jean-Locke Zidane. Zidane is a defensive machine who can knock you on your ass. He's a crowd favorite in Anchorage and should be apart of the fun. Zidane has led the league in GR from the beginning of this season, but I guess because of only having 19 points means he's not good enough. You know, All Star weekend is only about points and not about defensive play. Maybe I should branch out make my own All Star weekend for the big guys who throw hits and punch faces. That sounds more entertaining to watch to me, but what do I know. On a more serious note, I think both committees did a good job at making sure all team were represented and did not snub anyone.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ


pt pass

Personally, I think the biggest snub this all-star team has to be anyone that didn't make it because Sean Gatez made the team. He had zero reason to be on the team this season and yet, there he is. On the team smiling like a jackass, knowing that he isn't really supposed to be there. Grandmaster Funk didn't make the team and he has more Blocked Shots than Gatez does. Gatez doesn't even rank in the top 10 of Hits. His Takeaway totals are good, but not top 5. Last season Gatez deserved the team, but this season feels like a ref doing a makeup call because he missed the obvious hooking penalty in the first period. So with all of that said, Gatez is happy to be on the team, but feels bad for any player that was on the bubble for the selection committee. They are probably playing better than old man Gatez.

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Former Player

I'm still a few weeks away from moving up to the SHL, so its still tough to pinpoint All-Star snubs right away, but let's take a look. There will always be some controversy at goalie I assume, since there are only 2 spots per conference. Looking at some statistical comparisons, we can hone in on the Western Conference and the LAP goalie specifically, Knox Booth. Here, we can get into a debate on what are actually the most important stats to look at for a goalie. Knox has a decent 19 wins in 41 games played which isn't much to write home about, let's be honest. When we look at the two goalies that made it, one had more wins in almost the same games played and the other had the same wins in 10 less games. But, when looking at other stats, Knox is top 3 in the league for saves, top 10 in GAA in goalies playing 30+ games, top 3 in SV% in goalies playing 30+ games, and the best GR for goalies actually in the SHL (the #1 is NOLA's very own Jon St. Ark who is playing on a call-up basis). So, there's definitely a case for Knox making the All-Star game, considering his statistical dominance and the simple fact of having played more games (having a larger sample) than one of the currently All-Star Game-named goalies. Hopefully I can get called up and make my first All-Star game soon!

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I'll take the center from Chicago, Ryan Shepard to be the biggest snub on this year's All Star roster. Shepard 23 goals and 35 apples so far this season with Chicago with no intentions of slowing down. Only behind Westbroek in points for the Syndicate, Shepard proves a force to be reckon with tallying 8 goals on the PP. That's tied for 3rd in the league! His plus/minus is spectacular at +29 helping Chicago have a sturdy seat at 2nd in the Eastern Conference. I know how Shepard plays the game very well, being with him for a few years in Kelowna. Shepard plays a hard two way game and will make you pay if you leave your head down for an extra second more than you should. He's up top in hits and penalty minutes for forwards which shows his ability to bring high intensity game in and game out. I suspect this is only the beginning for Shepard as he looks to make a bright career tallying points and being a solid defensive forward on the ice.

Word Count: 180

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