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S60 PT #3.5: Appreciation

Where does one begin in describing the appreciation for the community at large here?  From the ownership group all the way to the newest creates, everyone goes to length in making this community a welcoming, entertaining and active place to be...all for the love of hockey.  In the grand scheme of things, I'm still very new here despite being here for over a year and a half now.  There are still people I haven't met and gotten to know, but I definitely want to shout out to some of those who I have gotten the privilege of knowing a little bit better than just a username on the site or a sim:

@notoriousTRON :  My guy from ANA and the first real person I was able to move past "stranger danger" acquaintance with.  You are a really cool dude and I look forward to a new edition of Troncast.
@Muerto:  My cohort in crime in Winnipeg.  You have been so far an amazing mentor in the ways of GM'ing and I'm very thankful that you and @StadiumGambler took the chance on me way back in S52's draft.
Pinky and the Brain (@TheSparkyDee and @"Capt_Blitzkrieg"):  In each of your own rights in STL you have been doing cool things.  Individually, it has been awesome speaking, learning, and laughing with both of you on a vast array of stupid stuff that can be brought up.
@nour:  I think of you specifically from back when I had my rule violation.  The late night discussion on matters of humanity were most enlightening and I think back to our conversation often.  I'd reach out more now, however I don't want to detract from your great work you're doing in HO.
@roastpuff:  You, hands down are an amazing person.  Our late night discussions about hockey, Canada, and whatever else we could come up with (despite both being busy) have made passing time here so much fun!  I still hope you pull off to great things in Tampa.

The crew in the SHL Dad's Server, you guys F&$#*NG rock!  Every single one of you!.

The crew in my joke "Rink of Honor" wrasslin sim, your hyped thrill of weird Olympians in spandex beating each other as well as your understanding of scheduling is a thing of beauty.  Never change.  (looking at you @slothfacekilla and @Fantobens)

And last, but not least, probably the biggest person that I want to appreciate...who isn't even around at the moment:
@TheHockeyist.   With Igor and your RP of him not knowing how to tie skates, to some may seem a little different, especially when you go all in on the RP of being an actual hockey superstar.  It has been and will continue to be my honor and privilege to check in with you on the daily.  Not only to check on important subjects such as depression and other mental health things but just on subjects of life itself.  Whether you eventually see this or not, you should know that you are, truly a beautiful and fantastic person.  Even when insomnia hits and you feel like you are having the roughest day of your life...when you reach out to check in to let me know you're ok, or when you respond to my pings and let me know you are me, that's one of the things that makes me the happiest here, and I hope to see you come back to play more hockey sometime (when you're ready of course).

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[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

Its no secret that I am very close with the Maine locker room even though I have moved onto the SHL and play for the Panthers. @Toast is a great leader for the team and is a wonderful presence in the LR. The same goes for @SouthPaw, @KaleSalad , and @Z-Whiz. The funny thing is that a good chunk of us aren't even playing for Maine anymore, I feel like we all enjoy each others company well enough to keep coming back and chatting. With all of that said, its not like I dont hang out with the Panthers as well. I feel like that LR is just as close as the Maine's one. Between the leadership of @thedangazone and @FuzzSHL fostering good LR culture. With @sve7en, and @slothfacekilla, talking food and cocktails. and @GCool posting pics of Big Ole Carl, as well as everyone posting pics of their adorable pets, its always generally very easy to talk to it has been a pleasure to be at LAP.

For the sake of brevity, I didn't want to post every ones name in this. Otherwise it would literally just be a post of who all is in those respective LRs

   [Image: d2EaZfr.png]
Former Player
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2021, 09:51 AM by Ragnar.)

I'd like to start this PT by letting everyone know that @micool132 is gonna win the cup.

I love everyone on this website, with very few exceptions.

Most notably, by Boats, including @golden_apricot and @Acsolap for taking a chance and signing a guy who came back from irrelevancy.
Dudes in there are legendary. honky, tarantula, bear, jeppy, blue, bloos, frith, JODAN, slash, bojo, hotdog, oats, stav, frick nasty, nictox, ronnie, artermis, camel, and probably more that I missed, and for that I am sorry.

Also most notably, my Buffabros, shout out to @WannabeFinn and @Tomen for drafting me. Dudes in there are also legendary. luffy, zomboy, baelex, crutch, soph, evok, ferda, mayo, lime, seymour, nerio, spartan, karey, st4rface, 5ymp, burb, cory, fish, grumlord, mcgriddle, snussy, vandy, avak, and probably more that I missed and again I am very sorry for that.

My graphics community, including some folks I already mentioned plus jobin, geck, julio, noka, of course carpy, ruggsy, margucci and take the horizon among others.

Two guys I would consider my IRL friends, @Wasty and @"simply incorrect"

My Latvian brothers, including the best IIHF GM in the game, @The__Y-man__100 plus captaincrazy, arturs, darian, lukstins, and many more whose names escape me.

The bros in LAP who still accept me even though I'm just a stinky alumni: fuzz, seven, sloth, goober, chocula, dangazone, gcool, etc.

All the folks in the ragnar fan club, thank you so much for the confidence boost.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

@"Geekusoid" is my boy. We were drafted in the same class in Anaheim and connected pretty quickly in a what was a really fun locker room. We have become good friends on the site and keep in contact regularly despite playing for different teams. Like me, and I hope I’m not outing him here, he’s a dad and in his dirty thirties. Also like me, he was new to sim leagues at the time that he joined and is a St. Louis Blues fan. We actually found out that we live less than an hour from each other so I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for Covid, we would have already met up for a beer and/or a hockey game.  He is very active on the site and he’s just a genuinely nice guy that never has a bad thing to say about anyone. I can honestly say that winning a championship with Geek (and others) in Anaheim cemented my interest in the SHL and is the reason I’m still here. I hope reading this brightens your day buddy. Get some sleep lol.

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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Thematically Appropriate ISFL PT

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S58 Elias Armia Award Winner

I have been on the SHL for a while and I was fortunate enough to experience the best this community had to offer. I'll refrain from mentioning anyone in particular because we get these PTs often and I'm always scared I'll forget someone. If the hat fits, wear it. If not, I'm sorry we never really had the opportunity to talk.

I'm suuuuuuuper shy in real life so I don't have a lot of friends. I don't blame anyone for that. Some people have the patience to get to know me, others don't and it's fine either way. The beauty of being in sim leagues is that you end up on teams for months, sometimes years, so you can get to know people better and you kind of don't have a choice to.

On the SHL, with my first player in particular, I stayed with the West Kendall Platoon for her entire career. I discovered a wonderful group of friends and they accepted me as I was and helped me fight the loneliness that I was experiencing in my life. Although we don't talk as much anymore, some of them are my friends on Facebook and I'm super happy to follow their life and see everything good that's happening to them. I miss that group of people and all I can say is that they made it really difficult for me to find a team in sim leagues that will keep me interested because I had an amazing experience with them with my first real sim league player.

Since then, I made some new friends, particularly with the Dallas Birddogs in the ISFL and I'm happy Winnipeg is drafting like half of them.

Thanks to everyone who has touched my life positively in the past couple of years. It has helped me go through some rough patches.

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I'm using my PT pass but I just want to send love to some people

From the old Halifax days, probably my favorite times in SHL (sorry if I forget anyone): @Flareon @bilbo @Citizen of Adraa @Kalakar @thedangazone @BadWolf @JR95 @vbottas17 @Steelhead77 @charlieconway @CementHands @Jearim

Shout out to @JKortesi81 for drafting me to New Orleans I had a lot of fun there

Thank you to @FuzzSHL for bringing me into Carolina where I've met far too many amazing people to tag, I honestly love you all

Thanks to @"Geekusoid" for running Rink of Honor

Thanks to @DrunkenTeddy for being extremely nice and helpful when I had my ill fated stint as SHL HO.  Thanks to @SDCore for hiring me (or maybe @Eggy216 ??) and sorry for the way it turned out.

I really wanted to tag a bunch of S46/S47 people as I got close to a lot of you, even if I don't talk to a lot of you much anymore, but there are way too many.  I'm sure there are a million other lovely people that I'm blanking on here, but if we've ever had a pleasant discord conversation or something chances are I like you.  Keep being you.  I accidentally did this PT I guess so I'll just keep it.

213 words

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(This post was last modified: 07-06-2021, 12:30 PM by Merica.)

In no particular order..

When I first came back from retirement post Alex Reay, which was around S14, I came back under a new username and kept my identity to myself, with the one exception being GOB. I wanted to see if I could make a name for myself as a “new user”, instead of riding on my reputation. So shoutout to GOB for taking that chance on me way back when.

I’ve met one person IRL from this forum, and that would be the studmuffin @Ragnar. A stand up dude and good friend, who I’d grab a beer with any time. One of these days we will get on the same team.

@Nike What a chad, made me his co-gm and we go on to win a Cup. Always grateful for Nike making that move and believing in me. Till sim league death do us part.

@Maxy. He isn’t around anymore, but Maxy was my dude back in the day. Always had my back and was my right hand man when we ran the SMJHL.

@JayTee JayTee. One of the original rivalries of the SHL, the Reay-Karpo was a good one.

@dankoa Dankoa. Dan the motherfuckin man, finally got his deserved SHL expansion team, but more importantly, Dan made the infamous "deplorables" a reality.

@Ace and @Muerto, the only two guys to take a chance on me this time around. You wont regret it, I'm here for the duration.

S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

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[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2021, 12:49 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

Graphic Task: Depict 3 or more of your friends on the site, using their chosen render and player/user name and some hearts and other cute things.

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I joined the league at the beginning of March 2020 thinking that I would have lots of time to dedicate to the growth of my player and being an active member in the community. Then shit went to hell and I found myself occupied being a stay at home dad and the league went on the back burner. My first season with Maine wasn't very exciting either, we were terrible and missed the playoffs. If it wasn't for the Discord LR, I might have just sizzled out and quit. Late in S53 CoA and Krash found some DFA's that in my opinion completely changed the LR and brought me right back in. Zema and AgentSmith, were awesome people to interact with, along with Faelax, Over the next few seasons people like SewingWithNancy joined the team and I looked forward to Discord discussions and found a new love for the league.

Moving up to Edmonton I found a whole new group of amazing people. James Truong is one of favourite people in the league. Keygan and TommySalami are incredible, they are always available to talk about anything and help facilitate such a positive atmosphere. All the new draftees from the past few seasons have also been a breath of fresh air, and I am very thankful to share the LR with everyone.

I don't interact much on the site or with many people outside of the team but I love reading and lurking the forum posts and just really appreciate everyone that makes the SHL what it is.

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

There are so many friends that I have made along the way. It's crazy to think that all of the friendships that are grown from a fake league that has no impact on real life. I spend more time with these people than I do with my family which is crazy to think about it. @OrbitingDeath you think about when we met way back in the day to where we are now. You and your wife were the first two people that I really talked to. Then, we have @ckroyal92 and @Muford who I have been friends with forever since like back in Season 3 in the ISFL. That is a crazy long time ago, but they are some of the people I talk to on a daily basis. When you think about the impact that we have on real life and people that we may never meet, it's crazy. I have some great experiences in New England as well. I appreciate every interaction that I've had on any site.

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Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3

There are a couple good friends I have made on the site over the years and I would like to highlight three of them in this point task:
1. @JNH one of my OG friends of the site. Our friendship dates back to the early days of the SHL all the way back to S9. Over the years we have stayed in touch on and off the site and always seem to end up being teammates which shows the strong friendship. J’s a great dude am very grateful to have shared a lot of fun memories with him throughout almost the last ten years
2. @Steelhead77 you were my favorite general manager I ever played for in the SHL. I really appreciate how you embraced me in Calgary and the time you took to build our friendship. The poker nights, team chats, the hot chick draft, hockey talks and shooting the shit with you is always great. It’s still strange not seeing you as GM of the Dragons.
3. @Thatguy91 it was a surprise when SFP traded for Marner but it was an absolute blessing as we were able to connect and build a new friendship on the site. I really enjoy our sports talks (euro, hockey, etc), getting to know you and talking about life. Our chats left a positive impact on me and it was truly hard to leave the SFP after we were able to build a strong connection within a matter of a month.

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[Image: leafsftw1967.gif] 

Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars


C - Kenji Yoshimura  Panthers Kenji Yoshimura Updates Panthers
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Credit to Wasty and Steelhead for the sigs - thanks dudes!

PBE Affiliaysh

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PBE affiliate - user Laser

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.